[nysbirds-l] Reminder: New Freeport Pelagic Scheduled for Sat, Nov 23 - few seats remaining...

2013-11-04 Thread Andrew Baksh
I have learned from Paul Guris that there are still a few seats remaining
for the November 23rd Pelagic out of Freeport, LI.  If you were undecided,
I suggest you act before they are filled.  See Paul's e-mail below for some
of the possibilities on the trip.

In the meantime to wet your appetite, here is a link to a 2012 Pelagic
report http://birdingdude.blogspot.com/2012/02/freeport-pelagic-2012.html.

While that trip was not in November, it gives you an idea on how good it
could be when birds are around.  We had excellent looks at several good
birds like an adult *Black-legged Kittiwake* that pretty much climbed on
board with us.

Hope this sways some fence sitters :)


Andrew Baksh
Queens, NY

On Tue, Oct 15, 2013 at 6:02 PM, Paul Guris  wrote:

> After some nudging and threats, we've decided to try to get a late autumn
> trip out of Freeport on Saturday, November 23.  (If this makes you happy,
> you can thank Doug Gochfeld.)  We've run trips from NY to NJ around this
> time of year and it is prime time to look for Manx and Great Shearwaters,
> Red Phalarope, Kittiwake, and Fulmar.  I'm still hoping that one of these
> days we'll find that ever more elusive Great Skua among the gulls and
> Gannets we'll be dragging around behind the boat.  It's also a good time
> for Parasitic and Pomarine Jaegers, the less common gulls like Iceland,
> Glaucous, and Lesser Black-backed, and lots of migrating waterfowl like
> loons, scoters, cormorants, and the like.
> The captain is willing to hold the date for us until we see if we can
> reach the minimum needed.  As usual we'll run if we can get close to break
> even.  Here are the particulars:
> Date:  Sat, Nov 23
> Time:  6:00 AM - approx 6:00 PM
> Cost:  $185
> Our usual plan of attack for this time of year is to to head out early,
> chum all the way in and back, and try to drag in as many good birds as
> possible.  Our maximum distance from shore will be about 50-60 miles, a
> little short of the tip of Hudson Canyon.
> So now it's up to you (or "ya'll" since I live south of New York) to let
> us know if you're interested.  Give us a call or drop an email to:
> i...@paulagics.com
> -PAG
> --
> *Paul A. GurisSee Life PaulagicsPO Box 161 Green Lane, PA
> 18054215-234-6805 <215-234-6805>www.paulagics.com
> paulagics.com @gmail.com
>  i...@paulagics.com *
>  --
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> --


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Re: [nysbirds-l] 11/2/13 NYSOA - Hempstead Plains field trip list

2013-11-04 Thread Carena Pooth
Hi Steve,

It was so nice to meet you, finally!
Below are a few additions for Saturday's walk. Thanks for leading it!


R-b Gull
Great B-b Gull
Downy WP
Blue Jay
Red-winged Blackbird
Common Grackle
Amer Goldfinch
House Sparrow

Sent from my 21st century untethered communications gadget.

Steven Schellenger  wrote:

>Here is the list I have. If I missed any please let me know.
>Canada Goose
>Ring-necked Pheasant
>Rock Pigeon (feral)
>Mourning Dove
>Hairy Woodpecker
>Northern Flicker
>Eastern Phoebe 
>Fish Crow
>Carolina Wren
>Hermit Thrush
>American Robin
>Northern Mockingbird
>European Starling
>American Pipit
>Cedar Waxwing
>Common Yellowthroat
>Palm Warbler
>Yellow-rumped Warbler - Myrtle (many) and 1 Audubon's
>Vesper Sparrow
>Song Sparrow
>Swamp Sparrow
>White-throated Sparrow
>Dark-eyed Junco
>Northern Cardinal
>Eastern Meadowlark
>Common Grackle
>House Finch
>Steve Schellenger
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[nysbirds-l] Croton Point at Dusk: Snow Bunting Flock

2013-11-04 Thread Anne Swaim
Dusk at Croton Point County Park tonight, a harrier skimming the grass tops
put up a flock of 27 snow buntings which landed on a nearby gravel path
offering a great scope view.  Three American pipit flyovers as well.

Anne Swaim
Saw Mill River Audubon


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Re:[nysbirds-l] Area Sightings by NYSOA Conference Participants

2013-11-04 Thread John Gluth
Here are links to eBird reports for both Saturday and Sunday's field trips I 
led to Robert Moses State Park, and extensions to nearby Captree Island marsh.

11/2: http://ebird.org/ebird/view/checklist?subID=S15545406 and 
11/3: http://ebird.org/ebird/view/checklist?subID=S15554359 and 

To be generous, Saturday's trip was…a bit slow. 37 species total (including 
Captree marsh). More birds on Sunday with visible migration underway, but not 
exactly a flood of birds (53 total species, again including Captree marsh). 
Really no highlights on Saturday--beyond the immature male Common Eider that 
flew fairly low behind the hawk watch platform on its way out to sea--and 
Sunday's were along the lines of E. Bluebird (14), Pipit (7), B-t Green Warbler 
(1), Brown Creeper (1), Hermit Thrush (6), Common Eider (5), and 22 total 
raptors (pair of Peregrines on water tower, 7 Kestrel, 3 Merlin, 4 Harriers, 5 
Sharpies, 1 Coop). Captree marsh had lingering Great and Snowy Egrets, and 
Greater Yellowlegs both days.

John Gluth


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[nysbirds-l] Brant on Central Park Reservoir

2013-11-04 Thread Ed Gaillard
There's a Brant in the northeast corner of the Central Park Reservoir, with
a group of Canada Geese.  Earlier it was near the north pumphouse. Very
unusual to have one on the water in the Park.

Good birding,
Ed Gaillard


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3) http://birdingonthe.net/mailinglists/NYSB.html

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[nysbirds-l] Eastern Bluebirds at Kissena park Queens NY 11/4

2013-11-04 Thread Cesar Castillo
Hi all,

Found at least one, possibly two Eastern Bluebirds hanging out by the velodrome 
at Kissena Park proper.


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[nysbirds-l] Sunken Meadow State Park Birds (Suffolk Co.)

2013-11-04 Thread ken feustel
At SMSP this morning the blustery northeast winds produced a mediocre number of 
birds, but a few species showed up in good numbers. A constant Stream of 
American Robins (6,800) moved east through the park in the company of tight 
flocks of Cedar Waxwings (700). Small numbers of Common Grackles, Red-winged 
Blackbirds, Rusty Blackbirds, and Eastern Bluebirds were also in the mix.  At 
the dump on the northwest corner of Field 1, we found a Clay-colored Sparrow 
(photo on my flickr site) in the company of Dark-eyed Juncos. The new 
vehicular/foot bridge at the east end of Sunken Meadow Creek that is replacing 
the dike destroyed by Sandy is nearly completed and, according to maintenance 
personnel, should be ready by the end of the month.

Good Birding,

Ken & Sue Feustel


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[nysbirds-l] NYSOA field trip, Sunday, Jones Beach West End

2013-11-04 Thread Douglas Futuyma
The Sunday field trip to Jones Beach West End encountered far more land
birds  than the trip I led there on Saturday, but they included mostly
Yellow-rumped Warblers, Golden-crowned Kinglets (and 1 Ruby-crowned), small
flocks of Tree Swallows, and passing flocks of American Robins and
Red-winged Blackbirds. There were moderate numbers of Hermit Thrushes and
Eastern Phoebes, a single "Yellow" Palm Warbler, and rather low numbers of
Dark-eyed Juncos and White-throated and Song Sparrows, as well as several
Savannah Sparrows.  One Purple Finch was heard. The Coast Guard sandbar
held fewer Black-bellied Plovers, Red Knot (about 6) and Dunlin than
yesterday, and no Golden Plover, but there were 5 Semipalmated Plovers and
1 Greater Yellowlegs. The 2 Royal Terns seen yesterday did not appear while
the group was there, but 3 had been seen by other observers earlier.  A
45-minute sea watch yielded some very distant Northern Gannets, a few small
flocks of Black and White-winged Scoters, and several loons of both
species. A fair number of migrating Sharp-shinned Hawks (ca. 15) passed
overhead, as did 4 American Kestrels and 3 Northern Harriers. A very strong
wind may have kept many birds under cover.

Doug Futuyma


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[nysbirds-l] Golden eagle at Moses mountain, Staten Island

2013-11-04 Thread Isaac Grant
Obviously not chaseable, but 2 youn birds came over together at about 10:00 am. 
Keep an eye up if you can

Isaac Grant
Senior Loan Officer

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[nysbirds-l] 11/3: Van Cortland Park (Bronx) followup: Checklist and Photos

2013-11-04 Thread Karen Fung
For those interested, the final tally (42 species) is here, and includes photos:


Despite fierce winds, which added quite a chill to the cool damp air,
the birds were out and about, plus the fall foliage was spectacular!
We would've spent the whole day if not for other commitments.

Happy autumn birding,
Karen Fung

-- Forwarded message --
From: KF 
Date: Sun, Nov 3, 2013 at 12:50 PM
Subject: Van Cortlandt Park: Pipits, Horned Lark, Meadowlark
To: eBirdsNYC , nysbirds-L@cornell.edu

November 3rd:

Hi All,
Ken Chaya and I are at the southeast portion of the Parade Ground
where, in the past hour, we've had 14 American Pipits, 1 Eastern
Meadowlark, at least 1 Horned Lark, 5 Savannah Sps, likely 5 Vesper
Sps, and 1 each of Kestrel, Turkey Vulture and Red-tailed Hawk.
Definitely worth a trip here!

Karen Fung

Sent from my iPhone


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