New York County - in N.Y. City - including Manhattan, Randalls Island, 
Governors Island, and the skies above and adjacent - surrounding waters of the 
county - for March 31st, and Monday April 1st -

There was further migration arrival on both days, perhaps more-so by Monday 
4/1. This included some birds moving thru as light sprinkles and drizzles 
occurred - not-quite April showers as such, but all of a piece with each day 
now bringing more plant life into leaf, bud, and bloom.

A minimum of five warbler species were found in the county by April 1st and all 
may also have been present the day before. One which seems to have eluded a few 
seekers was Louisiana Waterthrush, still present in Central Park, but in a 
small streamlet that is not watched by many or at all times and days... and 
where any single-observer should be watchful of who else is about... this is in 
the farthest-north sector of that park.

Additionally the overwintered Orange-crowned Warbler was amongst many sightings 
at Randalls Island on Sunday, 3/31 -by many observers on that day- and was 
still in-place on April 1st, by the freshwater wetlands area, where it 
occasionally was skulking in parts of the winter, and however also seemed to 
get into the adjacent off-limits areas just-east, at times in winter months, 
places where some warmth may have allowed comfort or even, added to chances of 
survival on coldest nights of the winter. - There are near-countless incidences 
of various passerines, warblers in particular, making it thru a northern winter 
in or mostly-adjacent-to a water-treatment facility or other such locations 
where a warmer mini-habitat may sometimes be found, and, also where small 
invertebrates - insects and such - may be had for hungry wintering 
insectivorous birds... examples of this include the area in Newburgh, N.Y. 
along the mid-Hudson river, which receives overwintering warblers among others 
- and there are many, many more examples in the northeast and mid-Atlantic 
states alone as well as elsewhere in northern N. America of this.

Back to warblers in N.Y. County of recent, a few more Palm Warblers - all of 
the expected-now eastern or yellow form - were showing in Central Park and 
perhaps elsewhere, for both days of this report; a Myrtle Warbler or two also 
around, which may still be of ovrwintered individuals, as it is early yet for 
arrivals of that species from far out of our region, and the Pine Warblers were 
showing a bit of further increase again, as of April 1st, with at least 8, 
likely more, in Central Park on Monday - from the southern end of the park 
including edges of Sheep Meadow, thru the far-northern end. It is also likely 
that a sixth warbler species, Ovenbird, was ongoing in at-least 1 Manhattan 
location where an individual survived all of the winter - a 
not-extremely-unusual occurrence for that species in mid-Manhattan.

At Randalls Island, up to three American Oystercatchers could still be found 
into April 1st - the species was noted by many observers watching - with 
scopes! - from there on Sunday, 3/31, and a Ruddy Turnstone, arguably the 
less-regular of these shorebird species for N.Y. County, was also seen in that 
manner, both on 3/31 by multiple observers, and still around for April 1st. 
These birds are not found on the mass of Randalls Island itself recently, they 
must be scoped-for if any reasonable views are desired. Giving much much closer 
looks at times, Purple Sandpiper was ongoing at the Pier 26 off lower Manhattan 
on the Hudson river, thru April 1st. Some Snowy Egrets are starting to pass 
thru and might be sought in many areas, as flyovers in particular, and-or with 
luck to be seen stopping in to feed. Great Egret was getting ever-so-slightly 
more regular, with for example, a drop-in feeding at Morningside Park in 
Manhattan, at the one small pond there - Great Egrets have also been regular as 
fly-overs in some sites, and seen feeding in some places such as northern 
Manhattan sites.

Some of the migrant species that were seen --around the county, in increased 
numbers-- by April 1st included - Belted Kingfisher, Eastern Phoebe, Fish Crow, 
Northern Rough-winged Swallow, Hermit Thrush, Chipping Sparrow, Slate-colored 
Junco, Pine Warbler, Palm Warbler, and likely some additional species on the 

Below is just a partial listing of species seen on March 31st and/or April 1st, 
with a few annotations regarding species that have increased, denoted as-such 
and also many that are noted for Central Park in a lengthy foray of much of 
that park, from April 1, with -CP- as the marker for those sightings.

Red-throated Loon -CP- at least to Sunday, 3/31, some reports also from 4/1 and 
certainly, the species has continued around the county overall.
Common Loon -CP- and elsewhere, in modest numbers.
Great Cormorant - ongoing off Randalls Island to April 1.
Double-crested Cormorant -CP- - increasing numbers recently and seen from many 
Great Blue Heron -CP- - and some additional migrants recently.
Great Egret -CP- - and some additional migrants recently.
Snowy Egret -CP- as 4/1 flybys, and some additionals recently, such as over 
Randalls Island
Black-crowned Night-Heron -CP- and elsewhere.
Black Vulture - from 3/31 as is typical, from northern Manhattan, but also seen 
Turkey Vulture -CP-
Canada Goose -CP- etc.
Atlantic Brant - good numbers esp. in the typical sites they are usually found 
in the county.
Mute Swan - ongoing, east of Manhattan island.
Wood Duck -CP- and some additionals esp. as flybys in all recent days.
Gadwall -CP- etc.
American Black Duck -CP- etc. - and some of those tricky hybrids of this and 
the following.
Mallard -CP- etc.
Northern Shoveler -CP- mostly in this park, for this county.
Green-winged Teal -CP- very long-lingering pair stlll at The Pool, 4/1.
Lesser Scaup -CP- - 1 hen, at least thru a part of 3/31.
Bufflehead -CP- etc.
Hooded Merganser -CP-
Red-breasted Merganser -CP- one pair were ongoing into 4/1 - more have shown in 
the county waters, perhaps a modest increase of these just lately.
Ruddy Duck -CP-
Osprey -CP- etc.
Bald Eagle -CP- etc.
Northern Harrier
Sharp-shinned Hawk -CP- etc.
Cooper's Hawk -CP- etc.
Red-shouldered Hawk - reported for the county.
Red-tailed Hawk -CP- etc.
American Kestrel -CP- etc.
Peregrine Falcon -CP- etc.
American Coot -CP- etc., there are a few in other locations as well as the 
most-watched at Central Park, where they are typical winterers in the reservoir.
American Oystercatcher - off Randalls Island, up to three, T. Healy et al, to 
April 1st. Many observations / observers for same site on Sunday, 3/31, and 
with thanks to additional watchers from prior days.
Killdeer - continuing in typical few sites in the county.
Ruddy Turnstone - ongoing off Randalls Island, scope required for any real 
viewing-possibility, thru April 1st. Also seen by many observers from same 
site, on Sunday 3/31.
--- Wilson's Snipe - may not have been detected for 3/31, or 4/1; further 
occurrence is very possible on migration.
American Woodcock -CP- this includes sightings from The Dene area, 
multi-observers into 4/1. And in many more locations of the county, although 
many of these have also moved on.
Laughing Gull -CP- just 1 noted at CP reservoir from mid-morning on 4/1. This 
species as well as many of the regular gulls there, may come in briefly, while 
some may linger longer.
Ring-billed Gull -CP- etc. - these are increased as well in recent days...
American Herring Gull -CP- etc.
Lesser Black-backed Gull - seen off mid-lower Manhattan, the Hudson River at 
least to 3/31.
Great Black-backed Gull -CP- etc.
feral Rock Pigeon -CP- etc. etc.
Mourning Dove -CP-
Monk Parakeet - again at northern Manhattan, from a few areas there.
Owls - 2 species continued to 4/1 in the county.
Belted Kingfisher -CP- but more-evident elsewhere as increases show.
Red-bellied Woodpecker -CP- etc.
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker -CP- etc.
Downy Woodpecker -CP- etc.
Hairy Woodpecker -CP- etc. - uncommon overall.
Yellow-shafted Flicker -CP- etc.
Eastern Phoebe -CP- etc. - a good increase by Monday, April 1st, esp. evident 
from Central Park, and however also showing well in -MANY- N.Y. County 
Blue Jay -CP- etc.
American Crow -CP- etc.
Fish Crow -CP- etc. - far less common than the preceding crow species.
Northern Raven -CP- etc. - a few known-nesters in sites around the county.
Tree Swallow -CP- etc. - most regular still, for now, at Governors Island, a 
well-known nest site.
Northern Rough-winged Swallow -CP- etc.
Barn Swallow
Black-capped Chickadee -CP- etc.
Tufted Titmouse -CP- etc.
Red-breasted Nuthatch -CP- etc. - scant lately.
White-breasted Nuthatch -CP- etc.
Brown Creeper -CP- etc.
Carolina Wren -CP- etc.
Winter Wren -CP- etc.
Golden-crowned Kinglet -CP- etc.
Ruby-crowned Kinglet -CP- etc.
--- Blue-gray Gnatcatcher - not detected on 4/1 at site in CP where an early 
individual had been for some days.
Hermit Thrush -CP- etc. - now with some of the first migrants starting to 
appear in numbers.
American Robin -CP- etc.
Gray Catbird -CP- etc. - ALL now are overwintered, for this time of year, not 
newly arrived.
Northern Mockingbird -CP- etc.
Brown Thrasher -CP- etc.
European Starling -CP- etc.
House Sparrow -CP- etc.-
Cedar Waxwing -CP- etc.
Eastern Towhee -CP- etc.
Chipping Sparrow -CP- etc. - increased for April 1st.
Field Sparrow -CP- etc.
Vesper Sparrow - still present from previous sighting at Central Park, north 
end field.
Savannah Sparrow - scant so far, perhaps a few that had lingered in some 
Red Fox Sparrow -CP- etc.
Song Sparrow -CP- etc.
--- Lincoln's Sparrow - not reported most recently from a known few 
Swamp Sparrow -CP- etc.
White-throated Sparrow -CP- etc.
Slate-colored Junco -CP- etc. - some increases.
Northern Cardinal -CP- etc.
Red-winged Blackbird -CP- etc.
Common Grackle -CP- etc.
--- Baltimore Oriole - one report recently, would be an overwintered individual 
as likely as not.
Purple Finch -CP- etc.
House Finch -CP- etc.
American Goldfinch -CP- etc.
Louisiana Waterthrush - -CP- just ONE.
Orange-crowned Warbler - in particular, the overwintered individual on Randalls 
Island to 4/1.
Myrtle -a.k.a. Yellow-rumped- Warbler -CP- etc. - very few.
Pine Warbler -CP- etc. - increased by April 1st.
Palm Warbler -CP- etc. - very modest numbers.
--- Ovenbird - ---likely--- ongoing at one or more sites in the county, 
overwintered successfully.

And probably some additional species for the 2 days of this report.

Good birding and thanks to many quiet, keen observers, and reporters of many 
birds in New York County.

Tom Fiore


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