Today was a day that, at least in part, should have been spent out of doors
! So, it was at ~ 1500 I headed east to Cutchogue, and it's fall
magnat...the sod fields around Oregon Road. On Depot Lane, s/o Oregon I met
a couple who summer on L.I., but live in Maryland. They had seen
Buff-breasted and Baird's Sandpipers on previous days, but not today,
having to settle with some of the more common species, ie, semipalmated
plovers. While still together, further east on Oregon, we came across a
group of 5 Ospreys, who were spread out on an entire irrigation line, which
ran north for the length of the sod field. Some on the wheels, some on the
connecting pipes...I took this to be a family outing !

After they left  I joined a solitary birder, who was checking out a group
of shorebirds on the s/s of Oregon, e/o Depot. While Cathy Cammann and I
were trying to I.D.the birds before us (mostly Semi-plovers, with some we
couldn't I.D. due to not having a scope between us ) - what a time for my
Kowa to show its age !  When the birds relocated closer to Depot, we chased
them and were rewarded for our intrepidness with a close and well lit view
of the buffy ! There were ~ 12-15 Semi-plovers across the entire field,
plus a possible large plover, that I thought I had seen when I first joined
Cathy, but couldn't relocate it !



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