Central Park, Manhattan, N.Y. City -
Saturday, May 18th -

At least several Bicknells Thrushes, along with some dozens of Gray-cheeked 
Thrushes, and Wood Thrushes, Swainsons Thrushes, plus Veery were present in 
Central Park including in the Ramble area, on Saturday, with numbers of quiet 
observers listening to the calls and songs -of the actual birds- for help on 
confirming identifications. There also were, as is normal, a good many of the 
gray-cheeked type thrushes which may have pertained to bicknelli, but also may 
have been gray-cheeked and were left as being identified as one of those two 
closely related and appearing taxa.

Summer Tanagers also continued for Saturday, in Central Park, an ongoing great 
run for that species, with Scarlet Tanagers also ongoing there and all around 
the county.

At least 24 species of migratory American warblers were found on Saturday, with 
Blackpoll Warblers coming in good numbers now, and possibly edging other of the 
warbler species as most numerous for Saturday. Also featuring nicely were still 
numbers of Bay-breasted Warblers. American Redstarts are still going in modest 
to fairly-high numbers. Many species of migrants were in less-than-maximum 
numbers for this time in the month of May.

Central Park alone had well over 110 species of birds, with some of those being 
seen mostly as flyovers -Snowy Egret as an example- and that total number of 
species not even close to higher big-migration-day tallies of species already 
this month, in that one park.

Foliage is in a state that nearly resembles summer season with native trees, 
shrubs, and many forbs. Thanks to all of many, many birders who are respecting 
the needs of migratory, breeding, and visiting birds by observing quietly at 
all times.

Good birding to all,

Tom Fiore


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