Central Park, Manhattan, N.Y. City -

The singing male Cerulean Warbler at the north woods area of the park on 
Thursday, May 9th was seen by a fair number who were in that area, or tried 
later in the day for it. The visibility factors now, even for various birds 
which may be singing well, is tough with the now summer-like extent of leaf-out 
in almost all of the many types of trees growing there, and more generally as 
to early May leafout in the broader region, particularly where less affected by 
cooler marine air. Thanks to all who were sharing reports of this 
always-much-hoped-for species, for N.Y. City. This was at least the 2nd 
Cerulean male to be found on Manhattan island so far this May, or just within 
the past week here. Many other migrants also continue to be seen, far more than 
100 species each day even just for Central Park, including some flyover 
sightings from there.

Good birding to all,

Tom Fiore


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