[nysbirds-l] Central Park, NYC 9/16 & 17 incIuding 6 Vireo species, etc.

2016-09-17 Thread Thomas Fiore
Friday & Saturday, 16 & 17 September, 2016
Central Park, Manhattan, N.Y. City

On Friday 9/16 in Central Park aII six of the northeast's breeding  
species of Vireo were found, with PHILADELPHIA Vireo the most-sought  
amongst these around here & these were seen not onIy in the Ramble  
area but also at the Pond area in the park's SE corner, & as reported  
by Gabriel Willow (a fine NYC Audubon bird-waIk leader), in the north  
end by the Blockhouse - and in a few other spots on prior days there -  
at Ieast one continuing in the north end (Great HiII) this Saturday  
9/17, another one (or more) in the RambIe again as in prior days - a  
few Blue-headed Vireos now in, perhaps first seen Thursday 9/15 by the  
large group of NYC Audubon birders in the park led by Joe Giunta  
(another fine birding guide); & a few White-eyed, Yellow-throated,  
plenty of Red-eyed, & some Warbling Vireos (these 4 latter species aII  
variably breeding in NYC parks & green-spaces) - these in addition to  
the 22 or more warbler species present on Friday with 14 or more of  
those present in the north end on the day; a nice highlight among them  
the 3 or perhaps 4 different Cape May Warblers atop the Great HiII aII  
day (thru 6 pm) in some of the elms.

Some other species that have arrived in Central recently, in modest to  
moderate numbers (with reinforcing numbers of some), include these:

American Black Duck, Northern Shoveler (additionals to those present  
for some weeks),  Green-winged Teal,  Ruddy Duck (in this past week),   
Osprey,  Bald Eagle,  Northern Harrier,  Sharp-shinned Hawk,  Cooper's  
Hawk,  American Kestrel (migrants),  Killdeer (fly-bys),  Laughing  
Gull  (every day this past week at the reservoir, times of their  
visits vary but most likely in mid-morning to mid-pm),  Black-billed  
Cuckoo (Friday 9/16, north end),  Yellow-billed Cuckoo  (every day  
this past week),  Chimney Swift (migrating & some feeding for extended  
times over the park),   Ruby-throated Hummingbird  (multiples  
migrating during days & some feeding in the park every day this past  
week),  Red-headed Woodpecker (adult in the Ramble may be present this  
weekend, best found by QUIET listening as well as observing),  Yellow- 
bellied Sapsucker (a few),  Eastern Phoebe (greater numbers than prior  
weeks),   Blue Jay (in diurnal movements on some days),  Tree Swallow   
(high flyovers as is very typical this time of year into later in the  
fall at Central Park),  Barn Swallow,   Red-breasted Nuthatch (hardly  
new, but they keep on moving, daily dose of dozens),  Brown Creeper,   
Carolina Wren (more),  House Wren,  Golden-crowned Kinglet (bit early!  
9/16),  Ruby-crowned Kinglet (a few more now),  Blue-gray Gnatcatcher  
(8+ on Friday 9/16),   Gray-cheeked Thrush  (a few of this type, could  
be the rarer one as well),   Swainson's Thrush (many moving, not so  
many stopping in),  Wood Thrush  (same as for Swainson's),  American  
Robin (also some moving now),  Gray Catbird (lots moving),  Northern  
Mockingbird (yes, some movements, whether more local or not is  
debatable),  Brown Thrasher (fair numbers but not near peak yet),   
Cedar Waxwing  (many have been in Central taking what fruits they can  
find, modest movement as well),  Warblers of at least these species:   
Blue-winged, Tennessee, Nashville, Northern Parula, Yellow, Chestnut- 
sided, Magnolia, Cape May, Black-throated Blue, Black-throated Green,  
Pine, Prairie, Palm, Bay-breasted, Blackpoll, Black-and-white,  
American Redstart, Ovenbird, Northern Waterthrush, Common  
Yellowthroat, Wilson's, and Canada Warbler[s],   Scarlet Tanager (more  
passed by than stopped in to visit),  Chipping Sparrow,  Savannah  
Sparrow (few, Saturday 9/17),  Lincoln's Sparrow,  Swamp Sparrow,   
White-throated Sparrow,  Dark-eyed Junco (few),  Rose-breasted  
Grosbeak  (many more passing by than those that stopped in),
Indigo Bunting (in modest numbers),  Bobolink (including 20+ in  
diurnal flight over the Meer at 7:15 am on Saturday 9/17),  Red-winged  
Blackbird (few noted in passing),
Brown-headed Cowbird,  Baltimore Oriole,  American Goldfinch (in  
modest numbers this past week) & of course many many other species  
still around, or resident here.

thanks to all who offered reports and to the many who bird quietly, &  
with courtesy and respect to the birds and their fellow birders.

-  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -
"A thing is right when it tends to preserve the integrity, stability  
and beauty of the biotic community. It is wrong when it tends  
otherwise." - Aldo Leopold (1887–1948), U.S. wildlife biologist,  
conservationist, professor, author, best known for his book "A Sand  
County Almanac" (1949), which has sold more than two million copies.

good birding,

Tom Fiore


NYSbirds-L List Info:

[nysbirds-l] Central Park, NYC 9/16 & 17 incIuding 6 Vireo species, etc.

2016-09-17 Thread Thomas Fiore
Friday & Saturday, 16 & 17 September, 2016
Central Park, Manhattan, N.Y. City

On Friday 9/16 in Central Park aII six of the northeast's breeding  
species of Vireo were found, with PHILADELPHIA Vireo the most-sought  
amongst these around here & these were seen not onIy in the Ramble  
area but also at the Pond area in the park's SE corner, & as reported  
by Gabriel Willow (a fine NYC Audubon bird-waIk leader), in the north  
end by the Blockhouse - and in a few other spots on prior days there -  
at Ieast one continuing in the north end (Great HiII) this Saturday  
9/17, another one (or more) in the RambIe again as in prior days - a  
few Blue-headed Vireos now in, perhaps first seen Thursday 9/15 by the  
large group of NYC Audubon birders in the park led by Joe Giunta  
(another fine birding guide); & a few White-eyed, Yellow-throated,  
plenty of Red-eyed, & some Warbling Vireos (these 4 latter species aII  
variably breeding in NYC parks & green-spaces) - these in addition to  
the 22 or more warbler species present on Friday with 14 or more of  
those present in the north end on the day; a nice highlight among them  
the 3 or perhaps 4 different Cape May Warblers atop the Great HiII aII  
day (thru 6 pm) in some of the elms.

Some other species that have arrived in Central recently, in modest to  
moderate numbers (with reinforcing numbers of some), include these:

American Black Duck, Northern Shoveler (additionals to those present  
for some weeks),  Green-winged Teal,  Ruddy Duck (in this past week),   
Osprey,  Bald Eagle,  Northern Harrier,  Sharp-shinned Hawk,  Cooper's  
Hawk,  American Kestrel (migrants),  Killdeer (fly-bys),  Laughing  
Gull  (every day this past week at the reservoir, times of their  
visits vary but most likely in mid-morning to mid-pm),  Black-billed  
Cuckoo (Friday 9/16, north end),  Yellow-billed Cuckoo  (every day  
this past week),  Chimney Swift (migrating & some feeding for extended  
times over the park),   Ruby-throated Hummingbird  (multiples  
migrating during days & some feeding in the park every day this past  
week),  Red-headed Woodpecker (adult in the Ramble may be present this  
weekend, best found by QUIET listening as well as observing),  Yellow- 
bellied Sapsucker (a few),  Eastern Phoebe (greater numbers than prior  
weeks),   Blue Jay (in diurnal movements on some days),  Tree Swallow   
(high flyovers as is very typical this time of year into later in the  
fall at Central Park),  Barn Swallow,   Red-breasted Nuthatch (hardly  
new, but they keep on moving, daily dose of dozens),  Brown Creeper,   
Carolina Wren (more),  House Wren,  Golden-crowned Kinglet (bit early!  
9/16),  Ruby-crowned Kinglet (a few more now),  Blue-gray Gnatcatcher  
(8+ on Friday 9/16),   Gray-cheeked Thrush  (a few of this type, could  
be the rarer one as well),   Swainson's Thrush (many moving, not so  
many stopping in),  Wood Thrush  (same as for Swainson's),  American  
Robin (also some moving now),  Gray Catbird (lots moving),  Northern  
Mockingbird (yes, some movements, whether more local or not is  
debatable),  Brown Thrasher (fair numbers but not near peak yet),   
Cedar Waxwing  (many have been in Central taking what fruits they can  
find, modest movement as well),  Warblers of at least these species:   
Blue-winged, Tennessee, Nashville, Northern Parula, Yellow, Chestnut- 
sided, Magnolia, Cape May, Black-throated Blue, Black-throated Green,  
Pine, Prairie, Palm, Bay-breasted, Blackpoll, Black-and-white,  
American Redstart, Ovenbird, Northern Waterthrush, Common  
Yellowthroat, Wilson's, and Canada Warbler[s],   Scarlet Tanager (more  
passed by than stopped in to visit),  Chipping Sparrow,  Savannah  
Sparrow (few, Saturday 9/17),  Lincoln's Sparrow,  Swamp Sparrow,   
White-throated Sparrow,  Dark-eyed Junco (few),  Rose-breasted  
Grosbeak  (many more passing by than those that stopped in),
Indigo Bunting (in modest numbers),  Bobolink (including 20+ in  
diurnal flight over the Meer at 7:15 am on Saturday 9/17),  Red-winged  
Blackbird (few noted in passing),
Brown-headed Cowbird,  Baltimore Oriole,  American Goldfinch (in  
modest numbers this past week) & of course many many other species  
still around, or resident here.

thanks to all who offered reports and to the many who bird quietly, &  
with courtesy and respect to the birds and their fellow birders.

-  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -
"A thing is right when it tends to preserve the integrity, stability  
and beauty of the biotic community. It is wrong when it tends  
otherwise." - Aldo Leopold (1887–1948), U.S. wildlife biologist,  
conservationist, professor, author, best known for his book "A Sand  
County Almanac" (1949), which has sold more than two million copies.

good birding,

Tom Fiore


NYSbirds-L List Info: