The 2009 season at the Franklin Mt. Hawkwatch in Oneonta came to its 
traditional New Years Day close on Friday.  Persistent snow made for 
poor visibility, but the sky cleared enough after noon for two 
Red-tails to rise out of the valley and cut south at 12:35--the only 
birds of the day, and the last birds of the season.

2009 showed a fine rebound from '08's off year.  The 6334 total 
raptors represented only the third time the watch has topped 6000 in 
its 21 year history, and not far behind 2003's high of 6546.  Most of 
the increase came from a record flight of Broad-winged 
Hawks.  Although Franklin Mt. is not noted as a big Broad-wing site, 
there were 6 triple-digit days in September, providing a good head 
start to the season.  Turkey Vultures also set a record, taking a big 
jump over the 9-year average since full-time counting began.

Of the other 13 regularly-sighted species,  four were significantly 
above the 9-year average, seven below, and two were flat.  A bright 
spot was a relatively good year for American Kestrels, following 
three years of well below average counts.

The season's high point undoubtedly came on Nov. 6, when Steve Hall 
tallied 46 Golden Eagles.  Half of the eagles came in the two hours 
after noon.  This was the third largest daily count of the species at 
Franklin Mt.

Coverage was excellent, with counters putting in 865 hours over 128 
days, only one day off the record.  Once again, Steve Hall gets a 
Sarah Palin-style shout out for covering 3 days a week.  Larry Dake, 
Fred Fries, Marilyn Leahy, Randy Lynch, Andy Mason, Ron Milliken, 
Fred Reckner, and Tom Salo carried the rest of the load, with help 
from regular spotters Becky Gretton, Richard Hendrick, Andrea 
Lodovice, Ralph Niederlander, Leslie Preston, Bob Shultis, and numerous others.

Thanks to all for a great season!

2009 totals are below.  Complete Franklin Mt. Hawkwatch statistics 
are available at

Franklin Mt. Hawkwatch

Species         2009 Season Total
Black Vulture                   0
Turkey Vulture          708
Osprey          143
Bald Eagle              182
Northern Harrier        71
Sharp-shinned Hawk      567
Cooper's Hawk   93
Northern Goshawk        22
Red-shouldered Hawk     70
Broad-winged Hawk       2097
Red-tailed Hawk         1989
Rough-legged Hawk       5
Golden Eagle            161
American Kestrel        135
Merlin                  21
Peregrine Falcon        20
Unknown Accipiter       4
Unknown Buteo   7
Unknown Falcon  2
Unknown Eagle   2
Unknown Raptor  35
Total:                  6334

Andrew Mason
1039 Peck St.
Jefferson, NY  12093
(607) 652-2162 

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