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From: Willie D'Anna <>
Date: November 15, 2022 at 19:32:49 EST
To: geneseebirds <>, Geneseebirds 
Subject: [GeneseeBirds-L] Limpkin - Lewiston, along the Niagara River

A Limpkin was found by a local fishing guide, Frank Campbell, last Wednesday. 
This is the first NYS record, if accepted by the NYSARC. Frank has seen the 
bird several times since, including today, when he took of a photo of it and 
sent it to Connie Adams of the NYSDEC. Connie sent it to me to ask for an ID. I 
and three others converged on Lewiston Landing [eBird hotspot is called 
Niagara—Lewiston (NY)] and looked for over an hour with no luck. I asked Connie 
Adams if she could find out exactly where it was seen. She got back to me 
pretty soon and said that it had been there a week! She also said that it likes 
to hide in the bushes next to the harbor master building. Pretty strange 
behavior for a Limpkin! As she was telling me this, I was stopped right in 
front of the harbor master building. I looked at the weeds there and almost 
immediately I noticed some movement. It’s probably a squirrel, I thought. No 
way is that a Limpkin. As you probably guessed by now, it was indeed the 

The Limpkin stayed in this patch of weeds all afternoon, except for brief 
forays onto the grass nearby. There are loads of snails here and it was having 
a feast. It looks quite healthy to me. Frank Campbell told me that he has not 
seen it fly but I think that’s only because it doesn’t need to, not because it 
is injured. Still, we will be keeping a close eye on it and will not hesitate 
to call a wildlife rehabilitator, if it seems to be having difficulty.

WHERE IT IS AND TIPS FOR SEEING IT: This bird should be easy to see if it stays 
in the same spot. If you don’t know the exact spot, it is very easy to miss, 
however, as we did this morning. The coordinates are 43.173805, -79.049374 
Mapped pin:  This is below the cliff, 
down at river level. You must park above at street level and take the stairs 
down. For those who have difficulty walking, you can be driven down and let off 
at water level. Look for the blue-gray building that says “harbor master” over 
one of the doors. Next to it is a blue-gray shed. The weeds that it was hanging 
out in all day today are between those two buildings, which are only 15 feet 
apart. The bird sometimes moves behind one of the buildings but you can usually 
find it by moving around. It is close, only 30 feet or so away, though usually 
obscured or made invisible by weeds, and does not seem particularly concerned 
about people. However, please do not surround it, as it does sometimes like to 
come out into the open.

Now for the tricky part – the weather. A major lake-effect snowstorm is being 
forecast for Buffalo and points north for Friday through Sunday. Often when 
this happens, Lewiston may not get that much snow. However, if you take the NYS 
Thruway all the way to Buffalo, you could run into some major snow on those 
days. One option would be to take I-490 through Rochester and come along Lake 
Ontario. It’s a few more miles but could save you a lot of time and 
aggravation. So, check the radar on your weather app before you get to the 
Rochester exits. For Wednesday and Thursday, the snow around Lewiston should be 
pretty minor, though not zero. At some point Thursday evening the snow will 
start to move northward.

Good luck if you try to see this amazing bird!
Willie D'Anna
Wilson, NY

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