New York County, N.Y. City - including Manhattan, Randalls Island, and 
Governors Island
thru Sunday, Dec. 17 -

The long-staying Black-chinned Hummingbird was still present at Randalls Island 
and will be a part of the Lower Hudson C.B.C., seen by many on Sunday.  The 
Ash-throated Flycatcher of Greenwich Village in Manhattan also showed on Sunday 
for the CBC seekers and others, again at its more usual area around the Bleeker 
playground and the nearby gourmet garage store, where its shown a number of 
times in the past week and longer.  On the other hand, a recent Western Tanager 
at Manhattans Morningside Park might have moved on, or could also still be in 
that area or somewhere else in the county, but had not been documented since 
12/14, corresponding to the first day of CBC count week period for this areas 
bird count.

A couple of Purple Sandpipers were re-found on Sunday, including on Governors 
Island, as well as the more unusual one lingering at Manhattans Pier 26 on the 
Hudson River estuary shore, mostly by, or under, some old piling.  A lingering 
Wood Thrush was again reported at Union Square Park, this thrush being elusive 
at times there. Hermit Thrushes are as usual far more widespread in the early 
winter in this county. A rare-in-December VEERY was not refound since being 
photographed at Corlears Hook Park on Manhattans lower east side, however there 
are vast swaths of habitat in many building yards or lawns and also other parks 
in that general area.  At least one Baltimore Oriole was found on Sunday, at 
Randalls Island. Sparrow sightings on Sunday included Lincolns amongst other 

Warblers found Sunday included a Black-and-white Warbler still around Swindler 
Cove Park, which also has had Nashville, Orange-crowned, and 
Myrtle/Yellow-rumped Warblers and at times, also some others this month. 
Nashville Warblers look to have appeared in several locations from northern 
Manhattan thru lower Manhattan on Sunday, and Palm Warblers were seen in a few 
locations of the county, including at Central Parks n. end by CBC participants. 
 There may not have been a re-find of lingering Prairie Warbler[s] at Governors 
Island although those might still be around, and if so could potentially go 
into the CBC count week if no others of the species are reported elsewhere in 
the entire count circle, which takes in a good part of adjacent New Jersey. 
These next 3 days will tell. A long-lingering Wilsons Warbler was seen at least 
to Sat., 12/16 at Morningside Park, and could still be in that area or nearby. 
Other recent warblers have included Ovenbird and Common Yellowthroat in the 

Many many more birds were found and counted for the 12/17 CBC in N.Y. County - 
and in that sector of New Jersey - and the above is by no means meant to convey 
the species noted by all or even any of the multitudes of counters on the day.
Some of us will likely be checking certain areas immediately post-storm, with 
its strong south and southeast winds.

Thanks to the keen many observers out for CBC-ing and the others adding 
sightings to local alerts and into eBird.

Good birding to all,

Tom Fiore


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