[nysbirds-l] Thank You! -- and Saturday, May 14 in Central Park

2016-05-15 Thread Amy Simmons
I think many folks did a "Big Day," yesterday - whether it was to raise
funds, compete or just have fun.  Claire Borrelli and I had our annual
Central Park-only Big Day and it's prompted me to say thank you to so many
of you who are reading this.  We hit 72 species, which was our one-day
record for the Park, but we could never have seen them all without the help
of so many fellow birders.  Thank you to those who helped us  yesterday, but
who have also helped us to be better birders by sharing your sightings,
skills and more over the weeks, months and years.


First off, a big thank-you to the amazing Doug Kurz who was so generous with
his companionship, keen eye and extraordinary ear.  I always knew he had a
good ear but when he managed to spot a very highly-perched, completely
silent Black-billed Cuckoo over the Azalea Pond I began to realize his eyes
are just as keen as his ears!  


I know I'm going to forget people -- and I'm sure quite a few of you won't
even know who I am or recall helping me/us -- but you've helped me, and I
just wanted to say thank you (in no particular order):


. Stephen Chang (for the Hooded Warbler last weekend, and for so
many other birds over the years)

. Chris Cooper (for showing us all of those warblers - and the wren
- in the willow on the Point last weekend, as well as many others, over the

. Deb Allen (for the many helpful tweets, and a white-crowned
sparrow last week)

. Kevin and Mark (for the Green Heron over the Maintenance Meadow a
couple of weeks ago)

. Emily (for somehow getting me "on" a YB Cuckoo last weekend)

. Andrew Baksh (for the Orchard Oriole near the Maintenance Shed
last weekend, as well as for many helpful posts)

. Matthew R. (for many posts and tweets that have led to Lifers for

. Roy Tsao (for your thoughtful post about the Wilson's Warbler
yesterday - knowing that we were seeking one)

. Jon - the photographer (for going out of your way many times to
point out birds I was trying to find)

. Ben C (for so many helpful posts)

. Ben (for helping us find that singing Towhee yesterday)

. Richard Fried (for once being the only person in a group of
Birders who was willing to kindly stop and help me find the Osprey that was
flying over Belvedere Castle)

. Pat [Pollock?] (for kindly sharing the locations of various birds
over the years)

. Martin and Ryan (for sharing your expertise and helping me "get
on" several great birds)

. Phil Jeffrey (for teaching me so much about birding and also
showing me a number of great birds over the past decade)

. Shai Mitral (for many great posts)

. Dave Klauber and Bobby Rosetti (for showing me some great birds
and taking the time to share your knowledge)

. Karen Fung (we've never met, but your posts have helped me see so
many great birds)

. Eric Reubel (for getting me started birding in Central Park, in
the first place, and for SO much help)


And thank you to the many others who have pointed out various birds, taught
me ID tips, posted helpful information or  just been encouraging, including
(but certainly not limited to):  Bobby Rosetti, Dave Klauber, Brian Moore,
Jeanette, Jeff Bowen, Jeff w/the Bernese Mountain Dog, Ethan Goodman,
Birding Bob, and Anders P.  Again, I'm sure the minute I press "send" I'm
going to remember a half a dozen other people I should have thanked, as well
- but I'll have to do it in person the next time I see you in the field.


Anyway, here is what we were able to see yesterday between 6 a.m. and 6 p.m.
in Central Park, in the area from the north end of the Reservoir to the
Boathouse Lake:


11 Canada Goose -- Including pair nesting on East side of Reservoir and
another pair with 3 goslings.

6 Gadwall -- 4 on Reservoir; 2 on Turtle Pond

X Mallard

1 Bufflehead -- 1 male, continuing on Reservoir

2 Ruddy Duck

X Double-crested Cormorant

5 Great Egret -- Reservoir

5 Black-crowned Night-Heron

2 Red-tailed Hawk

1 Solitary Sandpiper -- Reservoir

1 Ring-billed Gull

3 Herring Gull (American)

3 Great Black-backed Gull

X Rock Pigeon (Feral Pigeon)

X Mourning Dove

2 Yellow-billed Cuckoo -- 1 in Ramble and 1 at Summit Rock

1 Black-billed Cuckoo -- In Ramble over Azalea Pond

30 Chimney Swift -- Conservative count. 

2 Red-bellied Woodpecker

1 Downy Woodpecker

1 Northern Flicker (Yellow-shafted)

1 Olive-sided Flycatcher

2 Eastern Wood-Pewee

1 Great Crested Flycatcher

2 Eastern Kingbird

2 Yellow-throated Vireo

4 Warbling Vireo

2 Red-eyed Vireo

X Blue Jay

1 Northern Rough-winged Swallow

5 Barn Swallow -- 1 with nesting material

4 Black-capped Chickadee

2 White-breasted Nuthatch

1 House Wren

1 Ruby-crowned Kinglet -- Late. Near Boathouse, in tree hanging over Boat

5 Veery

7 Swainson's Thrush

2 Hermit Thrush

2 Wood Thrush

X American Robin

41 Gray Catbird

X European Starling


[nysbirds-l] Thank You! -- and Saturday, May 14 in Central Park

2016-05-15 Thread Amy Simmons
I think many folks did a "Big Day," yesterday - whether it was to raise
funds, compete or just have fun.  Claire Borrelli and I had our annual
Central Park-only Big Day and it's prompted me to say thank you to so many
of you who are reading this.  We hit 72 species, which was our one-day
record for the Park, but we could never have seen them all without the help
of so many fellow birders.  Thank you to those who helped us  yesterday, but
who have also helped us to be better birders by sharing your sightings,
skills and more over the weeks, months and years.


First off, a big thank-you to the amazing Doug Kurz who was so generous with
his companionship, keen eye and extraordinary ear.  I always knew he had a
good ear but when he managed to spot a very highly-perched, completely
silent Black-billed Cuckoo over the Azalea Pond I began to realize his eyes
are just as keen as his ears!  


I know I'm going to forget people -- and I'm sure quite a few of you won't
even know who I am or recall helping me/us -- but you've helped me, and I
just wanted to say thank you (in no particular order):


. Stephen Chang (for the Hooded Warbler last weekend, and for so
many other birds over the years)

. Chris Cooper (for showing us all of those warblers - and the wren
- in the willow on the Point last weekend, as well as many others, over the

. Deb Allen (for the many helpful tweets, and a white-crowned
sparrow last week)

. Kevin and Mark (for the Green Heron over the Maintenance Meadow a
couple of weeks ago)

. Emily (for somehow getting me "on" a YB Cuckoo last weekend)

. Andrew Baksh (for the Orchard Oriole near the Maintenance Shed
last weekend, as well as for many helpful posts)

. Matthew R. (for many posts and tweets that have led to Lifers for

. Roy Tsao (for your thoughtful post about the Wilson's Warbler
yesterday - knowing that we were seeking one)

. Jon - the photographer (for going out of your way many times to
point out birds I was trying to find)

. Ben C (for so many helpful posts)

. Ben (for helping us find that singing Towhee yesterday)

. Richard Fried (for once being the only person in a group of
Birders who was willing to kindly stop and help me find the Osprey that was
flying over Belvedere Castle)

. Pat [Pollock?] (for kindly sharing the locations of various birds
over the years)

. Martin and Ryan (for sharing your expertise and helping me "get
on" several great birds)

. Phil Jeffrey (for teaching me so much about birding and also
showing me a number of great birds over the past decade)

. Shai Mitral (for many great posts)

. Dave Klauber and Bobby Rosetti (for showing me some great birds
and taking the time to share your knowledge)

. Karen Fung (we've never met, but your posts have helped me see so
many great birds)

. Eric Reubel (for getting me started birding in Central Park, in
the first place, and for SO much help)


And thank you to the many others who have pointed out various birds, taught
me ID tips, posted helpful information or  just been encouraging, including
(but certainly not limited to):  Bobby Rosetti, Dave Klauber, Brian Moore,
Jeanette, Jeff Bowen, Jeff w/the Bernese Mountain Dog, Ethan Goodman,
Birding Bob, and Anders P.  Again, I'm sure the minute I press "send" I'm
going to remember a half a dozen other people I should have thanked, as well
- but I'll have to do it in person the next time I see you in the field.


Anyway, here is what we were able to see yesterday between 6 a.m. and 6 p.m.
in Central Park, in the area from the north end of the Reservoir to the
Boathouse Lake:


11 Canada Goose -- Including pair nesting on East side of Reservoir and
another pair with 3 goslings.

6 Gadwall -- 4 on Reservoir; 2 on Turtle Pond

X Mallard

1 Bufflehead -- 1 male, continuing on Reservoir

2 Ruddy Duck

X Double-crested Cormorant

5 Great Egret -- Reservoir

5 Black-crowned Night-Heron

2 Red-tailed Hawk

1 Solitary Sandpiper -- Reservoir

1 Ring-billed Gull

3 Herring Gull (American)

3 Great Black-backed Gull

X Rock Pigeon (Feral Pigeon)

X Mourning Dove

2 Yellow-billed Cuckoo -- 1 in Ramble and 1 at Summit Rock

1 Black-billed Cuckoo -- In Ramble over Azalea Pond

30 Chimney Swift -- Conservative count. 

2 Red-bellied Woodpecker

1 Downy Woodpecker

1 Northern Flicker (Yellow-shafted)

1 Olive-sided Flycatcher

2 Eastern Wood-Pewee

1 Great Crested Flycatcher

2 Eastern Kingbird

2 Yellow-throated Vireo

4 Warbling Vireo

2 Red-eyed Vireo

X Blue Jay

1 Northern Rough-winged Swallow

5 Barn Swallow -- 1 with nesting material

4 Black-capped Chickadee

2 White-breasted Nuthatch

1 House Wren

1 Ruby-crowned Kinglet -- Late. Near Boathouse, in tree hanging over Boat

5 Veery

7 Swainson's Thrush

2 Hermit Thrush

2 Wood Thrush

X American Robin

41 Gray Catbird

X European Starling