[nysbirds-l] Central Park NYC - Monday August 8, 2016 incl. Olive-sided Flycatcher

2016-08-08 Thread Deborah Allen
Central Park NYC  
Monday August 8, 2016 
OBS: Robert DeCandido, PhD, m.ob. on a bird walk starting from Strawberry 
Fields at 9am

Highlights: Seven species of Wood Warblers, Blue-gray Gnatcatcher, Olive-sided 
Flycatcher, and a Cedar Waxwing feeding a juvenile. 

Mourning Dove
Chimney Swift - 4
Herring Gull - flyover
Double -crested Cormorant - 3 Turtle Pond
Great Egret - Turtle Pond
Red-bellied Woodpecker - 2
Downy Woodpecker - 6
Northern Flicker - 3 together Shakespeare Garden
Olive-sided Flycatcher - top of Ginkgo Fruited Plain/Upper Lobe Lawn
Empidonax Flycatcher - Summer House Meadow/Swamp
Eastern Kingbird - 2 Turtle Pond  2 Warbler Rock, 2 Upper Lobe
Warbling Vireo - 6 (4 at Strawberry Fields)
Red-eyed Vireo - Strawberry Fields
Blue Jay
Barn Swallow - 4 flyovers
Black-capped Chickadee - 2 Upper Lobe
White-breasted Nuthatch - 3 together Summer House Meadow/Swamp
Carolina Wren - Maintenance Field, Warbler Rock
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher - Castle Walk (s. side Turtle Pond), Warbler Rock
American Robin - many
Gray Catbird - many
Cedar Waxwing - juvenile fed Hackberry by one of two adults Strawberry Fields
House Finch - many
Louisiana Waterthrush - Upper Lobe
Northern Waterthrush - Upper Lobe, Turtle Pond, Maintenance Field
Blue-winged Warbler - Strawberry Fields, Maintenance Field
Black-and-white Warbler - 6 (3 of these in Strawberry Fields)
American Redstart - 15 incl. one adult male
Yellow Warbler - 4
Canada Warbler - Strawberry Fields
Northern Cardinal
Common Grackle
Baltimore Oriole - 10 incl. adult male

Some birds omitted from Sunday's report: Barn Swallow flyover, Wood Thrush 
(Maintenance Field before walk), Song Sparrow (heard at Bow Bridge before 
walk), Baltimore Oriole (Tupelo Field). An adult Black-crowned Night-Heron was 
also reported at Turtle Pond by Sandra Critelli. 

Deb Allen


NYSbirds-L List Info:

1) http://www.mail-archive.com/nysbirds-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html
2) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/NYSBirds-L
3) http://birdingonthe.net/mailinglists/NYSB.html

Please submit your observations to eBird:


[nysbirds-l] Syracuse RBA

2016-08-08 Thread Joseph Brin
*  New York*  Syracuse   
   - August 08, 2016
*  NYSY  08. 08.16 Hotline: Syracuse Rare bird AlertDates(s):August 01, 2016 - 
August 08, 2016to report by e-mail: brinjoseph AT yahoo.comcovering upstate NY 
counties: Cayuga, Montezuma National Wildlife Refugeand Montezuma Wetlands 
Complex (MWC) (just outside Cayuga County),Onondaga, Oswego, Lewis, Jefferson, 
Oneida, Herkimer,  Madison & Cortlandcompiled: August 08  AT 5:00 p.m. 
(EDT)compiler: Joseph BrinOnondaga Audubon Homepage: www.onondagaaudubon.org  
Greetings: This is the Syracuse Rare Bird Alert for the week of August 01, 2015.

Montezuma National Wildlife Complex (MNWC) and Montezuma Wetlands Complex 
     Shorebirds picked up this week with 16 species being reported. New were 
RUDDY TURNSTONE in the Main Pool and SANDERLING at the Visitor’s Center. Both 
birds were reported on 8/3. However the greatest numbers and diversity seems to 
be at May’s Point Pool.     8/3: An ORCHARD ORIOLE was seen on the Wildlife 
Drive.A WHITE-RUMPED SANDPIPER was found at May’s Point Pool.     8/7: A STILT 
SANDPIPER was again seen at May’s Point Pool. A LEAST BITTERN was seen from 
VanDyne Spoor Road.

Onondaga county
     8/6: 10 species of Shorebirds were seen at Three Rivers WMA from the 
Smokey Hollow Road access including PECTORAL SANDPIPER and SEMI-PALMATED 
PLOVER. 6 GREAT EGRETS were there also.     8/8: A female  AMERICAN WIGEON was 
seen in the Seneca River in Baldwinsville.

Oneida County
     8/2: 9 species of Shorebirds were seen at Delta Lake including SANDERLING 
and WHITE-RUMPED SANDPIPER.      8/6: 10 species of Shorebirds including the 
SANDERLING and the WHITE-RUMPED SANDPIPER were again seen at Delta Lake. 19 
GREAT EGRETS were also counted.     
                       --end report 
Joseph BrinRegion 5Baldwinsville, NY 13027  U.S.A.  

NYSbirds-L List Info:

1) http://www.mail-archive.com/nysbirds-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html
2) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/NYSBirds-L
3) http://birdingonthe.net/mailinglists/NYSB.html

Please submit your observations to eBird:


[nysbirds-l] Whimbrel-Cupsogue Beach

2016-08-08 Thread lstocker
Jim Cullen and I viewed a Whimbrel at Cupsogue Beach this afternoon on the 
falling tide.The bird hung around for about 10 minutes before flying 
westward.An interesting aspect was that this bird appeared to be very light in 
coloration.Not sure if it was due to light conditions but keep an eye out.
Lee Stocker

NYSbirds-L List Info:

1) http://www.mail-archive.com/nysbirds-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html
2) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/NYSBirds-L
3) http://birdingonthe.net/mailinglists/NYSB.html

Please submit your observations to eBird:


[nysbirds-l] East Pond 8-8-16

2016-08-08 Thread Andrew Baksh
Shorebird numbers are again down with less than 20 Semipalmated Sandpipers 
observed this afternoon. The shorebird highlights were3 STILT SANDPIPERS. 

Juvenile shorebirds included 1 Short-billed Dowitcher, multiple Lesser 
Yellowlegs, 3 Semipalmated Sandpipers and 6 Least Sandpipers.

The non Shorebird highlight was a SORA, which I documented via photographs and 


"I prefer to be true to myself, even at the hazard of incurring the ridicule of 
others, rather than to be false, and to incur my own abhorrence." ~ Frederick 

風 Swift as the wind
林 Quiet as the forest
火 Conquer like the fire
山 Steady as the mountain
Sun Tzu  The Art of War

> (\__/)
> (= '.'=)
> (") _ (") 
> Sent from somewhere in the field using my mobile device! 

Andrew Baksh

NYSbirds-L List Info:

1) http://www.mail-archive.com/nysbirds-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html
2) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/NYSBirds-L
3) http://birdingonthe.net/mailinglists/NYSB.html

Please submit your observations to eBird:


[nysbirds-l] Plum Beach, Kings County

2016-08-08 Thread Sean Sime
I spent a few hours at the end of the incoming through the beginning of the
outgoing tide cycles at Plum Beach with Bobbi Manian today. Highlights

Black Scoter
Royal Tern(2)
Piping Plover(2)
"Eastern" Willet (getting late)

Common and Least Terns were busy feeding young and the catch of the day
goes to the Double-crested Cormorant who caught an eel as big as itself and
managed to get it down before the cavalry of gulls arrived! Photos are in
the Ebird checklist below.


We also found a dead parakeet or parrot washed up on shore. It was roughly
starling sized. I've posted a photo of it at the link below if anyone cares
to identify it.


Good birding,

Sean Sime
Brooklyn, NY


NYSbirds-L List Info:

1) http://www.mail-archive.com/nysbirds-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html
2) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/NYSBirds-L
3) http://birdingonthe.net/mailinglists/NYSB.html

Please submit your observations to eBird:
