[oauth] Re: signing post requests

2009-02-02 Thread Eran Hammer-Lahav

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[oauth] Re: signing post requests

2009-02-02 Thread Perryn Fowler

> I think Perryn posted to the oauth-ruby list, where we
> should continue this discussion.

Yes, sorry I intended for the discussion of the ruby implementation on
the oauth-ruby list.
The reason I posted it here too was to ask about the spec ( although
that isn't very clear from my original post )

The spec only seems to set out how to include a post body in the
signature if it is x-www-form-urlencoded data,
and indeed EHL has replied stating that this is all that is supported.

I am currently working on a project to expose a developer api to our
systems. The vision is for this to be a RESTful interface
where we exchange payloads of XML. For some operations, the payload
would be passed in a post body.

Hence, this raises a few questions for me

a) It would appear then that oAuth is unsuitable for this type of
undertaking? I am a bit surprised as I would have thought it would be
a common use case - Is there a reason why this was explicitly not

b) Is anyone out there doing this type of thing? Have you extended
oAuth to do it? If not, what are you using?

c) Not really a question, but the only reason this came to my
attention is that the signatures did not match because the provider
interpreted the entire payload as a parameter name. I suspect that
this is a rails foible, so on other platforms the signatures may match
because the payload is not included in the signature at either end. If
people haven't noticed this, they may not realise their payloads are


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[oauth] Parameters required for fetching Google data services using OAuth

2009-02-02 Thread Razak

Hi Guys,

Can you tell me the parameters required for fetching Google data
services through AJAX request OAuth)?.
I have got the authorized access token. But still I cannot able to
fetch data using that.

Razak K
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[oauth] Re: iPhone UIWebView, OAuth and User-Agent trust

2009-02-02 Thread Ben Ward

Hi Darren,

On 2 Feb 2009, at 09:40, Darren Bounds wrote:

> Recently my colleague and I began looking a little closer at the
> iPhone SDK in an effort to research how to best incorporate an OAuth
> authorization model. Naturally UIWebView was front and center as it
> currently provides the only method (at least that I'm aware of) for an
> application to transition between itself and the browser without
> requiring the user to re-launch the application. While at a glance,
> this appeared ideal for OAuth, I became concerned when it was apparent
> that all interaction, including HTTP request/response data, would be
> fully accessible to the parent application via UIWebView.

> I'm curious if the group has any thoughts or greater insight into
> UIWebView security model and its impact on user-agent trust and
> privacy on the iPhone. Hopefully I've missed something.

With Fire Eagle, we came to the same wary conclusion and our current  
response is to say ‘Don't use UIWebViews (or equivalent) please’.  
However, there's a little bit more to the iPhone OS ux that you've not  
covered here, which alleviates the user manually relaunching apps.

In short, iPhone OS2 allows you to register application protocols  
(such as ‘pownce://’) and use that to callback from the web app. The  
result is that you app gets relaunched gracefully after auth is  
completed, without any manual intervention.

We documented all of our Fire Eagle related advice, and tried to cover  
the basics of creating app-protocols on major platforms: 


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[oauth] Re: Distinction between Request Token and Access token

2009-02-02 Thread Joseph A Holsten

Hash: SHA1

On Mon, Feb 2, 2009 at 9:20 AM, Hans Granqvist   
> It's a trade-off I am sure, but I would have loved it if the  
> standard had
> decoupled the token issuer from the token verifier. In that way,  
> you would
> not need the dance of triage; the consumer simply present a correct  
> token
> to access a resource. "Correctness" can be ascertained solely from the
> presented token + presenter's identity. In that way the token can  
> be issued
> by anyone at anytime.
> SAML and Kerberos anyone? ;)

I've thought the same thing. OpenID-OAuth Hybrid is exactly about  
that separation, replacing the old issuing dance with a new one.  
Verification needs to stay the same.

At that point, the only difference between OAuth and SAML or Kerberos  
is that there is no standard way to present credentials to  
Authorization endpoint. I assume this will be handled by an extension  
in the near future, allowing one consumer to present its credentials  
to authorize another consumer's token. I think someone might be  
calling it transferable tokens in some extension?

I've also hoped the token would begin to take a more capability-like  
role. All that would be needed would be to explicitly mention the  
resources the token grants access to, and the rights it provides.


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[oauth] Re: Distinction between Request Token and Access token

2009-02-02 Thread Chris Messina
On Mon, Feb 2, 2009 at 9:20 AM, Hans Granqvist  wrote:

> > The reasoning behind this is that while "scope" is a common approach,
> > it's not the only approach. For example, I may want to simply limit
> > access to "read-only/write-only/read-write", or maybe (e.g., for
> > academic article databases) "link/abstract/full article", or any
> > number of other possibilities and intersections. There's no way that
> > OAuth could or should describe these possibilities.
> But... could not all operations be reduced to a set of HTTP operations
> on URLs? As HTTP verbs against a representation?
> It seems anything that you want to manipulate should be able to be
> represented itself as a resource. Although I have mellowed a bit, one of
> my pet peeves around OAuth is that the protocol doesn't follow this web
> philosophy.

I'm curious what you think about Ian McKellar's concept of "authorized


The time delay to approve the changes sounds less than ideal, but still
worth contemplating.

> It's a trade-off I am sure, but I would have loved it if the standard had
> decoupled the token issuer from the token verifier. In that way, you would
> not need the dance of triage; the consumer simply present a correct token
> to access a resource. "Correctness" can be ascertained solely from the
> presented token + presenter's identity. In that way the token can be issued
> by anyone at anytime.
> SAML and Kerberos anyone? ;)

I don't think that that's the behavior that we saw in the wild.

Perhaps it's something to bring up on the OAuth list for future work?


Chris Messina
Citizen-Participant &
 Open Web Advocate-at-Large

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[oauth] Re: Unable to fetch data from service provide using OAuth

2009-02-02 Thread Tim Fletcher

> I am passing all the required parameters. but still I am not getting
> any output.
> I am getting connection timed out error.
> I have got the access token along with token secret. Using that, I am
> trying to fetch calender data.

When you try to fetch the feed with the access token, Google responds
with a redirect.

The URL of the redirect will contain an extra session parameter that
wasn't in your original request, so your OAuth signature will be
invalid for this request. Therefore, you cannot just follow the
redirect. Instead, you need to generate a fresh request.

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[oauth] Re: OAuth only for HTTP request signing?

2009-02-02 Thread Krishna Sankar (ksankar)
IMHO, you should raise this in the IETF list as it pertains to the 
charter. I think this is an important topic.

|-Original Message-
|From: oauth@googlegroups.com [mailto:oa...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf
|Of Onyx Raven
|Sent: Monday, February 02, 2009 11:16 AM
|To: oauth@googlegroups.com
|Subject: [oauth] OAuth only for HTTP request signing?
|I see the following line in the ITEF charter:
| * A mechanism for signing HTTP requests with the token-secret pair
|Is the 'core' OAuth specification going to be limited only to HTTP, or
|is there opportunity and reason to make it a general method of signing
|method, resource and parameters of a programmatic request for the
|purpose of consumer authorization and user credential delegation?  It
|seems like other protocols could use the same signing and delegation
|methodology (probably with some hybrid using HTTP), but may not be
|'traditional' HTTP (eg, XMPP http://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0235.html)
|during requests. Or, would the 'extensions' go the other way, defining
|how other protocols might use the same methods, or in a generic sense?
|I guess I wonder if defining only HTTP and not calling out generic
|usage could make using OAuth in other areas somewhat more difficult
|from a standards perspective.
|(I wasn't sure which list to ask this on - it seems somewhat more to
|do with Core than the current discussions on the ITEF list)

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[oauth] OAuth only for HTTP request signing?

2009-02-02 Thread Onyx Raven

I see the following line in the ITEF charter:

 * A mechanism for signing HTTP requests with the token-secret pair

Is the 'core' OAuth specification going to be limited only to HTTP, or
is there opportunity and reason to make it a general method of signing
method, resource and parameters of a programmatic request for the
purpose of consumer authorization and user credential delegation?  It
seems like other protocols could use the same signing and delegation
methodology (probably with some hybrid using HTTP), but may not be
'traditional' HTTP (eg, XMPP http://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0235.html)
during requests. Or, would the 'extensions' go the other way, defining
how other protocols might use the same methods, or in a generic sense?

I guess I wonder if defining only HTTP and not calling out generic
usage could make using OAuth in other areas somewhat more difficult
from a standards perspective.

(I wasn't sure which list to ask this on - it seems somewhat more to
do with Core than the current discussions on the ITEF list)

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[oauth] Re: iPhone UIWebView, OAuth and User-Agent trust

2009-02-02 Thread Jon Crosby
Please join us on the new Objective-C OAuth list:


On Mon, Feb 2, 2009 at 9:40 AM, Darren Bounds  wrote:

> Recently my colleague and I began looking a little closer at the
> iPhone SDK in an effort to research how to best incorporate an OAuth
> authorization model. Naturally UIWebView was front and center as it
> currently provides the only method (at least that I'm aware of) for an
> application to transition between itself and the browser without
> requiring the user to re-launch the application. While at a glance,
> this appeared ideal for OAuth, I became concerned when it was apparent
> that all interaction, including HTTP request/response data, would be
> fully accessible to the parent application via UIWebView.
> From my perspective, one of the greatest architectural features of the
> OAuth and OpenID protocols is the complete absence of any requirement
> the user place trust in the application they're authorizing or
> authenticating to. This doesn't appear to be possible through
> UIWebView as the application has the ability to capture any and all
> interaction, regardless of whether SSL is employed.
> I'm curious if the group has any thoughts or greater insight into
> UIWebView security model and its impact on user-agent trust and
> privacy on the iPhone. Hopefully I've missed something.
> References:
> UIWebView
> https://developer.apple.com/iphone/library/documentation/UIKit/Reference/UIWebView_Class/Reference/Reference.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40006950-CH3-SW11
> UIWebViewDelegate
> https://developer.apple.com/iphone/library/documentation/UIKit/Reference/UIWebViewDelegate_Protocol/Reference/Reference.html
> NSURLRequest
> https://developer.apple.com/iphone/library/documentation/Cocoa/Reference/Foundation/Classes/NSURLRequest_Class/Reference/Reference.html#//apple_ref/doc/c_ref/NSURLRequest
> Thanks,
> Darren
> --
> darren bounds
> dar...@cliqset.com
> >

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[oauth] Re: Unable to fetch data from service provide using OAuth

2009-02-02 Thread Vince Wu
For Google specific issues, you will find more help here:


On Mon, Feb 2, 2009 at 6:12 AM, Razak  wrote:

> Hi Guys,
> I am using Google API for fetching data from service provider using
> OAuth through AJAX request.
> I am passing all the required parameters. but still I am not getting
> any output.
> I am getting connection timed out error.
> I have got the access token along with token secret. Using that, I am
> trying to fetch calender data. I
> have used all the parameters specified in the Google spec. I have
> changed the content type to
> application/atom+xml also. but no luck.
> Can you tell me the parameters required for fetching data?. Do you any
> code that works well for this?.
> Thanks in advance.
> Razak K
> >

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[oauth] iPhone UIWebView, OAuth and User-Agent trust

2009-02-02 Thread Darren Bounds

Recently my colleague and I began looking a little closer at the
iPhone SDK in an effort to research how to best incorporate an OAuth
authorization model. Naturally UIWebView was front and center as it
currently provides the only method (at least that I'm aware of) for an
application to transition between itself and the browser without
requiring the user to re-launch the application. While at a glance,
this appeared ideal for OAuth, I became concerned when it was apparent
that all interaction, including HTTP request/response data, would be
fully accessible to the parent application via UIWebView.

>From my perspective, one of the greatest architectural features of the
OAuth and OpenID protocols is the complete absence of any requirement
the user place trust in the application they're authorizing or
authenticating to. This doesn't appear to be possible through
UIWebView as the application has the ability to capture any and all
interaction, regardless of whether SSL is employed.

I'm curious if the group has any thoughts or greater insight into
UIWebView security model and its impact on user-agent trust and
privacy on the iPhone. Hopefully I've missed something.






darren bounds

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[oauth] Re: Distinction between Request Token and Access token

2009-02-02 Thread Hans Granqvist

> The reasoning behind this is that while "scope" is a common approach,
> it's not the only approach. For example, I may want to simply limit
> access to "read-only/write-only/read-write", or maybe (e.g., for
> academic article databases) "link/abstract/full article", or any
> number of other possibilities and intersections. There's no way that
> OAuth could or should describe these possibilities.

But... could not all operations be reduced to a set of HTTP operations
on URLs? As HTTP verbs against a representation?

It seems anything that you want to manipulate should be able to be
represented itself as a resource. Although I have mellowed a bit, one of
my pet peeves around OAuth is that the protocol doesn't follow this web

It's a trade-off I am sure, but I would have loved it if the standard had
decoupled the token issuer from the token verifier. In that way, you would
not need the dance of triage; the consumer simply present a correct token
to access a resource. "Correctness" can be ascertained solely from the
presented token + presenter's identity. In that way the token can be issued
by anyone at anytime.

SAML and Kerberos anyone? ;)


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[oauth] Re: signing post requests

2009-02-02 Thread Blaine Cook

It sounds like the ruby library may be accidentally pulling in those
parameters. I think Perryn posted to the oauth-ruby list, where we
should continue this discussion.


On Mon, Feb 2, 2009 at 4:07 PM, Eran Hammer-Lahav  wrote:
> OAuth core does not support body signatures expect for www-encoded-form.
>> -Original Message-
>> From: oauth@googlegroups.com [mailto:oa...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf
>> Of Perryn Fowler
>> Sent: Monday, February 02, 2009 4:37 AM
>> To: OAuth Ruby
>> Cc: oauth@googlegroups.com
>> Subject: [oauth] signing post requests
>> I have set up a small test consumer app and a small test provider app
>> - both rails apps.
>> The consumer app is using the oauth ruby gem and the provider app is
>> using the plugin.
>> (I have found and addressed the issues that have been mentioned here
>> recently with the plugin and the new version of the gem)
>> I am trying to post some XML from the consumer app to the provider app
>> and authorize it via oAuth.
>> Unfortunately I keep getting signature verification errors.
>> The problem seems to be that the raw XML is being posted as the
>> request body. The consumer app does not appear to consider this to
>> qualify as a 'parameter' for the purposes , while the provider app
>> does ( probably because rails does?)
>> Admittedly the spec only really mentions bonafide parameters, but it
>> would seem in this use case you would definately want to have the xml
>> payload included in the signature..
>> or have I missed something?
>> cheers
>> Perryn
> >

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[oauth] Re: signing post requests

2009-02-02 Thread Eran Hammer-Lahav

OAuth core does not support body signatures expect for www-encoded-form.


> -Original Message-
> From: oauth@googlegroups.com [mailto:oa...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf
> Of Perryn Fowler
> Sent: Monday, February 02, 2009 4:37 AM
> To: OAuth Ruby
> Cc: oauth@googlegroups.com
> Subject: [oauth] signing post requests
> I have set up a small test consumer app and a small test provider app
> - both rails apps.
> The consumer app is using the oauth ruby gem and the provider app is
> using the plugin.
> (I have found and addressed the issues that have been mentioned here
> recently with the plugin and the new version of the gem)
> I am trying to post some XML from the consumer app to the provider app
> and authorize it via oAuth.
> Unfortunately I keep getting signature verification errors.
> The problem seems to be that the raw XML is being posted as the
> request body. The consumer app does not appear to consider this to
> qualify as a 'parameter' for the purposes , while the provider app
> does ( probably because rails does?)
> Admittedly the spec only really mentions bonafide parameters, but it
> would seem in this use case you would definately want to have the xml
> payload included in the signature..
> or have I missed something?
> cheers
> Perryn

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[oauth] Re: Distinction between Request Token and Access token

2009-02-02 Thread Jorgito

I see. Which resources are accesible and which are not are part of an
offline agreement between Service Provider and User, and hence are out
of the scope of the spec. And I agree with your reasoning about the
temporal states.

Thanks a lot to all of you, you've helped me a lot. Greetings,

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[oauth] Unable to access OAuth Tokens in the first attempt.

2009-02-02 Thread Razak

Hi Guys,

I am using Google's OAuth for accessing data using AJAX. We are facing
a problem while accessing request & access tokens in OAuth. Sometimes
we are getting the tokens in the first attempt itself & some times we
are not at all getting the tokens with the same set of parameters in
the request. I am passing the correct set of parameters for the
token's request

What would be the problem?

Thanks in advance.

Razak K
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[oauth] Unable to fetch data from service provide using OAuth

2009-02-02 Thread Razak

Hi Guys,

I am using Google API for fetching data from service provider using
OAuth through AJAX request.

I am passing all the required parameters. but still I am not getting
any output.

I am getting connection timed out error.

I have got the access token along with token secret. Using that, I am
trying to fetch calender data. I

have used all the parameters specified in the Google spec. I have
changed the content type to

application/atom+xml also. but no luck.

Can you tell me the parameters required for fetching data?. Do you any
code that works well for this?.

Thanks in advance.

Razak K

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[oauth] signing post requests

2009-02-02 Thread Perryn Fowler

I have set up a small test consumer app and a small test provider app
- both rails apps.
The consumer app is using the oauth ruby gem and the provider app is
using the plugin.
(I have found and addressed the issues that have been mentioned here
recently with the plugin and the new version of the gem)

I am trying to post some XML from the consumer app to the provider app
and authorize it via oAuth.

Unfortunately I keep getting signature verification errors.

The problem seems to be that the raw XML is being posted as the
request body. The consumer app does not appear to consider this to
qualify as a 'parameter' for the purposes , while the provider app
does ( probably because rails does?)

Admittedly the spec only really mentions bonafide parameters, but it
would seem in this use case you would definately want to have the xml
payload included in the signature..

or have I missed something?


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[oauth] Re: Distinction between Request Token and Access token

2009-02-02 Thread Blaine Cook

On Mon, Feb 2, 2009 at 9:23 AM, Jorgito
> Krishna: that's exactly what I mean, granularity in time and
> granularity in the space of resources. The granularity in time is
> already implemented in OAuth, but the granularity in resources...
> maybe it's implicit in some field of some message, but I can't find it
> in the spec!

The granularity of resources isn't implicit in any field; it's up to
the Service Provider to decide what resources can be accessed. How the
Consumer and Service Provider agree on which resources to give access
to (in the Authorization step), is entirely dependent on the Service
Provider's API.

The reasoning behind this is that while "scope" is a common approach,
it's not the only approach. For example, I may want to simply limit
access to "read-only/write-only/read-write", or maybe (e.g., for
academic article databases) "link/abstract/full article", or any
number of other possibilities and intersections. There's no way that
OAuth could or should describe these possibilities.

As far as the scalability of temporal states, the raw storage of OAuth
tokens over time isn't an issue; for the largest organizations like
Google, storage of key-value pairs is trivial and "infinitely"
scalable. For smaller organizations with up to around 100 million
OAuth tokens, a single modern database server should be able to easily
handle the load, particularly if caching layers are employed.


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[oauth] Re: Query regarding callback & hd parameter in OAuthAuthorizeToken

2009-02-02 Thread Razak

Thank you John
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[oauth] Re: Distinction between Request Token and Access token

2009-02-02 Thread Jorgito

Indeed, the draft of Scalable OAuth takes to account the problem of
giving access to concrete resources at the Service Provider, as well
as other problems I had detected such as token revocation and renewal.

Thank you very much to all of you who have tried to help me :-)

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[oauth] Re: Java OAuthClient.access

2009-02-02 Thread Tane Piper

Hi John,

I think in the end, this would make development much easier.  Although
it does put the responsibility of error handling on the developer, I
think this is better in the longrun as the magic way of doing it might
not always be how the developer wants to handle it.  For example, at
the moment I'm still having issues getting the upload stuff to work,
and I think this change might end up making that a lot easier.

On Jan 31, 1:59 am, John Kristian  wrote:
> I propose to extend the Java oauth-core library to better support
> accessing protected resources, as follows.  Please let me know if this
> is a bad idea, or there's a better way.
> In brief, I propose to add a method to OAuthClient:
> /** Send a request and return the response. */
> public OAuthResponseMessage access (OAuthMessage request,
> ParameterStyle style) throws IOException;
> Unlike the existing 'invoke' method, it won't try to decide whether
> the response indicates success; it will merely return the response.  A
> typical caller would evaluate the response, something like this:
> OAuthClient client = ...;
> OAuthAccessor accessor = ...;
> OAuthMessage request = new ...;
> request.addRequiredParameters (accessor);
> OAuthResponseMessage response = client.access (request,
> switch(response.getHttpResponse().getStatusCode()) {
>   case 200: ...
>   case 400: ...
> I'm a little worried about feature creep: this is a step toward a
> general purpose HTTP client library.  But it's a tolerably small step,
> I hope.  I don't want to try to reproduce all the features of the
> Apache HTTP client libraries.
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[oauth] Re: Distinction between Request Token and Access token

2009-02-02 Thread Jorgito

Hi Krishna and Praveen. Sorry for the delay, but during weekends I
don't have Internet connection.

Krishna: that's exactly what I mean, granularity in time and
granularity in the space of resources. The granularity in time is
already implemented in OAuth, but the granularity in resources...
maybe it's implicit in some field of some message, but I can't find it
in the spec!

Praveen: very interesting link. I proceed to read it, maybe it's the
answer to my questions :)


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