[oauth] Re: Updating my Twitter status programmatically.

2010-03-26 Thread Grantcv1
I've finally mastered OAuth! I think that someone not integrally tied
to the OAuth project should write a tutorial about it - someone
unencumbered by the history of the project that can focus on just what
you need to know. The biggest problem for me was reading the spec
which just didn't present the information in the way that my brain
learns. Right now, I think that implementing OAuth rather than basic
authentication is a daunting choice. With one, your efforts are
trivial while the other can mean days of struggles. Get something
wrong, and nothing works with hardly anything to go on. It takes lots
of patience to find the problems.

While I started with some libraries I found out there, I ended up
doing my own consumer-side (client-side) implementation simply because
I needed a framework for understanding what was happening going back
and forth. If I have time, I might release my implementation. It is
mostly written in JavaScript and handles the complete dance, starting
with the consumer key, through to the request token, verifier code,
and finally winds up with the access token given out by twitter.

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[oauth] Updating my Twitter status programmatically.

2010-03-23 Thread grantcv1
I want to programmatically log into twitter periodically and update my
status. This will happen a few times a day from my server without any
user interaction. In order to do this, I need my server-based app to
authenticate itself with twitter using my login credentials.

It seems I have two choices. First, I can take the easy route and use
basic authentication, but this is considered bad practice at this
point in time. The second and apparently preferred approach is to use
OAuth. So I have spent the past day learning what I can about OAuth.
While I have learned loads about who created OAuth, what the history
of the name is and that it is a "double entente" [sic - it's double
entendre]. I have read beginners guides only to find that they are
obsolete or authoritative gruide's only to find they are incomplete.
All in all, I feel I have read about a lot of things, but in the end I
haven't learned much at all.

What I have learned is that, if this is to work at all, it will
require the two-legged model rather than the three-legged model.  I
have struggled to find very much information about the two-legged
model or get any confirmation that twitter even supports this. I did
find what I believe to be the original spec for this model and it
seemed to indicate that the model was simpler than the three-legged
dance. It apparently requires the consumer key and consumer secret but
no token key or token secret. I guess that the consumer key and secret
is adequate to authenticate the application - and somehow maybe the
app is associated with the twitter account so that is good enough.

 So I registered my app with twitter, got the consumer key and
consumer secret, found a library to work with, and set about trying to
get something to work, But alas, all I seem to get is a login popping
up at me and then nothing.
Am I on the right track? Or should I just abandon an effort to follow
best practices and instead do the simpler thing?

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