Re: [OAUTH-WG] For review/discussion: Cedar profile of OAuth Rich Authorization Requests

2024-02-22 Thread Justin Richer
Hi Sarah,

Thanks for putting that draft together. As one of the authors of RAR, I wanted 
to chime in.

First, I do think that this is a great use of RAR. The whole idea behind RAR 
was to give people structures that they could use beyond what scopes allow, and 
tying this to a computable policy language like Cedar makes a lot of sense to a 
lot of use cases. In particular, as with any other RAR object, this could show 
up in the client’s request to the AS, the AS’s response to the client, or the 
token’s resulting metadata (basically AS message to the RS via the token), and 
having an explicit policy in each of those places deserves discussion.

Next, I wanted to provide some specific feedback about the implementation 
proposed in the draft, because I think there are a few ways it could go and 
each might make sense.

One of the benefits to RAR is that it’s the “type” field that defines the 
semantics of all other parts in the typed object — which also makes 
interoperable definitions a bit trickier. With that in mind, what is the 
intended target of the “rarFormat” and “policySet” fields?

Is the goal of this draft to define another set of “Common Data Fields” to be 
used across different types, as is done in RAR section 2.2? 
( If so, 
that should be called out explicitly, as is done in RFC9396. Are there intended 
interactions with other common data fields, such as filtering the policy based 
on location or action, for example?

Or is the goal that these be defined in a specific set of “type” values that 
would comply to this format? If so, what are the conditions for using and 
extending this format? The way the “rarFormat” text is currently written, it 
seems to put constraints on the rest of the object defined by the “type”, so is 
the intent that you’d have rar-cedar-compliant types that follow this pattern?

Or is the goal to define a generic and extensible field set that can be re-used 
by other policy languages? That seems to be hinted at with the separate format 
and data fields, but as written only one is defined so it’s difficult to tell, 
at this stage, what the intended abstraction points are. If only one is 
defined, then would it make sense to just define a single “cedarPolicy” 
parameter instead of the two? And if there’s another format that comes along, 
it can follow Cedar’s example and do something similar. The “type” would define 
how to handle having different policy formats in a single object, to avoid 

And if the answer to all of this is “I don’t know”, that’s also reasonable at 
this stage as these are great questions for the WG to answer. :)

Finally, since RAR is based on JSON data types, and Cedar uses multi-line 
strings (at least for display in the examples), the intent of this value 
translation is going to have to be spelled out. As in, a real example on the 
wire would need to have all the newlines encoded as \n and the like, in order 
to be JSON. This is almost certainly me reading too much into the hand-crafted 
examples on a new drafts, but I wanted to raise this as something that’ll need 
to be solved for Cedar and, depending on the answers above, other languages. In 
other words, can we always assume that a policy is always encoded as a single 
string, or is there other structure that might work better? This is not my area 
of expertise and I have no opinions on the answer, so if strings are good 
enough that’s fine by me. :)

Thank you, and I hope to see this work continue!

 — Justin

On Feb 21, 2024, at 5:06 PM, Cecchetti, Sarah 

I have submitted a new draft:

This is intended to be a profile of RFC 9396 OAuth 2.0 Rich Authorization 
Requests (OAuth RAR). OAuth RAR defines an authorization_details parameter, but 
leaves the format of the parameter open. This profile defines a rarFormat 
parameter to further constrain authorization_details to use a specific format 
called "cedar."

The use case for this draft is the same as the OAuth RAR use case - i.e. open 
banking specifically, and fine-grained authorization generally. The intent is 
to make the standard more interoperable by specifying the policy language which 
will be used to communicate the authorization request and response. The 
language used in these examples is Cedar, an open-source policy language - Putting Cedar policy sets within an OAuth token 
enables the client and RS to conduct transactions which conform to specific 
fine-grained policies which have been blessed(signed) by the AS.

Open Questions:

  1.  Should we create a separate informational draft defining the Cedar 
language itself within the universe of the IETF? Or is it fine to leave that 
  2.  Is rarFormat the right name for this parameter?
  3.  Should policySet be required?
  4.  I tried to keep this draft fairly simple and duplicate e

[OAUTH-WG] Extended Deadline: 2nd International Workshop on Trends in Digital Identity (TDI 2024)

2024-02-22 Thread Marco Pernpruner
 The Paper Submission deadline has been extended to March 1, 2024 (11:59 pm

2nd International Workshop on Trends in Digital Identity (TDI 2024)
April 9, 2024 - Rome, Italy

Co-located with the 9th OAuth Security Workshop (OSW 2024).

Identity management is a critical component in the development and
deployment of digital services in a variety of fields, including
e-commerce, e-government, healthcare, and financial services. With the
increased adoption of digital technologies, the demand for reliable
identity management solutions is greater than ever. This brings many
challenges ranging from technical (such as security and interoperability)
to legal and regulatory (such as data protection and privacy). Addressing
these challenges requires collaboration among researchers and practitioners
from various fields with an interdisciplinary approach. This workshop seeks
to foster this collaboration to share knowledge, experiences, and best
practices obtained from dealing with the identity management field.

Topics of interest
We aim to explore cutting-edge solutions and approaches to identity
management that can help secure digital services against potential security
and privacy threats.

We encourage submissions on a range of topics, including but not limited to:
* Access Control in IoT and Distributed Systems
* Behavioral and Risk-based Authentication Mechanisms
* Compliance with Regulations such as eIDAS (2), PSD2, NIS2
* Decentralized Identity and Self Sovereign Identity
* Digital Wallets and Verifiable Credentials (such as Selective Disclosure
and Revocation)
* Identification, Onboarding and Know Your Customer (KYC) Procedures
* Identity for Web 3.0 and Metaverse
* Identity Governance and Administration
* Identity of Things and Cloud Security
* Mobile and Strong Authentication
* Passwordless Authentication including passkeys
* Privacy-Enhancing Technologies for Identity Management
* Securing Identities for Financial, Governmental and Health Services
* Session Management for Seamless and Continuous Authentication
* Trust Frameworks Trends in Identity Management Solutions
* Video-based Identity Proofing (e.g., automated face comparison,
impersonation attacks, document analysis)
* Zero Trust Trends and Best Practices

We look forward to receiving your submissions and engaging in fruitful and
lively discussions on the latest trends and developments in identity

Submission guidelines
We solicit research and innovation papers that present ideas, proof of
concepts, use cases, challenges and results from a variety of topics
relevant to the secure and reliable identity management solutions. We
accept different kinds of submissions:
* Original contributions, also in preliminary form, which will be included
in an open-access post-proceeding volume of CEUR Workshop Proceedings,
indexed by both Scopus and DBLP;
* Already published works, which will not be included in the
post-proceedings volume.

Papers must be submitted in English and in PDF format, by following the
CEURART template (1-column format).

Depending on the length, submissions are classified as:
* Short papers: 5-9 pages including bibliography and appendices;
* Regular papers: 10-12 pages including bibliography and appendices.

Submitted papers will undergo a single-blind review process, thus
anonymization is not required.

Submissions must be made to the EasyChair conference management system (

Please note that at least one author of each accepted paper must register
for the workshop and is expected to (physically) present it.

Important dates
* Paper Submission: March 1, 2024 (11:59 pm AoE, extended)
* Notification to Authors: March 11, 2024
* Camera Ready: March 29, 2024

Program Chairs
* Giada Sciarretta (Fondazione Bruno Kessler)
* Marco Pernpruner (Fondazione Bruno Kessler and University of Genoa)

Program Committee
* Francesco Buccafurri (University of Reggio Calabria)
* Daniel Fett (Authlete)
* Ralf Küsters (University of Stuttgart)
* Cecilia Pasquini (Fondazione Bruno Kessler)
* Amir Sharif (Fondazione Bruno Kessler)
* Luca Viganò (King's College London)
* Nicola Zannone (Eindhoven University of Technology)

Organizing Committee
* Roberto Carbone (Fondazione Bruno Kessler)
* Marco Pernpruner (Fondazione Bruno Kessler and University of Genoa)
* Silvio Ranise (Fondazione Bruno Kessler and University of Trento)
* Giada Sciarretta (Fondazione Bruno Kessler)
* Amir Sharif (Fondazione Bruno Kessler)

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