Balasan: [obrolan-bandar] SULI, siap berangkat ke bulan

2006-12-25 Terurut Topik Abadi Semesta
Dear pak Budi,
  EPS nya masih dalam kurung
  Apa cocok untuk dicollect...
  Salam, ARS

budi suryono [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  SULI telah break out its upper box,buy it now at 2500...  
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Re: Balasan: [obrolan-bandar] SULI, siap berangkat ke bulan

2006-12-25 Terurut Topik budi suryono
Market operate on future discount,nggak terlalu banyak gunanya lihat current 
financial figure,SULI has gone up  more than 150% within just 6 month with poor 
financial figure,jika seneng analisa fundamental lebih baik focus ke posibility 
future growth. Ada faktor lain yg menurut saya lebih besar dari pada financial 
aspek,ie.corporate actions seperti merger,akuisisi,deviden,penerbitan obligasi 
dll dan sentimen sektor  general market trend,  
  Saya sendiri nggak tahu persis SULI ini bidang usahanya apa (setahu saya kayu 
atau pulp) walaupun banyak untung dari saham ini, I don't care with the 
story,news or its financial figure behind its rising price, the hell with it, 
as long as price goes up it's good for me.As usual when all the dust settled 
down ,many analys will coment on it's risingthat is a godd time for me to get 
out.Salam,semoga membantu 

Abadi Semesta [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Dear pak Budi,
  Sorry EPS dalam kurung utk data Sep 05, untuk 2006 belum diperoleh
  Salam, EA

Abadi Semesta [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Dear pak Budi,
  EPS nya masih dalam kurung
  Apa cocok untuk dicollect...
  Salam, ARS

budi suryono [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  SULI telah break out its upper box,buy it now at 2500...   
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  Kunjungi halaman depan Yahoo! Indonesia yang baru!   

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[obrolan-bandar] MACD Video Tutorial on web

2006-12-25 Terurut Topik mircmonkee
Here is a good intro to MACD. Go to the site, look on the
right and click on MACD VIdeo, under popular posts.


Post back and tell me what you think of it.
Is it of any help?

Used for entry and exit points.

Mirc Mon-Kee
I trade only on the NASDAQ
Am working on a compleste Stock trading DVD, In progress
Don't know when I will finish it.

[obrolan-bandar] Fw: Have a Merry Christmas: Success Is All in a Day's Work

2006-12-25 Terurut Topik Danny Liza Lau

I think this is quite a good article to read, as a reminder.
To those who celebrate : Merry Christmas 2006
And for the rest of you : Happy New Year 2007. 


Success Is All in a Day's Work
by Ben Stein 
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  b.. Email this Page
Monday, December 25, 2006
Merry Christmas, everybody, and happy New Year.

First off, I don't have any new advice on stocks right now. I still like the 
SP 500 Index Fund, the widest possible total stock market index funds (such at 
the Fidelity Total Stock Market Index Fund), the European, Far Eastern, and 
Australasian Index Fund (EFA), the Emerging Markets Index Fund (EEM), and the 
Russell 2000 Value (IWN).

I wouldn't have a ton of the EEM right now because it's gone up so high and 
because so much of it is Russian, and I don't trust them as far as I can throw 
them. But a bit is all right. I also like the Cohen  Steers Quality Real 
Estate Income Fund (RQI), although it's also very high. For the very long run, 
though, it'll be fine (I hope).

A Wasted Weekend

Anyway, I don't want to talk about stocks right now. For most of us, our 
primary source of income is our own livelihood. I think I have something more 
useful to say about that.

Today, a Sunday, I had a long phone conversation with a young man who lives in 
Washington, D.C., my ancestral home. He's 30 years old and a highly talented 
writer. He aspires to be famous, although right now he's a humble writer for as 
newsletter about environmental protection legal issues. He calls me many times 
each day and tells me how eager he is to be famous and much better-paid.

When this man, whom I'll call Chuck, called me on my car phone, I asked him 
what he'd done with his weekend. I played tennis, he said. Then I swam, then 
I hung out at a bar in Georgetown. That was on Saturday. Today, I played tennis 
and swam, then watched the football game, and now I'm about to go to a movie.

He asked me what I did with my weekend. Well, you're 30 and I'm 62, I 
replied. So on Saturday I researched some issues about hedge funds. Then I 
studied the performance of some of my investments. Then, today, I worked very 
hard on a research paper on basic economic issues of hedge funds, and then I 
did some investigation into the performance of defunct auto parts companies.

Wow, he said. I wish I could have done that.

The Truth Hurts

By then I was out of patience. Look, I said, you want to be a writer. No one 
knows who you are now outside a tiny circle. But you're a good writer. Why 
don't you write a short freelance article every day? Just on whatever comes 
into your mind. Then try to get them published. Throw them against the wall. If 
one in three gets published, in a year you'll be really well-known and in five 
years you'll be a household name.

But I don't have that many ideas, he said.

Well, beginning writers are required to have an unlimited stock of ideas. So 
either get the ideas or get out of the business.

I don't want to just write garbage, he said.

Then don't write garbage.

I don't want to just have frivolous articles, Chuck added.

I paused a while and broke the news to him. You're not really cut out for fame 
and success You're making excuses instead of working. You're hanging out at 
bars instead of writing.

I continued, The people who make it in this field work all of the time. They 
work weekends. They work nights. They work holidays. They're hungry and they 
work like demons.

You don't like me, Chuck said. I don't feel well. I have to go now.

Effort Equals Success

He hung up, but as I drove along, I had a sudden realization. I know a lot of 
really successful people -- in finance, in government, in politics, in 
Hollywood, in journalism, in literature.

Their common denominator is a modicum of talent and a capacity and an eagerness 
-- not just a willingness, but an eagerness -- to work like Trojans to get 
ahead. I don't know of one really successful, famous man or woman who didn't 
work insanely hard to get there and to stay there. (I don't count heirs and 
heiresses as successful.)

Please don't get me wrong. Fame and money don't guarantee happiness. It's 
perfectly possible to be famous and unhappy, just as it's perfectly possible to 
be happy and obscure. Most of all, I assure you that while money is fabulous 
stuff, it by no means assures happiness or peace of mind.

But for those who want to be rich and famous (or rich or famous), there's no 
way to do it without daily, unremitting work. It's best if the seeker loves his 
work so much that he or she doesn't even consider it a burden, but rather a 
joyful, fulfilling, highly organizing principle of life.

As for little old me, who makes no claims to anything like being a great 
example, I would go crazy in about a week without having work to do. I would 
have little sense of worth or even of who I was without work.

Get to Work (Tomorrow)

If you feel differently and get your sense 

[obrolan-bandar] CMNP, main yoyo atau buang sampah

2006-12-25 Terurut Topik herman ardiyanto
dari 1400 ditarik dengan murah ke 1440, lalu diguyur lagi 1400. aksi
searah, ataukah ada tangan lain yang menampung dibawahnya?

Re: [obrolan-bandar] CMNP, main yoyo atau buang sampah

2006-12-25 Terurut Topik Knight

telah break out its upper box

On 12/26/06, herman ardiyanto [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  dari 1400 ditarik dengan murah ke 1440, lalu diguyur lagi 1400. aksi
searah, ataukah ada tangan lain yang menampung dibawahnya?

[obrolan-bandar] PTBA

2006-12-25 Terurut Topik up_trends
P Eka, ada kabar ttg RUPS PTBA?


Re: [obrolan-bandar] CNKO dan DNET

2006-12-25 Terurut Topik Knight

Just currious,
apa alasan orang mau beli CNKO atau DNET?
soale volume transaksi kedua saham tsb, kecil sekali, tak make sense untuk
trading or invest
Ada yg bisa bantu menjelaskan?


  Utk harga Rp 80/lembar, CNKO PER 2007=7-8x.

*abdul azis [EMAIL PROTECTED]* wrote:

 kira-kira pada perdagangan hari selasa, 26 desember 06 apa yang bagusnya
di beli CNKO atau DNET atau malah ada alternafit lain untuk main one day ?
mohon bantuannya ! Trus apa CTRA-W bisa balok lagi ke harga Rp 440 ?

Re: [obrolan-bandar] CNKO dan DNET

2006-12-25 Terurut Topik siti fatimah
nah, group cnko sperti btek dan myrx juga udah mulai ada yang transaksi.apakah 
window dressing atau ada sentimen apa group ini.mohon jika ada yg bisa bantu

Knight [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  Just currious,
apa alasan orang mau beli CNKO atau DNET?
soale volume transaksi kedua saham tsb, kecil sekali, tak make sense untuk 
trading or invest
Ada yg bisa bantu menjelaskan?

  On 12/25/06, EKA SUWANDANA [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:Utk harga Rp 
80/lembar, CNKO PER 2007=7-8x. 

abdul azis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
  kira-kira pada perdagangan hari selasa, 26 desember 06 apa yang bagusnya 
di beli CNKO atau DNET atau malah ada alternafit lain untuk main one day ? 
mohon bantuannya ! Trus apa CTRA-W bisa balok lagi ke harga Rp 440 ? 



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[obrolan-bandar] Re: PTBA

2006-12-25 Terurut Topik azis_rialto
--- In, up_trends [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 P Eka, ada kabar ttg RUPS PTBA?

coba aja cari di

Re: [obrolan-bandar] CMNP, main yoyo atau buang sampah

2006-12-25 Terurut Topik herman ardiyanto
the dog has snapped its leash, why did it tamely return to his den? a
fake spurt, then, i guess.

On 12/26/06, Knight [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 telah break out its upper box

[obrolan-bandar] perubahan fraksi, mohon tanggapan

2006-12-25 Terurut Topik M. Afif Udin
  perubahan fraksi 2 Januari  , pasar akan lesu, tidak bergairah, 
keuntungan dibatasi dengan nominal  bukan persentase contoh harga 200 keatas 
maks 50 rupiah sama dengan 400  maksimal 50 rupiah. moho ada tanggapan 

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Lelah menerima spam?  Surat Yahoo! memiliki perlindungan terbaik terhadap spam 

Re: [obrolan-bandar] CNKO dan DNET

2006-12-25 Terurut Topik EKA SUWANDANA
Saya nggak tahu dgn BTEK, MYRX , DNET. Tapi utk CNKO ada alasan kuat utk naik 
dari jaman Rp 10/lember jadi Rp 80/lembar. Soalnya CNKO jualan batu bara 
perusahaan ukuran mini, dia sedang bikin 3 PLTU yg dimiliki sendiri. Jadi dia 
jual listriknya ke PLN,so di hitung2 ada growth.
  Temen2 saya udah koleksi CNKO di pasar nego di harga Rp 6-8/lembar, belum 
pada lepas! Pasti P/E nya juga turun suatu saat. Tapi utk harga 80 keatas lebih 
baik kita nonton saja, soalnya bandarnya jago 'ngejatohin' harga saham.

siti fatimah [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  nah, group cnko sperti btek dan myrx juga udah mulai ada yang 
transaksi.apakah window dressing atau ada sentimen apa group ini.mohon jika ada 
yg bisa bantu

Knight [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:   Just currious,
apa alasan orang mau beli CNKO atau DNET?
soale volume transaksi kedua saham tsb, kecil sekali, tak make sense untuk 
trading or invest
Ada yg bisa bantu menjelaskan?

  On 12/25/06, EKA SUWANDANA [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Utk harga 
Rp 80/lembar, CNKO PER 2007=7-8x. 

abdul azis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
  kira-kira pada perdagangan hari selasa, 26 desember 06 apa yang bagusnya 
di beli CNKO atau DNET atau malah ada alternafit lain untuk main one day ? 
mohon bantuannya ! Trus apa CTRA-W bisa balok lagi ke harga Rp 440 ? 


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Re: [obrolan-bandar] BRPT

2006-12-25 Terurut Topik erwin
 ada yang bisa jawab ga ya ? apa benar BRPT mau ke Rp 1000 ? saya beli
 di Rp 630 apa ga kemahalan ?

630 ya nggak kemahalan lah, sekarang aja harganya udah 650.

Re: [obrolan-bandar] CMNP, main yoyo atau buang sampah

2006-12-25 Terurut Topik budi suryono

Knight [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  telah break out its upper box

  On 12/26/06, herman ardiyanto [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: dari 
1400 ditarik dengan murah ke 1440, lalu diguyur lagi 1400. aksi
searah, ataukah ada tangan lain yang menampung dibawahnya?



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