RE: [obrolan-bandar] Re: IHSG: the PRO and the COMMONER

2007-07-28 Terurut Topik budi machribie
Saya pernah baca bahwa besar kemungkinan trader berhadapan dengan perusahaan
securitas sendiri  … apakah ini terjadi….?



From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Behalf Of exindo_trade
Sent: 27 Juli 2007 15:24
Subject: [obrolan-bandar] Re: IHSG: the PRO and the COMMONER


Saya juga pengen tahu awalnya. Tapi lama-lama tahu juga saya bozz 
itu = kekuatan pasar. Karena di kita yang terkuat adalah bandar maka 
bozz = bandar. Siapakah bandar? Jelas tidak dibocorkan, takut 
rumahnya ditimpuk telor.
Lalu siapakah kekuatan terbesar? Jawabannya adalah Tuhan.
Dia yang bisa menggerakkan bandar ke saham2 tertentu. 
So siapa bozz kita sesungguhnya? Tuhan. Ya berdoa aja ama Tuhan.

Gak menjawab pertanyaan ya? Gpp lah. Intermezzo dikit. Abis saya 
dulu tanya juga gak dijawab :D


 Mbah, sebetulnya yg dimaksud2 dgn BOZZ itu siapa sih Mbah? Boleh 
 tahu? Apakah tidak ada yg tahu? 
jsx_consultant jsx-
 consultant@ wrote:
  Tentu mereka harus BERLAWANAN posisi untuk ada TRX...
  Dimarket ada TRX:
  - Antara FM long term vs FM long term
  - Antara FM long term vs short term investor/trader
  - Anatas FM gede ama FM kacangan
  - Antara trader vs MM
  - dll kombinasi
  Tapi yang menentukan gerakan harga ialah:
  - GEDEnya TRX FM (NET BUY/SELL) dan yg lebih penting
  Biar FM gede tapi kalo kerjanya NGANTRI di bid atau offer,
  harga tidak akan jauh kemana-mana. (FM siKabayan).
  Bedanya BOZZ dan FM biasa, BOZZ sangat agresif makan ke offer
  atau buang ke bid, jadi mereka bisa dibilang Market Maker
   Masalah nya para FM ngga pernah kompak , ada yg mau jualan 
   juga yang mau belanja ...


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Re: [obrolan-bandar] gak usah panik ...

2007-07-28 Terurut Topik boyz

mana ada kepastian sih di market ...
yang pasti, di market hanya ada ketidakpastian.

hehehe ... makin bingung khan...  :-P


Dodik SUDIYONO wrote:
 ditambah lagi dari teori gerak 3 dimensi saham ... coba cari ortogonalnya

 gimana nggak pusik kalo T how liong ngajar.

 bingungkan , soalnya dukoren kalogi nyingung pantur silaban dan teori 
 ketidak pastian


 dukoren kalogi wrote:
 pak...teori bejana berhubungan terus ..
 juga teori statistik ...
 bagi saya selalu terbersit teori ketidakpastian maen saham
 seperti teori Heisenberg (di fisika moderen hehehehe)..
 ato yg si Pantur Silaban suka itu..teori simetri...bahwa
 di alam itu kalo ada yg baik selalu ada kebalikan nya (buruk/jahat )  
 meng counter yg baik itu...
 teori simetri seperti magnet menyebabkan listrik dan listrik pun dapat 
kalo salah  maklum aja saya gelar nya SdTt ( sekolah dasar tidak 
 tamat) hohohohoho.. .

[obrolan-bandar] Re: UJUNG TANDUK (2400)+ Minta ampun

2007-07-28 Terurut Topik oentoeng_qq
--- In, jsx_consultant jsx-

 Embah sih sebenarnya ENGGA TAU banyak, cuman menang dibanyaknya
 UBAN. Seneng merhatiin bursa dan belajar. Tapi yg dibelajarin 
 besok udah lupa lagi...
 Ilmu bandarmologi embah itu hasil merhatiin para PROF bursa
 MAEN SILAT dimarket. Jadi ilmu embah itu sebenarnya ilmu
 Kalo mau belajar ilmu bandarmologi yg ASLI, anda harus belajar
 ama si BOZZ. Cuman masalahnya siBOZZ sampe saat ini engga buka
 kursus seperti yg ditawarin Adi Chandra... hehehe...
 Jadi kita belajar bareng aja dimilis sambil dengerin embah
 Oh yah... anda juga bisa belajar ama pak Oentoeng, yg suka
 ngaku jadi murid embah TAPI udah LEBIH PINTER dari 
 gurunya.. hehehe...

Memang Embah bisa aje...
Wong bener saya belajar terus ama panjenengan istilahnya BERGURU 
walaupun sbg murid yg nggak terdaftar...nggak pa2 ngaku2...yg penting 
tambah pinter...

Di sisi lain saya juga merasa beruntung bisa belajar dari BOZZ maupun 
BD legendaris di BEJ walaupun tidak secara langsung, meskipun ilmunya 
yg saya serap masih ORIGINAL...
Pada akhirnya saya memahami kalau BD manapun di BEJ masih kalah dalam 
BANYAK HAL (influence, power, networking dll) dibandingkan BOZZ untuk 
SAAT INI...nggak tahu sampai kapan?

Contoh mudahnya BD (Bakal) maupun FM mana yg bisa NGOMONG kalau;
- Besok indeks naik/turun? 
- Minggu, bulan bahkan tahun depan naik banyak/sedikit atau 
- Hari ini indeks akan naik/turun SEKIAN...?
Hanya BOZZ yg mampu mengatakan HAL seperti itu!
Untuk AKURASI memang tidak sampai 90% selalu tepat, tapi secara 
statistik di atas 75% masih VALID. 
Melesetnya seringkali karena OVERREACTIVE dari pasar...
Bagi saya itu sangat mengagumkan...
Kalau Trader KAWAKAN saja bilang menentukan RANGE HARGA daily suatu 
saham itu SUSAH. 
Di BEJ si BOZZ bisa memberikan range harga hasil GABUNGAN SAHAM!?

Nah hebatnya ini SEMUA adalah sesuatu yg HASILNYA bisa diDETEKSI 
bahkan DIUNGKAPKAN oleh Embah...
Ini yg saya SUKA dari pelajaran2 yg sudah diberikan SELAMA INI secara 
Makanya tetap KOMAT-KAMIT ya Mbahhh


Fw: [obrolan-bandar] Re: [saham] BRPT ALERT!!! - TMPI Part II ( HATI- HATI )

2007-07-28 Terurut Topik Heryadi

ELTY kan masuk di infrastruktur jalanTOL  kemungkinan besar menang
tender untuk Gedung BEJ yang baru di Kuningan  saham property di
Indonesia masih murah dibanding negara lain.Lihat Harga ELTY sebelum
krismon 97 berapa?Berapa hektar tanah yang dia punya dikuningan  Bogor?
Proyek dia dikuningan akan menjadi yang terbesar melebihi SCBD.
Jadi tenang ajalah.Maen jangka panjang dikitlah.

- Original Message - 
From: cipto_trading 
Sent: Thursday, July 26, 2007 7:02 PM
Subject: [obrolan-bandar] Re: [saham] BRPT ALERT!!! - TMPI Part II ( HATI- HATI 

BRPT dan ELTY. kalau ada saham naik tinggi dan tidak ada analis
yang meng-cover biasanya kalau turun bakal drastis banget. Dulu TMPI
naiknya tinggi banget dengan berbagai macam rumor dan tak satupun
brokerage house yang bikin analisa TMPI

--- In, pemainedan [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 BRPT = Bodohi (lagi) Retail Penggemar Tmpi
 --- In, macet cinere 
 cineremacet@ wrote:
  Dear my friends,
  Many thanks indeed for the info, so as PKPK.
  Armando Anthony
  Shamjul sham_jul@ wrote:
  BRPT mau ganti nama perusahaan dan ganti bisnis di 
 RUPS akan datang.
  - Original Message - 
  From: Data Saham 
  Sent: Thursday, July 26, 2007 1:54 AM
  Subject: Re: [saham] BRPT ALERT!!! - TMPI Part II ( HATI- HATI )
  bandarnya itu modalnya di Rp 1.000-an...jadi WASPADALAH !!!
  kita buktikan aja laporan kuartal II ini apakah ada keajaiban?
  secara fundamental masih rugi SAHAMNYA kok TERBANG 
 pasti ada PENUNGGUNYA. :(
  klo emang jadi ke tambang batubara ga mungkin tahun initahun 
 depan atau tahun depannya atau depan depannya lagi :))
  cecilia lili cecil_lili@ wrote: 
  Hati2 yg main BRPT, jangan sampai uang anda hilang seperti
  TMPI, ingat beberapa bulan lalu management BRPT pernah bilang
  BRPT lagi jelek2nya, padahal harganya sekitar Rp 600,-
  Padahal waktu itu juga ada rumor mau ganti core bisnis.
  Kalau ada rumour BRPT mau ganti core bisnis, rumornya
  pertambangan batubara, itu juga masih belum tahu apakah bisa 
  untung dalam sekejap.
  Coba kita bandingkan dgn BUMI yg setelah akusisi perlu waktu 
  di harga sekitar Rp 500 - Rp 800,- yg jelas2 akusisi 
 pertambangan besar,
  Kalau BRPT masih di angan2, belum jelas, jangan2 seperti TMPI,
  Kalaupun ganti core bisnis ke pertambangan, itupun perlu waktu
  untuk naik dgn melihat valuasinya,kinerjanya. 
  Jadi jangan percaya dengan kenaikan semu, apalagi naiknya sudah
  tidak masuk akal
  Hati2 uang anda akhirnya bisa di makan bandar kalau anda serakah.
  Jack Cowok jackcowok2@ wrote:
  Sell Now.
  TMPI part II will happen
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Re: [obrolan-bandar] Next stop ihsg

2007-07-28 Terurut Topik A Moeis Ibrahim
Kok kayaknya masih akan turun ke next magig number 2244 he he abru buy  
n reversal 

michael owen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  Kata Suheng Hok1 stop di 2288 
magic number ...dan bener.tadi sempet turun dikit lalu nendang balik 


exindo_trade [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  Ayo para pakar. Sekaang ditunggu adu 
argumennya. Next stopnya dimana 

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Re: [obrolan-bandar] gak usah panik ...

2007-07-28 Terurut Topik Yuli Triono
pake kelirumologi aja..
saya sering keliru milih saham yg dibeli or dijual.
tapi kadang sebulan kemudian itu bisa jadi untung.

saya lepas CPRO 660 waktu takut isu PGAS mau dibawa ke
7400 lagi. siap2 avg down. kesel juga waktu itu.

sekarang bisa ambil CPRO murah lagi kalo mau.

--- boyz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 mana ada kepastian sih di market ...
 yang pasti, di market hanya ada ketidakpastian.
 hehehe ... makin bingung khan...  :-P
 Dodik SUDIYONO wrote:
  ditambah lagi dari teori gerak 3 dimensi saham ...
 coba cari ortogonalnya
  gimana nggak pusik kalo T how liong ngajar.
  bingungkan , soalnya dukoren kalogi nyingung
 pantur silaban dan teori 
  ketidak pastian
  dukoren kalogi wrote:

  pak...teori bejana berhubungan terus ..
  juga teori statistik ...
  bagi saya selalu terbersit teori ketidakpastian
 maen saham
  seperti teori Heisenberg (di fisika moderen
  ato yg si Pantur Silaban suka itu..teori
  di alam itu kalo ada yg baik selalu ada kebalikan
 nya (buruk/jahat )  
  meng counter yg baik itu...
  teori simetri seperti magnet menyebabkan listrik
 dan listrik pun dapat 
 kalo salah  maklum aja saya gelar nya SdTt (
 sekolah dasar tidak 
  tamat) hohohohoho.. .


Moody friends. Drama queens. Your life? Nope! - their life, your story. Play 
Sims Stories at Yahoo! Games.  

[obrolan-bandar] Anyway thanks a lot...

2007-07-28 Terurut Topik ani c
Sory Mbah, kemarin belum kenalan lgs aja nyelonong. Abis saking always cari 
ilham di OB jadi ngerasa sksd.So lgs cipika cipiki hehe...Juga buat yg 
laen2...Mr. DE, odink n BOZZ??? tku buat sharenya di milis ini. Saya baru 
terperosok di dunia saham bulan aprildan setelah saya terjerembab di tmpi 
barulah saya search milis2 yg kira2 reliable. Ketemulah milis ini. Cob dari 
dulu search nya yah :(...N Semoga buat para investor yg suka nongkrong disini 
baik yg lama maupun yg baru (terutama saya) bisa jadi sumber masukan gak terjerembab lg at least...

Best regards,

Ready for the edge of your seat? Check out tonight's top picks on Yahoo! TV. 

[obrolan-bandar] buy on support or wait n see ?

2007-07-28 Terurut Topik andreas vindyartono

Akibat penurunan DJIA hari Kamis, maka pada hari Jumat banyak saham BEJ yang 
terkoreksi cukup dalam hingga menyentuh support. Nampaknya, kejadian itu 
merupakan yang peluang cukup baik untuk membeli, karena banyak saham sudah 
berada di harga support. Namun, penurunan  DJIA masih berlanjut sampai Jumat.  

Pada hari Senin, untuk saham BEJ, apakah sebaiknya kita melihat tingkat 
ketahanan support, atau mengambil peluang harga koreksi sekaligus resiko 
penurunan DJIA hari berikutnya mengingat koreksi yang ada cukup dalam ?  Atau 
pilih2 yang saham supportnya kira2 kuat ? 

Mohon saran dan pencerahan dari para suhu, untuk pertimbangan curi start.


Sick sense of humor? Visit Yahoo! TV's 
Comedy with an Edge to see what's on, when.

Re: [obrolan-bandar] buy on support or wait n see ?

2007-07-28 Terurut Topik rosa yulianti

andreas vindyartono [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Akibat penurunan DJIA hari Kamis, maka pada hari Jumat banyak saham BEJ yang 
terkoreksi cukup dalam hingga menyentuh support. Nampaknya, kejadian itu 
merupakan yang peluang cukup baik untuk membeli, karena banyak saham sudah 
berada di harga support. Namun, penurunan  DJIA masih berlanjut sampai Jumat.  

Pada hari Senin, untuk saham BEJ, apakah sebaiknya kita melihat tingkat 
ketahanan support, atau mengambil peluang harga koreksi sekaligus resiko 
penurunan DJIA hari berikutnya mengingat koreksi yang ada cukup dalam ?  Atau 
pilih2 yang saham supportnya kira2 kuat ? 

Mohon saran dan pencerahan dari para suhu, untuk pertimbangan curi start.

  Boardwalk for $500? In 2007? Ha! 
Play Monopoly Here and Now (it's updated for today's economy) at Yahoo! Games.  


Boardwalk for $500? In 2007? Ha! 
Play Monopoly Here and Now (it's updated for today's economy) at Yahoo! Games.

RE: [obrolan-bandar] CPRO Hot Rumours

2007-07-28 Terurut Topik Dean Earwicker
Kalau info dari lapangan sih, ada yang kena margin call sampai ratusan
miliar. Hmm, I wonder...


From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Behalf Of securitas
Sent: Saturday, July 28, 2007 10:28 AM
Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] CPRO Hot Rumours

SIPD mau di beli CPIN atau CPRO gua ndak tau persis
yang pasti bakal di jual... lagi penjajakan.. lihat saja nanti...


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RE: [obrolan-bandar] Re: UJUNG TANDUK (2400)+ Minta ampun

2007-07-28 Terurut Topik Dean Earwicker
Itu kira-kira saja loh.. Bisa meleset...

Dalam dua minggu nggak akan merah semua, pasti akan ada minor rebound,
tetapi kecenderungannya masih turun. Hati-hati kalau hijaunya ada GAP.

GAP = open lebih tinggi/rendah dari close kemarin.


Note: Kalau saya pribadi, saya baru mau masuk at least 2 minggu lagi, sambil
lihat sikon, mungkin akan ketinggalan sedikit, but I prefer to play safe.
Jadi 2 minggu kedepan mau nonton aja dulu ah.

-Original Message-
From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Behalf Of rebound_ing
Sent: Saturday, July 28, 2007 10:27 AM
Subject: [obrolan-bandar] Re: UJUNG TANDUK (2400)+ Minta ampun

Pak DE, kalo sampe 2 minggu berarti saat yang tepat untuk masuk harus nunggu
sampe kira-kira pertengahan bulan Agustus? Pas dong sama hari kemerdekaan
kita? Akan kah hijau menjelang hari kemerdekaan?

--- In, Dean Earwicker

 Kalau kira-kira aja sih bisa 2-4 minggu.. sampai ada berita positif 
 yang keluar di US
 Mereka pasti nggak akan diam saja melihat market crash... 

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Checked by AVG Free Edition.
Version: 7.5.446 / Virus Database: 269.10.9/907 - Release Date: 7/18/2007
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[obrolan-bandar] Urgent Message for Investors

2007-07-28 Terurut Topik Santa Marko
Please—what ever you do—don't even think of running to the sidelines.

You see…

Despite today's 311-point decline…

Despite the market's fear of a subprime-driven real estate collapse…

Despite the fact that oil hit $77 a barrel today…

There's a mammoth earnings surge headed your way, and if you cash out now
you'll MISS OUT on Wall Street's biggest money makers for the next 12

Here's why: Despite the subprime lending worries that hit Wall Street right
today, our research indicates this market will bounce back much higher than
the 14,000 mark we hit last week.

How can this be?

Because there are too many signs that the economy is strengthening. As
you'll see below, the consumers are back, buybacks are pushing stocks up,
the trade deficit is improving, the indexes continue to look strong, and our
Blue Chip Growth stocks represent the best values on Wall Street.

When you add everything up, you'll see we're on the verge of a 3rd quarter
earnings explosion.  That's why…

If you have the vision to add to your positions now, you'll
thank me 1000 times by December 31st.

I'm Louis Navellier, and I don't know how you're playing the sell-off,  but
I do know this:   A 10,000 investment in any of my top 10 stocks could
easily make you 50% richer in six months …as the wall of worry sellers run
for cover.

Don't buy into it! This economy is booming, and my top stocks are enjoying
quarterly earnings growth of up to 1,407%!

If you don't take advantage of the tremendous discounts this market it
handing you,  you will simply kick yourself for years and find yourself
lamenting about the money you could have made.
Black-and-White Proof You Need
to Be Buying Stocks—Not Selling!


The consumers are back!

Just look at recently published numbers from the Michigan consumer sentiment
index.  They rose sharply and unexpectedly to 92.4—well above the analysts
estimate of 86.

So it's no surprise that the Dow broke the 14,000 mark last week before
today's subprime-driven sell off.  (Again, please use this gift-discount to
buy more!)

And while the June retail sales report showed a slow down, companies like
Wal-Mart and Abercrombie  Fitch have exceeding analysts' expectations.

However, a better indicator that consumers are back could be found in our
top gaming stock, MGM Mirage. After all, if consumers have money to gamble,
you know they're not only feeling richer—they are richer and spending.  Good
news not only for the economy but also for MGM.

Just look at MGM's numbers and I'm sure you'll agree. First-quarter earnings
were the best in the history of the company. Diluted earnings from
continuing operations were $0.55 per share, a 15% increase over the $0.48
per share earned in 2006. Net revenues for the first quarter increased 9% to
$1.9 billion.

The stock is up 27 % over the past six months.  That's just the beginning of
the upside I see on this one.  Which is why it rates a buy with a capital

MGM isn't the only stock on our buy list that's ready to surge.   As you'll
see, my 10 new recommendations below could easily surpass MGM growth!


The economy is strengthening!

Despite what today's 311-point decline would indicate, last week's jobs data
reports prove the economy is still expanding.

Payrolls were up 132,000 in June, continuing to beat economists'
expectations. While payrolls were up just a smidgen for June, what most
investors didn't see was the revised payroll numbers for April and May.

They showed the creation of an additional 75,000 jobs! My research tells me
that when the government adjusts June's numbers, we should see similar

When you add to that the fact that jobless claims are at a 2 -year low, you
can begin to understand the momentum building on Wall Street and why
Thursday's 283 -rise is just a sneak preview of what lies ahead.

This is not only good news for the economy but also great news for all of
the earnings giants on our buy list—four of which have gained more than 12%
in the last 30 days.


Private equity race is quickening!

Have you been watching the news?

Kohlberg Kravis Roberts (KKR) announced that they will be going public in a
$1.25 billion offering. Obviously, they're following Blackstone and raising
a lot of money to take companies private.

Why are they doing this?

Because they see what Blackstone and we see—dozens of bargains in the
marketplace. After all, when you consider that interest rates are still
relatively low and P/E ratios are at 10- and 12-year lows, you couldn't ask
for a better time to buy undervalued stocks.

That's why Blackstone Group paid a 30% premium to take over Hilton Hotels
private–it was simply a bargain at even that price.

You'll be glad to know that we've identified another hotel group that's ripe
for a takeover.  Only our stock has higher earnings growth, higher operating
growth, and higher earnings momentum. When the takeover people move on this
one, Hilton's 30% gain could look like a drop in 

Re: [obrolan-bandar] Urgent Message for Investors

2007-07-28 Terurut Topik doekoen jamoe
God bless you Louis, and Santa Marko !!
I wish your dreams come true.


On 7/28/07, Santa Marko [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Please—what ever you do—don't even think of running to the sidelines.

 You see…

 Despite today's 311-point decline…

 Despite the market's fear of a subprime-driven real estate collapse…

 Despite the fact that oil hit $77 a barrel today…

 There's a mammoth earnings surge headed your way, and if you cash out now
 you'll MISS OUT on Wall Street's biggest money makers for the next 12

 Here's why: Despite the subprime lending worries that hit Wall Street
 right today, our research indicates this market will bounce back much higher
 than the 14,000 mark we hit last week.

 How can this be?

 Because there are too many signs that the economy is strengthening. As
 you'll see below, the consumers are back, buybacks are pushing stocks up,
 the trade deficit is improving, the indexes continue to look strong, and our
 Blue Chip Growth stocks represent the best values on Wall Street.

 When you add everything up, you'll see we're on the verge of a 3rd quarter
 earnings explosion.  That's why…

 If you have the vision to add to your positions now, you'll
 thank me 1000 times by December 31st.

 I'm Louis Navellier, and I don't know how you're playing the sell-off,
 but I do know this:   A 10,000 investment in any of my top 10 stocks could
 easily make you 50% richer in six months …as the wall of worry sellers run
 for cover.

 Don't buy into it! This economy is booming, and my top stocks are enjoying
 quarterly earnings growth of up to 1,407%!

 If you don't take advantage of the tremendous discounts this market it
 handing you,  you will simply kick yourself for years and find yourself
 lamenting about the money you could have made.
 Black-and-White Proof You Need
 to Be Buying Stocks—Not Selling!


 The consumers are back!

 Just look at recently published numbers from the Michigan consumer
 sentiment index.  They rose sharply and unexpectedly to 92.4—well above
 the analysts estimate of 86.

 So it's no surprise that the Dow broke the 14,000 mark last week before
 today's subprime-driven sell off.  (Again, please use this gift-discount to
 buy more!)

 And while the June retail sales report showed a slow down, companies like
 Wal-Mart and Abercrombie  Fitch have exceeding analysts' expectations.

 However, a better indicator that consumers are back could be found in our
 top gaming stock, MGM Mirage. After all, if consumers have money to gamble,
 you know they're not only feeling richer—they are richer and spending.  Good
 news not only for the economy but also for MGM.

 Just look at MGM's numbers and I'm sure you'll agree. First-quarter
 earnings were the best in the history of the company. Diluted earnings from
 continuing operations were $0.55 per share, a 15% increase over the $0.48
 per share earned in 2006. Net revenues for the first quarter increased 9% to
 $1.9 billion.

 The stock is up 27 % over the past six months.  That's just the beginning
 of the upside I see on this one.  Which is why it rates a buy with a capital

 MGM isn't the only stock on our buy list that's ready to surge.   As
 you'll see, my 10 new recommendations below could easily surpass MGM


 The economy is strengthening!

 Despite what today's 311-point decline would indicate, last week's jobs
 data reports prove the economy is still expanding.

 Payrolls were up 132,000 in June, continuing to beat economists'
 expectations. While payrolls were up just a smidgen for June, what most
 investors didn't see was the revised payroll numbers for April and May.

 They showed the creation of an additional 75,000 jobs! My research tells
 me that when the government adjusts June's numbers, we should see similar

 When you add to that the fact that jobless claims are at a 2 -year low,
 you can begin to understand the momentum building on Wall Street and why
 Thursday's 283 -rise is just a sneak preview of what lies ahead.

 This is not only good news for the economy but also great news for all of
 the earnings giants on our buy list—four of which have gained more than 12%
 in the last 30 days.


 Private equity race is quickening!

 Have you been watching the news?

 Kohlberg Kravis Roberts (KKR) announced that they will be going public in
 a $1.25 billion offering. Obviously, they're following Blackstone and
 raising a lot of money to take companies private.

 Why are they doing this?

 Because they see what Blackstone and we see—dozens of bargains in the
 marketplace. After all, when you consider that interest rates are still
 relatively low and P/E ratios are at 10- and 12-year lows, you couldn't ask
 for a better time to buy undervalued stocks.

 That's why Blackstone Group paid a 30% premium to take over Hilton Hotels
 private–it was simply a bargain at even that price.

 You'll be glad to know that we've identified another hotel group 

[obrolan-bandar] Re: IHSG: the PRO and the COMMONER

2007-07-28 Terurut Topik agoes_htm
Salam kenal dan hormat untuk Bozz dan Mbah,

Saya ini masih pemula jika dibandingkan dengan Bozz dan Mbah, masih 
perlu banyak belajar dan pengetahuan dari para sesepuh di milis ini 
termasuk pak AJP dengan sistem connecting peoplenya yang TOP banget. 
Menurut bozz yang ambil saham di hari jumat udah termasuk murah yah?? 
Apakah hari senin ini bakal ada rebound atau pun jika koreksi juga 
koreksi sedikit. Kalo soal harapan index mau dibawa ke berapa? Yah.. 
harapan saya sih semoga index kita bisa mencapai 2700 akhir tahun 
ini, hehhe.. 
Bagi yang belom masuk hari jumat, apakah hari senin ini udah boleh 
mulai collect?? 
Mohon petunjuk


--- In, bozz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hehehe si Mbah memang Oye--
 Kapan2 kita boleh minum kopi bareng yah... sambil bicarakan yang 
 Jangan saham melulu, tapi investasi yang lain...
 Rencana lain juga boleh,... sambil menunggu target baru 2450-2550
 - Kayaknya terlalu dipaksain yah...
 Ada yang pingin indeks dibuat berapa
 Sekarang boleh deh anda meminta kami membuat
 Pentungannya ok khan?? paku kecil tapi nancapnya dalem
 Untuk CPRO, banyak komentar barang short..ya benar...
 Terpaksa harus di short, karena beli banyak2 tanpa permisi
 Termasuk yang lain dan akan banyak yang lain lagi..
 Hehehe, emang kami harus subsidi?
 Masih banyak koq yang murah... meriah, resiko ga ditanggung...
 Mudah-mudahan bisa dapat lebih murah, tapi yang beli hari Jumat 
 uda murah lho
 BTW... spesial thanks for Mr AJP- yang sudah banyak membantu 
 Sehingga jalan terjal jadi lancar.
 May God Bless Us Always
 - Original Message - 
 From: jsx_consultant [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, July 27, 2007 1:27 AM
 Subject: [obrolan-bandar] Re: IHSG: the PRO and the COMMONER
  Perkiraan kasar embah tau MEREKA dan NETWORKnya , tapi kalo
  diomongin disini dan engga bisa dibuktikan AKAN JADI FITNAH
  Entar embah bisa masuk bui dan engga bisa ngurus milis OB lagi...
  Jadi mending BERKAWAN aja kalo engga bisa DILAWAN... bener
  kan BOZZ ?... hehehe... Embah nanti dipencet jadi
  GEPENG (gelandangan pengemis) DAH... hehehe
  --- In, Rei highwaystar91@
  Mbah, sebetulnya yg dimaksud2 dgn BOZZ itu siapa sih Mbah? Boleh
  tahu? Apakah tidak ada yg tahu?

[obrolan-bandar] RE: [saham] Re: ada apa dg CPRO?

2007-07-28 Terurut Topik Aria Bela Nusa
Beberapa Analisa mengenai jatohnya harga saham CPRO (nilai trx 750 mil;
harga - 130) - buat rangkuman2 :


* Transaksi yg timbul sptnya swapping biasa antara saham  bond
(bond swap) :

*   Sell saham USD 182,000,000 - buy bond USD 200,000,000 -- at disc -
9.0 % (di bawah par)
*   Dg harga segitu - harga beli saham CPRO dihargai di bawah 400 perak
[(USD 182,000,000 x 9,000)/500]


* Jumlah saham yg dijual cukup signifikan (4,389,500,000 dari
11,329,188,455), yaitu hampir - 40 % - kelihatannya buat alt investasi,
yaitu utk memperoleh return dlm bentuk yield (bukan utk pendanaan)


* Yg pasti - sesuai dg penjelasan Bozz banyak yg jualan2 (nge-short)
- krn ada yg coba2 masup banyak2


Sorry banget buat yg punya - masih HOLD




Ferry Wachjudi
Sent: Friday, July 27, 2007 7:48 PM
Subject: Re: [saham] Re: ada apa dg CPRO?


Mempengaruhi kinerja perusahaan sih memang tidak, tapi apa para FM tidak
kaget kalau CPRO dijual sebegitu murah oleh SHSA, bukannya dapat premi malah
dapat discount. Dan tentunya pemegang saham lama mengetahui harga real dan
sesuatu yg terjadi pada CPRO.

Irwan Ariston Napitupulu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 

Oh jadi karena soal itu?

Soalnya hari beredar rumors katanya CPRO mau nerbitin Convertible
Bonds dengan nilai konversi di Rp400 tapi ada juga yang bilang di Rp500. 

Berarti informasinya masih simpang siur ya. Apa pihak CPRO bisa
menjelaskan dan menjernihkan rumors yang beredar?

Kalau cuma karena pemegang saham lama, PT Surya Hidup Satwa, jual
sahamnya ke Red Dragon, dan PT. Surya Hidup Satwa mendapatkan
convertible bonds yang diterbitkan oleh Red Dragon Group, berapa pun
harga transaksinya, seharusnya tidak mempengaruhi kinerja perusahaan.

Malah, kalau Red Dragon ini sebenarnya menginginkan kepemilikan CPRO
sebagai bagian rencana dari dia menampung hasil produksi CPRO, khan
jauh lebih bagus untuk masa depan CPRO itu sendiri.

Kalau tidak salah, Red Dragon Group ini juga bergerak di bidang udang

Mohon tambahan informasinya sambil saya coba cari2 informasi tentang
Red Dragon Group ini sebenarnya perusahaan apa dan dimana.

jabat erat,
Irwan Ariston Napitupulu

--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED] com, Ferry W

 Kalau menurut saya, ini penyebabnya:
 Coba deh dibagi angkanya, ternyata SHSA jual CPRO ke Red Dragon 
 hanya dibawah Rp.400,- (koreksi kalau salah).
 --- In [EMAIL PROTECTED] com, Erwin bp6
ErwinE@ wrote:
  Kalo menurut saya :
  Perjanjian PKS dengan petambak dipasena belum jelas 
  semakin lama tercapai kesepakatan semakin lama produksi barunya 
  Laba Q1 kemaren jeblok bisa jadi laba Q2 masih jeblok
  Broker yang banyak punya EL dan KZ kalo mereka udah 
 jualan siap2
  diguyur aja 
  Bursa Global lagi panas dingin
  -Original Message-
  From: pemainedan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  Sent: Friday, July 27, 2007 12:28 PM
  Subject: [saham] ada apa dg CPRO?
  apa ada berita buruk dg CPRO? drop-nya koq menyeramkan, ya. 
 sempat -
  18% an (di 590). padahal ini 'kan salah satu favo-nya pak Eka, 
  dg fundamental bagus.
  ada apa nih, pak Eka (atau yg lain yg mungkin tahu)? cuma dimainin 
  bandar aja?




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Re: [obrolan-bandar] buy on support or wait n see ?

2007-07-28 Terurut Topik Yuli Triono
menurut penggaris saya blta boljug kalau di korting
50-60 perak lagi. tapi kalau mau lebih tenang tunggu
lap-keu Q2 yg mungkin gk lama lagi.

-tapi saya juga pemula lohh-

--- rosa yulianti [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 andreas vindyartono [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
 Akibat penurunan DJIA hari Kamis, maka pada hari
 Jumat banyak saham BEJ yang terkoreksi cukup dalam
 hingga menyentuh support. Nampaknya, kejadian itu
 merupakan yang peluang cukup baik untuk membeli,
 karena banyak saham sudah berada di harga support.
 Namun, penurunan  DJIA masih berlanjut sampai Jumat.
 Pada hari Senin, untuk saham BEJ, apakah sebaiknya
 kita melihat tingkat ketahanan support, atau
 mengambil peluang harga koreksi sekaligus resiko
 penurunan DJIA hari berikutnya mengingat koreksi
 yang ada cukup dalam ?  Atau pilih2 yang saham
 supportnya kira2 kuat ? 
 Mohon saran dan pencerahan dari para suhu, untuk
 pertimbangan curi start.
   Boardwalk for $500? In 2007? Ha! 
 Play Monopoly Here and Now (it's updated for today's
 economy) at Yahoo! Games.  

 Boardwalk for $500? In 2007? Ha! 
 Play Monopoly Here and Now (it's updated for today's
 economy) at Yahoo! Games.


Boardwalk for $500? In 2007? Ha! Play Monopoly Here and Now (it's updated for 
today's economy) at Yahoo! Games.  inline: blta.gif

Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: lcgp ambruk ...bandarnya ga pecus atau gimana

2007-07-28 Terurut Topik Joseph Arief
My opinion :
  Just buy it on weakness..
  menurut info... sebentar lagi akan di REBUS sampe mendidih
  so.. be patient  buy on weak.

no_exs [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
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Re: [obrolan-bandar] Antara IHSG dan DJ, ada yang pindah ke lain hati

2007-07-28 Terurut Topik Halim Mintareja
paling gampang switching muatan itu waktu market koreksi.

saat orang-orang panic selling.

kapan lagi... jarang-jarang oei.

Di saat bullish susah.. buang saham lagard pasti kelihatan.. masuk saham
rally apa lagi.

On 7/27/07, Dean Earwicker [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Indeks turun bukan karena fundamental, tapi karena politically correct
 alias sebaiknya bukan seharusnya

 Karena kalau indeks tidak turun, internasional akan bertanya-tanya:

 WHAT THE [EMAIL PROTECTED] If Indonesia market refuses to go cheaper, we 
 cant enter
 it. Indonesia SHOULD also has mini crash so we can buy at bargain price.
 We have blew the market with news about housing crash, and people seems to
 believe it. We also have declared war on everyone who has oil. All these bad
 news are not just happen, they're created.

 Bandar: Yes,...master, We will.

 ZP net sell CPRO, net buy TLKM.
 KZ net sell PGAS, net buy TLKM
 OD net sel PGAS, net buy BUMI  TLKM

 See the pattern? Please give me your comment.
