2007-06-30 Terurut Topik Rocky Wong
Justru saham bingung...
  apa di short dulu terus buy back ketika harga jatuh,takutnya dijual terus 
harga diangkat kan jadi rugi..saya masih memantau terus harga nickel  stock di 
LME  Berharap Stock tidak bertambah  harga bisa rebound..
  ANTM akan Stock Split, ga tau bisa membantu mengangkat harga apa ga?
  Kerusakan Feni III belum pasti 3 minggu bisa selesai..
  IHSG udah tinggi, takut jatuh ntar ANTM pun ikut turun lagi..
  Jadi Bingung mau pertahankan ANTM atau jual dulu...
  dulu saya ada pegang PTBA terus sampai cum date lepas di 4925 tapi hari 
berikutnya malah naik terus  gak berani buy back sehingga tidak mendapat 
keuntungan maksimal...
  kalau ANTM saya nyangkut di harga 13.900an...
  Mohon Pencerahan para senior..

ihsg 88 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Kalau Bpk. Rocky Wong merasa yakin. Short ANTM !!!
  Terima kasih atas peringatannya.
  On 6/30/07, Rocky Wong [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:   Harga penutupan Akhir 
Pekan 29 Juni 2007
  Nickel  June 29,11:53Bid/Ask  16.2462  -  16.3369Change  
-0.1588-0.97%Low/High  15.7699  -  16.8812
  London Metal Exchange Warehouse Stocks   ( June 29 )
Metal  Tonnes in Storage  Change from
previous dayAluminum  824900  -2125 Copper  114700  -1675 Nickel  
8910  -156 Lead  45075  -25 Zinc  73000  +975 

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[obrolan-bandar] Re: Re: [saham] : HATI HATI DENGAN SAHAM METAL TARGET ANTM CUMA Rp 8.500,-

2007-06-29 Terurut Topik Rocky Wong
Harga penutupan Akhir Pekan 29 Juni 2007
  Nickel  June 29,11:53Bid/Ask  16.2462  -  16.3369Change  
-0.1588-0.97%Low/High  15.7699  -  16.8812
  London Metal Exchange Warehouse Stocks   ( June 29 )
Metal  Tonnes in Storage  Change from
previous dayAluminum  824900  -2125 Copper  114700  -1675 Nickel  
8910  -156 Lead  45075  -25 Zinc  73000  +975 

Bored stiff? Loosen up...
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[obrolan-bandar] NICKEL LME STOCK update 26 Juni 2007 jam 15.30 WIB

2007-06-26 Terurut Topik Rocky Wong

Saham Kuliner [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:Just Info from CNBC to be 
cautious for Nickel price to any futher slide.
  Ada beberapa pihak yang memborong nickel sehingga kelihatan stock berkurang 
dan ini yang membuat LME merubah kebijakanya. Dikuatirkan stock nickel diluar 
masih banyak yang bisa membuat harga nickel jatuh sewaktu-waktu. Who knows..
  again just info.

Eka Suwandana [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
London Metal Exchange 
  Warehouse Stocks 
  ( June 25 )
Metal  Tonnes in Storage  Change from
previous dayAluminum  827450  +225 Copper  119025  +1200 Nickel  
8550  -480 Lead  46025  +1200 Zinc  73100  -150 Sepertinya Nickel ada 
di level kritis, bisa jadi penentuan hari ini, apakah stock bisa tembus kembali 
dibawah 8000 ton? Harga sudah balik ke level 39100$/MT utk fwd 3mth. Kalo stock 
jatuh lagi dibawah 8000ton kabar gembira utk pemilik ANTM/INCO, harga nickel 
bisa lompat !

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[obrolan-bandar] Copper Rises as Strike Threat Looms; Lead Advances to Record

2007-06-20 Terurut Topik Rocky Wong
Last Updated: June 20, 2007 05:48 EDT
  Copper Rises as Strike Threat Looms; Lead Advances to Record 

  By Brett Foley
  June 20 (Bloomberg) -- Copper rose in London as stockpiles fell and on 
speculation that strikes will disrupt production at operations in Peru and 
Chile that account for at least 5 percent of global supply. Lead jumped to a 
record and nickel climbed. 
  Workers at Codelco, the biggest copper company, Chile's Collahuasi mine and 
  Copper Corp.'s Peruvian operations have threatened to strike over pay 
demands. Inventories tracked by the London Metal Exchange fell for the 23rd 
consecutive day, the exchange said today in a daily report. 
  ``If there is a strike, even for a short period, it will make a big 
difference because a lot of copper will come out of the market,'' Michael 
Jansen, a London-based analyst at JPMorgan Securities Ltd., said in an 
interview. ``The market is right to be focusing on it.'' 
  Copper for delivery in three months on the LME gained $100, or 1.4 percent, 
to $7,525 a metric ton as of 10:37 a.m. local time. The metal used in power 
cables slipped 1.5 percent yesterday. It traded at an 11-month high of $8,335 
on May 4. 
  LME inventories dropped 750 tons, or 0.7 percent, to 114,200 tons, the 
exchange said. Stockpiles have fallen 38 percent this year and are at the 
lowest since Oct. 23. 
  Codelco contract workers pushed back the start date of a planned strike by at 
least one day to June 21, Cristian Cuevas, president of the Confederation of 
Copper Workers, said June 18. 
  At Dona Ines de Collahuasi, Chile's third-largest copper mine, Hernan Farias, 
president of a labor union, said yesterday that workers are preparing a strike 
vote next week after wage negotiations stalled with management. 
  Stainless-Steel Cuts 
  In Peru, unions at Southern Copper, the world's fifth- largest producer, 
failed to reach an agreement during wage negotiations to avert a threatened 
strike. Unions have said they plan to strike June 23. 
  Collahuasi, owned by Xstrata Plc and Anglo American Plc, and Southern 
Copper's Peru mines account for more than 700,000 tons of metal output a year, 
or about 5 percent of global supply, JPMorgan's Jansen said. 
  Lead gained $48 to $2,448 a ton. Earlier it traded at $2,448 a ton, beating 
the previous record set on June 18 by $18. 
  Nickel gained $1,250 to $38,750 a ton. Yesterday, the metal fell 7.2 percent, 
its biggest decline in more than nine months, on speculation stainless-steel 
makers will expand their use of alternative raw materials to cut costs. 
  China may produce less stainless steel than expected this year after Shanxi 
Taigang Stainless Steel Co., the nation's biggest producer, and other mills 
agreed to cut supply by 20 percent from July 1, Taigang's President Chai 
Zhiyong said today. 
  Other producers such as Finland's Outokumpu Oyj, Germany's ThyssenKrupp AG 
  South Korea's Posco have said they will cut nickel use this year. More than 
two-thirds of nickel is used in stainless-steel production. 
  Among other LME-traded metals, aluminum increased $12 to $2,718 a ton and 
zinc gained $55 to $3,665. Tin declined $50 to $14,100. 
  To contact the reporter on this story: Brett Foley in London at [EMAIL 

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[obrolan-bandar] TMPI=BMRI pilih mana?

2007-06-19 Terurut Topik Rocky Wong
TMPI = Gorengan (Tidak ada fundamental)
  BMRI=Fundamental Bagus..
  Baiknya pilih mana?

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[obrolan-bandar] Tanya deviden BNGA CTRA

2007-05-24 Terurut Topik Rocky Wong
Salam cuan semua..
Ada yg tau nilai DEVIDEN BNGA  CTRA?
Untuk BNGA cumnya tgl 11 mei 2007,ada yg tau kpn
Kalau CTRA kpn cumnya ya?
Thx atas info nya..

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[obrolan-bandar] Ada apa dg PTBA BUMI?

2007-05-24 Terurut Topik Rocky Wong
PTBA tgl 29 mei akan bagi deviden.
Kok harganya didiskon terus 2hr terakhir?
Mohon pencerahan..
Fundamental PTBA bgs ga ya?
Target akhir tahun apa bs smp Rp.7.000 ?

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[obrolan-bandar] Ada apa dg PTBA BUMI?

2007-05-24 Terurut Topik Rocky Wong
PTBA tgl 29 mei akan bagi deviden.
Kok harganya didiskon terus 2hr terakhir?
Mohon pencerahan..
Fundamental PTBA bgs ga ya?
Target akhir tahun apa bs smp Rp.7.000 ?

 a website is a piece of cake. Yahoo! Small Business gives you all the tools to 
get online.

Re: [obrolan-bandar] Fwd: Investasi Jangka panjang ????

2007-05-16 Terurut Topik Rocky Wong
Menurut saya utk LONG TERM sih byk perusahaan yg blh
masuk,tapi agak sabar karena skrg harga saham pada
udah mahal2..Masuknya tunggu ada koreksi besar aja..
Saham yg prospek pastinya BLUE CHIPS spt
Yg lainnya menurut saya kenaikannya tdk lebih dari yg
saya sebutkan di atas..
Semoga bermanfaat..
--- obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
   Salam Kenal,

   Saya calon investor yang baru ingin masuk ke bursa
sebagai Investor gurem, saya ingin berinvestasi jangka
panjang untuk persiapan pensiun kira-kira perusahaan
mana yang cocok ?. pertanyaan saya :

   - Perusahaan mana yang cocok untuk investasi 5-10
tahun, atau time frame nya kepanjangan ?
   -Apakah sekarang waktu yang tepat untuk masuk ?

   terimakasih sebelumnya atas jawaban yang diberikan
 Salam Hangat
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