[obrolan-bandar] temans, ada yg tau kursus equity valuation yang bagus di jakarta atau di luar?

2008-02-04 Terurut Topik anton ie
dear anggota OB yang terhormat
  apakah ada yg tau kursus equity valuation yang bagus di jakarta ataupun di 
luar negeri? seperti di singapore.
  kalau ada yg tau, tolong informasikan. thanks berat.

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Re: [obrolan-bandar] Hati2 yah semua ... ini berita yang mesti diwaspadai

2008-01-16 Terurut Topik anton ie
itu bukannya berita berita tahun lalu? correct me if i am wrong

James Arifin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  http://www.cnbc.com/id/20145580


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Re: [obrolan-bandar] Cari data ttg CNKO!

2007-07-16 Terurut Topik anton ie
ada potensi naik menurut pak eka? thanks

- Original Message 
From: Eka Suwandana [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, July 16, 2007 12:20:58 PM
Subject: [obrolan-bandar] Cari data ttg CNKO!

Ada yg tahu kapan terakhir kali CNKO right issue? Saya lihat dgn PBV=0.5x 
diharga 72, dan expansi US$160jt, seprtinya bakal RI lagi nih? 


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Re: [obrolan-bandar] bnbr n ptba

2007-06-19 Terurut Topik anton ie
boleh minta hasil research CIMB? saya pemegang lama BNBR dan seingat saya, baru 
kali ini house asing memberikan hasil reaseach untuk BNBR... thanks.

swan silo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  targt bnbr dari cimb 405 dan ptba dari ubs 8260

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Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: Prospek BNBR

2007-05-28 Terurut Topik anton ie
setau saya sudah menang, kemarin saya ada meng forward kan berita yg isinnya 
mereka sudah menang tender untuk proyek tesebut. BNBR menjadi pen suplai pipa 
nya. thanks

- Original Message 
From: Asep Buhori [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Tuesday, May 29, 2007 8:41:05 AM
Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: Prospek BNBR

saat ini BNBR sedang ikut tender pipanisasi di
semenanjung peninsula (malaysia)
BNBR satu2nya yg bisa membuat pipa diameter 48 Inch
Proyek kira2 berbiaya US$ 7 M dan akan berlangsung
selama 7 th. Jd akan beroperasi 2014. SO LONG TERM
PROSPECT kalo menang...



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[obrolan-bandar] BNBR Latest News

2007-05-27 Terurut Topik anton ie
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Singapore - Editorial - AFP - Asia Pulse - Reuters - Countries - Industries 


Monday May 28, 8:00 AM 
Indonesia's Bakrie wins Malaysia pipeline job-source
KUALA LUMPUR, May 26 (Reuters) - Indonesia's PT Bakrie  Brothers Tbk has won a 
contract to supply steel pipes for the development of a $7 billion crude oil 
pipeline across the northern part of peninsular Malaysia, a source familiar 
with the plan said on Saturday. 
Bakrie, a diversified company controlled by the family of Indonesian chief 
social welfare minister Aburizal Bakrie, is part of a consortium that will 
build the 320-km pipeline, providing a link between Middle East producers and 
east Asian consumers. 

The government earlier this month approved the project which includes a new 
refinery at its western end and huge storage tanks for use by Asian nations. 
Unlisted local firm Trans-Peninsula Petroleum is the project developer while 
the other partners are Malaysian engineer Ranhill Bhd , Saudi Arabia's 
Al-Banader International Group and Indonesia's PT Tripatra, a unit of 
integrated energy group PT Indika Inti Energi, the source said. 
Tripatra will manage the project. 
Further details will be announced on Monday, the source said. 
Trans-Peninsula Petroleum will invest $7 billion over eight years to build the 
pipeline, helping ships avoid the busy Malacca Strait, conduit for over a 
quarter of the world's seaborne crude. 
The first phase, costing $2 billion, could transport two million barrels per 
day (bpd), the source said, which would rank it among the largest oil pipelines 
in the world. 
The source said the equity structure has not been finalised. It's still 
Trans-Peninsula that's holding everything at this stage. 
Construction of the pipeline is expected to begin next year, the source said, 
adding that project funding plans include tapping local and offshore debt 
markets and a possible listing. 
Oil tankers currently take Middle East crude through the Malacca Strait and 
around Singapore before sailing north to ports in Japan, China, and South 
The pipeline would stretch from the west coast town of Yan, which the 
government has designated a petroleum development zone, to the small fishing 
port of Bachok in the east. 
Yan is also the site for a $2.2 billion refinery project, one of two planned 
for the northwest.

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Re: [obrolan-bandar] IHSG Ga Normal

2007-04-21 Terurut Topik anton ie
Saya rasa kenaikkan IHSG masih sangat normal lho pak kalo kita perhatikan 
Year to date IHGS baru naik 8.56%. dari tgl 2 januari sebesar 1.813,45 dan 
penutupan kemarin di 1.968,73.
Banyak yang tidak sadar bahwa sebenarnya IHSG baru naik sedikit, karena terlena 
dengan kenaikkan harga harga second liners, termasuk saya ini. saya juga 
sebelumnya pikir IHSG telah terbang jauh banget, ternyata, masih banyak upside 
potential nya.
Thanks, semoga membantu

- Original Message 
To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Friday, April 20, 2007 8:22:35 PM
Subject: [obrolan-bandar] IHSG Ga Normal

IHSG ga normal nih. naek naek ke puncak gunung meloeloe.
Katanya Asing ada masuk dana. Aseng kaleee
Watch out. Naek tanpa istirahat yang cukup, kalo jatuh sakt banget.
Kapan ya koreksinya? Hehehe :P

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Re: Hal: [obrolan-bandar] pertanyaan tentang Proyek pemipaan Bakrie Brothers

2007-04-13 Terurut Topik anton ie

- Original Message 
From: Irmandita Wahyu [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, April 13, 2007 11:23:02 AM
Subject: Hal: [obrolan-bandar] pertanyaan tentang Proyek pemipaan Bakrie 

Infonya proyek ini batal karena cadangan gas yang ada di kalimantan di 
prioritaskan untuk LNG Bontang dan pupuk Kaltim.
BNBR akan berlaku seperti PGas yaitu sebagai trader gas dan transportir dengan 
pola toll fee 

- Pesan Asli 
Dari: anton ie [EMAIL PROTECTED] com
Kepada: obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com
Terkirim: Jumat, 13 April, 2007 8:28:41
Topik: [obrolan-bandar] pertanyaan tentang Proyek pemipaan Bakrie Brothers

Rekan rekan Milis yang terhormat... ..
apakah ada yang tau kelanjutan proyek pemipaan Kalimantan Jawa BNBR?  saya juga 
tidak terlalu mengerti tentang proyek ini, pemerintah seperti yang saya baca 
selalu membicarakan bahwa BNBR harus mencari sendiri buyer dan seller gas nya 
untuk dialirkan melalui pipa tersebut pertanyaan saya, apakah ada yg tau, 
apakah BNBR hanya bertindak sebagai pihak yang mendapatkan hak untuk membangun 
pipa di jalur tersebut? biaya pembangunan pipa bukan ditanggung oleh 
pemerintah? maksud saya mereka bukan sbg kontraktor yg mendapat order dari 
pemerintah untuk membangun pipa yah? 
Jadi BNBR membangun pipa, dan income yg mereka terima nantinya dari mana yah?
Apabila ada anggota milis yang sangat update mengenai proyek ini, saya sangat 
berterima kasih atas bantuannya.

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[obrolan-bandar] pertanyaan tentang Proyek pemipaan Bakrie Brothers

2007-04-12 Terurut Topik anton ie
Rekan rekan Milis yang terhormat.

apakah ada yang tau kelanjutan proyek pemipaan Kalimantan Jawa BNBR?  saya juga 
tidak terlalu mengerti tentang proyek ini, pemerintah seperti yang saya baca 
selalu membicarakan bahwa BNBR harus mencari sendiri buyer dan seller gas nya 
untuk dialirkan melalui pipa tersebut pertanyaan saya, apakah ada yg tau, 
apakah BNBR hanya bertindak sebagai pihak yang mendapatkan hak untuk membangun 
pipa di jalur tersebut? biaya pembangunan pipa bukan ditanggung oleh 
pemerintah? maksud saya mereka bukan sbg kontraktor yg mendapat order dari 
pemerintah untuk membangun pipa yah? 
Jadi BNBR membangun pipa, dan income yg mereka terima nantinya dari mana yah?
Apabila ada anggota milis yang sangat update mengenai proyek ini, saya sangat 
berterima kasih atas bantuannya.




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Re: [obrolan-bandar] Riset ANTM

2007-03-27 Terurut Topik anton ie
ada yg tau berapa target ML untuk saham ANTM pada akhir tahun 2006? point saya, 
kalo pd thn 2006 saja mereka salah, gak ada gunanya melihat target tn 2007 
bukan? so, if ada yg tau berapa target ML untuk antm pada thn 2006, boleh di 
informasikan yah. thanks

- Original Message 
From: James Arifin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: obrolan bandar obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Wednesday, March 28, 2007 8:24:34 AM
Subject: [obrolan-bandar] Riset ANTM

Cek riset ANTM keluaran terbaru dari ML ... fresh from oven 


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Re: [obrolan-bandar] tanya penipuan di PW

2007-03-26 Terurut Topik anton ie
oh betul kalo gitu PT sarana itu beritanya sudah menyebar, leo nya itu 
kabur... leo itu dulunya bekas orang Pacific2000 kalo tidak salah yah, sebelum 
dia mulai membuka SPI.

- Original Message 
From: Iffan Suryanto [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Monday, March 26, 2007 2:08:16 PM
Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] tanya penipuan di PW

Pemiliknya sama kok...namanya Leo..
- Original Message - 
From: rika wirya 
To: obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com 
Sent: Monday, March 26, 2007 12:48 PM
Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] tanya penipuan di PW

lokasi kantornya sama di Gajah Mada Plaza, tapi apa owner PW = PT.SPI yg di 
koran? mohon info. tks 

Elly Tjung [EMAIL PROTECTED] com wrote: 
Mungkin berita ini yg dimaksud ?

Widhie !!! [EMAIL PROTECTED] com wrote: 
Denger-denger itu bandar CNKO yang kabur dari pemodalnya (gile, kabur
bawa 2 T)...
Ada beritanya di koran, tapi belum cek sih...

On 3/26/07, oho milyuners [EMAIL PROTECTED] com wrote:

 saya dapat kabar dar teman saya bahwa terjadi
 penggelapan uang 2 T di PW,bener atau tidak tolong
 yang tau informasinya? beri tahu?


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Re: [obrolan-bandar] tanya penipuan di PW

2007-03-26 Terurut Topik anton ie
boleh tau gak di koran apa berita tentang PT SPI ini muncul? saya tahun kemarin 
pernah invest di SPI tp karena tidak berasa jelas bagaimana mereka make money 
sebesar itu, setelah beberapa bulan, saya menarik dana, tidak ada masalah sih 
waktu itu, dana keluar dengan cepat. Baru today saya di beritahu kawan saya 
bahwa SPI ngaburin uang nasabahnya. thanks

- Original Message 
From: rika wirya [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Monday, March 26, 2007 12:48:21 PM
Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] tanya penipuan di PW

lokasi kantornya sama di Gajah Mada Plaza, tapi apa owner PW = PT.SPI yg di 
koran? mohon info. tks 

Elly Tjung [EMAIL PROTECTED] com wrote: 
Mungkin berita ini yg dimaksud ?

Widhie !!! [EMAIL PROTECTED] com wrote: 
Denger-denger itu bandar CNKO yang kabur dari pemodalnya (gile, kabur
bawa 2 T)...
Ada beritanya di koran, tapi belum cek sih...

On 3/26/07, oho milyuners [EMAIL PROTECTED] com wrote:

 saya dapat kabar dar teman saya bahwa terjadi
 penggelapan uang 2 T di PW,bener atau tidak tolong
 yang tau informasinya? beri tahu?


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Re: [obrolan-bandar] tanya penipuan di PW

2007-03-25 Terurut Topik anton ie
PW ini sama dengan PT Sarana yg kantornya di gajah mada bukan sih? lagi rame 
juga tuh bawa kabur uang nasabah sampai beberapa Triliun. Mohon informasinya.

- Original Message 
From: Iffan Suryanto [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Monday, March 26, 2007 1:45:59 PM
Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] tanya penipuan di PW

setahu saya pemilik PW dan yg bawa kabur itu sama bosnya...
- Original Message - 
From: saidkat 
To: obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com 
Sent: Monday, March 26, 2007 1:29 PM
Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] tanya penipuan di PW

Jadi bukan PW dong ! dan bukan salah satu pialang bej.
kalo kejadian pialang begitu, masyarakat bise kagak percaya ama pialang saham 


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[obrolan-bandar] News on TRUBA

2007-03-21 Terurut Topik anton ie
Indonesia's Truba to Build Four Power Plants for $521 Million
2007-03-21 01:29 (New York)

By Leony Aurora
 March 21 (Bloomberg) -- PT Truba Alam Manunggal Engineering,
an Indonesian electrical and mining contractor, will start
building four power plants with an investment of $521 million
this year, President Director Arifin Wiguna said.
 It plans to sell the electricity to PT Perusahaan Listrik
Negara, Indonesia's state power utility, he said in Jakarta.
 The government wants private power producers to build more
coal-fired power plants aimed at producing 10,000 megawatts of
power by 2010 to eliminate blackouts and cut the costs of
subsidizing oil-fueled power. The country, with about 242 million
people, needs to spend about $27 billion on new plants and power
lines by 2012 to meet demand, the World Bank has said.
 ``We will complete the plants in between two or three
years,'' Wiguna said.
 Truba has partners to build the plants, Wiguna said, without
naming them.
 The biggest of the projects are Kuala Tanjung power plant in
North Sumatra and Banyuasin plant in South Sumatra, each with a
capacity of 225 megawatts. The electricity will be sold at 4.74
cents a kilowatt-hour and 4.5 cents a kilowatt-hour, respectively.
The other two plants are in Pontianak in West Kalimantan with a
capacity 50 megawatts and in Bangka with a capacity of 21

--Editor: Russell.

Story Illustration: {TNI INDO ELC BN GO} for stories about
Indonesia's power-generation industry. See {ETOP GO} for top
energy news and {PTOP GO} for top power-related news.

To contact the reporter on this story:
Leony Aurora in Jakarta at +62-21-3435-3023 or

To contact the editor responsible for this story:
Reinie Booysen at +65-6212-1154 or


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[obrolan-bandar] News on TRUBA

2007-03-20 Terurut Topik anton ie
Indonesia's Truba to Build Four Power Plants for $521 Million
2007-03-21 01:29 (New York)

By Leony Aurora
 March 21 (Bloomberg) -- PT Truba Alam Manunggal Engineering,
an Indonesian electrical and mining contractor, will start
building four power plants with an investment of $521 million
this year, President Director Arifin Wiguna said.
 It plans to sell the electricity to PT Perusahaan Listrik
Negara, Indonesia's state power utility, he said in Jakarta.
 The government wants private power producers to build more
coal-fired power plants aimed at producing 10,000 megawatts of
power by 2010 to eliminate blackouts and cut the costs of
subsidizing oil-fueled power. The country, with about 242 million
people, needs to spend about $27 billion on new plants and power
lines by 2012 to meet demand, the World Bank has said.
 ``We will complete the plants in between two or three
years,'' Wiguna said.
 Truba has partners to build the plants, Wiguna said, without
naming them.
 The biggest of the projects are Kuala Tanjung power plant in
North Sumatra and Banyuasin plant in South Sumatra, each with a
capacity of 225 megawatts. The electricity will be sold at 4.74
cents a kilowatt-hour and 4.5 cents a kilowatt-hour, respectively.
The other two plants are in Pontianak in West Kalimantan with a
capacity 50 megawatts and in Bangka with a capacity of 21

--Editor: Russell.

Story Illustration: {TNI INDO ELC BN GO} for stories about
Indonesia's power-generation industry. See {ETOP GO} for top
energy news and {PTOP GO} for top power-related news.

To contact the reporter on this story:
Leony Aurora in Jakarta at +62-21-3435-3023 or

To contact the editor responsible for this story:
Reinie Booysen at +65-6212-1154 or


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