Re: [ob] Bakrie Stocks, masih layak collect?

2009-07-23 Terurut Topik Tom DS
*Not only Rupiah influence BG Pak.. Even if its debt not in US$, they still
burdened quite high debt and of course bear high risk.*
*Moreover, their financial engineering is very complicated and high level..
The risk even higher...*
*However as we knew, these leverage will be highly positive, even more than
you can imagine compared to other stocks now, if in final the faith is in
their favor. Or at least if they can reduce their burdens soon and faster
then many analyst expected.*
*You can imagine BUMI now only traded at 1.7-2.0x of its BV while in average
local coal miner could be traded at 3.0-3.6x...*
*Or even more if we see one with very low business risk, low financial
leverage, and lower EBITDA volatility such PTBA which can be traded at
4.8-5.7x of its BV.*

On 7/23/09, icchanks  wrote:
> Para suhu mohon pencerahan..
> Sejak akhir 2008 semua saham pada turun dan saat ini sebagian besar sudah
> hampir mendekati harga highest, tp BG masih tertahan,, apa isu hutang masih
> menjadi hambatan? diliat semakin menguatnya rupiah..
> Regrads,

[ob] Bakrie Stocks, masih layak collect?

2009-07-23 Terurut Topik icchanks
Para suhu mohon pencerahan..
Sejak akhir 2008 semua saham pada turun dan saat ini sebagian besar sudah 
hampir mendekati harga highest, tp BG masih tertahan,, apa isu hutang masih 
menjadi hambatan? diliat semakin menguatnya rupiah..
