2009-07-26 Terurut Topik Hans Kwee
Saya setuju dgn p JT.

akhir mei banyak prediksi ihsg akan ke1630.
sy posting 2 peluang ihsg berdasarkan hitungan elliot wave sy.
target sy waktu itu ihsg ke 2250 dan ada peluang koreksi ke 1850.
anti virus p de bunya gak ya... hehe...

sy update saja...
peluang ihsg masih akan menguji 2200 sampai 2300.

sy gak mau parno bicara bear... sebelum sebuah triger trend naik patah.
areanya d 2075...
bila ini patah maka ada peluang ihsg terkoreksi ke 1850 - 1900 an
dgn target bawah di 1630 - 1650.

terima kasih


Tulisan di atas bukanlah suatu rekomendasi beli atau jual, melainkan suatu
petunjuk untuk menginterpretasikan sebuah pola atau indikator tertentu.
Informasi di atas seharusnya digunakan hanya oleh investor yang memahami
resiko dalam trading saham, komoditi mau pun forex.

Kami tidak bertanggung jawab atas kerugian apa pun yang disebabkan oleh
penggunaan tulisan di atas.

Jadwal Pelatihan

Sabtu, 1 Agustus 2009
Price and Volume Relationship Analysis

 Info lebih lanjut:
021-71057898 / Email mariana_str...@yahoo.co.id

2009/7/27 Muhammad Reza 

> Saya sependapat IHSG masih berpotensi untuk naik ke -2250, tetapi
> setelah itu IHSG akan berpotensi koreksi, ke level 1800-1850 an.
> Tetapi jika kita lihat grafik MACD periode bulanan memperlihatkan adanya
> konfirmasi akan terjadi golden cross.
> Sekalian sharing juga apakah pola seperti MAret 2007-Juli 07 akan terjadi
> lagi pada IHSG kita.
> Thanks
> Mr
> From: hery santoso 
> Subject: Re: /\/\etaStock >> RE: [ob] IHSG MAP - BEARISH or BULLISH
> To: metastock...@yahoogroups.com
> Date: Sunday, July 26, 2009, 3:43 PM
>Saya setuju pak ihsg ke 2250 after that correction to 1800 YM,FB
> :kelvinsantoso@ yahoo.com
> From ‪ HeryBerry®
> powered by KINGDOM OF GOD
>  --
> *From*: "JT"
> *Date*: Sun, 26 Jul 2009 15:52:07 +0700
> *To*: ; ;
> ; ;
> *Subject*: /\/\etaStock >> RE: [ob] IHSG MAP - BEARISH or BULLISH
> Menambahkan sedikit, banyak yg bilang saya berbeda pendapat dengan EL
> masalah Bullish dan Bearish karena perbedaan Time Frame, saya short term
> trader sementara EL investor (??)…, saya pikir itu anggapan yg keliru,
> karena dalam melihat apakah MAJOR trend sedang bullish atau bearish, tidak
> ada kaitan langsung dengan time frame trading…, even jika anda seorang
> scalper, kalau lagi bearish ya harusnya bearish lah, demikian juga
> sebaliknya…, dan kita sebagai seorang ST trader, sudah seharusnya OBJECTIVE
> dalam mengidentifikasikan big picturenya, bearish atau bullish, karena ini
> akan berkaitan dgn strategy apa yg akan diambil.
> Jadi saya bullish bukan karena saya trader jangka pendek, tapi karena
> memang FAKTA technical mengatakan demikian. Untuk DEFINISI bullish atau
> bearish, tentu semua sudah tau dan tidak perlu diperdebatkan lagi.
> Berikut tambahan dari  chart yg saya post sebelumnya.. , saya plot
> Fibonacci Projection…, terlihat ada target 2250, most probable akan terjadi
> koreksi di level tsb, jika ya, memang ada POTENSI turun sampai dengan level
> 1850-1860, akan tetapi tidak akan merubah arah utama dari IHSG, yaitu
> Bullish (but we must do re- assessment later on….) Tapi ingat ya, baru
> POTENSI…, bukan PASTI !
> Well, Mungkin ini YG DILIHAT oleh EL dan beberapa orang bearish messenger
> lainnya…, karena saya trader, tentunya saya akan senang-senang aja  jika
> terjadi koreksi tsb, karena bisa “bolak-balik”…, tapi apakah saya harus
> menunggu sampai hal itu terjadi baru trading? Nggak la yaaaww…. Hehe
> JT
> [image: ihsg fibo.png]
> *From:* obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com [mailto:obrolan- ban...@yahoogrou
> ps.com] *On Behalf Of *JT
> *Sent:* 26 Juli 2009 11:46
> *To:* obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com; jsxtra...@yahoogrou ps.com;
> my_...@yahoogroups. com; MetaStock-id@ yahoogroups. com; 
> analisasa...@yahoogroups. com
> *Subject:* [ob] IHSG MAP - BEARISH or BULLISH
> Wew, rame juga ya perdebatan bullish, bearish, soft or hard landing, invest
> or trade, wave sekian, wave sekian…. etc.., etc….. seru juga.. hehe..,
> Here’s my view BASE ON TA, yes just simple TA, bukan Rumors, bukan Isu,
> apalagi Gossip….
> Oh ya, in sekalian meresponse statement my dear friend EL yg mengatakan :
> *Some tech guys are pretending to be calm both in OB and on my facebook
> wall…., *(tech yg mana nih EL…? I am perfectly CALM)
> Here’s what I see…, NO MAGIC.., NO sophisticated tools…, just simple good
> old and trusted tools…, I will GO bearish when MACD at WEEKLY chart dead
> cross…, terlambat?? Ngga juga, karena keputusan beli dan jual tetap mengacu
> pada TA masing2 


2009-07-26 Terurut Topik Bambang Kansah
Let the market TELL itself. Just follow what the market WANT. Jangan
sekali2 melawan market kalau mau selamat. Good luck.

On 7/26/09, JT  wrote:
> Thanks for your nice comment, EL.., (tumben ngga ngata'in gua., hehe).,
> Yes, banyak orang yg seperti itu, switch to more laggard tools.., well, as
> long as they just switch or adjust the period 'sebelumnya', that should be
> ok, yg ngga bener adalah kalau melakukan adjustment later on saat the signal
> pop up. hehe
> My point is, being bearish or bullish HARUS ada ukurannya yg JELAS.., jangan
> baru satu dua hari merah sdh bearish, besok ijo bullish lagi, abis jualan
> bearish, abis belanja bullish lagi and so on.. hahaha., I am not talking
> about you ya, tapi kalau anda perhatikan banyak yg seperti itu di sini., so
> we MUST KNOW the threshold, know the map, mine is very simple, No Magic,
> when the MACD DC on weekly, saya ngga akan ngotot.., I'll declare bearish
> and do the trade accordingly.
> Have a nice weekend EL.., oh ya, about Tasrul.., you tanya sendiri
> dngg., hehehe
> Regards,
> JT
> From: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com [mailto:obrolan-ban...@yahoogroups.com]
> On Behalf Of Elaine Sui
> Sent: 26 Juli 2009 12:53
> To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
> Subject: Re: [ob] IHSG MAP - BEARISH or BULLISH
> Good one! though in my market behavior analysis I found that many ppl
> usually expand their timeframe (or switch to simpler, more laggard
> indicators) to show excuses (like in mid 2008). He he.. sorry but okay, good
> point my friend. I do love your post, dear.
> Anyway, ask your partner Tasrul, 1. is it generally accepted to change the
> period/time series scale for a linear regression in a middle of an equation?
> as far as I know to measure/calculate the TIMING of market direction the
> time series (or you may call Y variant) is part of the independent variable,
> and
> 2. is it possible to do such equation when only secondary data is available
> (while we know that the secondary (historical) data is highly dependant on
> intermarket analysis, currency and obviously economic figures?
> But don't bother, I'm not interested anyway, too much guessing. In my
> personal experience, when I explain math to my investors, they think that
> I'm making excuses (lolz). They don't care about all this stuff, they only
> want money and more money.
> Elaine
> On Sun, Jul 26, 2009 at 11:46 AM, JT  wrote:
> Wew, rame juga ya perdebatan bullish, bearish, soft or hard landing, invest
> or trade, wave sekian, wave sekian.. etc.., etc... seru juga.. hehe..,
> Here's my view BASE ON TA, yes just simple TA, bukan Rumors, bukan Isu,
> apalagi Gossip..
> Oh ya, in sekalian meresponse statement my dear friend EL yg mengatakan :
> Some tech guys are pretending to be calm both in OB and on my facebook
> wall.., (tech yg mana nih EL.? I am perfectly CALM)
> Here's what I see., NO MAGIC.., NO sophisticated tools., just simple good
> old and trusted tools., I will GO bearish when MACD at WEEKLY chart dead
> cross., terlambat?? Ngga juga, karena keputusan beli dan jual tetap mengacu
> pada TA masing2 saham, dan timingnya/eksekusi tetap menggunakan daily
> chart..,  after all I am a trader just like most of us (termasuk EL).., so
> no worry to be late.
> this simple chart saya pakai sebagai INDIKATOR apakah IHSG Bearish Or
> Bullish, no rumors, no isu, apalagi dengerin gossip., you tell me lah where
> we are now, and you tell me if there is any sign of reversal yet? Hehehe
> Have a nice weekend every one. J
> Regards,
> JT
>  ihsg 2.png
> <http://?ui=2&ik=5de75b39d7&view=att&th=122b577816789541&attid=0.1&disp=emb&;
> realattid=0.1&zw>
>  ihsg 1.png
> <http://?ui=2&ik=5de75b39d7&view=att&th=122b577816789541&attid=0.2&disp=emb&;
> realattid=0.2&zw>
> No virus found in this incoming message.
> Checked by AVG - www.avg.com
> Version: 8.5.392 / Virus Database: 270.13.30/2262 - Release Date: 07/25/09
> 18:01:00

Sent from Gmail for mobile | mobile.google.com


2009-07-26 Terurut Topik tasrul70
Si EL karena kmrn karena lagi sensi aja.he he
Powered by Telkomsel BlackBerry®

-Original Message-
From: noknik 

Date: Sun, 26 Jul 2009 19:08:26 
Subject: Re: [ob] IHSG MAP - BEARISH or BULLISH

adem bener... El and pak tasrul  dah damai. pi

2009/7/26 Elaine Sui 

> *I prefer to stay at home and doing weird experiments in my kitchen hee..
> [?]
> Elaine* *
> *
> On Sun, Jul 26, 2009 at 2:45 PM,  wrote:
>> Ada yg bisa saya bantu say ? Ehm ..
>> Just info aja nih Dow udah break downtred channel, jadi kalau ada koreksi
>> gak akan parah parah amat. IHSG kalau gak jebol 2250 bolehlah koreksi, tapi
>> kecil kemungkinan jatuh dibawah 2000,ane akan copet jika IHSG jatuh dibawah
>> 1 persen,ntar deh ane kirim chartnya. Hari Minggu ini jalan ama keluarga
>> dulu atau pacar , masa pikirin market terus ha ha ha.
>> Powered by Telkomsel BlackBerry®
>> ------
>> *From*: Elaine Sui
>> *Date*: Sun, 26 Jul 2009 12:53:15 +0700
>> *To*: 
>> *Subject*: Re: [ob] IHSG MAP - BEARISH or BULLISH
>> *Good one! though in my market behavior analysis I found that many ppl
>> usually expand their timeframe (or switch to simpler, more laggard
>> indicators) to show excuses (like in mid 2008). He he.. sorry but okay, good
>> point my friend. I do love your post, dear. [?]
>> Anyway, ask your partner Tasrul, 1. is it generally accepted to change the
>> period/time series scale for a linear regression in a middle of an equation?
>> as far as I know to measure/calculate the TIMING of market direction the
>> time series (or you may call Y variant) is part of the independent variable,
>> and
>> 2. is it possible to do such equation when only secondary data is
>> available (while we know that the secondary (historical) data is highly
>> dependant on intermarket analysis, currency and obviously economic figures?
>> But don't bother, I'm not interested anyway, too much guessing. [?] In my
>> personal experience, when I explain math to my investors, they think that
>> I'm making excuses (lolz). They don't care about all this stuff, they only
>> want money and more money. [?]
>> Elaine
>> *
>>  *
>> *
>> On Sun, Jul 26, 2009 at 11:46 AM, JT  wrote:
>>>  Wew, rame juga ya perdebatan bullish, bearish, soft or hard landing,
>>> invest or trade, wave sekian, wave sekian…. etc.., etc….. seru juga..
>>> hehe.., Here’s my view BASE ON TA, yes just simple TA, bukan Rumors, bukan
>>> Isu, apalagi Gossip….
>>> Oh ya, in sekalian meresponse statement my dear friend EL yg mengatakan :
>>> *Some tech guys are pretending to be calm both in OB and on my facebook
>>> wall…., *(tech yg mana nih EL…? I am perfectly CALM)
>>> Here’s what I see…, NO MAGIC.., NO sophisticated tools…, just simple good
>>> old and trusted tools…, I will GO bearish when MACD at WEEKLY chart dead
>>> cross…, terlambat?? Ngga juga, karena keputusan beli dan jual tetap mengacu
>>> pada TA masing2 saham, dan timingnya/eksekusi tetap menggunakan daily
>>> chart..,  after all I am a trader just like most of us (termasuk EL).., so
>>> no worry to be late.
>>> this simple chart saya pakai sebagai INDIKATOR apakah IHSG Bearish Or
>>> Bullish, no rumors, no isu, apalagi dengerin gossip…, you tell me lah where
>>> we are now, and you tell me if there is any sign of reversal yet? Hehehe
>>> Have a nice weekend every one… J
>>> Regards,
>>> JT
>>> [image: ihsg 2.png]
>>> [image: ihsg 1.png]




2009-07-26 Terurut Topik noknik
adem bener... El and pak tasrul  dah damai. pi

2009/7/26 Elaine Sui 

> *I prefer to stay at home and doing weird experiments in my kitchen hee..
> [?]
> Elaine* *
> *
> On Sun, Jul 26, 2009 at 2:45 PM,  wrote:
>> Ada yg bisa saya bantu say ? Ehm ..
>> Just info aja nih Dow udah break downtred channel, jadi kalau ada koreksi
>> gak akan parah parah amat. IHSG kalau gak jebol 2250 bolehlah koreksi, tapi
>> kecil kemungkinan jatuh dibawah 2000,ane akan copet jika IHSG jatuh dibawah
>> 1 persen,ntar deh ane kirim chartnya. Hari Minggu ini jalan ama keluarga
>> dulu atau pacar , masa pikirin market terus ha ha ha.
>> Powered by Telkomsel BlackBerry®
>> ------
>> *From*: Elaine Sui
>> *Date*: Sun, 26 Jul 2009 12:53:15 +0700
>> *To*: 
>> *Subject*: Re: [ob] IHSG MAP - BEARISH or BULLISH
>> *Good one! though in my market behavior analysis I found that many ppl
>> usually expand their timeframe (or switch to simpler, more laggard
>> indicators) to show excuses (like in mid 2008). He he.. sorry but okay, good
>> point my friend. I do love your post, dear. [?]
>> Anyway, ask your partner Tasrul, 1. is it generally accepted to change the
>> period/time series scale for a linear regression in a middle of an equation?
>> as far as I know to measure/calculate the TIMING of market direction the
>> time series (or you may call Y variant) is part of the independent variable,
>> and
>> 2. is it possible to do such equation when only secondary data is
>> available (while we know that the secondary (historical) data is highly
>> dependant on intermarket analysis, currency and obviously economic figures?
>> But don't bother, I'm not interested anyway, too much guessing. [?] In my
>> personal experience, when I explain math to my investors, they think that
>> I'm making excuses (lolz). They don't care about all this stuff, they only
>> want money and more money. [?]
>> Elaine
>> *
>>  *
>> *
>> On Sun, Jul 26, 2009 at 11:46 AM, JT  wrote:
>>>  Wew, rame juga ya perdebatan bullish, bearish, soft or hard landing,
>>> invest or trade, wave sekian, wave sekian…. etc.., etc….. seru juga..
>>> hehe.., Here’s my view BASE ON TA, yes just simple TA, bukan Rumors, bukan
>>> Isu, apalagi Gossip….
>>> Oh ya, in sekalian meresponse statement my dear friend EL yg mengatakan :
>>> *Some tech guys are pretending to be calm both in OB and on my facebook
>>> wall…., *(tech yg mana nih EL…? I am perfectly CALM)
>>> Here’s what I see…, NO MAGIC.., NO sophisticated tools…, just simple good
>>> old and trusted tools…, I will GO bearish when MACD at WEEKLY chart dead
>>> cross…, terlambat?? Ngga juga, karena keputusan beli dan jual tetap mengacu
>>> pada TA masing2 saham, dan timingnya/eksekusi tetap menggunakan daily
>>> chart..,  after all I am a trader just like most of us (termasuk EL).., so
>>> no worry to be late.
>>> this simple chart saya pakai sebagai INDIKATOR apakah IHSG Bearish Or
>>> Bullish, no rumors, no isu, apalagi dengerin gossip…, you tell me lah where
>>> we are now, and you tell me if there is any sign of reversal yet? Hehehe
>>> Have a nice weekend every one… J
>>> Regards,
>>> JT
>>> [image: ihsg 2.png]
>>> [image: ihsg 1.png]



2009-07-26 Terurut Topik JT™
Kita lagi ngomongin apakah major trend lagi bullish atau bearish sir.., apa 
ukurannya, apa batasannya...,  kalo urusan beli atau jual ya back to TA masing2 
saham lah dan tentunya utk eksekusi ya jgn pake weekly chart.. :)

Ok let say IHSG kita anggap saham dan kita keluar masuk sesuai macd signal on 
weekly.., sure pasti akan selalu telat baik beli atau jual, apalagi ini weekly 
chart (you know that, you know how macd works) tapi kalo kita ikuti dgn 
konsisten, baik beli atau jual, kita selamet dari crash 2008.., coba liat kapan 
terakhir macd DC dan kapan terakhir GC, berapa point anda selamet? Hehe

Well.., Anda tau lah, you can not get the highest or lowest level by using MACD.

Powered by TLKM BullBerry®

“The only fundamental factor that really counts in the stock market is The Law 
of Supply and Demand”

-Original Message-
From: Cougar Boy 

Date: Sun, 26 Jul 2009 18:03:47 
Subject: Re: [ob] IHSG MAP - BEARISH or BULLISH

Sekedar perbandingan dari gambar yang sama.
CMIIW Kayaknya selling di MACD weekly cross down bisa end up selling near
bottom for every correction

On Sun, Jul 26, 2009 at 11:46 AM, JT  wrote:

>  Wew, rame juga ya perdebatan bullish, bearish, soft or hard landing,
> invest or trade, wave sekian, wave sekian…. etc.., etc….. seru juga..
> hehe.., Here’s my view BASE ON TA, yes just simple TA, bukan Rumors, bukan
> Isu, apalagi Gossip….
> Oh ya, in sekalian meresponse statement my dear friend EL yg mengatakan :
> *Some tech guys are pretending to be calm both in OB and on my facebook
> wall…., *(tech yg mana nih EL…? I am perfectly CALM)
> Here’s what I see…, NO MAGIC.., NO sophisticated tools…, just simple good
> old and trusted tools…, I will GO bearish when MACD at WEEKLY chart dead
> cross…, terlambat?? Ngga juga, karena keputusan beli dan jual tetap mengacu
> pada TA masing2 saham, dan timingnya/eksekusi tetap menggunakan daily
> chart..,  after all I am a trader just like most of us (termasuk EL).., so
> no worry to be late.
> this simple chart saya pakai sebagai INDIKATOR apakah IHSG Bearish Or
> Bullish, no rumors, no isu, apalagi dengerin gossip…, you tell me lah where
> we are now, and you tell me if there is any sign of reversal yet? Hehehe
> Have a nice weekend every one… J
> Regards,
> JT
> [image: ihsg 2.png]
> [image: ihsg 1.png]

Re: [Bulk] Re: [ob] IHSG MAP - BEARISH or BULLISH

2009-07-26 Terurut Topik riil_investor
Tidak ada harga saham naik mulu dan tdk ada yg turun mulu! Makanya ada TA. 
Begitu pula kalau yg ada di pasar cuma investor mulu! Dimanapun bursa didunia 
pasti ada gambler/spekulator didalamnya! 
Bursa tanpa gammbler/spekulator/BD ngga ada artinya / tidak rame! 
Jadi naik/turun itu biasa! Pinter2an kita sendiri!

Gbu all

Powered by Telkomsel BlackBerry®

-Original Message-
From: "JT" 

Date: Sun, 26 Jul 2009 16:30:09 
Subject: RE: [Bulk] Re: [ob] IHSG MAP - BEARISH or BULLISH

Koreksi mah biasa itu.., kalau ngga ada koreksi mah bukan market namanya.,
yg bikin saya heran, tiap ada koreksi selalu HEBOH, hehe., maunya tiap hari
harga naik terus ya. haha.., dasar..




From: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com [mailto:obrolan-ban...@yahoogroups.com]
On Behalf Of VF T
Sent: 26 Juli 2009 13:29
To: Obrolan bandar
Subject: [Bulk] Re: [ob] IHSG MAP - BEARISH or BULLISH


Mungkin permasalah kata2 prof antara "bearish" dg "koreksi".. Dan masalah
time horisonnya shorterm, midterm ato longterm..
Jadinya ga sinkron deh.. Hehee...
Kl longterm sy setuju prof masih bullish..
Tp kl midterm sy rasa akan ada koreksi spy sehat..
Bener ga ya prof..

- VF -


From: "JT" 
Date: Sun, 26 Jul 2009 13:17:47 +0700


Thanks for your nice comment, EL.., (tumben ngga ngata'in gua., hehe)., 


Yes, banyak orang yg seperti itu, switch to more laggard tools.., well, as
long as they just switch or adjust the period 'sebelumnya', that should be
ok, yg ngga bener adalah kalau melakukan adjustment later on saat the signal
pop up. hehe


My point is, being bearish or bullish HARUS ada ukurannya yg JELAS.., jangan
baru satu dua hari merah sdh bearish, besok ijo bullish lagi, abis jualan
bearish, abis belanja bullish lagi and so on.. hahaha., I am not talking
about you ya, tapi kalau anda perhatikan banyak yg seperti itu di sini., so
we MUST KNOW the threshold, know the map, mine is very simple, No Magic,
when the MACD DC on weekly, saya ngga akan ngotot.., I'll declare bearish
and do the trade accordingly.


Have a nice weekend EL.., oh ya, about Tasrul.., you tanya sendiri
dngg., hehehe






From: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com [mailto:obrolan-ban...@yahoogroups.com]
On Behalf Of Elaine Sui
Sent: 26 Juli 2009 12:53
To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [ob] IHSG MAP - BEARISH or BULLISH


Good one! though in my market behavior analysis I found that many ppl
usually expand their timeframe (or switch to simpler, more laggard
indicators) to show excuses (like in mid 2008). He he.. sorry but okay, good
point my friend. I do love your post, dear. 

Anyway, ask your partner Tasrul, 1. is it generally accepted to change the
period/time series scale for a linear regression in a middle of an equation?
as far as I know to measure/calculate the TIMING of market direction the
time series (or you may call Y variant) is part of the independent variable,

2. is it possible to do such equation when only secondary data is available
(while we know that the secondary (historical) data is highly dependant on
intermarket analysis, currency and obviously economic figures?

But don't bother, I'm not interested anyway, too much guessing. In my
personal experience, when I explain math to my investors, they think that
I'm making excuses (lolz). They don't care about all this stuff, they only
want money and more money. 


On Sun, Jul 26, 2009 at 11:46 AM, JT  wrote:


Wew, rame juga ya perdebatan bullish, bearish, soft or hard landing, invest
or trade, wave sekian, wave sekian.. etc.., etc... seru juga.. hehe..,
Here's my view BASE ON TA, yes just simple TA, bukan Rumors, bukan Isu,
apalagi Gossip.. 


Oh ya, in sekalian meresponse statement my dear friend EL yg mengatakan :
Some tech guys are pretending to be calm both in OB and on my facebook
wall..,(tech yg mana nih EL.? I am perfectly CALM)


Here's what I see., NO MAGIC.., NO sophisticated tools., just simple good
old and trusted tools., I will GO bearish when MACD at WEEKLY chart dead
cross., terlambat?? Ngga juga, karena keputusan beli dan jual tetap mengacu
pada TA masing2 saham, dan timingnya/eksekusi tetap menggunakan daily
chart..,  after all I am a trader just like most of us (termasuk EL).., so
no worry to be late.


this simple chart saya pakai sebagai INDIKATOR apakah IHSG Bearish Or
Bullish, no rumors, no isu, apalagi dengerin gossip., you tell me lah where
we are now, and you tell me if there is any sign of reversal yet? Hehehe


Have a nice weekend every one. J









2009-07-26 Terurut Topik JT
bener bang.., and OB salah satu tempat bagi BD untuk mengukur "crow
behaviors"..., hehe


-Original Message-
From: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com [mailto:obrolan-ban...@yahoogroups.com]
On Behalf Of boyz
Sent: 26 Juli 2009 16:36
To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [Bulk] Re: [ob] IHSG MAP - BEARISH or BULLISH

Cool bro :)
Mungkin itu yg disebut dengan crowd behaviour ya, bro...
And that's why emotions of market cycling.


--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, "JT"  wrote:
> Koreksi mah biasa itu.., kalau ngga ada koreksi mah bukan market
> yg bikin saya heran, tiap ada koreksi selalu HEBOH, hehe., maunya tiap
> harga naik terus ya. haha.., dasar..
> JT


2009-07-26 Terurut Topik boyz
Cool bro :)
Mungkin itu yg disebut dengan crowd behaviour ya, bro...
And that's why emotions of market cycling.


--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, "JT"  wrote:
> Koreksi mah biasa itu.., kalau ngga ada koreksi mah bukan market
> yg bikin saya heran, tiap ada koreksi selalu HEBOH, hehe., maunya tiap
> harga naik terus ya. haha.., dasar..
> JT
> From: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
> On Behalf Of VF T
> Sent: 26 Juli 2009 13:29
> To: Obrolan bandar
> Subject: [Bulk] Re: [ob] IHSG MAP - BEARISH or BULLISH
> Mungkin permasalah kata2 prof antara "bearish" dg "koreksi".. Dan
> time horisonnya shorterm, midterm ato longterm..
> Jadinya ga sinkron deh.. Hehee...
> Kl longterm sy setuju prof masih bullish..
> Tp kl midterm sy rasa akan ada koreksi spy sehat..
> Bener ga ya prof..
> - VF -
>   _
> From: "JT"
> Date: Sun, 26 Jul 2009 13:17:47 +0700
> To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
> Subject: RE: [ob] IHSG MAP - BEARISH or BULLISH
> Thanks for your nice comment, EL.., (tumben ngga ngata'in gua.,
> Yes, banyak orang yg seperti itu, switch to more laggard tools..,
well, as
> long as they just switch or adjust the period 'sebelumnya', that
should be
> ok, yg ngga bener adalah kalau melakukan adjustment later on saat the
> pop up. hehe
> My point is, being bearish or bullish HARUS ada ukurannya yg JELAS..,
> baru satu dua hari merah sdh bearish, besok ijo bullish lagi, abis
> bearish, abis belanja bullish lagi and so on.. hahaha., I am not
> about you ya, tapi kalau anda perhatikan banyak yg seperti itu di
sini., so
> we MUST KNOW the threshold, know the map, mine is very simple, No
> when the MACD DC on weekly, saya ngga akan ngotot.., I'll declare
> and do the trade accordingly.
> Have a nice weekend EL.., oh ya, about Tasrul.., you tanya sendiri
> dngg., hehehe
> Regards,
> JT
> From: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
> On Behalf Of Elaine Sui
> Sent: 26 Juli 2009 12:53
> To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
> Subject: Re: [ob] IHSG MAP - BEARISH or BULLISH
> Good one! though in my market behavior analysis I found that many ppl
> usually expand their timeframe (or switch to simpler, more laggard
> indicators) to show excuses (like in mid 2008). He he.. sorry but
okay, good
> point my friend. I do love your post, dear.
> Anyway, ask your partner Tasrul, 1. is it generally accepted to change
> period/time series scale for a linear regression in a middle of an
> as far as I know to measure/calculate the TIMING of market direction
> time series (or you may call Y variant) is part of the independent
> and
> 2. is it possible to do such equation when only secondary data is
> (while we know that the secondary (historical) data is highly
dependant on
> intermarket analysis, currency and obviously economic figures?
> But don't bother, I'm not interested anyway, too much guessing. In my
> personal experience, when I explain math to my investors, they think
> I'm making excuses (lolz). They don't care about all this stuff, they
> want money and more money.
> Elaine
> On Sun, Jul 26, 2009 at 11:46 AM, JT jsxtra...@... wrote:
> Wew, rame juga ya perdebatan bullish, bearish, soft or hard landing,
> or trade, wave sekian, wave sekian.. etc.., etc... seru juga.. hehe..,
> Here's my view BASE ON TA, yes just simple TA, bukan Rumors, bukan
> apalagi Gossip..
> Oh ya, in sekalian meresponse statement my dear friend EL yg
mengatakan :
> Some tech guys are pretending to be calm both in OB and on my facebook
> wall..,(tech yg mana nih EL.? I am perfectly CALM)
> Here's what I see., NO MAGIC.., NO sophisticated tools., just simple
> old and trusted tools., I will GO bearish when MACD at WEEKLY chart
> cross., terlambat?? Ngga juga, karena keputusan beli dan jual tetap
> pada TA masing2 saham, dan timingnya/eksekusi tetap menggunakan daily
> chart..,  after all I am a trader just like most of us (termasuk
EL).., so
> no worry to be late.
> this simple chart saya pakai sebagai INDIKATOR apakah IHSG Bearish Or
> Bullish, no rumors, no isu, apalagi dengerin gossip., you tell me lah
> we are now, and you tell me if there is any sign of reversal yet?
> Have a nice weekend every one. J
> Regards,
> JT


2009-07-26 Terurut Topik JT
Koreksi mah biasa itu.., kalau ngga ada koreksi mah bukan market namanya.,
yg bikin saya heran, tiap ada koreksi selalu HEBOH, hehe., maunya tiap hari
harga naik terus ya. haha.., dasar..




From: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com [mailto:obrolan-ban...@yahoogroups.com]
On Behalf Of VF T
Sent: 26 Juli 2009 13:29
To: Obrolan bandar
Subject: [Bulk] Re: [ob] IHSG MAP - BEARISH or BULLISH


Mungkin permasalah kata2 prof antara "bearish" dg "koreksi".. Dan masalah
time horisonnya shorterm, midterm ato longterm..
Jadinya ga sinkron deh.. Hehee...
Kl longterm sy setuju prof masih bullish..
Tp kl midterm sy rasa akan ada koreksi spy sehat..
Bener ga ya prof..

- VF -


From: "JT" 
Date: Sun, 26 Jul 2009 13:17:47 +0700


Thanks for your nice comment, EL.., (tumben ngga ngata'in gua., hehe)., 


Yes, banyak orang yg seperti itu, switch to more laggard tools.., well, as
long as they just switch or adjust the period 'sebelumnya', that should be
ok, yg ngga bener adalah kalau melakukan adjustment later on saat the signal
pop up. hehe


My point is, being bearish or bullish HARUS ada ukurannya yg JELAS.., jangan
baru satu dua hari merah sdh bearish, besok ijo bullish lagi, abis jualan
bearish, abis belanja bullish lagi and so on.. hahaha., I am not talking
about you ya, tapi kalau anda perhatikan banyak yg seperti itu di sini., so
we MUST KNOW the threshold, know the map, mine is very simple, No Magic,
when the MACD DC on weekly, saya ngga akan ngotot.., I'll declare bearish
and do the trade accordingly.


Have a nice weekend EL.., oh ya, about Tasrul.., you tanya sendiri
dngg., hehehe






From: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com [mailto:obrolan-ban...@yahoogroups.com]
On Behalf Of Elaine Sui
Sent: 26 Juli 2009 12:53
To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [ob] IHSG MAP - BEARISH or BULLISH


Good one! though in my market behavior analysis I found that many ppl
usually expand their timeframe (or switch to simpler, more laggard
indicators) to show excuses (like in mid 2008). He he.. sorry but okay, good
point my friend. I do love your post, dear. 

Anyway, ask your partner Tasrul, 1. is it generally accepted to change the
period/time series scale for a linear regression in a middle of an equation?
as far as I know to measure/calculate the TIMING of market direction the
time series (or you may call Y variant) is part of the independent variable,

2. is it possible to do such equation when only secondary data is available
(while we know that the secondary (historical) data is highly dependant on
intermarket analysis, currency and obviously economic figures?

But don't bother, I'm not interested anyway, too much guessing. In my
personal experience, when I explain math to my investors, they think that
I'm making excuses (lolz). They don't care about all this stuff, they only
want money and more money. 


On Sun, Jul 26, 2009 at 11:46 AM, JT  wrote:


Wew, rame juga ya perdebatan bullish, bearish, soft or hard landing, invest
or trade, wave sekian, wave sekian.. etc.., etc... seru juga.. hehe..,
Here's my view BASE ON TA, yes just simple TA, bukan Rumors, bukan Isu,
apalagi Gossip.. 


Oh ya, in sekalian meresponse statement my dear friend EL yg mengatakan :
Some tech guys are pretending to be calm both in OB and on my facebook
wall..,(tech yg mana nih EL.? I am perfectly CALM)


Here's what I see., NO MAGIC.., NO sophisticated tools., just simple good
old and trusted tools., I will GO bearish when MACD at WEEKLY chart dead
cross., terlambat?? Ngga juga, karena keputusan beli dan jual tetap mengacu
pada TA masing2 saham, dan timingnya/eksekusi tetap menggunakan daily
chart..,  after all I am a trader just like most of us (termasuk EL).., so
no worry to be late.


this simple chart saya pakai sebagai INDIKATOR apakah IHSG Bearish Or
Bullish, no rumors, no isu, apalagi dengerin gossip., you tell me lah where
we are now, and you tell me if there is any sign of reversal yet? Hehehe


Have a nice weekend every one. J









2009-07-26 Terurut Topik mekindascrewel
Mau mau mau ... Bisa diambil dimana bu ? Nyam nyammm

-Original Message-
From: Elaine Sui 

Date: Sun, 26 Jul 2009 15:46:43 
Subject: Re: [ob] IHSG MAP - BEARISH or BULLISH

*bakut teh mau?

On Sun, Jul 26, 2009 at 3:34 PM,  wrote:

> Bisa pesan soup buntut ? ha ha ha
> Powered by Telkomsel BlackBerry®
> --
> *From*: Elaine Sui
> *Date*: Sun, 26 Jul 2009 15:00:11 +0700
> *To*: 
> *Subject*: Re: [ob] IHSG MAP - BEARISH or BULLISH
> *I prefer to stay at home and doing weird experiments in my kitchen hee..
> [?]
> Elaine**
> *
> On Sun, Jul 26, 2009 at 2:45 PM,  wrote:
>> Ada yg bisa saya bantu say ? Ehm ..
>> Just info aja nih Dow udah break downtred channel, jadi kalau ada koreksi
>> gak akan parah parah amat. IHSG kalau gak jebol 2250 bolehlah koreksi, tapi
>> kecil kemungkinan jatuh dibawah 2000,ane akan copet jika IHSG jatuh dibawah
>> 1 persen,ntar deh ane kirim chartnya. Hari Minggu ini jalan ama keluarga
>> dulu atau pacar , masa pikirin market terus ha ha ha.
>> Powered by Telkomsel BlackBerry®
>> ------------------
>> *From*: Elaine Sui
>> *Date*: Sun, 26 Jul 2009 12:53:15 +0700
>> *To*: 
>> *Subject*: Re: [ob] IHSG MAP - BEARISH or BULLISH
>> *Good one! though in my market behavior analysis I found that many ppl
>> usually expand their timeframe (or switch to simpler, more laggard
>> indicators) to show excuses (like in mid 2008). He he.. sorry but okay, good
>> point my friend. I do love your post, dear. [?]
>> Anyway, ask your partner Tasrul, 1. is it generally accepted to change the
>> period/time series scale for a linear regression in a middle of an equation?
>> as far as I know to measure/calculate the TIMING of market direction the
>> time series (or you may call Y variant) is part of the independent variable,
>> and
>> 2. is it possible to do such equation when only secondary data is
>> available (while we know that the secondary (historical) data is highly
>> dependant on intermarket analysis, currency and obviously economic figures?
>> But don't bother, I'm not interested anyway, too much guessing. [?] In my
>> personal experience, when I explain math to my investors, they think that
>> I'm making excuses (lolz). They don't care about all this stuff, they only
>> want money and more money. [?]
>> Elaine
>> *
>> *
>> *
>> On Sun, Jul 26, 2009 at 11:46 AM, JT  wrote:
>>>  Wew, rame juga ya perdebatan bullish, bearish, soft or hard landing,
>>> invest or trade, wave sekian, wave sekian…. etc.., etc….. seru juga..
>>> hehe.., Here’s my view BASE ON TA, yes just simple TA, bukan Rumors, bukan
>>> Isu, apalagi Gossip….
>>> Oh ya, in sekalian meresponse statement my dear friend EL yg mengatakan :
>>> *Some tech guys are pretending to be calm both in OB and on my facebook
>>> wall…., *(tech yg mana nih EL…? I am perfectly CALM)
>>> Here’s what I see…, NO MAGIC.., NO sophisticated tools…, just simple good
>>> old and trusted tools…, I will GO bearish when MACD at WEEKLY chart dead
>>> cross…, terlambat?? Ngga juga, karena keputusan beli dan jual tetap mengacu
>>> pada TA masing2 saham, dan timingnya/eksekusi tetap menggunakan daily
>>> chart..,  after all I am a trader just like most of us (termasuk EL).., so
>>> no worry to be late.
>>> this simple chart saya pakai sebagai INDIKATOR apakah IHSG Bearish Or
>>> Bullish, no rumors, no isu, apalagi dengerin gossip…, you tell me lah where
>>> we are now, and you tell me if there is any sign of reversal yet? Hehehe
>>> Have a nice weekend every one… J
>>> Regards,
>>> JT
>>> [image: ihsg 2.png]
>>> [image: ihsg 1.png]



2009-07-26 Terurut Topik Elaine Sui
*bakut teh mau?

On Sun, Jul 26, 2009 at 3:34 PM,  wrote:

> Bisa pesan soup buntut ? ha ha ha
> Powered by Telkomsel BlackBerry®
> --
> *From*: Elaine Sui
> *Date*: Sun, 26 Jul 2009 15:00:11 +0700
> *To*: 
> *Subject*: Re: [ob] IHSG MAP - BEARISH or BULLISH
> *I prefer to stay at home and doing weird experiments in my kitchen hee..
> [?]
> Elaine**
> *
> On Sun, Jul 26, 2009 at 2:45 PM,  wrote:
>> Ada yg bisa saya bantu say ? Ehm ..
>> Just info aja nih Dow udah break downtred channel, jadi kalau ada koreksi
>> gak akan parah parah amat. IHSG kalau gak jebol 2250 bolehlah koreksi, tapi
>> kecil kemungkinan jatuh dibawah 2000,ane akan copet jika IHSG jatuh dibawah
>> 1 persen,ntar deh ane kirim chartnya. Hari Minggu ini jalan ama keluarga
>> dulu atau pacar , masa pikirin market terus ha ha ha.
>> Powered by Telkomsel BlackBerry®
>> ------------------
>> *From*: Elaine Sui
>> *Date*: Sun, 26 Jul 2009 12:53:15 +0700
>> *To*: 
>> *Subject*: Re: [ob] IHSG MAP - BEARISH or BULLISH
>> *Good one! though in my market behavior analysis I found that many ppl
>> usually expand their timeframe (or switch to simpler, more laggard
>> indicators) to show excuses (like in mid 2008). He he.. sorry but okay, good
>> point my friend. I do love your post, dear. [?]
>> Anyway, ask your partner Tasrul, 1. is it generally accepted to change the
>> period/time series scale for a linear regression in a middle of an equation?
>> as far as I know to measure/calculate the TIMING of market direction the
>> time series (or you may call Y variant) is part of the independent variable,
>> and
>> 2. is it possible to do such equation when only secondary data is
>> available (while we know that the secondary (historical) data is highly
>> dependant on intermarket analysis, currency and obviously economic figures?
>> But don't bother, I'm not interested anyway, too much guessing. [?] In my
>> personal experience, when I explain math to my investors, they think that
>> I'm making excuses (lolz). They don't care about all this stuff, they only
>> want money and more money. [?]
>> Elaine
>> *
>> *
>> *
>> On Sun, Jul 26, 2009 at 11:46 AM, JT  wrote:
>>>  Wew, rame juga ya perdebatan bullish, bearish, soft or hard landing,
>>> invest or trade, wave sekian, wave sekian…. etc.., etc….. seru juga..
>>> hehe.., Here’s my view BASE ON TA, yes just simple TA, bukan Rumors, bukan
>>> Isu, apalagi Gossip….
>>> Oh ya, in sekalian meresponse statement my dear friend EL yg mengatakan :
>>> *Some tech guys are pretending to be calm both in OB and on my facebook
>>> wall…., *(tech yg mana nih EL…? I am perfectly CALM)
>>> Here’s what I see…, NO MAGIC.., NO sophisticated tools…, just simple good
>>> old and trusted tools…, I will GO bearish when MACD at WEEKLY chart dead
>>> cross…, terlambat?? Ngga juga, karena keputusan beli dan jual tetap mengacu
>>> pada TA masing2 saham, dan timingnya/eksekusi tetap menggunakan daily
>>> chart..,  after all I am a trader just like most of us (termasuk EL).., so
>>> no worry to be late.
>>> this simple chart saya pakai sebagai INDIKATOR apakah IHSG Bearish Or
>>> Bullish, no rumors, no isu, apalagi dengerin gossip…, you tell me lah where
>>> we are now, and you tell me if there is any sign of reversal yet? Hehehe
>>> Have a nice weekend every one… J
>>> Regards,
>>> JT
>>> [image: ihsg 2.png]
>>> [image: ihsg 1.png]


2009-07-26 Terurut Topik tasrul70
Bisa pesan soup buntut  ? ha ha ha
Powered by Telkomsel BlackBerry®

-Original Message-
From: Elaine Sui 

Date: Sun, 26 Jul 2009 15:00:11 
Subject: Re: [ob] IHSG MAP - BEARISH or BULLISH

*I prefer to stay at home and doing weird experiments in my kitchen hee.. [?]

On Sun, Jul 26, 2009 at 2:45 PM,  wrote:

> Ada yg bisa saya bantu say ? Ehm ..
> Just info aja nih Dow udah break downtred channel, jadi kalau ada koreksi
> gak akan parah parah amat. IHSG kalau gak jebol 2250 bolehlah koreksi, tapi
> kecil kemungkinan jatuh dibawah 2000,ane akan copet jika IHSG jatuh dibawah
> 1 persen,ntar deh ane kirim chartnya. Hari Minggu ini jalan ama keluarga
> dulu atau pacar , masa pikirin market terus ha ha ha.
> Powered by Telkomsel BlackBerry®
> --
> *From*: Elaine Sui
> *Date*: Sun, 26 Jul 2009 12:53:15 +0700
> *To*: 
> *Subject*: Re: [ob] IHSG MAP - BEARISH or BULLISH
> *Good one! though in my market behavior analysis I found that many ppl
> usually expand their timeframe (or switch to simpler, more laggard
> indicators) to show excuses (like in mid 2008). He he.. sorry but okay, good
> point my friend. I do love your post, dear. [?]
> Anyway, ask your partner Tasrul, 1. is it generally accepted to change the
> period/time series scale for a linear regression in a middle of an equation?
> as far as I know to measure/calculate the TIMING of market direction the
> time series (or you may call Y variant) is part of the independent variable,
> and
> 2. is it possible to do such equation when only secondary data is available
> (while we know that the secondary (historical) data is highly dependant on
> intermarket analysis, currency and obviously economic figures?
> But don't bother, I'm not interested anyway, too much guessing. [?] In my
> personal experience, when I explain math to my investors, they think that
> I'm making excuses (lolz). They don't care about all this stuff, they only
> want money and more money. [?]
> Elaine
> *
> *
> *
> On Sun, Jul 26, 2009 at 11:46 AM, JT  wrote:
>>  Wew, rame juga ya perdebatan bullish, bearish, soft or hard landing,
>> invest or trade, wave sekian, wave sekian…. etc.., etc….. seru juga..
>> hehe.., Here’s my view BASE ON TA, yes just simple TA, bukan Rumors, bukan
>> Isu, apalagi Gossip….
>> Oh ya, in sekalian meresponse statement my dear friend EL yg mengatakan :
>> *Some tech guys are pretending to be calm both in OB and on my facebook
>> wall…., *(tech yg mana nih EL…? I am perfectly CALM)
>> Here’s what I see…, NO MAGIC.., NO sophisticated tools…, just simple good
>> old and trusted tools…, I will GO bearish when MACD at WEEKLY chart dead
>> cross…, terlambat?? Ngga juga, karena keputusan beli dan jual tetap mengacu
>> pada TA masing2 saham, dan timingnya/eksekusi tetap menggunakan daily
>> chart..,  after all I am a trader just like most of us (termasuk EL).., so
>> no worry to be late.
>> this simple chart saya pakai sebagai INDIKATOR apakah IHSG Bearish Or
>> Bullish, no rumors, no isu, apalagi dengerin gossip…, you tell me lah where
>> we are now, and you tell me if there is any sign of reversal yet? Hehehe
>> Have a nice weekend every one… J
>> Regards,
>> JT
>> [image: ihsg 2.png]
>> [image: ihsg 1.png]



2009-07-26 Terurut Topik boyz
Weks hampir lupa... :p
Ntar malam kita candle light dinner, ya??

Salam (thayank),


--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, Elaine Sui 
> *I prefer to stay at home and doing weird experiments in my kitchen
hee.. [?]
> Elaine**
> *


2009-07-26 Terurut Topik Elaine Sui
*I prefer to stay at home and doing weird experiments in my kitchen hee.. [?]

On Sun, Jul 26, 2009 at 2:45 PM,  wrote:

> Ada yg bisa saya bantu say ? Ehm ..
> Just info aja nih Dow udah break downtred channel, jadi kalau ada koreksi
> gak akan parah parah amat. IHSG kalau gak jebol 2250 bolehlah koreksi, tapi
> kecil kemungkinan jatuh dibawah 2000,ane akan copet jika IHSG jatuh dibawah
> 1 persen,ntar deh ane kirim chartnya. Hari Minggu ini jalan ama keluarga
> dulu atau pacar , masa pikirin market terus ha ha ha.
> Powered by Telkomsel BlackBerry®
> --
> *From*: Elaine Sui
> *Date*: Sun, 26 Jul 2009 12:53:15 +0700
> *To*: 
> *Subject*: Re: [ob] IHSG MAP - BEARISH or BULLISH
> *Good one! though in my market behavior analysis I found that many ppl
> usually expand their timeframe (or switch to simpler, more laggard
> indicators) to show excuses (like in mid 2008). He he.. sorry but okay, good
> point my friend. I do love your post, dear. [?]
> Anyway, ask your partner Tasrul, 1. is it generally accepted to change the
> period/time series scale for a linear regression in a middle of an equation?
> as far as I know to measure/calculate the TIMING of market direction the
> time series (or you may call Y variant) is part of the independent variable,
> and
> 2. is it possible to do such equation when only secondary data is available
> (while we know that the secondary (historical) data is highly dependant on
> intermarket analysis, currency and obviously economic figures?
> But don't bother, I'm not interested anyway, too much guessing. [?] In my
> personal experience, when I explain math to my investors, they think that
> I'm making excuses (lolz). They don't care about all this stuff, they only
> want money and more money. [?]
> Elaine
> *
> *
> *
> On Sun, Jul 26, 2009 at 11:46 AM, JT  wrote:
>>  Wew, rame juga ya perdebatan bullish, bearish, soft or hard landing,
>> invest or trade, wave sekian, wave sekian…. etc.., etc….. seru juga..
>> hehe.., Here’s my view BASE ON TA, yes just simple TA, bukan Rumors, bukan
>> Isu, apalagi Gossip….
>> Oh ya, in sekalian meresponse statement my dear friend EL yg mengatakan :
>> *Some tech guys are pretending to be calm both in OB and on my facebook
>> wall…., *(tech yg mana nih EL…? I am perfectly CALM)
>> Here’s what I see…, NO MAGIC.., NO sophisticated tools…, just simple good
>> old and trusted tools…, I will GO bearish when MACD at WEEKLY chart dead
>> cross…, terlambat?? Ngga juga, karena keputusan beli dan jual tetap mengacu
>> pada TA masing2 saham, dan timingnya/eksekusi tetap menggunakan daily
>> chart..,  after all I am a trader just like most of us (termasuk EL).., so
>> no worry to be late.
>> this simple chart saya pakai sebagai INDIKATOR apakah IHSG Bearish Or
>> Bullish, no rumors, no isu, apalagi dengerin gossip…, you tell me lah where
>> we are now, and you tell me if there is any sign of reversal yet? Hehehe
>> Have a nice weekend every one… J
>> Regards,
>> JT
>> [image: ihsg 2.png]
>> [image: ihsg 1.png]


2009-07-26 Terurut Topik tasrul70
Ada yg bisa saya bantu say ? Ehm ..
Just info aja nih Dow udah break downtred channel, jadi kalau ada koreksi gak 
akan parah parah amat. IHSG kalau gak jebol 2250 bolehlah koreksi, tapi kecil 
kemungkinan jatuh dibawah 2000,ane akan copet jika IHSG jatuh dibawah 1 
persen,ntar deh ane kirim chartnya. Hari Minggu ini jalan ama keluarga dulu 
atau pacar , masa pikirin market terus ha ha ha.

Powered by Telkomsel BlackBerry®

-Original Message-
From: Elaine Sui 

Date: Sun, 26 Jul 2009 12:53:15 
Subject: Re: [ob] IHSG MAP - BEARISH or BULLISH

*Good one! though in my market behavior analysis I found that many ppl
usually expand their timeframe (or switch to simpler, more laggard
indicators) to show excuses (like in mid 2008). He he.. sorry but okay, good
point my friend. I do love your post, dear. [?]

Anyway, ask your partner Tasrul, 1. is it generally accepted to change the
period/time series scale for a linear regression in a middle of an equation?
as far as I know to measure/calculate the TIMING of market direction the
time series (or you may call Y variant) is part of the independent variable,

2. is it possible to do such equation when only secondary data is available
(while we know that the secondary (historical) data is highly dependant on
intermarket analysis, currency and obviously economic figures?

But don't bother, I'm not interested anyway, too much guessing. [?] In my
personal experience, when I explain math to my investors, they think that
I'm making excuses (lolz). They don't care about all this stuff, they only
want money and more money. [?]

On Sun, Jul 26, 2009 at 11:46 AM, JT  wrote:

>  Wew, rame juga ya perdebatan bullish, bearish, soft or hard landing,
> invest or trade, wave sekian, wave sekian…. etc.., etc….. seru juga..
> hehe.., Here’s my view BASE ON TA, yes just simple TA, bukan Rumors, bukan
> Isu, apalagi Gossip….
> Oh ya, in sekalian meresponse statement my dear friend EL yg mengatakan :
> *Some tech guys are pretending to be calm both in OB and on my facebook
> wall…., *(tech yg mana nih EL…? I am perfectly CALM)
> Here’s what I see…, NO MAGIC.., NO sophisticated tools…, just simple good
> old and trusted tools…, I will GO bearish when MACD at WEEKLY chart dead
> cross…, terlambat?? Ngga juga, karena keputusan beli dan jual tetap mengacu
> pada TA masing2 saham, dan timingnya/eksekusi tetap menggunakan daily
> chart..,  after all I am a trader just like most of us (termasuk EL).., so
> no worry to be late.
> this simple chart saya pakai sebagai INDIKATOR apakah IHSG Bearish Or
> Bullish, no rumors, no isu, apalagi dengerin gossip…, you tell me lah where
> we are now, and you tell me if there is any sign of reversal yet? Hehehe
> Have a nice weekend every one… J
> Regards,
> JT
> [image: ihsg 2.png]
> [image: ihsg 1.png]



2009-07-26 Terurut Topik zhongxiulun
Ternyata si EL bawelnya di hari Minggu yah?
Powered by Telkomsel BlackBerry®

-Original Message-
From: "JT" 

Date: Sun, 26 Jul 2009 13:17:47 

Thanks for your nice comment, EL.., (tumben ngga ngata'in gua., hehe)., 


Yes, banyak orang yg seperti itu, switch to more laggard tools.., well, as
long as they just switch or adjust the period 'sebelumnya', that should be
ok, yg ngga bener adalah kalau melakukan adjustment later on saat the signal
pop up. hehe


My point is, being bearish or bullish HARUS ada ukurannya yg JELAS.., jangan
baru satu dua hari merah sdh bearish, besok ijo bullish lagi, abis jualan
bearish, abis belanja bullish lagi and so on.. hahaha., I am not talking
about you ya, tapi kalau anda perhatikan banyak yg seperti itu di sini., so
we MUST KNOW the threshold, know the map, mine is very simple, No Magic,
when the MACD DC on weekly, saya ngga akan ngotot.., I'll declare bearish
and do the trade accordingly.


Have a nice weekend EL.., oh ya, about Tasrul.., you tanya sendiri
dngg., hehehe






From: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com [mailto:obrolan-ban...@yahoogroups.com]
On Behalf Of Elaine Sui
Sent: 26 Juli 2009 12:53
To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [ob] IHSG MAP - BEARISH or BULLISH


Good one! though in my market behavior analysis I found that many ppl
usually expand their timeframe (or switch to simpler, more laggard
indicators) to show excuses (like in mid 2008). He he.. sorry but okay, good
point my friend. I do love your post, dear. 

Anyway, ask your partner Tasrul, 1. is it generally accepted to change the
period/time series scale for a linear regression in a middle of an equation?
as far as I know to measure/calculate the TIMING of market direction the
time series (or you may call Y variant) is part of the independent variable,

2. is it possible to do such equation when only secondary data is available
(while we know that the secondary (historical) data is highly dependant on
intermarket analysis, currency and obviously economic figures?

But don't bother, I'm not interested anyway, too much guessing. In my
personal experience, when I explain math to my investors, they think that
I'm making excuses (lolz). They don't care about all this stuff, they only
want money and more money. 


On Sun, Jul 26, 2009 at 11:46 AM, JT  wrote:


Wew, rame juga ya perdebatan bullish, bearish, soft or hard landing, invest
or trade, wave sekian, wave sekian.. etc.., etc... seru juga.. hehe..,
Here's my view BASE ON TA, yes just simple TA, bukan Rumors, bukan Isu,
apalagi Gossip.. 


Oh ya, in sekalian meresponse statement my dear friend EL yg mengatakan :
Some tech guys are pretending to be calm both in OB and on my facebook
wall.., (tech yg mana nih EL.? I am perfectly CALM)


Here's what I see., NO MAGIC.., NO sophisticated tools., just simple good
old and trusted tools., I will GO bearish when MACD at WEEKLY chart dead
cross., terlambat?? Ngga juga, karena keputusan beli dan jual tetap mengacu
pada TA masing2 saham, dan timingnya/eksekusi tetap menggunakan daily
chart..,  after all I am a trader just like most of us (termasuk EL).., so
no worry to be late.


this simple chart saya pakai sebagai INDIKATOR apakah IHSG Bearish Or
Bullish, no rumors, no isu, apalagi dengerin gossip., you tell me lah where
we are now, and you tell me if there is any sign of reversal yet? Hehehe


Have a nice weekend every one. J






 ihsg 2.png




 ihsg 1.png


No virus found in this incoming message.
Checked by AVG - www.avg.com
Version: 8.5.392 / Virus Database: 270.13.30/2262 - Release Date: 07/25/09



2009-07-25 Terurut Topik JT
Thanks for your nice comment, EL.., (tumben ngga ngata'in gua., hehe)., 


Yes, banyak orang yg seperti itu, switch to more laggard tools.., well, as
long as they just switch or adjust the period 'sebelumnya', that should be
ok, yg ngga bener adalah kalau melakukan adjustment later on saat the signal
pop up. hehe


My point is, being bearish or bullish HARUS ada ukurannya yg JELAS.., jangan
baru satu dua hari merah sdh bearish, besok ijo bullish lagi, abis jualan
bearish, abis belanja bullish lagi and so on.. hahaha., I am not talking
about you ya, tapi kalau anda perhatikan banyak yg seperti itu di sini., so
we MUST KNOW the threshold, know the map, mine is very simple, No Magic,
when the MACD DC on weekly, saya ngga akan ngotot.., I'll declare bearish
and do the trade accordingly.


Have a nice weekend EL.., oh ya, about Tasrul.., you tanya sendiri
dngg., hehehe






From: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com [mailto:obrolan-ban...@yahoogroups.com]
On Behalf Of Elaine Sui
Sent: 26 Juli 2009 12:53
To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [ob] IHSG MAP - BEARISH or BULLISH


Good one! though in my market behavior analysis I found that many ppl
usually expand their timeframe (or switch to simpler, more laggard
indicators) to show excuses (like in mid 2008). He he.. sorry but okay, good
point my friend. I do love your post, dear. 

Anyway, ask your partner Tasrul, 1. is it generally accepted to change the
period/time series scale for a linear regression in a middle of an equation?
as far as I know to measure/calculate the TIMING of market direction the
time series (or you may call Y variant) is part of the independent variable,

2. is it possible to do such equation when only secondary data is available
(while we know that the secondary (historical) data is highly dependant on
intermarket analysis, currency and obviously economic figures?

But don't bother, I'm not interested anyway, too much guessing. In my
personal experience, when I explain math to my investors, they think that
I'm making excuses (lolz). They don't care about all this stuff, they only
want money and more money. 


On Sun, Jul 26, 2009 at 11:46 AM, JT  wrote:


Wew, rame juga ya perdebatan bullish, bearish, soft or hard landing, invest
or trade, wave sekian, wave sekian.. etc.., etc... seru juga.. hehe..,
Here's my view BASE ON TA, yes just simple TA, bukan Rumors, bukan Isu,
apalagi Gossip.. 


Oh ya, in sekalian meresponse statement my dear friend EL yg mengatakan :
Some tech guys are pretending to be calm both in OB and on my facebook
wall.., (tech yg mana nih EL.? I am perfectly CALM)


Here's what I see., NO MAGIC.., NO sophisticated tools., just simple good
old and trusted tools., I will GO bearish when MACD at WEEKLY chart dead
cross., terlambat?? Ngga juga, karena keputusan beli dan jual tetap mengacu
pada TA masing2 saham, dan timingnya/eksekusi tetap menggunakan daily
chart..,  after all I am a trader just like most of us (termasuk EL).., so
no worry to be late.


this simple chart saya pakai sebagai INDIKATOR apakah IHSG Bearish Or
Bullish, no rumors, no isu, apalagi dengerin gossip., you tell me lah where
we are now, and you tell me if there is any sign of reversal yet? Hehehe


Have a nice weekend every one. J






 ihsg 2.png




 ihsg 1.png


No virus found in this incoming message.
Checked by AVG - www.avg.com
Version: 8.5.392 / Virus Database: 270.13.30/2262 - Release Date: 07/25/09



2009-07-25 Terurut Topik VF ™
Mungkin permasalah kata2 prof antara "bearish" dg "koreksi".. Dan masalah time 
horisonnya shorterm, midterm ato longterm..
Jadinya ga sinkron deh.. Hehee...
Kl longterm sy setuju prof masih bullish..
Tp kl midterm sy rasa akan ada koreksi spy sehat..
Bener ga ya prof..
- VF -

-Original Message-
From: "JT" 

Date: Sun, 26 Jul 2009 13:17:47 

Thanks for your nice comment, EL.., (tumben ngga ngata'in gua., hehe)., 


Yes, banyak orang yg seperti itu, switch to more laggard tools.., well, as
long as they just switch or adjust the period 'sebelumnya', that should be
ok, yg ngga bener adalah kalau melakukan adjustment later on saat the signal
pop up. hehe


My point is, being bearish or bullish HARUS ada ukurannya yg JELAS.., jangan
baru satu dua hari merah sdh bearish, besok ijo bullish lagi, abis jualan
bearish, abis belanja bullish lagi and so on.. hahaha., I am not talking
about you ya, tapi kalau anda perhatikan banyak yg seperti itu di sini., so
we MUST KNOW the threshold, know the map, mine is very simple, No Magic,
when the MACD DC on weekly, saya ngga akan ngotot.., I'll declare bearish
and do the trade accordingly.


Have a nice weekend EL.., oh ya, about Tasrul.., you tanya sendiri
dngg., hehehe






From: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com [mailto:obrolan-ban...@yahoogroups.com]
On Behalf Of Elaine Sui
Sent: 26 Juli 2009 12:53
To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [ob] IHSG MAP - BEARISH or BULLISH


Good one! though in my market behavior analysis I found that many ppl
usually expand their timeframe (or switch to simpler, more laggard
indicators) to show excuses (like in mid 2008). He he.. sorry but okay, good
point my friend. I do love your post, dear. 

Anyway, ask your partner Tasrul, 1. is it generally accepted to change the
period/time series scale for a linear regression in a middle of an equation?
as far as I know to measure/calculate the TIMING of market direction the
time series (or you may call Y variant) is part of the independent variable,

2. is it possible to do such equation when only secondary data is available
(while we know that the secondary (historical) data is highly dependant on
intermarket analysis, currency and obviously economic figures?

But don't bother, I'm not interested anyway, too much guessing. In my
personal experience, when I explain math to my investors, they think that
I'm making excuses (lolz). They don't care about all this stuff, they only
want money and more money. 


On Sun, Jul 26, 2009 at 11:46 AM, JT  wrote:


Wew, rame juga ya perdebatan bullish, bearish, soft or hard landing, invest
or trade, wave sekian, wave sekian.. etc.., etc... seru juga.. hehe..,
Here's my view BASE ON TA, yes just simple TA, bukan Rumors, bukan Isu,
apalagi Gossip.. 


Oh ya, in sekalian meresponse statement my dear friend EL yg mengatakan :
Some tech guys are pretending to be calm both in OB and on my facebook
wall.., (tech yg mana nih EL.? I am perfectly CALM)


Here's what I see., NO MAGIC.., NO sophisticated tools., just simple good
old and trusted tools., I will GO bearish when MACD at WEEKLY chart dead
cross., terlambat?? Ngga juga, karena keputusan beli dan jual tetap mengacu
pada TA masing2 saham, dan timingnya/eksekusi tetap menggunakan daily
chart..,  after all I am a trader just like most of us (termasuk EL).., so
no worry to be late.


this simple chart saya pakai sebagai INDIKATOR apakah IHSG Bearish Or
Bullish, no rumors, no isu, apalagi dengerin gossip., you tell me lah where
we are now, and you tell me if there is any sign of reversal yet? Hehehe


Have a nice weekend every one. J






 ihsg 2.png




 ihsg 1.png


No virus found in this incoming message.
Checked by AVG - www.avg.com
Version: 8.5.392 / Virus Database: 270.13.30/2262 - Release Date: 07/25/09



2009-07-25 Terurut Topik Elaine Sui
*Good one! though in my market behavior analysis I found that many ppl
usually expand their timeframe (or switch to simpler, more laggard
indicators) to show excuses (like in mid 2008). He he.. sorry but okay, good
point my friend. I do love your post, dear. [?]

Anyway, ask your partner Tasrul, 1. is it generally accepted to change the
period/time series scale for a linear regression in a middle of an equation?
as far as I know to measure/calculate the TIMING of market direction the
time series (or you may call Y variant) is part of the independent variable,

2. is it possible to do such equation when only secondary data is available
(while we know that the secondary (historical) data is highly dependant on
intermarket analysis, currency and obviously economic figures?

But don't bother, I'm not interested anyway, too much guessing. [?] In my
personal experience, when I explain math to my investors, they think that
I'm making excuses (lolz). They don't care about all this stuff, they only
want money and more money. [?]

On Sun, Jul 26, 2009 at 11:46 AM, JT  wrote:

>  Wew, rame juga ya perdebatan bullish, bearish, soft or hard landing,
> invest or trade, wave sekian, wave sekian…. etc.., etc….. seru juga..
> hehe.., Here’s my view BASE ON TA, yes just simple TA, bukan Rumors, bukan
> Isu, apalagi Gossip….
> Oh ya, in sekalian meresponse statement my dear friend EL yg mengatakan :
> *Some tech guys are pretending to be calm both in OB and on my facebook
> wall…., *(tech yg mana nih EL…? I am perfectly CALM)
> Here’s what I see…, NO MAGIC.., NO sophisticated tools…, just simple good
> old and trusted tools…, I will GO bearish when MACD at WEEKLY chart dead
> cross…, terlambat?? Ngga juga, karena keputusan beli dan jual tetap mengacu
> pada TA masing2 saham, dan timingnya/eksekusi tetap menggunakan daily
> chart..,  after all I am a trader just like most of us (termasuk EL).., so
> no worry to be late.
> this simple chart saya pakai sebagai INDIKATOR apakah IHSG Bearish Or
> Bullish, no rumors, no isu, apalagi dengerin gossip…, you tell me lah where
> we are now, and you tell me if there is any sign of reversal yet? Hehehe
> Have a nice weekend every one… J
> Regards,
> JT
> [image: ihsg 2.png]
> [image: ihsg 1.png]