Suharto's legacy of big money
February 13, 2010

The blow-out started nearly four years ago as a gas drilling rig bored
down into the lush landscape of rice paddies and villages near Sidoarjo
in Java. Grey toxic mud, scalding hot, spewed from the ground.
It's kept coming ever since, covering more than 800 hectares of farmland
and 12 villages, displacing 42,000 people and requiring a major highway
to be diverted. Already the damage is put at nearly $5.5 billion. The
land is subsiding, in the beginning of what could be a volcano-like
caldera. The mud could flow for decades more.

The drilling company involved, Lapindo Brantas, is owned by the Bakrie
Brothers group, which is in turn controlled by one of Indonesia's
richest and most powerful men, Aburizal Bakrie, a businessman and
politician combined who at the time was the minister for social welfare.

Bakrie has kept well away from Sidoarjo, and his company has tried to
blame an earthquake 300 kilometres away in Yogyakarta, two days earlier,
for the start of the eruption. As lawsuits and political campaigns
closed in for compensation, his business group has also tried to sell
off Lapindo Brantas to tax-haven companies but has been blocked by
Jakarta authorities.

Like the toxic mud welling from beneath Java, Indonesia's fledgling
democracy is struggling with a legacy of the 1966-98 Suharto
dictatorship whose danger is often overlooked. While many analysts focus
on the resistance of the military to reform, the power of the big
capitalists fostered by Suharto is also important, especially if the two
elements combine.

Several of the big Suharto-era business groups have lowered their
profile and diversified out of Indonesia since 1998. But generally,
reform has been gentle with them in terms of bailouts and loans from
state banks. At least two, Bakrie and James Riady, remain deeply and
prominently involved in public life.

After last year's elections, Bakrie moved up to take over leadership of
the former Suharto regime political party Golkar from former vice
president Jusuf Kalla. He has kept the party in alliance with President
Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono's small Democratic Party, providing much needed
legislative support.

But that support is coming at a high political price. Bakrie is now
widely seen as masterminding the attack on Yudhoyono's two most
important cabinet members for cleaning up Indonesia's corrupt
government, financial and judicial systems. These are the Finance
Minister, Sri Mulyani Indrawati, and the current Vice President,

Never mind that Bakrie got government bailouts after the Asian financial
crisis that eventually brought Suharto down, or that several of his
companies are under investigation as tax defaulters. He and his allies
in the parliament are trying to bring down either Sri Mulyani or
Boediono or both over a contentious bank bailout in 2008.

This was the rescue of Bank Century, a medium-sized private sector
outfit that got into trouble as the global financial crisis hit. Sri
Mulyani was the chief financial minister at the time, and Boediono the
governor of the central bank which eventually put 7 trillion rupiah
($800 million) into a bailout.

The two officials insist the rescue was to prevent contagion that could
have swept the entire banking system. But it has emerged that Bank
Century's main shareholder was siphoning bank funds away to Hong Kong,
and as fast as the central bank injected funds, several big depositors
with political clout were withdrawing their money.

Bakrie is using this case to shake Sri Mulyani and her tax officials off
the back of his companies, it appears. But getting her sacked would
cause a disastrous crisis of confidence in financial circles, so
Boediono may be the first target. Replacing him with someone with a less
rigorous grasp of economics, like the current co-ordinating minister for
economic affairs Hatta Rajasa, would deprive her of crucial support.

This week's murder conviction of the former head of Jakarta's
anti-corruption agency, Antasari Azhar, after a farcical conspiracy case
was put before a court, on top of the early release of Suharto's son
Tommy Mandala Putra from his jail sentence for the murder of a judge and
his return to Golkar politics, shows the weakness of institutions in the
face of big money.

Even the strongest democracies in Asia have struggled at times with the
power of big capital. In India, the Birlas and the Ambanis have at times
been seen as calling the shots in New Delhi. In Japan, Prime Minister
Yukio Hatoyama is having to explain how he didn't notice his mother,
heiress to the Bridgestone tyre fortune, slipping some $10 million of
unreported pocket money into his campaign funds.

In the newer democracies, big money can create systemic risk. Look at
Thailand: the rise, fall and attempted return of telecom tycoon Thaksin
Shinawatra has turned a country that seemed a stable, democratic
constitutional monarchy and regional security pillar into a problem

This week Bakrie upped the ante by getting a parliamentary inquiry to
probe links between grateful Bank Century depositors and donations to
Yudhoyono's re-election campaign last year. ''We are not afraid of being
threatened at gunpoint, let alone by tax-evasion allegations,'' he's
quoted as telling Golkar colleagues. ''…I am not used to making
threats, but don't try to threaten me.''

Australia's government has identified itself closely with Sri Mulyani
and Boediono (an alumnus of Western Australia and Monash universities)
and their reform agenda, as have our foreign policy and financial
circles. This is a moment for utmost activity to firm up Yudhoyono's
resolve and for Bakrie's friends to remind him about something called
national interest.\

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