Sekalian nanya kang, 
Punya view atau ulasan fundamental untuk BIPI ga?
terutam kalau kita invest 1-3 tahun..
Prospek dan valussi nya gimana?

--- On Fri, 2/19/10, Bagus Putra Perdana <> wrote:

From: Bagus Putra Perdana <>
Subject: Re: [ob] tanya: Kang Ocoy
Date: Friday, February 19, 2010, 6:35 PM


Via Japri besok sore ya pak CC. sekalian pertanyaan sharingnya pak armando 
kemaren. malem ini saya kuliah sampe agak malem. sekalian thesis2 investasinya 
saya tulis biar bisa sekalian di inverse sama bapak dan pak armando. 3-5 idea 
lah. jadi sekalian dibuat penyederhanaan valuasi dan rationale2nya. biar di 
discussnya enak. sip.

2010/2/19 Cleopatras Cat <cleopatras.cats@>


Kang Ocoy yg baik,

jika ada waktu. bole saya minta rekomendasi 3 saham u/ invest 3 - 5 tahunan?

saham apa saja. asal bukan Gruppe nya Bakrie.

post scriptum: saya punya JSMR. UNVR. WIKA. 

hatur nuhun so much Kang.

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Each piece, or part, of the whole nature is always an approximation to the 
complete truth, or the complete truth so far as we know it. In fact, everything 
we know is only some kind of approximation, because we know that we do not know 
all the laws as yet. Therefore, things must be learned only to be unlearned 
again or, more likely, to be corrected... ....The test of all knowledge is 
experiment. Experiment is the sole judge of scientific “truth”. - Richard 


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