Re: [obrolan-bandar] Bernanke..kebanyakan ngomong sih he2X (update)

2008-01-18 Terurut Topik Vincent Chase
sy liat pas dia ditanya kapan eko us bakal pulih, dia bilang longterm bakal 
pulih, ditanya lagi define long term , dia bilang more than 1 year, sejak saat 
itu dow dr minus 80 loncat minus 106,langsung cepet banget turunnya
  berarti emang bener sub prime mess kl ini lebih parah dari krisis us thn 2002,

sulistyo_winarto [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Stimulus Plan, Rate Cuts May Be Too Little, Too Late
  When it comes to looming Fed rate cuts and a potential economic stimulus 
package from Congress, Wall Street is sending a clear message: Too little, too 
  In testimony before Congress, Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke came out in favor of 
an economic stimulus plan and repeated he was ready to cut rates further. 
President Bush and Congress, meanwhile, began talks on what would go into a 
possible stimulus package. Bush is scheduled to talk about the plan on Friday.
  But investors weren't buying it. As soon as Bernanke began speaking Thursday 
morning, the major indexes started falling--and kept falling. 
  The market's probably tired of a lot of talk, no action, said Chris Mayer, 
managing editor at Capital  Crisis. The last time the Fed cut rates like this 
was from 2001 to 2003, when the market fell 45 percent. Rate cuts aren't 
necessarily a cure-all.
  Bernanke has come under fire for not grasping the depth of the problems that 
have confronted Wall Street and the economy as a whole. 
  His speech before Congress Thursday morning did little to assuage his 
  It's too little, too late, number one, said Larry Edelson, senior analyst 
at Money and Markets. I don't know where Bernanke's been for the last six or 
nine months, what planet he's been on, but he certainly missed the boat on this 
  As for Congress, the sentiment is little better.


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[obrolan-bandar] Bernanke..kebanyakan ngomong sih he2X (update)

2008-01-17 Terurut Topik sulistyo_winarto

Stimulus Plan, Rate Cuts May Be Too Little, Too Late


When it comes to looming Fed rate cuts and a potential economic stimulus
package from Congress, Wall Street is sending a clear message: Too
little, too late.

In testimony before Congress, Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke came out in
favor of an economic stimulus plan  and repeated he was
ready to cut rates further. President Bush and Congress, meanwhile,
began talks on what would go into a possible stimulus package. Bush is
scheduled to talk about the plan on Friday.

But investors weren't buying it. As soon as Bernanke began speaking
Thursday morning, the major indexes started falling--and kept falling.

The market's probably tired of a lot of talk, no action, said Chris
Mayer, managing editor at Capital  Crisis. The last time the Fed cut
rates like this was from 2001 to 2003, when the market fell 45 percent.
Rate cuts aren't necessarily a cure-all.

Bernanke has come under fire for not grasping the depth of the problems
that have confronted Wall Street and the economy as a whole.

His speech before Congress Thursday morning did little to assuage
his detractors.

It's too little, too late, number one, said Larry Edelson, senior
analyst at Money and Markets. I don't know where Bernanke's been for
the last six or nine months, what planet he's been on, but he certainly
missed the boat on this one.

As for Congress, the sentiment is little better.