[obrolan-bandar] Re: [saham] Pgas, pisau sedang jatuh atau sudah di lantai sekarang ?

2007-05-29 Terurut Topik cuan Trader

Yup... memang aneh,.. semua informasinya bagus2; harga gas naik, proyek
jelas, 40% laba u/ dividen, dsb itulah pasar modal..aneh! gw juga
bingung. Kayaknya BD rada sentimen pd perusahaan BUMN. Liat aja IHSG udah
pada ngebull lama, eh.. emiten2 bumn keok.?? entahlah.. hanya BD yg tau.

Pada tanggal 29/05/07, gunawan junaidi [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   Dear senior,
PGAS offer kecil , bid gede , diguyur ke bawah , aneh bener , 31 mei RUPS,
bagi dividen, proyek di report pgn on schedule,dll dll,  pressure beneran
atau pura pura ya buat ambil brg di bawah  ? :D
Eyang,Embah dan para senior , technically ini pisau merk pgas sedang jatuh
atau sudah tergeletak di lantai ya  ?

thanks a lot and regards
gunawan - yk

[obrolan-bandar] Re: [saham] Pgas, pisau sedang jatuh atau sudah di lantai sekarang ?

2007-05-29 Terurut Topik Edwin Baktian

Mohon Maaf...Kalo menurut pendapat saya:)

Menutip dari pesan Eyang Ratman bahwa :
Jangan berusaha untuk anda benar karena marketlah
yang selalu benar. Yang harus diusahakan adalah anda
trading secara benar dengan selalu membuat trading
plan disegala kondisi.

Sebaiknya kita, Going with The flow aja, biar lebih
tenang dan nyaman ^^

Secara TA yg saya mengerti PGAS, sudah Patah TREND
LINEnya, sehingga dari apa yg saya mengerti adalah
menunggu sampai dia KONFIRM untuk berbalik arah...atau
bisa juga TEST BUY di Support2 tertentu, dengan STOP
LOSS yg ketat.agar keuntungan yg diperoleh bisa
lebih maksimal

Sekedar Sharing pengalaman :
Akhir 2006 saya pegang PGAS diharga 10.650, walaupun
ngerti secara CHART TREND LINE patah, saya masih
sangat percaya diri dengan Fundamental 14.000...hingga
pada Pertengahan Januari 2007, PGAS drop sampe
7.400...dengan alasan FA yg terbalik...:((
(sedih banget...modal satu2nya bonyok lagi...:(  )

Terus Terang semenjak itu saya kurang begitu yakin
dengan target FA jika secara TA kurang mendukung(ttg
RIGHT TIMING), bisa jadi memang benar target
tersebut...tapi mungkin ada waktuNya sendiri...jika
memang belom, kurang sopan sepertinya jika kita harus
memaksa...lebih baik buat saya untuk menyadari dan
koreksi ^^, EXIT dulu dan nanti BUY BACK lagi:p

Semoga Bermanfaat,

Best Regards,

Berdamailah dengan Ketidaksempurnaan yg ada, dan
pilihlah untuk menjadi yg BAIK drpd yg BENAR. :)

Kata Mutiara :

Jika mata tdk terhambat kita jadi melihat.
Jika lidah tdk terhambat kita jadi mencecap.
Jika telinga tdk terhambat kita jadi mendengar.
Jika pikiran tdk terhambat kita jadi bijaksana.

Dan penghambat pikiran...adalah ILUSI, lepaskanlah
ILUSI maka kita akan jadi BIJAKSANA

--- cuan Trader [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Yup... memang aneh,.. semua informasinya bagus2;
 harga gas naik, proyek
 jelas, 40% laba u/ dividen, dsb itulah pasar
 modal..aneh! gw juga
 bingung. Kayaknya BD rada sentimen pd perusahaan
 BUMN. Liat aja IHSG udah
 pada ngebull lama, eh.. emiten2 bumn keok.??
 entahlah.. hanya BD yg tau.
 Pada tanggal 29/05/07, gunawan junaidi
 Dear senior,
  PGAS offer kecil , bid gede , diguyur ke bawah ,
 aneh bener , 31 mei RUPS,
  bagi dividen, proyek di report pgn on schedule,dll
 dll,  pressure beneran
  atau pura pura ya buat ambil brg di bawah  ? :D
  Eyang,Embah dan para senior , technically ini
 pisau merk pgas sedang jatuh
  atau sudah tergeletak di lantai ya  ?
  thanks a lot and regards
  gunawan - yk

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[obrolan-bandar] Re: [saham] Pgas, pisau sedang jatuh atau sudah di lantai sekarang ?

2007-05-29 Terurut Topik Siswa Rizali
catatan dan pengalaman anda mirip dengan kesimpulan tulisan berikut:

The long-run, however, could be very long.  Until stocks are of good 
value (which we will determine based on P/E, P/D, etc., and relative 
potential with other investments such as bonds, real estate, or even 
precious metals) we do not recommend a buy-and-hold philosophy.  For 
now, we will concentrate on investment sentiment and liquidity.



Investment Strategy
The purpose of this site is to provide insights into the factors that 
affect the stock market and consequently, ideas on market direction.  
We also provide ideas on positions in individual stocks--positions 
that will take advantage of our beliefs and ideas. 

Following are three distinct factors which we believe have a profound 
impact on the stock market.

In the short-term, one of the most significant factors that drive the 
stock market is sentiment. The spectacular bear market rallies during 
the last three years have been great examples of what could happen 
when sentiment turns around. Whether one is trying to time a top, a 
bottom, or a breakout in the stock market or individual stocks, 
sentiment is a prime indicator. To track sentiment, we look at 
various indicators such as the price action and volume (by far, the 
most important), put/call ratios, short interest, the Investors 
Intelligence readings, what the mainstream media is saying, and so 
forth. Another indicator that we consistently track is the VIX and 
the VXN. While these would not tell us exactly when a top or a bottom 
is reached, we do get a good idea of how close we are. At the very 
least, we will know when a call or a put option is relatively 
expensive or not. 

Another very important factor that affect the stock market is 
liquidity.  This is represented in the money supply data (measured by 
MZM, M1, M2, M3, etc.), the Fed Funds rate, the daily repos, mutual 
funds cash, and so forth.  While this is a huge driving force 
(representing the amount of money which could potentially go into the 
market) it is only so in the intermediate to long-term.  This idle 
money will just remain idle if investors do not choose to invest.

Liquidity, however, does tell us what the potential of the market 
is.  For example, if MZM has been flat for a whole month and mutual 
fund cash is sitting at 4%, then we are virtually sure the market 
does not have much further upside room to go.  On the other hand, if 
MZM has been increasing at a over 10% annualized rate and shows no 
signs of abating, then a continuation of an uptrend (if we are indeed 
in one) can be reasonably assumed.  

We believe, in the long-run, valuation is the most important factor 
in investing.  Figures such as Warren Buffet and John Templeton have 
been very successful in basing their investment decisions on 
valuation alone.  During the bubble, investors and Wall Street alike 
lost their perspectives on valuation-believing that stocks are a 
bargain at any price.  Ultimately, however, people realized that you 
do not pay $100 million for a hot dog stand.  Not even a hot dog 
stand in a good location.  Not even one which is opening another one 
and plans to open a dozen more in the next few months!  You also do 
not value a website (which should go unnamed) that base 90% of their 
revenues in online advertising at twice the value of General Motors.  
$1 trillion market capitalization for Cisco, etc.  Need we say more?

The long-run, however, could be very long.  Until stocks are of good 
value (which we will determine based on P/E, P/D, etc., and relative 
potential with other investments such as bonds, real estate, or even 
precious metals) we do not recommend a buy-and-hold philosophy.  For 
now, we will concentrate on investment sentiment and liquidity.

--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, Edwin Baktian [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 Mohon Maaf...Kalo menurut pendapat saya:)
 Menutip dari pesan Eyang Ratman bahwa :
 Jangan berusaha untuk anda benar karena marketlah
 yang selalu benar. Yang harus diusahakan adalah anda
 trading secara benar dengan selalu membuat trading
 plan disegala kondisi.
 Sebaiknya kita, Going with The flow aja, biar lebih
 tenang dan nyaman ^^
 Secara TA yg saya mengerti PGAS, sudah Patah TREND
 LINEnya, sehingga dari apa yg saya mengerti adalah
 menunggu sampai dia KONFIRM untuk berbalik arah...atau
 bisa juga TEST BUY di Support2 tertentu, dengan STOP
 LOSS yg ketat.agar keuntungan yg diperoleh bisa
 lebih maksimal
 Sekedar Sharing pengalaman :
 Akhir 2006 saya pegang PGAS diharga 10.650, walaupun
 ngerti secara CHART TREND LINE patah, saya masih
 sangat percaya diri dengan Fundamental 14.000...hingga
 pada Pertengahan Januari 2007, PGAS drop sampe
 7.400...dengan alasan FA yg terbalik...:((
 (sedih banget...modal satu2nya bonyok lagi...:(  )
 Terus Terang semenjak itu saya kurang begitu