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Staying High and Dry in a Recession
by Robert Kiyosaki
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Good (1488 Ratings) 
Posted on Monday, October 29, 2007, 12:00AM

There's an old saying that goes, "It's a recession if your neighbor 
loses his job. It's a depression if you lose your job." 
Watching the financial news networks and reading the financial 
publications these days, you'll see many people asking if the U.S. 
economy is heading into a recession. From my vantage point, the 
answer is yes. I believe that for many people in certain industries, 
like real estate, the worst is yet to come.
Economic Ripple Effects
Before getting into why I think there will be a recession, it's 
important to know the specific definition of the term. Very simply, 
a recession is a decline in a country's gross domestic product (GDP) 
for at least two quarters. That means that by Christmas we'll know 
if we're in a recession or not.
In some ways, the coming recession is a product of the physical 
phenomenon known as precession. Precession is the effect of bodies 
in motion upon other bodies in motion -- or, more simply, a ripple 
effect, like when you throw a stone into a still pond and the waves 
emanating from it overlap.
While there are many such processional "waves" in the coming 
recession, one is the lack of integrity in the U.S. monetary system. 
The United States has defaulted on its financial promises many times 
in recent history. In 1934, we defaulted on domestic gold 
redemption. That year, it became illegal for U.S. citizens to own 
gold. Instead, the government required Americans to turn in their 
gold, and they were paid $20 in paper money for every ounce of gold 
they surrendered.
Once the gold was collected, the government raised the price of gold 
to $35 an ounce. Talk about a lack of integrity. And in 1968, the 
U.S. defaulted on silver redemption, taking U.S. dollars backed by 
silver out of circulation. Finally, in 1971, the U.S. defaulted on 
international gold redemption.
International Impact
Another reason for the coming recession is the subprime mess. And 
while issues related to the subprime fiasco may seem domestic, they 
actually have severe international consequences. The subprime mess 
seems to be a problem associated with lower-income people who can't 
afford their homes, yet it's really the tip of a very large 
international iceberg, and it'll affect all of us. Here's why.
In the Sept. 12, 2007, issue of Business Week, Kerry Capell asked 
the question, "Could any country be more exposed to the credit 
crunch than the U.S.?" The answer: "You bet, and that place is 
Unlike many of its European neighbors, Britain shares many of 
America's financial traits. In the last few years, access to cheap 
credit in Britain has fueled a decade of economic growth, with home 
prices tripling in 10 years -- an even faster rise than in the 
United States. With cheap borrowed money, the English consumer has 
caused the British economy to boom; consumers are responsible for 
two-thirds of the British economy.
Today, Britain is more dependent upon financial services than we 
are. So what will happen to the world if both England and the United 
States go into a recession? The precessional effect is bound to be 
dire -- especially for working people. 
Too Much Money
As strange as it may seem to the average person, the problem is not 
a shortage of money -- it's too much money. The world is choking on 
too many U.S. dollars.
Normally, when a currency gets into trouble as the dollar is now, 
all the country has to do is raise the interest rates on their bonds 
and things are fine again. But because of the subprime meltdown, the 
Federal Reserve can't simply raise or lower interest rates.
In simplified terms, the Fed must keep rates low in order to save 
the domestic economy. This causes the international economy to dump 
the dollar by not buying our bonds, which is one reason why the 
price of gold keeps going up -- it's the true international money. 
And the rise in its price (and in the price of oil) signals the loss 
of the purchasing power of the dollar; the world simply doesn't want 
any more dollars. This is a ripple effect from 1971, when the dollar 
came off the gold standard. 
Less for More
The tragedy of this excess of money is that most of the world's 
workers have to work harder to earn less. This is because the 
currencies of the world are becoming less and less valuable. Even if 
workers get pay raises, the boost won't be able to keep pace with 
declines in the purchasing power of money, increases in expenses 
such as oil, decreases in the value of homes, declines in the value 
of stocks, and increases in taxes.
Just look at what's happened in the last decade. Ten years ago, gold 
was about $275 an ounce. Today, it's over $700. That means that, 
compared to gold, your income would've had to go up by 250 percent 
just to keep up with the loss in purchasing power of the dollar. Or, 
compared to oil -- which was about $10 a barrel 10 years ago and 
today is over $80 a barrel -- your income would've had to go up by 
800 percent. 
Sure, there are many people whose incomes have gone up way beyond 
800 percent in the last 10 years. The problem is that most people's 
incomes haven't kept pace, and they're technically in a state of 
personal recession with no way out.
Throw Yourself a Lifeline
As the global economy continues to gyrate, you'll hear more and more 
people calling for the Federal Reserve to either lower or raise 
interest rates. The problem is that the Fed has less and less power 
to do much.
If it tries to save the domestic economy, the international economy 
will pound us. If the Fed tries to save the dollar internationally 
by raising interest rates, it'll kill the domestic economy. 
Instead of looking to the Fed to save you, then, I recommend you 
save yourself by investing in real international money. One way to 
do so is by purchasing silver. Gold is expensive, but silver is 
still a bargain even for the little guy. When the recession comes, 
the ripple effect on your financial future will be immeasurable.

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