Re: [obrolan-bandar] US T-Bond sedang menuju Junk bond ???

2009-03-16 Terurut Topik nicholas alvin
Tinggal cetak uang apa susahnya sih
Kalau percetakannya ada di Indonesia lain jadinya.

--- On Sat, 3/14/09, Cumi Cabe Ijo wrote:

From: Cumi Cabe Ijo
Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] US T-Bond sedang menuju Junk bond ???
Date: Saturday, March 14, 2009, 10:36 PM

Obama reassures China on bondsSat Mar 14, 2009 6:51pm EDT
http://www.reuters. com/article/ newsOne/idUSTRE5 2D0DH20090314 

Obama also sought to reassure China, which expressed concern on Friday that 
massive U.S. deficit spending and near-zero interest rates would erode the 
value of China's huge U.S. bond holdings.
Not just the Chinese government but every investor can have absolute 
confidence in the soundness of investments in the United States, Obama said, 
noting that his comments applied to U.S. Treasuries as well as investments in 
the private sector.
There is a reason why even in the midst of this economic crisis, you've seen 
actual increases in investment flows here in the United States. I think it's a 
recognition that the stability not only of our economic system but also our 
political system is extraordinary.

WARNING: Cumi-cumi mengandung 1,170mg kolesterol per 10 gr, sedangkan daging 
ayam tanpa kulit hanya 50mg saja.

2009/3/15 adjies2000 id

http://cetak. read/xml/ 2009/03/15/ 04465611/ g-20.optimistis. 

Sementara itu, PM China Wen Jiabao mengatakan, dana-dana investasi di AS 
senilai 1 triliun dollar AS berada dalam ancaman. Investasi China dalam bentuk 
surat-surat berharga, antara lain terbitan Departemen Keuangan AS, berisiko 

Namun, Presiden Obama dan Summers memberi jawaban bahwa kini sudah mulai muncul 
optimisme soal perekonomian. REUTERS/AP/AFP/ MON)

 - - --

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[obrolan-bandar] US T-Bond sedang menuju Junk bond ???

2009-03-14 Terurut Topik adjies2000

Sementara itu, PM China Wen Jiabao mengatakan, dana-dana investasi di AS 
senilai 1 triliun dollar AS berada dalam ancaman. Investasi China dalam bentuk 
surat-surat berharga, antara lain terbitan Departemen Keuangan AS, berisiko 

Namun, Presiden Obama dan Summers memberi jawaban bahwa kini sudah mulai muncul 
optimisme soal perekonomian. REUTERS/AP/AFP/MON)

Re: [obrolan-bandar] US T-Bond sedang menuju Junk bond ???

2009-03-14 Terurut Topik Cumi Cabe Ijo
Obama reassures China on bondsSat Mar 14, 2009 6:51pm EDT

Obama also sought to reassure China, which expressed concern on Friday that
massive U.S. deficit spending and near-zero interest rates would erode the
value of China's huge U.S. bond holdings.

Not just the Chinese government but every investor can have* absolute
confidence *in the soundness of investments in the United States, Obama
said, noting that his comments applied to U.S. Treasuries as well as
investments in the private sector.

There is a reason why even in the midst of this economic crisis, you've
seen actual increases in investment flows here in the United States. I think
it's a recognition that the stability not only of our economic system but
also our political system is extraordinary.

WARNING: Cumi-cumi mengandung 1,170mg kolesterol per 10 gr, sedangkan daging
ayam tanpa kulit hanya 50mg saja.

2009/3/15 adjies2000

 Sementara itu, PM China Wen Jiabao mengatakan, dana-dana investasi di AS
 senilai 1 triliun dollar AS berada dalam ancaman. Investasi China dalam
 bentuk surat-surat berharga, antara lain terbitan Departemen Keuangan AS,
 berisiko merugi.

 Namun, Presiden Obama dan Summers memberi jawaban bahwa kini sudah mulai
 muncul optimisme soal perekonomian. REUTERS/AP/AFP/MON)


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