Re: [ob] Billy 17 thn penemu WTA ?

2009-03-30 Terurut Topik widhie
Tergelitik juga untuk ikut komentar karena nama saya disebut-sebut

Prinsipnya saya setuju dengan pendapat Mr. XXX bahwa tidak ada holy grail
dalam TA. Dari jaman Jesse Livermoore sampai seminar-seminar option
belakangan ini, selalu ada saja orang yang mengklaim punya teknik paling
canggih/akurat dalam memprediksi market. Saya kira embah sebagai 'sesepuh'
di milis ini cukup wise karena seperti orang bilang Old Dog Knows All
Tricks, jika emabh bilang WTA fenomenal, mungkin memang fenomenal. Tapi
saya belum tau bgmn detailnya (mesti ikut kursusnya kali biar tahu
detailnya) jadi ndak bisa komentar banyak...

Mengenai WTA, bisa dibilang bahwa Watch List yang saya buat tidak
menggunakan teknik WTA. Penyajian beberapa indikator secara berbarengan
lebih merupakan cara memberi konfirmasi jika satu indikator menunjukkan
sesuatu, apakah indikator lain menunjukkan hal yang sama juga. Ini sebagai
alternatif metode optimasi dimana konfirmasi dicari melalui pencarian
parameter indikator yang paling tepat sesuai 'karakter' saham. Menurut saya,
in most case, jika beberapa indikator sudah mengarah ke bullish / bearish,
maka di-cek pake metode lain apapun kemungkinan akan menunjukkan hal yang
sama. Selain itu, penyajian watch list dalam bentuk tabel dengan metode
pengurutan unik WDWL juga memberi valuable information yang tidak bisa
didapat dari indikator TA manapun, yaitu pengamatan 'suasana' broad market.
Sebagus apapun sinyal teknikal yang ditunjukkan satu saham, jika broad
market sudah mengarah ke bearish, tentu tidak bijak untuk 'masuk'.
Pengamatan broad market bisa memberi banyak insight selain hanya muter-muter
ngoprek chart satu saham menggunakan berbagai indikator/optimasi parameter.
Di Amerika bahkan ada perusahaan yang servicenya adalah memberi market
advise berdasar review/indexing terhadap riset-riset atau rekomendasi yang
dipublish oleh analis/review. Patokannya adalah, jika mayoritas analis
bilang bullish, biasanya market uda berada di puncak dan bearish akan segera
datang.dan sebaliknya. Pada konteks WDWL, jika banyak saham sudah
menunjukkan overheat (yang bisa disimpulkan secara cepat dari pengamatan
komposisi tabel), maka kemungkinan koreksi/bearish akan segera datang.


2009/3/26 XXX

  Ini hanya pendapat saya saja ya,

 Sistem WTA seperti ini sebenarnya bukan hal yang baru bagi yang hobi
 utak-atik indikator-2 TA.

 Konsepnya sebenarnya mirip dengan yg dilakukan salah satu senior / Pengajar
 OB disini, kalau nggk salah pak Widhie lewat widhi listnya,.. hanya saja,
 cara peleburan dari masing-2 indikator TA yang dipakai, diberi pembobotan
 yang berbeda-2, berdasarkan tingkat keakuratan tiap indikator pada
 pergerakan harga saham,  lewat backtesting  pada suatu periode waktu
 tertentu. Sehingga saat digabungkan, nantinya, bisa menghadirkan suatu nilai
 rating, yang kemudian akan dijadikan dasar beli / tahan / jual.

 Agar sistem WTA ini bisa bersifat universal, backtesting dilakukan pada
 suatu basket of stocks. Ini artinya, sistem ini baru akan mempunyai rasio
 keakuratan yang *terlihat* tinggi bila diterapkan pada pada 'basket of
 stocks' jg...

 Artinya, sistem WTA ini bisa misleading saat diterapkan oleh investor /
 trader yang main saham portfolionya nggk lebih dari 3-5 saham.

 So,..kembali lagitidak ada sistem yg perfect.. .tidak ada holy

 On Wed, Mar 25, 2009 at 4:52 PM, ruzli wrote:

   Super Technical Analysis
 Thx for all, termasuk Embah OB

 TRUE : 18
 FALSE : 7

 IHSG : Shooting star candle, Overbouhgt, Dow down. Will test support
 at 1,400-1,410.
 Result : 1,419 beda tipis lah
 INDF : if tomorrow can't break 1,000. will test support at 960-970.
 Target Price at 1,030 in short term.
 Result : True ( Close at 960 )
 BUMI : Hit our target at 800, tomorrow will test support at 760-780.
 Resistance at 820, and target price at 850.
 Result : TRUE ( sempet Hit 780 support )
 JSMR : Break 900 with high volume, will test 950 in short term.
 Support at 880-890.
 Result : True ( Sempet hit 950 )
 TLKM : Double top at 7,550, will test support at 7,150-7,200 tomorrow,
 Target price at 7,550.
 Result : True ( close at support 7,150 and test 7,500 )
 PGAS : Hit our target, will test support at 2,050-2,075 tomorrow.
 Resistance at 2,200.
 Result : TRUE ( Hit 2,200 )
 BMRI : Break 2,100 with high volume, will test support at 2,100-2,125
 or will test to break resistance at 2,225-2,275.
 Result : TRUE ( hit support at 2,100 )
 INCO : Break 2,200 with high volume, Congrats to all, will test
 2,425-2,475 in short term, support at 2,300.
 ANTM : Hit our target at 1,150-1,160. Tomorrow will test support at
 1,110-1,130. Resistance at 1,170-1,180. Target Price at 1,200.
 Result : TRUE ( Close at support 1,130)
 PTBA : Can't break 7,050. will test support at 6,700-6,750 tomorrow.
 Resistance at 7,050-7,100.
 Result : FALSE
 ITMG : Be careful if can't close above 

Re: [ob] Billy 17 thn penemu WTA ?

2009-03-30 Terurut Topik edwinkdr

 Prinsipnya saya setuju dengan pendapat Mr. XXX bahwa 
 tidak ada holy grail
 dalam TA. Dari jaman Jesse Livermoore sampai seminar-seminar option
 belakangan ini, selalu ada saja orang yang mengklaim 
 punya teknik paling
 canggih/akurat dalam memprediksi market. 
 Saya kira embah sebagai 'sesepuh'
 di milis ini cukup wise 
 karena seperti orang bilang Old Dog Knows All Tricks

Berikut sekedar hiburan saja dipagi hari... :-)

TA, FA, BA maupun Kombinasi ibarat sebuah senjata/pedang...
Senjata/Pedang akan sangat berguna dan efektif bagi seorang master.Tapi akan 
sangat berbahaya bagi mereka yg belom mengerti cara menggunakannya :-)

Avatar Book 3 Chapter 4 Sokka's Master

Sokka's Master - Script

Catatan :

Sokka's Master

Written By: Tim Hedrick
Directed By: Giancarlo Volpe

Act I 

Sokka: Master, my name is Sokka, and I wish to be instructed in the way of the 

(Cut to a shot of Piandao, his back still towards Sokka. His sword is placed 
next to the table.)

Piandao: Sokka. That's an unusual name.

Sokka: (nervously) Oh, uh, really#8204; Uh, where I come from, The Fire Nation 
colonies, it's a pretty normal name, for Fire Nation colonials.

Piandao: (writing calligraphy on a piece of parchment) Let me guess. You've 
come hundreds of miles from your little village where you're the best swordsman 
in town. And you think you deserve to learn from The Master.

Sokka: Well, actually, I've been all over the world.
Piandao: (knowingly) Yep, here we go.

Sokka: And I know one thing for sure: (gets down on his knees and hangs his 
head) I have a lot to learn.

Piandao: (glancing back) You're not doing a very good job of selling yourself.

Sokka: I know. Your butler told me that when I met you, I would have to prove 
my worth. But the truth is…I don't know if I am worthy.

Piandao: Hm, I see. Well, then, (smiles and picks up his sword) let's find out 
together how worthy you are.

(Sokka looks up as Piandao's shadow passes over him. Cut to a shot of the red 
carpet the end of Piandao's sword's scabbard strikes the floor. The camera 
quickly zooms out to a shot of Piandao standing before Sokka, sword firmly 
planted before him. Cut to a close up of Piandao.)

Piandao: I will train you.

Act II 

Piandao: The first thing you must learn is that your weapon is an extension of 
yourself. (unsheathes his word and begins performing a sword form) You must 
think of it as another part of your own body.

Sokka: Like a second head.

Piandao: Well, more like an extra-long, really sharp arm. The sword is a simple 
tool, but in the hands of a master it becomes the most versatile of weapons, 
(sheathes his sword and assumes a stance) and just as the imagination is 
limitless so too are the possibilities of the sword. 

Sokka: (skeptical) Writing my name will make me a better swordsman#8204;

Piandao: (takes the brush and positions it correctly in Sokka's hand) When you 
write your name, you stamp the paper with your identity. You must learn to use 
your sword to stamp your identity on a battlefield. (holding his sleeve, Sokka 
dips the brush into the ink and prepares to write his name) Remember, you 
cannot take back a stroke of the brush, or a stroke of the sword.

Piandao: Landscape painting teaches a warrior to hold the lay of the land in 
his mind. 

Piandao: In battle, you only have an instant to take everything in. 

Piandao: Concentrate on what you're doing. 

Piandao: Rock gardening teaches the warrior to manipulate his surroundings and 
use them to his advantage.

Piandao: You messed things up in a very special way. You are ready for a real 

Sokka: (excited) Are you giving me one of yours#8204;

Piandao: No.

(Sokka groans disappointedly and slumps down.)

Piandao: Your sword must be an extension of yourself. So tomorrow, you will 
make your own sword. 

Act III 

Piandao: Choosing the correct material is the most important step in crafting a 
sword. You must trust your steel with your life. Choose carefully. 

Piandao: Sokka, when you first arrived, you were so unsure. You even seemed 
down on yourself. But I saw something in you right away. I saw a heart as 
strong as a lion turtle, and twice as big. And as we trained, it wasn't your 
skills that impressed me. (Fat kneels to Piandao and gives him the sword) No, 
it certainly wasn't your skills. (Sokka looks down in shame) You showed 
something beyond that. (unsheathes the sword, showing its black blade) 
Creativity, versatility, intelligence…these are the traits that define a great 
swordsman. And these are the traits that define you. (sheathes the sword, 
kneels and gives it to Sokka) You told me you didn't know if you were worthy, 
but I believe that you are more worthy than any man I have ever trained. 


Piandao: Excellent! Using your superior agility against an older 

Piandao: Good use of terrain…fighting 

RE: [ob] Billy 17 thn penemu WTA ?

2009-03-26 Terurut Topik JsxTrader
Bukan Cuma lumayan.., tapi cukup bagus lah.., salah bener itu urusan lain.,
yg penting berani kasih angka dan opini.., bukan Cuma sekedar kasih
teori-teori TA doang yg diambil dari tempat lain, comot sana-comot sini trus
diterjemahin deh... hehehe. Good Job Billy !! Maju Terus !




From: []
On Behalf Of Aria Bela Nusa
Sent: 26 Maret 2009 10:54
Subject: [ob] Billy 17 thn penemu WTA ?
Importance: High


Lumayan-lah buat referensi (pembanding) - mudah2an kita bener sbg trader dlm
tradings yg kita lakukan shg dapet merealisasikan chuan - jadi tergantung
pada diri kita sendiri - maskudnya tidak kebetulan ikutan2 pas yg salah2 itu



From: []
On Behalf Of
Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2009 8:51 AM
Subject: [SPAM][SPAM]Re: [ob] Billy 17 thn penemu WTA ?


Wish I am his father, so we are the parents ya fifi, heheheh just kidding

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From: fifi young 
Date: Wed, 25 Mar 2009 20:29:44 +0700
Subject: Re: [ob] Billy 17 thn penemu WTA ?

Kalo Mbah sudah memberikan referensi,
pasti Billy adalah seseorang yang patut diperhitungkan...
ngga ada ruginya ngeluarin duit 1 juta or less untuk mengetahui
bagaimana caranya anak yang sejak umur 10 tahun bisa
mendalami TA yang accuracy-nya lumayan...

It's your CHOICE, 
'ga perlu skeptis ato menjatohkan...
sebaliknya you have to be PROUD of...
at his age..., mannn...! I wish he is my son...!

Re: [ob] Billy 17 thn penemu WTA ?

2009-03-26 Terurut Topik XXX
Ini hanya pendapat saya saja ya,

Sistem WTA seperti ini sebenarnya bukan hal yang baru bagi yang hobi
utak-atik indikator-2 TA.

Konsepnya sebenarnya mirip dengan yg dilakukan salah satu senior / Pengajar
OB disini, kalau nggk salah pak Widhie lewat widhi listnya,.. hanya saja,
cara peleburan dari masing-2 indikator TA yang dipakai, diberi pembobotan
yang berbeda-2, berdasarkan tingkat keakuratan tiap indikator pada
pergerakan harga saham,  lewat backtesting  pada suatu periode waktu
tertentu. Sehingga saat digabungkan, nantinya, bisa menghadirkan suatu nilai
rating, yang kemudian akan dijadikan dasar beli / tahan / jual.

Agar sistem WTA ini bisa bersifat universal, backtesting dilakukan pada
suatu basket of stocks. Ini artinya, sistem ini baru akan mempunyai rasio
keakuratan yang *terlihat* tinggi bila diterapkan pada pada 'basket of
stocks' jg...

Artinya, sistem WTA ini bisa misleading saat diterapkan oleh investor /
trader yang main saham portfolionya nggk lebih dari 3-5 saham.

So,..kembali lagitidak ada sistem yg perfect.. .tidak ada holy grail...

On Wed, Mar 25, 2009 at 4:52 PM, ruzli wrote:

   Super Technical Analysis
 Thx for all, termasuk Embah OB

 TRUE : 18
 FALSE : 7

 IHSG : Shooting star candle, Overbouhgt, Dow down. Will test support
 at 1,400-1,410.
 Result : 1,419 beda tipis lah
 INDF : if tomorrow can't break 1,000. will test support at 960-970.
 Target Price at 1,030 in short term.
 Result : True ( Close at 960 )
 BUMI : Hit our target at 800, tomorrow will test support at 760-780.
 Resistance at 820, and target price at 850.
 Result : TRUE ( sempet Hit 780 support )
 JSMR : Break 900 with high volume, will test 950 in short term.
 Support at 880-890.
 Result : True ( Sempet hit 950 )
 TLKM : Double top at 7,550, will test support at 7,150-7,200 tomorrow,
 Target price at 7,550.
 Result : True ( close at support 7,150 and test 7,500 )
 PGAS : Hit our target, will test support at 2,050-2,075 tomorrow.
 Resistance at 2,200.
 Result : TRUE ( Hit 2,200 )
 BMRI : Break 2,100 with high volume, will test support at 2,100-2,125
 or will test to break resistance at 2,225-2,275.
 Result : TRUE ( hit support at 2,100 )
 INCO : Break 2,200 with high volume, Congrats to all, will test
 2,425-2,475 in short term, support at 2,300.
 ANTM : Hit our target at 1,150-1,160. Tomorrow will test support at
 1,110-1,130. Resistance at 1,170-1,180. Target Price at 1,200.
 Result : TRUE ( Close at support 1,130)
 PTBA : Can't break 7,050. will test support at 6,700-6,750 tomorrow.
 Resistance at 7,050-7,100.
 Result : FALSE
 ITMG : Be careful if can't close above 10,100 tomorrow, Triple top
 Reveresal. Support at 9,850-9,900. Resistance at 10,400-10,500.
 Result : TRUE ( Hit support 9,850 )
 BBCA : Very2 Overbought, tomorrow will test support at 3,025-3,050.
 Resistance at 3,175-3,200.
 Result : TRUE ( Hit 3,175 )
 ASII : Close below our target, off high session. will test support at
 14,650-14,750 tomorrow. Resistance at 15,500.
 Result : NEUTRAL ( Hampir benar karena offer di 15,500 )
 AALI : Be careful with profit taking action, will test support at
 13,200-13,300 tomorrow. Resistance at 14,000-14,050. Overbought
 Result : FALSE
 LSIP : Break 3,400 as our target and now go to 3,500. Will test 3,600
 in short term. Support at 3,400-3,425.
 Result : TRUE ( Hit support at 3,425 )
 MEDC: Break 2,250. will test 2,450 in short term if oli price up.
 Support at 2,200-2,225.
 Result : TRUE ( Hit 2,450 )
 ELSA : Break 158, will test 165 in short term. Support at 150-152.
 UNSP : Hit our target at 330. If tomorrow close below 310, you can
 average buy. Target price at 330-340.
 Result : TRUE ( Test 310 )
 ELTY : Break 82 and will test 90 in short term. Support at 77-78.
 Result : FALSE
 UNTR : Profit taking action, will test 6,100-6,200 tomorrow.
 Resistance at 6,500-6,550. Overbought.
 Result : FALSE
 SMCB : Hit our target at 600, If tomorrow close above 600, Will go to
 650 in short term and 680 in medium term. Support at 560.
 Result : TRUE ( Close at support 560 )
 PNLF : Yes-yes to ICA, PNLF break 60 as my target to you, that's right
 ???. Target at 70. Support at 60.
 Result : TRUE ( Break 70 )
 HEXA : Auto rejection, Will test resistance at 1,180-1,200, support at
 Result : TRUE ( Close at 1,000 )
 ADRO : Shooting star candle, buy with target at 970-980. Support at
 820. Be careful with fluctuative stock like this.
 RESULT : NEUTRAL ( karena untuk medium term )
 TINS : Begin uptrend, will test 1,120-1,130 in short term. Support at
 Result : TRUE ( Close at 1,070 )
 SMGR : Buy with target price at 4,000. Support at 3,725-3,750.
 Result : TRUE ( Close at 3,725 )
 ISAT : Hit our target at 4,600. Will test to break 4,700 tomorrow. if
 break will go to 4,750-4,775 in short term. Support at 4,450-4,500
 Result : FALSE
 BISI : Target 1,420-1,430 if break 1,350 ( SHOUTBOX 

Re: [ob] Billy 17 thn penemu WTA ?

2009-03-25 Terurut Topik Rei
Iya Mbah, ada fotonya sekalian kan...hebat juga nih anak. Genius
kyknya...kayak kang Ocoy baru umur 21 cuma jago bgt.

2009/3/25 jsx_consultant

 WTA adalah suatu sistem pembobotan saham dimana setiap indikator teknikal
 saham diberikan bobot yang berbeda sesuai proses trial and error, stelah
 mendapat nilai dari masing2 indikator maka kita akan mendapatkan rating
 untuk suatu saham apakah layak dibeli, ditahan, atau dijual.

 Dan sesuai rating teknikal masing2 saham, kita akan menentukan besaran
 support dan resistance saham tersebut.

 Jadi WTA itu ibarat bollinger band intraday yang membatasi pergerakan harga

 Namun WTA juga bisa digunakan untuk swing trade, maupun long term trade.

 Itulah rahasia kesuksesan saya selama 6 tahun dari umur 10 tahun sampai
 sekarang 16 tahun dan berhasil MENCETAK PROFIT 519 % ( Hasil rugi 2 tahun
 pertama sebesar 88 %, dan profit dari tahun ke-3 sampai sekarang yaitu 431 %

 WTA memang sudah saya design untuk membatasi pergerakan harga ( jika memang
 harga bergerak berdasarkan teknikal bukan fundamental news ), meskipun saya
 di sekolah ,toh harga saham tidak akan meleset jauh dari hasil WTA yang
 sudah saya hitung.

 Oleh karena WTA lah, saya mampu dikontrak salah satu sekuritas asing
 ternama pada tahun 2008 sebagai calon fund manager and stock analyst setelah
 lulus SMA atau kuliah nanti.

 WTA selama saya gunakan 2 tahun ini memiliki akurasi 80 %-90 %. Dan sudah
 banyak rekan2 saham termasuk analis perusahaan sekuritas yang memuji WTA
 buatan Billy ini.
 Banyak yang kerugiannya bisa tercover setelah menggunakan WTA ini.

 Dan setelah bulan Juni 2009, kemungkinan Billy akan jarang memosting
 tulisan di blog ini lagi, karena sudah harus aktif di perusahaan sekuritas

 Sehingga rekan2 akan sangat jarang melihat postingan ku lagi, tapi billy
 bersyukur sudah membagikan ilmu WTA kepada 218 orang, sehingga mereka tak
 akan kesusahan saat nanti bertransaksi saham di Bulan Juni 2009- seterusnya.

 Dengan kesibukan tersebut, maka Billy juga akan menggelar workshop dengan
 tenggat waktu yang lebih lama yaitu 1 x / 6 bulan

 Workshop akan kita lakukan lagi pada akhir April 2009 / awal Mei 2009 dan
 yang terakhir akan dilaksanakan Akhir bulan Juni 2009 saat liburan sekolah (
 tentunya setelah Billy ikut Ujian Sekolah )

 Itulah gambaran umum tentang WTA

 THX Jesus Lord for your beautiful and AMAZING PLAN in my life. GBU ALL.


Re: [ob] Billy 17 thn penemu WTA ?

2009-03-25 Terurut Topik M|C
Penasaran mbah, siapa sih si Billy ini sebenarnya ? mbah sendiri atau orang
lain ?

Pada tanggal 24/03/09, jsx_consultant

 WTA adalah suatu sistem pembobotan saham dimana setiap indikator teknikal
 saham diberikan bobot yang berbeda sesuai proses trial and error, stelah
 mendapat nilai dari masing2 indikator maka kita akan mendapatkan rating
 untuk suatu saham apakah layak dibeli, ditahan, atau dijual.

 Dan sesuai rating teknikal masing2 saham, kita akan menentukan besaran
 support dan resistance saham tersebut.

 Jadi WTA itu ibarat bollinger band intraday yang membatasi pergerakan harga

 Namun WTA juga bisa digunakan untuk swing trade, maupun long term trade.

 Itulah rahasia kesuksesan saya selama 6 tahun dari umur 10 tahun sampai
 sekarang 16 tahun dan berhasil MENCETAK PROFIT 519 % ( Hasil rugi 2 tahun
 pertama sebesar 88 %, dan profit dari tahun ke-3 sampai sekarang yaitu 431 %

 WTA memang sudah saya design untuk membatasi pergerakan harga ( jika memang
 harga bergerak berdasarkan teknikal bukan fundamental news ), meskipun saya
 di sekolah ,toh harga saham tidak akan meleset jauh dari hasil WTA yang
 sudah saya hitung.

 Oleh karena WTA lah, saya mampu dikontrak salah satu sekuritas asing
 ternama pada tahun 2008 sebagai calon fund manager and stock analyst setelah
 lulus SMA atau kuliah nanti.

 WTA selama saya gunakan 2 tahun ini memiliki akurasi 80 %-90 %. Dan sudah
 banyak rekan2 saham termasuk analis perusahaan sekuritas yang memuji WTA
 buatan Billy ini.
 Banyak yang kerugiannya bisa tercover setelah menggunakan WTA ini.

 Dan setelah bulan Juni 2009, kemungkinan Billy akan jarang memosting
 tulisan di blog ini lagi, karena sudah harus aktif di perusahaan sekuritas

 Sehingga rekan2 akan sangat jarang melihat postingan ku lagi, tapi billy
 bersyukur sudah membagikan ilmu WTA kepada 218 orang, sehingga mereka tak
 akan kesusahan saat nanti bertransaksi saham di Bulan Juni 2009- seterusnya.

 Dengan kesibukan tersebut, maka Billy juga akan menggelar workshop dengan
 tenggat waktu yang lebih lama yaitu 1 x / 6 bulan

 Workshop akan kita lakukan lagi pada akhir April 2009 / awal Mei 2009 dan
 yang terakhir akan dilaksanakan Akhir bulan Juni 2009 saat liburan sekolah (
 tentunya setelah Billy ikut Ujian Sekolah )

 Itulah gambaran umum tentang WTA

 THX Jesus Lord for your beautiful and AMAZING PLAN in my life. GBU ALL.


Re: [ob] Billy 17 thn penemu WTA ?

2009-03-25 Terurut Topik jsx_consultant
Coba kita TEST kehebatan WTA, ini prediksinya buat hari INI:

IHSG : Shooting star candle, Overbouhgt, Dow down. Will test support at 
INDF : if tomorrow can't break 1,000. will test support at 960-970. Target 
Price at 1,030 in short term.
BUMI : Hit our target at 800, tomorrow will test support at 760-780. Resistance 
at 820, and target price at 850.
JSMR : Break 900 with high volume, will test 950 in short term. Support at 
TLKM : Double top at 7,550, will test support at 7,150-7,200 tomorrow, Target 
price at 7,550.
PGAS : Hit our target, will test support at 2,050-2,075 tomorrow. Resistance at 
BMRI : Break 2,100 with high volume, will test support at 2,100-2,125 or will 
test to break resistance at 2,225-2,275.
INCO : Break 2,200 with high volume, Congrats to all, will test 2,425-2,475 in 
short term, support at 2,300.
ANTM : Hit our target at 1,150-1,160. Tomorrow will test support at 
1,110-1,130. Resistance at 1,170-1,180. Target Price at 1,200.
PTBA : Can't break 7,050. will test support at 6,700-6,750 tomorrow. Resistance 
at 7,050-7,100.
ITMG : Be careful if can't close above 10,100 tomorrow, Triple top Reveresal. 
Support at 9,850-9,900. Resistance at 10,400-10,500.
BBCA : Very2 Overbought, tomorrow will test support at 3,025-3,050. Resistance 
at 3,175-3,200.
ASII : Close below our target, off high session. will test support at 
14,650-14,750 tomorrow. Resistance at 15,500.
AALI : Be careful with profit taking action, will test support at 13,200-13,300 
tomorrow. Resistance at 14,000-14,050. Overbought
LSIP : Break 3,400 as our target and now go to 3,500. Will test 3,600 in short 
term. Support at 3,400-3,425.
MEDC: Break 2,250. will test 2,450 in short term if oli price up. Support at 
ELSA : Break 158, will test 165 in short term. Support at 150-152.
UNSP : Hit our target at 330. If tomorrow close below 310, you can average buy. 
Target price at 330-340.
ELTY : Break 82 and will test 90 in short term. Support at 77-78.
UNTR : Profit taking action, will test 6,100-6,200 tomorrow. Resistance at 
6,500-6,550. Overbought.
SMCB : Hit our target at 600, If tomorrow close above 600, Will go to 650 in 
short term and 680 in medium term. Support at 560.
PNLF : Yes-yes to ICA, PNLF break 60 as my target to you, that's right ???. 
Target at 70. Support at 60.
HEXA : Auto rejection, Will test resistance at 1,180-1,200, support at 1,000.
ADRO : Shooting star candle, buy with target at 970-980. Support at 820. Be 
careful with fluctuative stock like this.
TINS : Begin uptrend, will test 1,120-1,130 in short term. Support at 
SMGR : Buy with target price at 4,000. Support at 3,725-3,750.
ISAT : Hit our target at 4,600. Will test to break 4,700 tomorrow. if break 
will go to 4,750-4,775 in short term. Support at 4,450-4,500.

--- In, M|C michael.cup...@... wrote:

 Penasaran mbah, siapa sih si Billy ini sebenarnya ? mbah sendiri atau orang
 lain ?
 Pada tanggal 24/03/09, jsx_consultant jsx-consult...@...
  WTA adalah suatu sistem pembobotan saham dimana setiap indikator teknikal
  saham diberikan bobot yang berbeda sesuai proses trial and error, stelah
  mendapat nilai dari masing2 indikator maka kita akan mendapatkan rating
  untuk suatu saham apakah layak dibeli, ditahan, atau dijual.
  Dan sesuai rating teknikal masing2 saham, kita akan menentukan besaran
  support dan resistance saham tersebut.
  Jadi WTA itu ibarat bollinger band intraday yang membatasi pergerakan harga
  Namun WTA juga bisa digunakan untuk swing trade, maupun long term trade.
  Itulah rahasia kesuksesan saya selama 6 tahun dari umur 10 tahun sampai
  sekarang 16 tahun dan berhasil MENCETAK PROFIT 519 % ( Hasil rugi 2 tahun
  pertama sebesar 88 %, dan profit dari tahun ke-3 sampai sekarang yaitu 431 %
  WTA memang sudah saya design untuk membatasi pergerakan harga ( jika memang
  harga bergerak berdasarkan teknikal bukan fundamental news ), meskipun saya
  di sekolah ,toh harga saham tidak akan meleset jauh dari hasil WTA yang
  sudah saya hitung.
  Oleh karena WTA lah, saya mampu dikontrak salah satu sekuritas asing
  ternama pada tahun 2008 sebagai calon fund manager and stock analyst setelah
  lulus SMA atau kuliah nanti.
  WTA selama saya gunakan 2 tahun ini memiliki akurasi 80 %-90 %. Dan sudah
  banyak rekan2 saham termasuk analis perusahaan sekuritas yang memuji WTA
  buatan Billy ini.
  Banyak yang kerugiannya bisa tercover setelah menggunakan WTA ini.
  Dan setelah bulan Juni 2009, kemungkinan Billy akan jarang memosting
  tulisan di blog ini lagi, karena sudah harus aktif di perusahaan sekuritas
  Sehingga rekan2 akan sangat jarang melihat postingan ku lagi, tapi billy
  bersyukur sudah membagikan ilmu WTA kepada 218 orang, sehingga mereka tak
  akan kesusahan saat nanti bertransaksi saham di Bulan Juni 2009- seterusnya.

Re: [ob] Billy 17 thn penemu WTA ?

2009-03-25 Terurut Topik jsx_consultant
--- In, jsx_consultant jsx-consult...@... 

 Coba kita TEST kehebatan WTA, ini prediksinya buat hari INI:
 IHSG : Shooting star candle, Overbouhgt, Dow down. Will test support at 

pak DE, prediksi IHSG hari ini masih IJO, Billy prediksi bilang
mau ke 1400-1410 atau -26 / -36

pak DE pake analisa apa, WTS yah... becanda...hehehe...

Pak DE, dulu anda menyarankan pembobotan indikator, apakah
WTA ini sudah ada dari dulu atau pak DE dapet dari si Billy ?.

Apakah si Billy ini penemu WTA atau membuat suatu versi pembobotan
dengan konsep WTA ?.

 INDF : if tomorrow can't break 1,000. will test support at 960-970. Target 
 Price at 1,030 in short term.
 BUMI : Hit our target at 800, tomorrow will test support at 760-780. 
 Resistance at 820, and target price at 850.
 JSMR : Break 900 with high volume, will test 950 in short term. Support at 
 TLKM : Double top at 7,550, will test support at 7,150-7,200 tomorrow, Target 
 price at 7,550.
 PGAS : Hit our target, will test support at 2,050-2,075 tomorrow. Resistance 
 at 2,200.
 BMRI : Break 2,100 with high volume, will test support at 2,100-2,125 or will 
 test to break resistance at 2,225-2,275.
 INCO : Break 2,200 with high volume, Congrats to all, will test 2,425-2,475 
 in short term, support at 2,300.
 ANTM : Hit our target at 1,150-1,160. Tomorrow will test support at 
 1,110-1,130. Resistance at 1,170-1,180. Target Price at 1,200.
 PTBA : Can't break 7,050. will test support at 6,700-6,750 tomorrow. 
 Resistance at 7,050-7,100.
 ITMG : Be careful if can't close above 10,100 tomorrow, Triple top Reveresal. 
 Support at 9,850-9,900. Resistance at 10,400-10,500.
 BBCA : Very2 Overbought, tomorrow will test support at 3,025-3,050. 
 Resistance at 3,175-3,200.
 ASII : Close below our target, off high session. will test support at 
 14,650-14,750 tomorrow. Resistance at 15,500.
 AALI : Be careful with profit taking action, will test support at 
 13,200-13,300 tomorrow. Resistance at 14,000-14,050. Overbought
 LSIP : Break 3,400 as our target and now go to 3,500. Will test 3,600 in 
 short term. Support at 3,400-3,425.
 MEDC: Break 2,250. will test 2,450 in short term if oli price up. Support at 
 ELSA : Break 158, will test 165 in short term. Support at 150-152.
 UNSP : Hit our target at 330. If tomorrow close below 310, you can average 
 buy. Target price at 330-340.
 ELTY : Break 82 and will test 90 in short term. Support at 77-78.
 UNTR : Profit taking action, will test 6,100-6,200 tomorrow. Resistance at 
 6,500-6,550. Overbought.
 SMCB : Hit our target at 600, If tomorrow close above 600, Will go to 650 in 
 short term and 680 in medium term. Support at 560.
 PNLF : Yes-yes to ICA, PNLF break 60 as my target to you, that's right 
 ???. Target at 70. Support at 60.
 HEXA : Auto rejection, Will test resistance at 1,180-1,200, support at 1,000.
 ADRO : Shooting star candle, buy with target at 970-980. Support at 820. Be 
 careful with fluctuative stock like this.
 TINS : Begin uptrend, will test 1,120-1,130 in short term. Support at 
 SMGR : Buy with target price at 4,000. Support at 3,725-3,750.
 ISAT : Hit our target at 4,600. Will test to break 4,700 tomorrow. if break 
 will go to 4,750-4,775 in short term. Support at 4,450-4,500.
 --- In, M|C michael.cupert@ wrote:
  Penasaran mbah, siapa sih si Billy ini sebenarnya ? mbah sendiri atau orang
  lain ?
  Pada tanggal 24/03/09, jsx_consultant jsx-consultant@
   WTA adalah suatu sistem pembobotan saham dimana setiap indikator teknikal
   saham diberikan bobot yang berbeda sesuai proses trial and error, stelah
   mendapat nilai dari masing2 indikator maka kita akan mendapatkan rating
   untuk suatu saham apakah layak dibeli, ditahan, atau dijual.
   Dan sesuai rating teknikal masing2 saham, kita akan menentukan besaran
   support dan resistance saham tersebut.
   Jadi WTA itu ibarat bollinger band intraday yang membatasi pergerakan 
   Namun WTA juga bisa digunakan untuk swing trade, maupun long term trade.
   Itulah rahasia kesuksesan saya selama 6 tahun dari umur 10 tahun sampai
   sekarang 16 tahun dan berhasil MENCETAK PROFIT 519 % ( Hasil rugi 2 tahun
   pertama sebesar 88 %, dan profit dari tahun ke-3 sampai sekarang yaitu 
   431 %
   WTA memang sudah saya design untuk membatasi pergerakan harga ( jika 
   harga bergerak berdasarkan teknikal bukan fundamental news ), meskipun 
   di sekolah ,toh harga saham tidak akan meleset jauh dari hasil WTA yang
   sudah saya hitung.
   Oleh karena WTA lah, saya mampu dikontrak salah satu sekuritas asing
   ternama pada tahun 2008 sebagai calon fund manager and stock analyst 
   lulus SMA atau kuliah nanti.
   WTA selama saya gunakan 2 tahun ini memiliki akurasi 80 %-90 %. Dan sudah

Re: [ob] Billy 17 thn penemu WTA ?

2009-03-25 Terurut Topik Marcello Djunaidy
Saya pernah baca soal TOTAL WAVE (ada di manual metastock kl gak salah??).
Mirip dengan WTA.
intinya masing2 indikator dikasih bobot kemudian dijumlahkan. tiap jenis
saham beda cara pembobotannya.

Katanya sih yang nemu pertama itu bossnya Equis...CMIIW


2009/3/25 jsx_consultant

   --- In,
 jsx_consultant jsx-consult...@... wrote:
  Coba kita TEST kehebatan WTA, ini prediksinya buat hari INI:
  IHSG : Shooting star candle, Overbouhgt, Dow down. Will test support at

 pak DE, prediksi IHSG hari ini masih IJO, Billy prediksi bilang
 mau ke 1400-1410 atau -26 / -36

 pak DE pake analisa apa, WTS yah... becanda...hehehe...

 Pak DE, dulu anda menyarankan pembobotan indikator, apakah
 WTA ini sudah ada dari dulu atau pak DE dapet dari si Billy ?.

 Apakah si Billy ini penemu WTA atau membuat suatu versi pembobotan
 dengan konsep WTA ?.

  INDF : if tomorrow can't break 1,000. will test support at 960-970.
 Target Price at 1,030 in short term.
  BUMI : Hit our target at 800, tomorrow will test support at 760-780.
 Resistance at 820, and target price at 850.
  JSMR : Break 900 with high volume, will test 950 in short term. Support
 at 880-890.
  TLKM : Double top at 7,550, will test support at 7,150-7,200 tomorrow,
 Target price at 7,550.
  PGAS : Hit our target, will test support at 2,050-2,075 tomorrow.
 Resistance at 2,200.
  BMRI : Break 2,100 with high volume, will test support at 2,100-2,125 or
 will test to break resistance at 2,225-2,275.
  INCO : Break 2,200 with high volume, Congrats to all, will test
 2,425-2,475 in short term, support at 2,300.
  ANTM : Hit our target at 1,150-1,160. Tomorrow will test support at
 1,110-1,130. Resistance at 1,170-1,180. Target Price at 1,200.
  PTBA : Can't break 7,050. will test support at 6,700-6,750 tomorrow.
 Resistance at 7,050-7,100.
  ITMG : Be careful if can't close above 10,100 tomorrow, Triple top
 Reveresal. Support at 9,850-9,900. Resistance at 10,400-10,500.
  BBCA : Very2 Overbought, tomorrow will test support at 3,025-3,050.
 Resistance at 3,175-3,200.
  ASII : Close below our target, off high session. will test support at
 14,650-14,750 tomorrow. Resistance at 15,500.
  AALI : Be careful with profit taking action, will test support at
 13,200-13,300 tomorrow. Resistance at 14,000-14,050. Overbought
  LSIP : Break 3,400 as our target and now go to 3,500. Will test 3,600 in
 short term. Support at 3,400-3,425.
  MEDC: Break 2,250. will test 2,450 in short term if oli price up. Support
 at 2,200-2,225.
  ELSA : Break 158, will test 165 in short term. Support at 150-152.
  UNSP : Hit our target at 330. If tomorrow close below 310, you can
 average buy. Target price at 330-340.
  ELTY : Break 82 and will test 90 in short term. Support at 77-78.
  UNTR : Profit taking action, will test 6,100-6,200 tomorrow. Resistance
 at 6,500-6,550. Overbought.
  SMCB : Hit our target at 600, If tomorrow close above 600, Will go to 650
 in short term and 680 in medium term. Support at 560.
  PNLF : Yes-yes to ICA, PNLF break 60 as my target to you, that's right
 ???. Target at 70. Support at 60.
  HEXA : Auto rejection, Will test resistance at 1,180-1,200, support at
  ADRO : Shooting star candle, buy with target at 970-980. Support at 820.
 Be careful with fluctuative stock like this.
  TINS : Begin uptrend, will test 1,120-1,130 in short term. Support at
  SMGR : Buy with target price at 4,000. Support at 3,725-3,750.
  ISAT : Hit our target at 4,600. Will test to break 4,700 tomorrow. if
 break will go to 4,750-4,775 in short term. Support at 4,450-4,500.
  --- In,
 M|C michael.cupert@ wrote:
   Penasaran mbah, siapa sih si Billy ini sebenarnya ? mbah sendiri atau
   lain ?
   Pada tanggal 24/03/09, jsx_consultant jsx-consultant@
WTA adalah suatu sistem pembobotan saham dimana setiap indikator
saham diberikan bobot yang berbeda sesuai proses trial and error,
mendapat nilai dari masing2 indikator maka kita akan mendapatkan
untuk suatu saham apakah layak dibeli, ditahan, atau dijual.
Dan sesuai rating teknikal masing2 saham, kita akan menentukan
support dan resistance saham tersebut.
Jadi WTA itu ibarat bollinger band intraday yang membatasi pergerakan
Namun WTA juga bisa digunakan untuk swing trade, maupun long term
Itulah rahasia kesuksesan saya selama 6 tahun dari umur 10 tahun
sekarang 16 tahun dan berhasil MENCETAK PROFIT 519 % ( Hasil rugi 2
pertama sebesar 88 %, dan profit dari tahun ke-3 sampai sekarang
 yaitu 431 %
WTA memang sudah saya design untuk membatasi pergerakan harga ( jika
harga bergerak berdasarkan 

Re: [ob] Billy 17 thn penemu WTA ?

2009-03-25 Terurut Topik cipto_jh
Mantaff.. mbah.. :P

--- In, jsx_consultant jsx-consult...@... 

 --- In, jsx_consultant jsx-consultant@ 
  Coba kita TEST kehebatan WTA, ini prediksinya buat hari INI:
  IHSG : Shooting star candle, Overbouhgt, Dow down. Will test support at 
 pak DE, prediksi IHSG hari ini masih IJO, Billy prediksi bilang
 mau ke 1400-1410 atau -26 / -36
 pak DE pake analisa apa, WTS yah... becanda...hehehe...
 Pak DE, dulu anda menyarankan pembobotan indikator, apakah
 WTA ini sudah ada dari dulu atau pak DE dapet dari si Billy ?.
 Apakah si Billy ini penemu WTA atau membuat suatu versi pembobotan
 dengan konsep WTA ?.
  INDF : if tomorrow can't break 1,000. will test support at 960-970. Target 
  Price at 1,030 in short term.
  BUMI : Hit our target at 800, tomorrow will test support at 760-780. 
  Resistance at 820, and target price at 850.
  JSMR : Break 900 with high volume, will test 950 in short term. Support at 
  TLKM : Double top at 7,550, will test support at 7,150-7,200 tomorrow, 
  Target price at 7,550.
  PGAS : Hit our target, will test support at 2,050-2,075 tomorrow. 
  Resistance at 2,200.
  BMRI : Break 2,100 with high volume, will test support at 2,100-2,125 or 
  will test to break resistance at 2,225-2,275.
  INCO : Break 2,200 with high volume, Congrats to all, will test 2,425-2,475 
  in short term, support at 2,300.
  ANTM : Hit our target at 1,150-1,160. Tomorrow will test support at 
  1,110-1,130. Resistance at 1,170-1,180. Target Price at 1,200.
  PTBA : Can't break 7,050. will test support at 6,700-6,750 tomorrow. 
  Resistance at 7,050-7,100.
  ITMG : Be careful if can't close above 10,100 tomorrow, Triple top 
  Reveresal. Support at 9,850-9,900. Resistance at 10,400-10,500.
  BBCA : Very2 Overbought, tomorrow will test support at 3,025-3,050. 
  Resistance at 3,175-3,200.
  ASII : Close below our target, off high session. will test support at 
  14,650-14,750 tomorrow. Resistance at 15,500.
  AALI : Be careful with profit taking action, will test support at 
  13,200-13,300 tomorrow. Resistance at 14,000-14,050. Overbought
  LSIP : Break 3,400 as our target and now go to 3,500. Will test 3,600 in 
  short term. Support at 3,400-3,425.
  MEDC: Break 2,250. will test 2,450 in short term if oli price up. Support 
  at 2,200-2,225.
  ELSA : Break 158, will test 165 in short term. Support at 150-152.
  UNSP : Hit our target at 330. If tomorrow close below 310, you can average 
  buy. Target price at 330-340.
  ELTY : Break 82 and will test 90 in short term. Support at 77-78.
  UNTR : Profit taking action, will test 6,100-6,200 tomorrow. Resistance at 
  6,500-6,550. Overbought.
  SMCB : Hit our target at 600, If tomorrow close above 600, Will go to 650 
  in short term and 680 in medium term. Support at 560.
  PNLF : Yes-yes to ICA, PNLF break 60 as my target to you, that's right 
  ???. Target at 70. Support at 60.
  HEXA : Auto rejection, Will test resistance at 1,180-1,200, support at 
  ADRO : Shooting star candle, buy with target at 970-980. Support at 820. Be 
  careful with fluctuative stock like this.
  TINS : Begin uptrend, will test 1,120-1,130 in short term. Support at 
  SMGR : Buy with target price at 4,000. Support at 3,725-3,750.
  ISAT : Hit our target at 4,600. Will test to break 4,700 tomorrow. if break 
  will go to 4,750-4,775 in short term. Support at 4,450-4,500.
  --- In, M|C michael.cupert@ wrote:
   Penasaran mbah, siapa sih si Billy ini sebenarnya ? mbah sendiri atau 
   lain ?
   Pada tanggal 24/03/09, jsx_consultant jsx-consultant@
WTA adalah suatu sistem pembobotan saham dimana setiap indikator 
saham diberikan bobot yang berbeda sesuai proses trial and error, stelah
mendapat nilai dari masing2 indikator maka kita akan mendapatkan rating
untuk suatu saham apakah layak dibeli, ditahan, atau dijual.
Dan sesuai rating teknikal masing2 saham, kita akan menentukan besaran
support dan resistance saham tersebut.
Jadi WTA itu ibarat bollinger band intraday yang membatasi pergerakan 
Namun WTA juga bisa digunakan untuk swing trade, maupun long term trade.
Itulah rahasia kesuksesan saya selama 6 tahun dari umur 10 tahun sampai
sekarang 16 tahun dan berhasil MENCETAK PROFIT 519 % ( Hasil rugi 2 
pertama sebesar 88 %, dan profit dari tahun ke-3 sampai sekarang yaitu 
431 %
WTA memang sudah saya design untuk membatasi pergerakan harga ( jika 
harga bergerak berdasarkan teknikal bukan fundamental news ), meskipun 
di sekolah ,toh harga saham tidak akan meleset jauh dari hasil WTA yang
sudah saya hitung.
Oleh karena WTA lah, saya mampu 

Re: [ob] Billy 17 thn penemu WTA ?

2009-03-25 Terurut Topik Vernichtung

Jualan workshop lagi nih.

2009/3/25 cipto_jh

 Mantaff.. mbah.. :P

Re: [ob] Billy 17 thn penemu WTA ?

2009-03-25 Terurut Topik arif S.T.
Mante Mbah... Coba setiap hari ada prediksi seperti ini, jadi jelas mau 
Sebenernya saya seperti pak Rei, invest.. tapi pengen tau dan belajar tektok 
juga kaya Pak JT..
Kemaren dgn ikut mba elaine dan mbah aja utk invest dibanking saya udah profit 
Seneng banget rasanya Mbah...(Thanks to elaine en mbah), karena terakhir rugi 
hampir 90% lbh kebanyakan nyangkut di bnbr, tp saya masih belum cut loss loh 
Pak Rei..

Mudah2an ada prediksi spt ini seterusnya..

Sukses buat OBers semua, pasti banyak yang seneng juga spt saya


--- On Wed, 3/25/09, jsx_consultant wrote:

From: jsx_consultant
Subject: Re: [ob] Billy 17 thn penemu WTA ?
Date: Wednesday, March 25, 2009, 6:40 AM

Coba kita TEST kehebatan WTA, ini prediksinya buat hari INI:

IHSG : Shooting star candle, Overbouhgt, Dow down. Will test support at 
INDF : if tomorrow can't break 1,000. will test support at 960-970. Target 
Price at 1,030 in short term.
BUMI : Hit our target at 800, tomorrow will test support at 760-780. Resistance 
at 820, and target price at 850.
JSMR : Break 900 with high volume, will test 950 in short term. Support at 
TLKM : Double top at 7,550, will test support at 7,150-7,200 tomorrow, Target 
price at 7,550.
PGAS : Hit our target, will test support at 2,050-2,075 tomorrow. Resistance at 
BMRI : Break 2,100 with high volume, will test support at 2,100-2,125 or will 
test to break resistance at 2,225-2,275.
INCO : Break 2,200 with high volume, Congrats to all, will test 2,425-2,475 in 
short term, support at 2,300.
ANTM : Hit our target at 1,150-1,160. Tomorrow will test support at 
1,110-1,130. Resistance at 1,170-1,180. Target Price at 1,200.
PTBA : Can't break 7,050. will test support at 6,700-6,750 tomorrow. Resistance 
at 7,050-7,100.
ITMG : Be careful if can't close above 10,100 tomorrow, Triple top Reveresal. 
Support at 9,850-9,900. Resistance at 10,400-10,500.
BBCA : Very2 Overbought, tomorrow will test support at 3,025-3,050. Resistance 
at 3,175-3,200.
ASII : Close below our target, off high session. will test support at 
14,650-14,750 tomorrow. Resistance at 15,500.
AALI : Be careful with profit taking action, will test support at 13,200-13,300 
tomorrow. Resistance at 14,000-14,050. Overbought
LSIP : Break 3,400 as our target and now go to 3,500. Will test 3,600 in short 
term. Support at 3,400-3,425.
MEDC: Break 2,250. will test 2,450 in short term if oli price up. Support at 
ELSA : Break 158, will test 165 in short term. Support at 150-152.
UNSP : Hit our target at 330. If tomorrow close below 310, you can average buy. 
Target price at 330-340.
ELTY : Break 82 and will test 90 in short term. Support at 77-78.
UNTR : Profit taking action, will test 6,100-6,200 tomorrow. Resistance at 
6,500-6,550. Overbought.
SMCB : Hit our target at 600, If tomorrow close above 600, Will go to 650 in 
short term and 680 in medium term. Support at 560.
PNLF : Yes-yes to ICA, PNLF break 60 as my target to you, that's right ???. 
Target at 70. Support at 60.
HEXA : Auto rejection, Will test resistance at 1,180-1,200, support at 1,000.
ADRO : Shooting star candle, buy with target at 970-980. Support at 820. Be 
careful with fluctuative stock like this.
TINS : Begin uptrend, will test 1,120-1,130 in short term. Support at 
SMGR : Buy with target price at 4,000. Support at 3,725-3,750.
ISAT : Hit our target at 4,600. Will test to break 4,700 tomorrow. if break 
will go to 4,750-4,775 in short term. Support at 4,450-4,500.

--- In, M|C michael.cup...@... wrote:

 Penasaran mbah, siapa sih si Billy ini sebenarnya ? mbah sendiri atau orang
 lain ?
 Pada tanggal 24/03/09, jsx_consultant jsx-consult...@...
  WTA adalah suatu sistem pembobotan saham dimana setiap indikator teknikal
  saham diberikan bobot yang berbeda sesuai proses trial and error, stelah
  mendapat nilai dari masing2 indikator maka kita akan mendapatkan rating
  untuk suatu saham apakah layak dibeli, ditahan, atau dijual.
  Dan sesuai rating teknikal masing2 saham, kita akan menentukan besaran
  support dan resistance saham tersebut.
  Jadi WTA itu ibarat bollinger band intraday yang membatasi pergerakan harga
  Namun WTA juga bisa digunakan untuk swing trade, maupun long term trade.
  Itulah rahasia kesuksesan saya selama 6 tahun dari umur 10 tahun sampai
  sekarang 16 tahun dan berhasil MENCETAK PROFIT 519 % ( Hasil rugi 2 tahun
  pertama sebesar 88 %, dan profit dari tahun ke-3 sampai sekarang yaitu 431 %
  WTA memang sudah saya design untuk membatasi pergerakan harga ( jika memang
  harga bergerak berdasarkan teknikal bukan fundamental news ), meskipun saya
  di sekolah ,toh harga saham tidak akan meleset jauh dari hasil WTA yang
  sudah saya hitung.
  Oleh karena WTA lah, saya

Re: [ob] Billy 17 thn penemu WTA ?

2009-03-25 Terurut Topik Udin g67

bung jsx / bung billy terbitkan buku saja gemana, pasti banyak peminatnya, akan 
laris manis untung 2x dari jual beli saham dan jualan buku.

  - Original Message - 
  From: cipto_jh 
  Sent: Wednesday, March 25, 2009 2:03 PM
  Subject: Re: [ob] Billy 17 thn penemu WTA ?

  Mantaff.. mbah.. :P

  --- In, jsx_consultant jsx-consult...@... 
   --- In, jsx_consultant jsx-consultant@ 
Coba kita TEST kehebatan WTA, ini prediksinya buat hari INI:

IHSG : Shooting star candle, Overbouhgt, Dow down. Will test support at 
   pak DE, prediksi IHSG hari ini masih IJO, Billy prediksi bilang
   mau ke 1400-1410 atau -26 / -36
   pak DE pake analisa apa, WTS yah... becanda...hehehe...
   Pak DE, dulu anda menyarankan pembobotan indikator, apakah
   WTA ini sudah ada dari dulu atau pak DE dapet dari si Billy ?.
   Apakah si Billy ini penemu WTA atau membuat suatu versi pembobotan
   dengan konsep WTA ?.
INDF : if tomorrow can't break 1,000. will test support at 960-970. 
Target Price at 1,030 in short term.
BUMI : Hit our target at 800, tomorrow will test support at 760-780. 
Resistance at 820, and target price at 850.
JSMR : Break 900 with high volume, will test 950 in short term. Support 
at 880-890.
TLKM : Double top at 7,550, will test support at 7,150-7,200 tomorrow, 
Target price at 7,550.
PGAS : Hit our target, will test support at 2,050-2,075 tomorrow. 
Resistance at 2,200.
BMRI : Break 2,100 with high volume, will test support at 2,100-2,125 or 
will test to break resistance at 2,225-2,275.
INCO : Break 2,200 with high volume, Congrats to all, will test 
2,425-2,475 in short term, support at 2,300.
ANTM : Hit our target at 1,150-1,160. Tomorrow will test support at 
1,110-1,130. Resistance at 1,170-1,180. Target Price at 1,200.
PTBA : Can't break 7,050. will test support at 6,700-6,750 tomorrow. 
Resistance at 7,050-7,100.
ITMG : Be careful if can't close above 10,100 tomorrow, Triple top 
Reveresal. Support at 9,850-9,900. Resistance at 10,400-10,500.
BBCA : Very2 Overbought, tomorrow will test support at 3,025-3,050. 
Resistance at 3,175-3,200.
ASII : Close below our target, off high session. will test support at 
14,650-14,750 tomorrow. Resistance at 15,500.
AALI : Be careful with profit taking action, will test support at 
13,200-13,300 tomorrow. Resistance at 14,000-14,050. Overbought
LSIP : Break 3,400 as our target and now go to 3,500. Will test 3,600 in 
short term. Support at 3,400-3,425.
MEDC: Break 2,250. will test 2,450 in short term if oli price up. Support 
at 2,200-2,225.
ELSA : Break 158, will test 165 in short term. Support at 150-152.
UNSP : Hit our target at 330. If tomorrow close below 310, you can 
average buy. Target price at 330-340.
ELTY : Break 82 and will test 90 in short term. Support at 77-78.
UNTR : Profit taking action, will test 6,100-6,200 tomorrow. Resistance 
at 6,500-6,550. Overbought.
SMCB : Hit our target at 600, If tomorrow close above 600, Will go to 650 
in short term and 680 in medium term. Support at 560.
PNLF : Yes-yes to ICA, PNLF break 60 as my target to you, that's right 
???. Target at 70. Support at 60.
HEXA : Auto rejection, Will test resistance at 1,180-1,200, support at 
ADRO : Shooting star candle, buy with target at 970-980. Support at 820. 
Be careful with fluctuative stock like this.
TINS : Begin uptrend, will test 1,120-1,130 in short term. Support at 
SMGR : Buy with target price at 4,000. Support at 3,725-3,750.
ISAT : Hit our target at 4,600. Will test to break 4,700 tomorrow. if 
break will go to 4,750-4,775 in short term. Support at 4,450-4,500.

--- In, M|C michael.cupert@ wrote:

 Penasaran mbah, siapa sih si Billy ini sebenarnya ? mbah sendiri atau 
 lain ?
 Pada tanggal 24/03/09, jsx_consultant jsx-consultant@
  WTA adalah suatu sistem pembobotan saham dimana setiap indikator 
  saham diberikan bobot yang berbeda sesuai proses trial and error, 
  mendapat nilai dari masing2 indikator maka kita akan mendapatkan 
  untuk suatu saham apakah layak dibeli, ditahan, atau dijual.
  Dan sesuai rating teknikal masing2 saham, kita akan menentukan besaran
  support dan resistance saham tersebut.
  Jadi WTA itu ibarat bollinger band intraday yang membatasi pergerakan 
  Namun WTA juga bisa digunakan untuk swing trade, maupun long term 
  Itulah rahasia kesuksesan saya selama 6 tahun dari umur 10 tahun 
  sekarang 16 tahun dan berhasil MENCETAK PROFIT 519

Re: [ob] Billy 17 thn penemu WTA ?

2009-03-25 Terurut Topik Dean Earwicker
wah udah -10 poin

perlu duit brapa yah biar ijo... tengsin dong kalah ma ABG..kekeke..


Pada 25 Maret 2009 13:48, jsx_consultant

 --- In, jsx_consultant jsx-consult...@...
  Coba kita TEST kehebatan WTA, ini prediksinya buat hari INI:
  IHSG : Shooting star candle, Overbouhgt, Dow down. Will test support at

 pak DE, prediksi IHSG hari ini masih IJO, Billy prediksi bilang
 mau ke 1400-1410 atau -26 / -36

 pak DE pake analisa apa, WTS yah... becanda...hehehe...

 Pak DE, dulu anda menyarankan pembobotan indikator, apakah
 WTA ini sudah ada dari dulu atau pak DE dapet dari si Billy ?.

 Apakah si Billy ini penemu WTA atau membuat suatu versi pembobotan
 dengan konsep WTA ?.

  INDF : if tomorrow can't break 1,000. will test support at 960-970.
 Target Price at 1,030 in short term.
  BUMI : Hit our target at 800, tomorrow will test support at 760-780.
 Resistance at 820, and target price at 850.
  JSMR : Break 900 with high volume, will test 950 in short term. Support
 at 880-890.
  TLKM : Double top at 7,550, will test support at 7,150-7,200 tomorrow,
 Target price at 7,550.
  PGAS : Hit our target, will test support at 2,050-2,075 tomorrow.
 Resistance at 2,200.
  BMRI : Break 2,100 with high volume, will test support at 2,100-2,125 or
 will test to break resistance at 2,225-2,275.
  INCO : Break 2,200 with high volume, Congrats to all, will test
 2,425-2,475 in short term, support at 2,300.
  ANTM : Hit our target at 1,150-1,160. Tomorrow will test support at
 1,110-1,130. Resistance at 1,170-1,180. Target Price at 1,200.
  PTBA : Can't break 7,050. will test support at 6,700-6,750 tomorrow.
 Resistance at 7,050-7,100.
  ITMG : Be careful if can't close above 10,100 tomorrow, Triple top
 Reveresal. Support at 9,850-9,900. Resistance at 10,400-10,500.
  BBCA : Very2 Overbought, tomorrow will test support at 3,025-3,050.
 Resistance at 3,175-3,200.
  ASII : Close below our target, off high session. will test support at
 14,650-14,750 tomorrow. Resistance at 15,500.
  AALI : Be careful with profit taking action, will test support at
 13,200-13,300 tomorrow. Resistance at 14,000-14,050. Overbought
  LSIP : Break 3,400 as our target and now go to 3,500. Will test 3,600 in
 short term. Support at 3,400-3,425.
  MEDC: Break 2,250. will test 2,450 in short term if oli price up. Support
 at 2,200-2,225.
  ELSA : Break 158, will test 165 in short term. Support at 150-152.
  UNSP : Hit our target at 330. If tomorrow close below 310, you can
 average buy. Target price at 330-340.
  ELTY : Break 82 and will test 90 in short term. Support at 77-78.
  UNTR : Profit taking action, will test 6,100-6,200 tomorrow. Resistance
 at 6,500-6,550. Overbought.
  SMCB : Hit our target at 600, If tomorrow close above 600, Will go to 650
 in short term and 680 in medium term. Support at 560.
  PNLF : Yes-yes to ICA, PNLF break 60 as my target to you, that's right
 ???. Target at 70. Support at 60.
  HEXA : Auto rejection, Will test resistance at 1,180-1,200, support at
  ADRO : Shooting star candle, buy with target at 970-980. Support at 820.
 Be careful with fluctuative stock like this.
  TINS : Begin uptrend, will test 1,120-1,130 in short term. Support at
  SMGR : Buy with target price at 4,000. Support at 3,725-3,750.
  ISAT : Hit our target at 4,600. Will test to break 4,700 tomorrow. if
 break will go to 4,750-4,775 in short term. Support at 4,450-4,500.
  --- In, M|C michael.cupert@ wrote:
   Penasaran mbah, siapa sih si Billy ini sebenarnya ? mbah sendiri atau
   lain ?
   Pada tanggal 24/03/09, jsx_consultant jsx-consultant@
WTA adalah suatu sistem pembobotan saham dimana setiap indikator
saham diberikan bobot yang berbeda sesuai proses trial and error,
mendapat nilai dari masing2 indikator maka kita akan mendapatkan
untuk suatu saham apakah layak dibeli, ditahan, atau dijual.
Dan sesuai rating teknikal masing2 saham, kita akan menentukan
support dan resistance saham tersebut.
Jadi WTA itu ibarat bollinger band intraday yang membatasi pergerakan
Namun WTA juga bisa digunakan untuk swing trade, maupun long term
Itulah rahasia kesuksesan saya selama 6 tahun dari umur 10 tahun
sekarang 16 tahun dan berhasil MENCETAK PROFIT 519 % ( Hasil rugi 2
pertama sebesar 88 %, dan profit dari tahun ke-3 sampai sekarang
 yaitu 431 %
WTA memang sudah saya design untuk membatasi pergerakan harga ( jika
harga bergerak berdasarkan teknikal bukan fundamental news ),
 meskipun saya
di sekolah ,toh harga saham tidak akan meleset jauh dari hasil WTA
sudah saya hitung.
Oleh karena WTA lah, saya mampu dikontrak 

Re: [ob] Billy 17 thn penemu WTA ?

2009-03-25 Terurut Topik jsx_consultant
  TLKM : Double top at 7,550, will test support at 7,150-7,200 tomorrow, 
  Target price at 7,550.

TLKM saat ini 7150, oke ... tapi target 7550 

IHSG masih -7, pak DE masih ada harapan...

--- In, jsx_consultant jsx-consult...@... 

 --- In, jsx_consultant jsx-consultant@ 
  Coba kita TEST kehebatan WTA, ini prediksinya buat hari INI:
  IHSG : Shooting star candle, Overbouhgt, Dow down. Will test support at 
 pak DE, prediksi IHSG hari ini masih IJO, Billy prediksi bilang
 mau ke 1400-1410 atau -26 / -36
 pak DE pake analisa apa, WTS yah... becanda...hehehe...
 Pak DE, dulu anda menyarankan pembobotan indikator, apakah
 WTA ini sudah ada dari dulu atau pak DE dapet dari si Billy ?.
 Apakah si Billy ini penemu WTA atau membuat suatu versi pembobotan
 dengan konsep WTA ?.
  INDF : if tomorrow can't break 1,000. will test support at 960-970. Target 
  Price at 1,030 in short term.
  BUMI : Hit our target at 800, tomorrow will test support at 760-780. 
  Resistance at 820, and target price at 850.
  JSMR : Break 900 with high volume, will test 950 in short term. Support at 
  TLKM : Double top at 7,550, will test support at 7,150-7,200 tomorrow, 
  Target price at 7,550.
  PGAS : Hit our target, will test support at 2,050-2,075 tomorrow. 
  Resistance at 2,200.
  BMRI : Break 2,100 with high volume, will test support at 2,100-2,125 or 
  will test to break resistance at 2,225-2,275.
  INCO : Break 2,200 with high volume, Congrats to all, will test 2,425-2,475 
  in short term, support at 2,300.
  ANTM : Hit our target at 1,150-1,160. Tomorrow will test support at 
  1,110-1,130. Resistance at 1,170-1,180. Target Price at 1,200.
  PTBA : Can't break 7,050. will test support at 6,700-6,750 tomorrow. 
  Resistance at 7,050-7,100.
  ITMG : Be careful if can't close above 10,100 tomorrow, Triple top 
  Reveresal. Support at 9,850-9,900. Resistance at 10,400-10,500.
  BBCA : Very2 Overbought, tomorrow will test support at 3,025-3,050. 
  Resistance at 3,175-3,200.
  ASII : Close below our target, off high session. will test support at 
  14,650-14,750 tomorrow. Resistance at 15,500.
  AALI : Be careful with profit taking action, will test support at 
  13,200-13,300 tomorrow. Resistance at 14,000-14,050. Overbought
  LSIP : Break 3,400 as our target and now go to 3,500. Will test 3,600 in 
  short term. Support at 3,400-3,425.
  MEDC: Break 2,250. will test 2,450 in short term if oli price up. Support 
  at 2,200-2,225.
  ELSA : Break 158, will test 165 in short term. Support at 150-152.
  UNSP : Hit our target at 330. If tomorrow close below 310, you can average 
  buy. Target price at 330-340.
  ELTY : Break 82 and will test 90 in short term. Support at 77-78.
  UNTR : Profit taking action, will test 6,100-6,200 tomorrow. Resistance at 
  6,500-6,550. Overbought.
  SMCB : Hit our target at 600, If tomorrow close above 600, Will go to 650 
  in short term and 680 in medium term. Support at 560.
  PNLF : Yes-yes to ICA, PNLF break 60 as my target to you, that's right 
  ???. Target at 70. Support at 60.
  HEXA : Auto rejection, Will test resistance at 1,180-1,200, support at 
  ADRO : Shooting star candle, buy with target at 970-980. Support at 820. Be 
  careful with fluctuative stock like this.
  TINS : Begin uptrend, will test 1,120-1,130 in short term. Support at 
  SMGR : Buy with target price at 4,000. Support at 3,725-3,750.
  ISAT : Hit our target at 4,600. Will test to break 4,700 tomorrow. if break 
  will go to 4,750-4,775 in short term. Support at 4,450-4,500.
  --- In, M|C michael.cupert@ wrote:
   Penasaran mbah, siapa sih si Billy ini sebenarnya ? mbah sendiri atau 
   lain ?
   Pada tanggal 24/03/09, jsx_consultant jsx-consultant@
WTA adalah suatu sistem pembobotan saham dimana setiap indikator 
saham diberikan bobot yang berbeda sesuai proses trial and error, stelah
mendapat nilai dari masing2 indikator maka kita akan mendapatkan rating
untuk suatu saham apakah layak dibeli, ditahan, atau dijual.
Dan sesuai rating teknikal masing2 saham, kita akan menentukan besaran
support dan resistance saham tersebut.
Jadi WTA itu ibarat bollinger band intraday yang membatasi pergerakan 
Namun WTA juga bisa digunakan untuk swing trade, maupun long term trade.
Itulah rahasia kesuksesan saya selama 6 tahun dari umur 10 tahun sampai
sekarang 16 tahun dan berhasil MENCETAK PROFIT 519 % ( Hasil rugi 2 
pertama sebesar 88 %, dan profit dari tahun ke-3 sampai sekarang yaitu 
431 %
WTA memang sudah saya design untuk membatasi pergerakan harga ( jika 
harga bergerak berdasarkan teknikal bukan 

Re: [ob] Billy 17 thn penemu WTA ?

2009-03-25 Terurut Topik jsx_consultant
Dijatohin pake TLKM...

Masih ada harapan pak, IHSG baru -7 saat ini...

yg gawat, besok libur, engga bisa apa apa kalo DJI jatoh... hehehe..

--- In, Dean Earwicker dean.earwic...@... 

 wah udah -10 poin
 perlu duit brapa yah biar ijo... tengsin dong kalah ma ABG..kekeke..
 Pada 25 Maret 2009 13:48, jsx_consultant jsx-consult...@...menulis:
  --- In, jsx_consultant jsx-consultant@
   Coba kita TEST kehebatan WTA, ini prediksinya buat hari INI:
   IHSG : Shooting star candle, Overbouhgt, Dow down. Will test support at
  pak DE, prediksi IHSG hari ini masih IJO, Billy prediksi bilang
  mau ke 1400-1410 atau -26 / -36
  pak DE pake analisa apa, WTS yah... becanda...hehehe...
  Pak DE, dulu anda menyarankan pembobotan indikator, apakah
  WTA ini sudah ada dari dulu atau pak DE dapet dari si Billy ?.
  Apakah si Billy ini penemu WTA atau membuat suatu versi pembobotan
  dengan konsep WTA ?.
   INDF : if tomorrow can't break 1,000. will test support at 960-970.
  Target Price at 1,030 in short term.
   BUMI : Hit our target at 800, tomorrow will test support at 760-780.
  Resistance at 820, and target price at 850.
   JSMR : Break 900 with high volume, will test 950 in short term. Support
  at 880-890.
   TLKM : Double top at 7,550, will test support at 7,150-7,200 tomorrow,
  Target price at 7,550.
   PGAS : Hit our target, will test support at 2,050-2,075 tomorrow.
  Resistance at 2,200.
   BMRI : Break 2,100 with high volume, will test support at 2,100-2,125 or
  will test to break resistance at 2,225-2,275.
   INCO : Break 2,200 with high volume, Congrats to all, will test
  2,425-2,475 in short term, support at 2,300.
   ANTM : Hit our target at 1,150-1,160. Tomorrow will test support at
  1,110-1,130. Resistance at 1,170-1,180. Target Price at 1,200.
   PTBA : Can't break 7,050. will test support at 6,700-6,750 tomorrow.
  Resistance at 7,050-7,100.
   ITMG : Be careful if can't close above 10,100 tomorrow, Triple top
  Reveresal. Support at 9,850-9,900. Resistance at 10,400-10,500.
   BBCA : Very2 Overbought, tomorrow will test support at 3,025-3,050.
  Resistance at 3,175-3,200.
   ASII : Close below our target, off high session. will test support at
  14,650-14,750 tomorrow. Resistance at 15,500.
   AALI : Be careful with profit taking action, will test support at
  13,200-13,300 tomorrow. Resistance at 14,000-14,050. Overbought
   LSIP : Break 3,400 as our target and now go to 3,500. Will test 3,600 in
  short term. Support at 3,400-3,425.
   MEDC: Break 2,250. will test 2,450 in short term if oli price up. Support
  at 2,200-2,225.
   ELSA : Break 158, will test 165 in short term. Support at 150-152.
   UNSP : Hit our target at 330. If tomorrow close below 310, you can
  average buy. Target price at 330-340.
   ELTY : Break 82 and will test 90 in short term. Support at 77-78.
   UNTR : Profit taking action, will test 6,100-6,200 tomorrow. Resistance
  at 6,500-6,550. Overbought.
   SMCB : Hit our target at 600, If tomorrow close above 600, Will go to 650
  in short term and 680 in medium term. Support at 560.
   PNLF : Yes-yes to ICA, PNLF break 60 as my target to you, that's right
  ???. Target at 70. Support at 60.
   HEXA : Auto rejection, Will test resistance at 1,180-1,200, support at
   ADRO : Shooting star candle, buy with target at 970-980. Support at 820.
  Be careful with fluctuative stock like this.
   TINS : Begin uptrend, will test 1,120-1,130 in short term. Support at
   SMGR : Buy with target price at 4,000. Support at 3,725-3,750.
   ISAT : Hit our target at 4,600. Will test to break 4,700 tomorrow. if
  break will go to 4,750-4,775 in short term. Support at 4,450-4,500.
   --- In, M|C michael.cupert@ wrote:
Penasaran mbah, siapa sih si Billy ini sebenarnya ? mbah sendiri atau
lain ?
Pada tanggal 24/03/09, jsx_consultant jsx-consultant@

 WTA adalah suatu sistem pembobotan saham dimana setiap indikator
 saham diberikan bobot yang berbeda sesuai proses trial and error,
 mendapat nilai dari masing2 indikator maka kita akan mendapatkan
 untuk suatu saham apakah layak dibeli, ditahan, atau dijual.

 Dan sesuai rating teknikal masing2 saham, kita akan menentukan
 support dan resistance saham tersebut.

 Jadi WTA itu ibarat bollinger band intraday yang membatasi pergerakan

 Namun WTA juga bisa digunakan untuk swing trade, maupun long term

 Itulah rahasia kesuksesan saya selama 6 tahun dari umur 10 tahun
 sekarang 16 tahun dan berhasil MENCETAK PROFIT 519 % ( Hasil rugi 2
 pertama sebesar 88 %, dan profit dari tahun ke-3 sampai sekarang

Re: [ob] Billy 17 thn penemu WTA ?

2009-03-25 Terurut Topik cipto_jh

15 perak-an di TLKM..
Yg berat di perbankan kek-nya.. :p
BBRI aja perlu 30-an.. hehehe

--- In, Dean Earwicker dean.earwic...@... 

 wah udah -10 poin
 perlu duit brapa yah biar ijo... tengsin dong kalah ma ABG..kekeke..
 Pada 25 Maret 2009 13:48, jsx_consultant jsx-consult...@...menulis:
  --- In, jsx_consultant jsx-consultant@
   Coba kita TEST kehebatan WTA, ini prediksinya buat hari INI:
   IHSG : Shooting star candle, Overbouhgt, Dow down. Will test support at
  pak DE, prediksi IHSG hari ini masih IJO, Billy prediksi bilang
  mau ke 1400-1410 atau -26 / -36
  pak DE pake analisa apa, WTS yah... becanda...hehehe...
  Pak DE, dulu anda menyarankan pembobotan indikator, apakah
  WTA ini sudah ada dari dulu atau pak DE dapet dari si Billy ?.
  Apakah si Billy ini penemu WTA atau membuat suatu versi pembobotan
  dengan konsep WTA ?.
   INDF : if tomorrow can't break 1,000. will test support at 960-970.
  Target Price at 1,030 in short term.
   BUMI : Hit our target at 800, tomorrow will test support at 760-780.
  Resistance at 820, and target price at 850.
   JSMR : Break 900 with high volume, will test 950 in short term. Support
  at 880-890.
   TLKM : Double top at 7,550, will test support at 7,150-7,200 tomorrow,
  Target price at 7,550.
   PGAS : Hit our target, will test support at 2,050-2,075 tomorrow.
  Resistance at 2,200.
   BMRI : Break 2,100 with high volume, will test support at 2,100-2,125 or
  will test to break resistance at 2,225-2,275.
   INCO : Break 2,200 with high volume, Congrats to all, will test
  2,425-2,475 in short term, support at 2,300.
   ANTM : Hit our target at 1,150-1,160. Tomorrow will test support at
  1,110-1,130. Resistance at 1,170-1,180. Target Price at 1,200.
   PTBA : Can't break 7,050. will test support at 6,700-6,750 tomorrow.
  Resistance at 7,050-7,100.
   ITMG : Be careful if can't close above 10,100 tomorrow, Triple top
  Reveresal. Support at 9,850-9,900. Resistance at 10,400-10,500.
   BBCA : Very2 Overbought, tomorrow will test support at 3,025-3,050.
  Resistance at 3,175-3,200.
   ASII : Close below our target, off high session. will test support at
  14,650-14,750 tomorrow. Resistance at 15,500.
   AALI : Be careful with profit taking action, will test support at
  13,200-13,300 tomorrow. Resistance at 14,000-14,050. Overbought
   LSIP : Break 3,400 as our target and now go to 3,500. Will test 3,600 in
  short term. Support at 3,400-3,425.
   MEDC: Break 2,250. will test 2,450 in short term if oli price up. Support
  at 2,200-2,225.
   ELSA : Break 158, will test 165 in short term. Support at 150-152.
   UNSP : Hit our target at 330. If tomorrow close below 310, you can
  average buy. Target price at 330-340.
   ELTY : Break 82 and will test 90 in short term. Support at 77-78.
   UNTR : Profit taking action, will test 6,100-6,200 tomorrow. Resistance
  at 6,500-6,550. Overbought.
   SMCB : Hit our target at 600, If tomorrow close above 600, Will go to 650
  in short term and 680 in medium term. Support at 560.
   PNLF : Yes-yes to ICA, PNLF break 60 as my target to you, that's right
  ???. Target at 70. Support at 60.
   HEXA : Auto rejection, Will test resistance at 1,180-1,200, support at
   ADRO : Shooting star candle, buy with target at 970-980. Support at 820.
  Be careful with fluctuative stock like this.
   TINS : Begin uptrend, will test 1,120-1,130 in short term. Support at
   SMGR : Buy with target price at 4,000. Support at 3,725-3,750.
   ISAT : Hit our target at 4,600. Will test to break 4,700 tomorrow. if
  break will go to 4,750-4,775 in short term. Support at 4,450-4,500.
   --- In, M|C michael.cupert@ wrote:
Penasaran mbah, siapa sih si Billy ini sebenarnya ? mbah sendiri atau
lain ?
Pada tanggal 24/03/09, jsx_consultant jsx-consultant@

 WTA adalah suatu sistem pembobotan saham dimana setiap indikator
 saham diberikan bobot yang berbeda sesuai proses trial and error,
 mendapat nilai dari masing2 indikator maka kita akan mendapatkan
 untuk suatu saham apakah layak dibeli, ditahan, atau dijual.

 Dan sesuai rating teknikal masing2 saham, kita akan menentukan
 support dan resistance saham tersebut.

 Jadi WTA itu ibarat bollinger band intraday yang membatasi pergerakan

 Namun WTA juga bisa digunakan untuk swing trade, maupun long term

 Itulah rahasia kesuksesan saya selama 6 tahun dari umur 10 tahun
 sekarang 16 tahun dan berhasil MENCETAK PROFIT 519 % ( Hasil rugi 2
 pertama sebesar 88 %, dan profit dari tahun ke-3 sampai sekarang
  yaitu 431 %

 WTA memang 

Re: [ob] Billy 17 thn penemu WTA ?

2009-03-25 Terurut Topik jsx_consultant
Evaluasi prediksi:
- IHSG bener turun tapi prediksi saham masih lebih banyak
  salah daripada bener...

Tapi hari ini MEMANG sangat sukar diprediksi, jadi embah kira
evaluasi hari ini BELUM menggambarkan keampuhan yg sebenarnya
dari WTA Billy...

Kita test lagi hari Jumat

--- In, jsx_consultant jsx-consult...@... 

   TLKM : Double top at 7,550, will test support at 7,150-7,200 tomorrow, 
   Target price at 7,550.
 TLKM saat ini 7150, oke ... tapi target 7550 
 IHSG masih -7, pak DE masih ada harapan...
 --- In, jsx_consultant jsx-consultant@ 
  --- In, jsx_consultant jsx-consultant@ 
   Coba kita TEST kehebatan WTA, ini prediksinya buat hari INI:
   IHSG : Shooting star candle, Overbouhgt, Dow down. Will test support at 
  pak DE, prediksi IHSG hari ini masih IJO, Billy prediksi bilang
  mau ke 1400-1410 atau -26 / -36
  pak DE pake analisa apa, WTS yah... becanda...hehehe...
  Pak DE, dulu anda menyarankan pembobotan indikator, apakah
  WTA ini sudah ada dari dulu atau pak DE dapet dari si Billy ?.
  Apakah si Billy ini penemu WTA atau membuat suatu versi pembobotan
  dengan konsep WTA ?.
   INDF : if tomorrow can't break 1,000. will test support at 960-970. 
   Target Price at 1,030 in short term.
   BUMI : Hit our target at 800, tomorrow will test support at 760-780. 
   Resistance at 820, and target price at 850.
   JSMR : Break 900 with high volume, will test 950 in short term. Support 
   at 880-890.
   TLKM : Double top at 7,550, will test support at 7,150-7,200 tomorrow, 
   Target price at 7,550.
   PGAS : Hit our target, will test support at 2,050-2,075 tomorrow. 
   Resistance at 2,200.
   BMRI : Break 2,100 with high volume, will test support at 2,100-2,125 or 
   will test to break resistance at 2,225-2,275.
   INCO : Break 2,200 with high volume, Congrats to all, will test 
   2,425-2,475 in short term, support at 2,300.
   ANTM : Hit our target at 1,150-1,160. Tomorrow will test support at 
   1,110-1,130. Resistance at 1,170-1,180. Target Price at 1,200.
   PTBA : Can't break 7,050. will test support at 6,700-6,750 tomorrow. 
   Resistance at 7,050-7,100.
   ITMG : Be careful if can't close above 10,100 tomorrow, Triple top 
   Reveresal. Support at 9,850-9,900. Resistance at 10,400-10,500.
   BBCA : Very2 Overbought, tomorrow will test support at 3,025-3,050. 
   Resistance at 3,175-3,200.
   ASII : Close below our target, off high session. will test support at 
   14,650-14,750 tomorrow. Resistance at 15,500.
   AALI : Be careful with profit taking action, will test support at 
   13,200-13,300 tomorrow. Resistance at 14,000-14,050. Overbought
   LSIP : Break 3,400 as our target and now go to 3,500. Will test 3,600 in 
   short term. Support at 3,400-3,425.
   MEDC: Break 2,250. will test 2,450 in short term if oli price up. Support 
   at 2,200-2,225.
   ELSA : Break 158, will test 165 in short term. Support at 150-152.
   UNSP : Hit our target at 330. If tomorrow close below 310, you can 
   average buy. Target price at 330-340.
   ELTY : Break 82 and will test 90 in short term. Support at 77-78.
   UNTR : Profit taking action, will test 6,100-6,200 tomorrow. Resistance 
   at 6,500-6,550. Overbought.
   SMCB : Hit our target at 600, If tomorrow close above 600, Will go to 650 
   in short term and 680 in medium term. Support at 560.
   PNLF : Yes-yes to ICA, PNLF break 60 as my target to you, that's right 
   ???. Target at 70. Support at 60.
   HEXA : Auto rejection, Will test resistance at 1,180-1,200, support at 
   ADRO : Shooting star candle, buy with target at 970-980. Support at 820. 
   Be careful with fluctuative stock like this.
   TINS : Begin uptrend, will test 1,120-1,130 in short term. Support at 
   SMGR : Buy with target price at 4,000. Support at 3,725-3,750.
   ISAT : Hit our target at 4,600. Will test to break 4,700 tomorrow. if 
   break will go to 4,750-4,775 in short term. Support at 4,450-4,500.
   --- In, M|C michael.cupert@ wrote:
Penasaran mbah, siapa sih si Billy ini sebenarnya ? mbah sendiri atau 
lain ?

Pada tanggal 24/03/09, jsx_consultant jsx-consultant@

 WTA adalah suatu sistem pembobotan saham dimana setiap indikator 
 saham diberikan bobot yang berbeda sesuai proses trial and error, 
 mendapat nilai dari masing2 indikator maka kita akan mendapatkan 
 untuk suatu saham apakah layak dibeli, ditahan, atau dijual.

 Dan sesuai rating teknikal masing2 saham, kita akan menentukan besaran
 support dan resistance saham tersebut.

 Jadi WTA itu ibarat bollinger band intraday yang membatasi pergerakan 

Re: [ob] Billy 17 thn penemu WTA ?

2009-03-25 Terurut Topik ruzli
Super Technical Analysis
Thx for all, termasuk Embah OB

TRUE : 18

IHSG : Shooting star candle, Overbouhgt, Dow down. Will test support
at 1,400-1,410.
Result : 1,419 beda tipis lah
INDF : if tomorrow can't break 1,000. will test support at 960-970.
Target Price at 1,030 in short term.
Result : True ( Close at 960 )
BUMI : Hit our target at 800, tomorrow will test support at 760-780.
Resistance at 820, and target price at 850.
Result : TRUE ( sempet Hit 780 support )
JSMR : Break 900 with high volume, will test 950 in short term.
Support at 880-890.
Result : True ( Sempet hit 950 )
TLKM : Double top at 7,550, will test support at 7,150-7,200 tomorrow,
Target price at 7,550.
Result : True ( close at support 7,150 and test 7,500 )
PGAS : Hit our target, will test support at 2,050-2,075 tomorrow.
Resistance at 2,200.
Result : TRUE ( Hit 2,200 )
BMRI : Break 2,100 with high volume, will test support at 2,100-2,125
or will test to break resistance at 2,225-2,275.
Result : TRUE ( hit support at 2,100 )
INCO : Break 2,200 with high volume, Congrats to all, will test
2,425-2,475 in short term, support at 2,300.
ANTM : Hit our target at 1,150-1,160. Tomorrow will test support at
1,110-1,130. Resistance at 1,170-1,180. Target Price at 1,200.
Result : TRUE ( Close at support 1,130)
PTBA : Can't break 7,050. will test support at 6,700-6,750 tomorrow.
Resistance at 7,050-7,100.
Result : FALSE
ITMG : Be careful if can't close above 10,100 tomorrow, Triple top
Reveresal. Support at 9,850-9,900. Resistance at 10,400-10,500.
Result : TRUE ( Hit support 9,850 )
BBCA : Very2 Overbought, tomorrow will test support at 3,025-3,050.
Resistance at 3,175-3,200.
Result : TRUE ( Hit 3,175 )
ASII : Close below our target, off high session. will test support at
14,650-14,750 tomorrow. Resistance at 15,500.
Result : NEUTRAL ( Hampir benar karena offer di 15,500 )
AALI : Be careful with profit taking action, will test support at
13,200-13,300 tomorrow. Resistance at 14,000-14,050. Overbought
Result : FALSE
LSIP : Break 3,400 as our target and now go to 3,500. Will test 3,600
in short term. Support at 3,400-3,425.
Result : TRUE ( Hit support at 3,425 )
MEDC: Break 2,250. will test 2,450 in short term if oli price up.
Support at 2,200-2,225.
Result : TRUE ( Hit 2,450 )
ELSA : Break 158, will test 165 in short term. Support at 150-152.
UNSP : Hit our target at 330. If tomorrow close below 310, you can
average buy. Target price at 330-340.
Result : TRUE ( Test 310 )
ELTY : Break 82 and will test 90 in short term. Support at 77-78.
Result : FALSE
UNTR : Profit taking action, will test 6,100-6,200 tomorrow.
Resistance at 6,500-6,550. Overbought.
Result : FALSE
SMCB : Hit our target at 600, If tomorrow close above 600, Will go to
650 in short term and 680 in medium term. Support at 560.
Result : TRUE ( Close at support 560 )
PNLF : Yes-yes to ICA, PNLF break 60 as my target to you, that's right
???. Target at 70. Support at 60.
Result : TRUE ( Break 70 )
HEXA : Auto rejection, Will test resistance at 1,180-1,200, support at 1,000.
Result : TRUE ( Close at 1,000 )
ADRO : Shooting star candle, buy with target at 970-980. Support at
820. Be careful with fluctuative stock like this.
RESULT : NEUTRAL ( karena untuk medium term )
TINS : Begin uptrend, will test 1,120-1,130 in short term. Support at
Result : TRUE ( Close at 1,070 )
SMGR : Buy with target price at 4,000. Support at 3,725-3,750.
Result : TRUE ( Close at 3,725 )
ISAT : Hit our target at 4,600. Will test to break 4,700 tomorrow. if
break will go to 4,750-4,775 in short term. Support at 4,450-4,500
Result : FALSE
BISI : Target 1,420-1,430 if break 1,350 ( SHOUTBOX )
RESULT : TRUE ( Close at 1,420 )
Posted by Super Technical Analysis for Stock at 4:24 PM

Pada 25 Maret 2009 16:15, jsx_consultant menulis:
 Evaluasi prediksi:
 - IHSG bener turun tapi prediksi saham masih lebih banyak
 salah daripada bener...

 Tapi hari ini MEMANG sangat sukar diprediksi, jadi embah kira
 evaluasi hari ini BELUM menggambarkan keampuhan yg sebenarnya
 dari WTA Billy...

 Kita test lagi hari Jumat

 --- In, jsx_consultant jsx-consult...@...

   TLKM : Double top at 7,550, will test support at 7,150-7,200 tomorrow,
   Target price at 7,550.

 TLKM saat ini 7150, oke ... tapi target 7550 

 IHSG masih -7, pak DE masih ada harapan...

 --- In, jsx_consultant jsx-consultant@
  --- In, jsx_consultant
  jsx-consultant@ wrote:
   Coba kita TEST kehebatan WTA, ini prediksinya buat hari INI:
   IHSG : Shooting star candle, Overbouhgt, Dow down. Will test support
   at 1,400-1,410.
  pak DE, prediksi IHSG hari ini masih IJO, Billy prediksi bilang
  mau ke 1400-1410 atau -26 / -36
  pak DE pake analisa apa, WTS yah... becanda...hehehe...

Re: [ob] Billy 17 thn penemu WTA ?

2009-03-25 Terurut Topik Stocks whizz

TRUE : 18

IHSG : Shooting star candle, Overbouhgt, Dow down. Will test support at
Result : 1,419 beda tipis lah
INDF : if tomorrow can't break 1,000. will test support at 960-970. Target
Price at 1,030 in short term.
Result : True ( Close at 960 )
BUMI : Hit our target at 800, tomorrow will test support at 760-780.
Resistance at 820, and target price at 850.
Result : TRUE ( sempet Hit 780 support )
JSMR : Break 900 with high volume, will test 950 in short term. Support at
Result : True ( Sempet hit 950 )
TLKM : Double top at 7,550, will test support at 7,150-7,200 tomorrow,
Target price at 7,550.
Result : True ( close at support 7,150 and test 7,500 )
PGAS : Hit our target, will test support at 2,050-2,075 tomorrow. Resistance
at 2,200.
Result : TRUE ( Hit 2,200 )
BMRI : Break 2,100 with high volume, will test support at 2,100-2,125 or
will test to break resistance at 2,225-2,275.
Result : TRUE ( hit support at 2,100 )
INCO : Break 2,200 with high volume, Congrats to all, will test 2,425-2,475
in short term, support at 2,300.
ANTM : Hit our target at 1,150-1,160. Tomorrow will test support at
1,110-1,130. Resistance at 1,170-1,180. Target Price at 1,200.
Result : TRUE ( Close at support 1,130)
PTBA : Can't break 7,050. will test support at 6,700-6,750 tomorrow.
Resistance at 7,050-7,100.
Result : FALSE
ITMG : Be careful if can't close above 10,100 tomorrow, Triple top
Reveresal. Support at 9,850-9,900. Resistance at 10,400-10,500.
Result : TRUE ( Hit support 9,850 )
BBCA : Very2 Overbought, tomorrow will test support at 3,025-3,050.
Resistance at 3,175-3,200.
Result : TRUE ( Hit 3,175 )
ASII : Close below our target, off high session. will test support at
14,650-14,750 tomorrow. Resistance at 15,500.
Result : NEUTRAL ( Hampir benar karena offer di 15,500 )
AALI : Be careful with profit taking action, will test support at
13,200-13,300 tomorrow. Resistance at 14,000-14,050. Overbought
Result : FALSE
LSIP : Break 3,400 as our target and now go to 3,500. Will test 3,600 in
short term. Support at 3,400-3,425.
Result : TRUE ( Hit support at 3,425 )
MEDC: Break 2,250. will test 2,450 in short term if oli price up. Support at
Result : TRUE ( Hit 2,450 )
ELSA : Break 158, will test 165 in short term. Support at 150-152.
UNSP : Hit our target at 330. If tomorrow close below 310, you can average
buy. Target price at 330-340.
Result : TRUE ( Test 310 )
ELTY : Break 82 and will test 90 in short term. Support at 77-78.
Result : FALSE
UNTR : Profit taking action, will test 6,100-6,200 tomorrow. Resistance at
6,500-6,550. Overbought.
Result : FALSE
SMCB : Hit our target at 600, If tomorrow close above 600, Will go to 650 in
short term and 680 in medium term. Support at 560.
Result : TRUE ( Close at support 560 )
PNLF : Yes-yes to ICA, PNLF break 60 as my target to you, that's right
???. Target at 70. Support at 60.
Result : TRUE ( Break 70 )
HEXA : Auto rejection, Will test resistance at 1,180-1,200, support at
Result : TRUE ( Close at 1,000 )
ADRO : Shooting star candle, buy with target at 970-980. Support at 820. Be
careful with fluctuative stock like this.
RESULT : NEUTRAL ( karena untuk medium term )
TINS : Begin uptrend, will test 1,120-1,130 in short term. Support at
Result : TRUE ( Close at 1,070 )
SMGR : Buy with target price at 4,000. Support at 3,725-3,750.
Result : TRUE ( Close at 3,725 )
ISAT : Hit our target at 4,600. Will test to break 4,700 tomorrow. if break
will go to 4,750-4,775 in short term. Support at 4,450-4,500
Result : FALSE
BISI : Target 1,420-1,430 if break 1,350 ( SHOUTBOX )
RESULT : TRUE ( Close at 1,420 )

2009/3/25 jsx_consultant

   Evaluasi prediksi:
 - IHSG bener turun tapi prediksi saham masih lebih banyak
 salah daripada bener...

 Tapi hari ini MEMANG sangat sukar diprediksi, jadi embah kira
 evaluasi hari ini BELUM menggambarkan keampuhan yg sebenarnya
 dari WTA Billy...

 Kita test lagi hari Jumat

 --- In,
 jsx_consultant jsx-consult...@... wrote:
TLKM : Double top at 7,550, will test support at 7,150-7,200
 tomorrow, Target price at 7,550.
  TLKM saat ini 7150, oke ... tapi target 7550 
  IHSG masih -7, pak DE masih ada harapan...
  --- In,
 jsx_consultant jsx-consultant@ wrote:
   --- In,
 jsx_consultant jsx-consultant@ wrote:
Coba kita TEST kehebatan WTA, ini prediksinya buat hari INI:
IHSG : Shooting star candle, Overbouhgt, Dow down. Will test support
 at 1,400-1,410.
   pak DE, prediksi IHSG hari ini masih IJO, Billy prediksi bilang
   mau ke 

Re: [ob] Billy 17 thn penemu WTA ?

2009-03-25 Terurut Topik jsx_consultant
Cara membaca rekomendasi harus diperhatikan:
- BUMI : tomorrow will test support at 760-780.
  Resistance at 820, and target price at 850.

Maknanya: BUMI akan turun dulu ke 760-780, beli dirange ini dan BUMI
akan naik ke 820, kalo 820 tembus akan ke 850.

- INCO : Break 2,200 with high volume, will test 2,425-2,475
  in short term, support at 2,300.

Maknanya: Beli INCO AT MARKET, karena INCO akan naik ke 2425-2475 dalam jangka 
pendek, Cut loss di 2300.

- BMRI : Break 2,100 with high volume, will test support at 2,100-
  2,125 or will test to break resistance at 2,225-2,275.

Maknanya: Akan turun ke 2100 ATAU akan naik ke 2225 , INI tidak
bisa dinilai.

- LSIP : Break 3,400 and now go to 3,500. Will test 3,600 in
  short term. Support at 3,400-3,425

Maknanya: Buy lsip AT MARKET price, LSIP akan naik ke 3500 karena breeak 3400 
lalu akan menuju 3600 dalam jangka pendek, Cut loss di 3400

SMGR : Buy with target price at 4,000. Support at 3,725-3,750.

Maknanya: Beli SMGR AT MARKET price, SMGR akan naik ke 4000 
dan Cut loss di 3725

- TINS : Begin uptrend, will test 1,120-1,130 in short term. Support
  at 1,070-1,080.

Maknanya: Buy TINS, akan menuju 1120-1130, Cut loss 1070.

- Kalo dia bilang: Will test Resist artinya saham mau naek
- Kalo dia bilang: Will test Support artinya saham mau turun
- Kalo dia bilang: Will test Support dan target diatas, artinya
  dia bilang saham mau turun, lalu beli di support karena
  harga akan naik ke target.
- Kalo dia bilang: Will test Resist dan target diatas, artinya
  dia bilang saham mau naek, beli AT MARKET karena
  harga akan naik ke target.
- Kalo dia bilang: Will test support or will test resist, ini

Jadi jangan asal kena Support atau Resist dianggap BENAR.
Liat dari trader yg baca dan mengikuti rekomendasi, apakah 
dia gain atau Loss.

--- In, Stocks whizz mystockswh...@... wrote:

 TRUE : 18
 FALSE : 7
 IHSG : Shooting star candle, Overbouhgt, Dow down. Will test support at
 Result : 1,419 beda tipis lah
 INDF : if tomorrow can't break 1,000. will test support at 960-970. Target
 Price at 1,030 in short term.
 Result : True ( Close at 960 )
 BUMI : Hit our target at 800, tomorrow will test support at 760-780.
 Resistance at 820, and target price at 850.
 Result : TRUE ( sempet Hit 780 support )
 JSMR : Break 900 with high volume, will test 950 in short term. Support at
 Result : True ( Sempet hit 950 )
 TLKM : Double top at 7,550, will test support at 7,150-7,200 tomorrow,
 Target price at 7,550.
 Result : True ( close at support 7,150 and test 7,500 )
 PGAS : Hit our target, will test support at 2,050-2,075 tomorrow. Resistance
 at 2,200.
 Result : TRUE ( Hit 2,200 )
 BMRI : Break 2,100 with high volume, will test support at 2,100-2,125 or
 will test to break resistance at 2,225-2,275.
 Result : TRUE ( hit support at 2,100 )
 INCO : Break 2,200 with high volume, Congrats to all, will test 2,425-2,475
 in short term, support at 2,300.
 ANTM : Hit our target at 1,150-1,160. Tomorrow will test support at
 1,110-1,130. Resistance at 1,170-1,180. Target Price at 1,200.
 Result : TRUE ( Close at support 1,130)
 PTBA : Can't break 7,050. will test support at 6,700-6,750 tomorrow.
 Resistance at 7,050-7,100.
 Result : FALSE
 ITMG : Be careful if can't close above 10,100 tomorrow, Triple top
 Reveresal. Support at 9,850-9,900. Resistance at 10,400-10,500.
 Result : TRUE ( Hit support 9,850 )
 BBCA : Very2 Overbought, tomorrow will test support at 3,025-3,050.
 Resistance at 3,175-3,200.
 Result : TRUE ( Hit 3,175 )
 ASII : Close below our target, off high session. will test support at
 14,650-14,750 tomorrow. Resistance at 15,500.
 Result : NEUTRAL ( Hampir benar karena offer di 15,500 )
 AALI : Be careful with profit taking action, will test support at
 13,200-13,300 tomorrow. Resistance at 14,000-14,050. Overbought
 Result : FALSE
 LSIP : Break 3,400 as our target and now go to 3,500. Will test 3,600 in
 short term. Support at 3,400-3,425.
 Result : TRUE ( Hit support at 3,425 )
 MEDC: Break 2,250. will test 2,450 in short term if oli price up. Support at
 Result : TRUE ( Hit 2,450 )
 ELSA : Break 158, will test 165 in short term. Support at 150-152.
 UNSP : Hit our target at 330. If tomorrow close below 310, you can average
 buy. Target price at 330-340.
 Result : TRUE ( Test 310 )
 ELTY : Break 82 and will test 90 in short term. Support at 77-78.
 Result : FALSE
 UNTR : Profit taking action, will test 6,100-6,200 tomorrow. Resistance at
 6,500-6,550. Overbought.
 Result : FALSE
 SMCB : Hit our target at 600, If tomorrow close above 600, Will go to 650 in
 short term and 680 in medium term. Support at 560.
 Result : TRUE ( Close at support 560 )
 PNLF : Yes-yes to 

Re: [ob] Billy 17 thn penemu WTA ?

2009-03-25 Terurut Topik Boys n Girls
kayaknya bisnis tranning enak juga ya
gross : 60 orang @ 1jt = 60 jt
sewa tempat : 5-10jt
makan 60 * 100rb = 6jt

net profit = 60 - 10 -6 = 44 jt

lumayan juga :D

On Wed, Mar 25, 2009 at 5:48 PM, jsx_consultant wrote:

   Cara membaca rekomendasi harus diperhatikan:
 - BUMI : tomorrow will test support at 760-780.
 Resistance at 820, and target price at 850.

 Maknanya: BUMI akan turun dulu ke 760-780, beli dirange ini dan BUMI
 akan naik ke 820, kalo 820 tembus akan ke 850.

 - INCO : Break 2,200 with high volume, will test 2,425-2,475
 in short term, support at 2,300.

 Maknanya: Beli INCO AT MARKET, karena INCO akan naik ke 2425-2475 dalam
 jangka pendek, Cut loss di 2300.

 - BMRI : Break 2,100 with high volume, will test support at 2,100-
 2,125 or will test to break resistance at 2,225-2,275.

 Maknanya: Akan turun ke 2100 ATAU akan naik ke 2225 , INI tidak
 bisa dinilai.

 - LSIP : Break 3,400 and now go to 3,500. Will test 3,600 in
 short term. Support at 3,400-3,425

 Maknanya: Buy lsip AT MARKET price, LSIP akan naik ke 3500 karena breeak
 3400 lalu akan menuju 3600 dalam jangka pendek, Cut loss di 3400

 SMGR : Buy with target price at 4,000. Support at 3,725-3,750.

 Maknanya: Beli SMGR AT MARKET price, SMGR akan naik ke 4000
 dan Cut loss di 3725

 - TINS : Begin uptrend, will test 1,120-1,130 in short term. Support
 at 1,070-1,080.

 Maknanya: Buy TINS, akan menuju 1120-1130, Cut loss 1070.

 - Kalo dia bilang: Will test Resist artinya saham mau naek
 - Kalo dia bilang: Will test Support artinya saham mau turun
 - Kalo dia bilang: Will test Support dan target diatas, artinya
 dia bilang saham mau turun, lalu beli di support karena
 harga akan naik ke target.
 - Kalo dia bilang: Will test Resist dan target diatas, artinya
 dia bilang saham mau naek, beli AT MARKET karena
 harga akan naik ke target.
 - Kalo dia bilang: Will test support or will test resist, ini

 Jadi jangan asal kena Support atau Resist dianggap BENAR.
 Liat dari trader yg baca dan mengikuti rekomendasi, apakah
 dia gain atau Loss.

 --- In,
 Stocks whizz mystockswh...@... wrote:
  TRUE : 18
  FALSE : 7
  IHSG : Shooting star candle, Overbouhgt, Dow down. Will test support at
  Result : 1,419 beda tipis lah
  INDF : if tomorrow can't break 1,000. will test support at 960-970.
  Price at 1,030 in short term.
  Result : True ( Close at 960 )
  BUMI : Hit our target at 800, tomorrow will test support at 760-780.
  Resistance at 820, and target price at 850.
  Result : TRUE ( sempet Hit 780 support )
  JSMR : Break 900 with high volume, will test 950 in short term. Support
  Result : True ( Sempet hit 950 )
  TLKM : Double top at 7,550, will test support at 7,150-7,200 tomorrow,
  Target price at 7,550.
  Result : True ( close at support 7,150 and test 7,500 )
  PGAS : Hit our target, will test support at 2,050-2,075 tomorrow.
  at 2,200.
  Result : TRUE ( Hit 2,200 )
  BMRI : Break 2,100 with high volume, will test support at 2,100-2,125 or
  will test to break resistance at 2,225-2,275.
  Result : TRUE ( hit support at 2,100 )
  INCO : Break 2,200 with high volume, Congrats to all, will test
  in short term, support at 2,300.
  ANTM : Hit our target at 1,150-1,160. Tomorrow will test support at
  1,110-1,130. Resistance at 1,170-1,180. Target Price at 1,200.
  Result : TRUE ( Close at support 1,130)
  PTBA : Can't break 7,050. will test support at 6,700-6,750 tomorrow.
  Resistance at 7,050-7,100.
  Result : FALSE
  ITMG : Be careful if can't close above 10,100 tomorrow, Triple top
  Reveresal. Support at 9,850-9,900. Resistance at 10,400-10,500.
  Result : TRUE ( Hit support 9,850 )
  BBCA : Very2 Overbought, tomorrow will test support at 3,025-3,050.
  Resistance at 3,175-3,200.
  Result : TRUE ( Hit 3,175 )
  ASII : Close below our target, off high session. will test support at
  14,650-14,750 tomorrow. Resistance at 15,500.
  Result : NEUTRAL ( Hampir benar karena offer di 15,500 )
  AALI : Be careful with profit taking action, will test support at
  13,200-13,300 tomorrow. Resistance at 14,000-14,050. Overbought
  Result : FALSE
  LSIP : Break 3,400 as our target and now go to 3,500. Will test 3,600 in
  short term. Support at 3,400-3,425.
  Result : TRUE ( Hit support at 3,425 )
  MEDC: Break 2,250. will test 2,450 in short term if oli price up. Support
  Result : TRUE ( Hit 2,450 )
  ELSA : Break 158, will test 165 in short term. Support at 150-152.
  UNSP : Hit our target at 330. If tomorrow close below 310, you can
  buy. Target price at 330-340.
  Result : TRUE ( Test 310 )
  ELTY : Break 82 and will test 

Re: [ob] Billy 17 thn penemu WTA ?

2009-03-25 Terurut Topik Rei
Saya ada ikutin beberapa kali Mbah mengenai ramalan Billy utk saham2 yg
saya pantau, hasilnya cukup jitu sih menurut saya cuma memang terlalu pendek
alias harian...

2009/3/25 jsx_consultant

   Evaluasi prediksi:
 - IHSG bener turun tapi prediksi saham masih lebih banyak
 salah daripada bener...

 Tapi hari ini MEMANG sangat sukar diprediksi, jadi embah kira
 evaluasi hari ini BELUM menggambarkan keampuhan yg sebenarnya
 dari WTA Billy...

 Kita test lagi hari Jumat

 --- In,
 jsx_consultant jsx-consult...@... wrote:
TLKM : Double top at 7,550, will test support at 7,150-7,200
 tomorrow, Target price at 7,550.
  TLKM saat ini 7150, oke ... tapi target 7550 
  IHSG masih -7, pak DE masih ada harapan...
  --- In,
 jsx_consultant jsx-consultant@ wrote:
   --- In,
 jsx_consultant jsx-consultant@ wrote:
Coba kita TEST kehebatan WTA, ini prediksinya buat hari INI:
IHSG : Shooting star candle, Overbouhgt, Dow down. Will test support
 at 1,400-1,410.
   pak DE, prediksi IHSG hari ini masih IJO, Billy prediksi bilang
   mau ke 1400-1410 atau -26 / -36
   pak DE pake analisa apa, WTS yah... becanda...hehehe...
   Pak DE, dulu anda menyarankan pembobotan indikator, apakah
   WTA ini sudah ada dari dulu atau pak DE dapet dari si Billy ?.
   Apakah si Billy ini penemu WTA atau membuat suatu versi pembobotan
   dengan konsep WTA ?.
INDF : if tomorrow can't break 1,000. will test support at 960-970.
 Target Price at 1,030 in short term.
BUMI : Hit our target at 800, tomorrow will test support at 760-780.
 Resistance at 820, and target price at 850.
JSMR : Break 900 with high volume, will test 950 in short term.
 Support at 880-890.
TLKM : Double top at 7,550, will test support at 7,150-7,200
 tomorrow, Target price at 7,550.
PGAS : Hit our target, will test support at 2,050-2,075 tomorrow.
 Resistance at 2,200.
BMRI : Break 2,100 with high volume, will test support at 2,100-2,125
 or will test to break resistance at 2,225-2,275.
INCO : Break 2,200 with high volume, Congrats to all, will test
 2,425-2,475 in short term, support at 2,300.
ANTM : Hit our target at 1,150-1,160. Tomorrow will test support at
 1,110-1,130. Resistance at 1,170-1,180. Target Price at 1,200.
PTBA : Can't break 7,050. will test support at 6,700-6,750 tomorrow.
 Resistance at 7,050-7,100.
ITMG : Be careful if can't close above 10,100 tomorrow, Triple top
 Reveresal. Support at 9,850-9,900. Resistance at 10,400-10,500.
BBCA : Very2 Overbought, tomorrow will test support at 3,025-3,050.
 Resistance at 3,175-3,200.
ASII : Close below our target, off high session. will test support at
 14,650-14,750 tomorrow. Resistance at 15,500.
AALI : Be careful with profit taking action, will test support at
 13,200-13,300 tomorrow. Resistance at 14,000-14,050. Overbought
LSIP : Break 3,400 as our target and now go to 3,500. Will test 3,600
 in short term. Support at 3,400-3,425.
MEDC: Break 2,250. will test 2,450 in short term if oli price up.
 Support at 2,200-2,225.
ELSA : Break 158, will test 165 in short term. Support at 150-152.
UNSP : Hit our target at 330. If tomorrow close below 310, you can
 average buy. Target price at 330-340.
ELTY : Break 82 and will test 90 in short term. Support at 77-78.
UNTR : Profit taking action, will test 6,100-6,200 tomorrow.
 Resistance at 6,500-6,550. Overbought.
SMCB : Hit our target at 600, If tomorrow close above 600, Will go to
 650 in short term and 680 in medium term. Support at 560.
PNLF : Yes-yes to ICA, PNLF break 60 as my target to you, that's
 right ???. Target at 70. Support at 60.
HEXA : Auto rejection, Will test resistance at 1,180-1,200, support
 at 1,000.
ADRO : Shooting star candle, buy with target at 970-980. Support at
 820. Be careful with fluctuative stock like this.
TINS : Begin uptrend, will test 1,120-1,130 in short term. Support at
SMGR : Buy with target price at 4,000. Support at 3,725-3,750.
ISAT : Hit our target at 4,600. Will test to break 4,700 tomorrow. if
 break will go to 4,750-4,775 in short term. Support at 4,450-4,500.
--- In,
 M|C michael.cupert@ wrote:

 Penasaran mbah, siapa sih si Billy ini sebenarnya ? mbah sendiri
 atau orang
 lain ?

 Pada tanggal 24/03/09, jsx_consultant jsx-consultant@
  WTA adalah suatu sistem pembobotan saham dimana setiap indikator
  saham diberikan bobot yang berbeda sesuai proses trial and error,
  mendapat nilai dari masing2 indikator maka 

Re: [ob] Billy 17 thn penemu WTA ?

2009-03-25 Terurut Topik jsx_consultant
Embah juga merasa si Billy termasuk briliant, kalo engga brilliant 
mana berani dia bikin prediksi harian dengan kalimat yg jelas.

Umumnya orang cuman kasih angka Support dan Resist, mau naek
atau turun disuruh mikir sendiri...

Hari ini dia prediksi IHSG turun, jadi umumnya dia prediksi
saham dengan kalimat: Will test Support. Kalo hari ini dia
prediksi IHSG naik, tentunya banyak prediksi dengan
kalimat: Will test Resist.
Tapi untuk saham saham yg break dengan HIGH VOLUME, dia
prediksi: Will test Resist artinya dia punya expektasi
harganya akan naik meskipun index turun.

--- In, Rei highwaysta...@... wrote:

 Saya ada ikutin beberapa kali Mbah mengenai ramalan Billy utk saham2 yg
 saya pantau, hasilnya cukup jitu sih menurut saya cuma memang terlalu pendek
 alias harian...
 2009/3/25 jsx_consultant jsx-consult...@...
Evaluasi prediksi:
  - IHSG bener turun tapi prediksi saham masih lebih banyak
  salah daripada bener...
  Tapi hari ini MEMANG sangat sukar diprediksi, jadi embah kira
  evaluasi hari ini BELUM menggambarkan keampuhan yg sebenarnya
  dari WTA Billy...
  Kita test lagi hari Jumat
  --- In,
  jsx_consultant jsx-consultant@ wrote:
 TLKM : Double top at 7,550, will test support at 7,150-7,200
  tomorrow, Target price at 7,550.
   TLKM saat ini 7150, oke ... tapi target 7550 
   IHSG masih -7, pak DE masih ada harapan...
   --- In,
  jsx_consultant jsx-consultant@ wrote:
--- In,
  jsx_consultant jsx-consultant@ wrote:

 Coba kita TEST kehebatan WTA, ini prediksinya buat hari INI:

 IHSG : Shooting star candle, Overbouhgt, Dow down. Will test support
  at 1,400-1,410.
pak DE, prediksi IHSG hari ini masih IJO, Billy prediksi bilang
mau ke 1400-1410 atau -26 / -36
pak DE pake analisa apa, WTS yah... becanda...hehehe...
Pak DE, dulu anda menyarankan pembobotan indikator, apakah
WTA ini sudah ada dari dulu atau pak DE dapet dari si Billy ?.
Apakah si Billy ini penemu WTA atau membuat suatu versi pembobotan
dengan konsep WTA ?.
 INDF : if tomorrow can't break 1,000. will test support at 960-970.
  Target Price at 1,030 in short term.
 BUMI : Hit our target at 800, tomorrow will test support at 760-780.
  Resistance at 820, and target price at 850.
 JSMR : Break 900 with high volume, will test 950 in short term.
  Support at 880-890.
 TLKM : Double top at 7,550, will test support at 7,150-7,200
  tomorrow, Target price at 7,550.
 PGAS : Hit our target, will test support at 2,050-2,075 tomorrow.
  Resistance at 2,200.
 BMRI : Break 2,100 with high volume, will test support at 2,100-2,125
  or will test to break resistance at 2,225-2,275.
 INCO : Break 2,200 with high volume, Congrats to all, will test
  2,425-2,475 in short term, support at 2,300.
 ANTM : Hit our target at 1,150-1,160. Tomorrow will test support at
  1,110-1,130. Resistance at 1,170-1,180. Target Price at 1,200.
 PTBA : Can't break 7,050. will test support at 6,700-6,750 tomorrow.
  Resistance at 7,050-7,100.
 ITMG : Be careful if can't close above 10,100 tomorrow, Triple top
  Reveresal. Support at 9,850-9,900. Resistance at 10,400-10,500.
 BBCA : Very2 Overbought, tomorrow will test support at 3,025-3,050.
  Resistance at 3,175-3,200.
 ASII : Close below our target, off high session. will test support at
  14,650-14,750 tomorrow. Resistance at 15,500.
 AALI : Be careful with profit taking action, will test support at
  13,200-13,300 tomorrow. Resistance at 14,000-14,050. Overbought
 LSIP : Break 3,400 as our target and now go to 3,500. Will test 3,600
  in short term. Support at 3,400-3,425.
 MEDC: Break 2,250. will test 2,450 in short term if oli price up.
  Support at 2,200-2,225.
 ELSA : Break 158, will test 165 in short term. Support at 150-152.
 UNSP : Hit our target at 330. If tomorrow close below 310, you can
  average buy. Target price at 330-340.
 ELTY : Break 82 and will test 90 in short term. Support at 77-78.
 UNTR : Profit taking action, will test 6,100-6,200 tomorrow.
  Resistance at 6,500-6,550. Overbought.
 SMCB : Hit our target at 600, If tomorrow close above 600, Will go to
  650 in short term and 680 in medium term. Support at 560.
 PNLF : Yes-yes to ICA, PNLF break 60 as my target to you, that's
  right ???. Target at 70. Support at 60.
 HEXA : Auto rejection, Will test resistance at 1,180-1,200, support
  at 1,000.
 ADRO : Shooting star candle, buy with target at 970-980. Support at
  820. Be careful with fluctuative stock like this.
 TINS : Begin uptrend, will test 1,120-1,130 in short term. Support at

Re: [ob] Billy 17 thn penemu WTA ?

2009-03-25 Terurut Topik Rei
Iya memang boleh lah prediksinya Mbah, dan cukup akurat. Apakah ada yg
ikutin rekomendasi dia daily utk trading?
Walau ada yg tidak tepat/true tapi arahnya memang betul. Apa kira2 dia ikut
memperhitungkan gerakan bandar Mbah krn sepertinya pure TA?

2009/3/25 jsx_consultant

   Embah juga merasa si Billy termasuk briliant, kalo engga brilliant
 mana berani dia bikin prediksi harian dengan kalimat yg jelas.

 Umumnya orang cuman kasih angka Support dan Resist, mau naek
 atau turun disuruh mikir sendiri...

 Hari ini dia prediksi IHSG turun, jadi umumnya dia prediksi
 saham dengan kalimat: Will test Support. Kalo hari ini dia
 prediksi IHSG naik, tentunya banyak prediksi dengan
 kalimat: Will test Resist.

 Tapi untuk saham saham yg break dengan HIGH VOLUME, dia
 prediksi: Will test Resist artinya dia punya expektasi
 harganya akan naik meskipun index turun.

 --- In,
 Rei highwaysta...@... wrote:
  Saya ada ikutin beberapa kali Mbah mengenai ramalan Billy utk saham2 yg
  saya pantau, hasilnya cukup jitu sih menurut saya cuma memang terlalu
  alias harian...
  2009/3/25 jsx_consultant jsx-consult...@...
   Evaluasi prediksi:
   - IHSG bener turun tapi prediksi saham masih lebih banyak
   salah daripada bener...
   Tapi hari ini MEMANG sangat sukar diprediksi, jadi embah kira
   evaluasi hari ini BELUM menggambarkan keampuhan yg sebenarnya
   dari WTA Billy...
   Kita test lagi hari Jumat
   --- In 
   jsx_consultant jsx-consultant@ wrote:
  TLKM : Double top at 7,550, will test support at 7,150-7,200
   tomorrow, Target price at 7,550.
TLKM saat ini 7150, oke ... tapi target 7550 
IHSG masih -7, pak DE masih ada harapan...
--- In 
   jsx_consultant jsx-consultant@ wrote:

 --- In,

   jsx_consultant jsx-consultant@ wrote:
  Coba kita TEST kehebatan WTA, ini prediksinya buat hari INI:
  IHSG : Shooting star candle, Overbouhgt, Dow down. Will test
   at 1,400-1,410.

 pak DE, prediksi IHSG hari ini masih IJO, Billy prediksi bilang
 mau ke 1400-1410 atau -26 / -36

 pak DE pake analisa apa, WTS yah... becanda...hehehe...

 Pak DE, dulu anda menyarankan pembobotan indikator, apakah
 WTA ini sudah ada dari dulu atau pak DE dapet dari si Billy ?.

 Apakah si Billy ini penemu WTA atau membuat suatu versi pembobotan
 dengan konsep WTA ?.

  INDF : if tomorrow can't break 1,000. will test support at
   Target Price at 1,030 in short term.
  BUMI : Hit our target at 800, tomorrow will test support at
   Resistance at 820, and target price at 850.
  JSMR : Break 900 with high volume, will test 950 in short term.
   Support at 880-890.
  TLKM : Double top at 7,550, will test support at 7,150-7,200
   tomorrow, Target price at 7,550.
  PGAS : Hit our target, will test support at 2,050-2,075 tomorrow.
   Resistance at 2,200.
  BMRI : Break 2,100 with high volume, will test support at
   or will test to break resistance at 2,225-2,275.
  INCO : Break 2,200 with high volume, Congrats to all, will test
   2,425-2,475 in short term, support at 2,300.
  ANTM : Hit our target at 1,150-1,160. Tomorrow will test support
   1,110-1,130. Resistance at 1,170-1,180. Target Price at 1,200.
  PTBA : Can't break 7,050. will test support at 6,700-6,750
   Resistance at 7,050-7,100.
  ITMG : Be careful if can't close above 10,100 tomorrow, Triple
   Reveresal. Support at 9,850-9,900. Resistance at 10,400-10,500.
  BBCA : Very2 Overbought, tomorrow will test support at
   Resistance at 3,175-3,200.
  ASII : Close below our target, off high session. will test
 support at
   14,650-14,750 tomorrow. Resistance at 15,500.
  AALI : Be careful with profit taking action, will test support at
   13,200-13,300 tomorrow. Resistance at 14,000-14,050. Overbought
  LSIP : Break 3,400 as our target and now go to 3,500. Will test
   in short term. Support at 3,400-3,425.
  MEDC: Break 2,250. will test 2,450 in short term if oli price up.
   Support at 2,200-2,225.
  ELSA : Break 158, will test 165 in short term. Support at
  UNSP : Hit our target at 330. If tomorrow close below 310, you
   average buy. Target price at 330-340.
  ELTY : Break 82 and will test 90 in short term. Support at 77-78.
  UNTR : Profit taking action, will test 6,100-6,200 tomorrow.
   Resistance at 

Re: [ob] Billy 17 thn penemu WTA ?

2009-03-25 Terurut Topik jsx_consultant
Kemarin EL maen INCO 1 m, gain 117 Juta sehari terus hari
ini loss 73 juta, masih unung 44 juta , sama sama net profit
training 44 juta. Asal besok INCO engga turun lagi jadi 
loss 44 juta aja... hehehe...

--- In, Boys n Girls boysngi...@... wrote:

 kayaknya bisnis tranning enak juga ya
 gross : 60 orang @ 1jt = 60 jt
 sewa tempat : 5-10jt
 makan 60 * 100rb = 6jt
 net profit = 60 - 10 -6 = 44 jt
 lumayan juga :D
 On Wed, Mar 25, 2009 at 5:48 PM, jsx_consultant 
 jsx-consult...@... wrote:
Cara membaca rekomendasi harus diperhatikan:
  - BUMI : tomorrow will test support at 760-780.
  Resistance at 820, and target price at 850.
  Maknanya: BUMI akan turun dulu ke 760-780, beli dirange ini dan BUMI
  akan naik ke 820, kalo 820 tembus akan ke 850.
  - INCO : Break 2,200 with high volume, will test 2,425-2,475
  in short term, support at 2,300.
  Maknanya: Beli INCO AT MARKET, karena INCO akan naik ke 2425-2475 dalam
  jangka pendek, Cut loss di 2300.
  - BMRI : Break 2,100 with high volume, will test support at 2,100-
  2,125 or will test to break resistance at 2,225-2,275.
  Maknanya: Akan turun ke 2100 ATAU akan naik ke 2225 , INI tidak
  bisa dinilai.
  - LSIP : Break 3,400 and now go to 3,500. Will test 3,600 in
  short term. Support at 3,400-3,425
  Maknanya: Buy lsip AT MARKET price, LSIP akan naik ke 3500 karena breeak
  3400 lalu akan menuju 3600 dalam jangka pendek, Cut loss di 3400
  SMGR : Buy with target price at 4,000. Support at 3,725-3,750.
  Maknanya: Beli SMGR AT MARKET price, SMGR akan naik ke 4000
  dan Cut loss di 3725
  - TINS : Begin uptrend, will test 1,120-1,130 in short term. Support
  at 1,070-1,080.
  Maknanya: Buy TINS, akan menuju 1120-1130, Cut loss 1070.
  - Kalo dia bilang: Will test Resist artinya saham mau naek
  - Kalo dia bilang: Will test Support artinya saham mau turun
  - Kalo dia bilang: Will test Support dan target diatas, artinya
  dia bilang saham mau turun, lalu beli di support karena
  harga akan naik ke target.
  - Kalo dia bilang: Will test Resist dan target diatas, artinya
  dia bilang saham mau naek, beli AT MARKET karena
  harga akan naik ke target.
  - Kalo dia bilang: Will test support or will test resist, ini
  Jadi jangan asal kena Support atau Resist dianggap BENAR.
  Liat dari trader yg baca dan mengikuti rekomendasi, apakah
  dia gain atau Loss.
  --- In,
  Stocks whizz mystockswhizz@ wrote:
   72 % ACCURATE
   TRUE : 18
   FALSE : 7
   NEUTRAL : 3
   IHSG : Shooting star candle, Overbouhgt, Dow down. Will test support at
   Result : 1,419 beda tipis lah
   INDF : if tomorrow can't break 1,000. will test support at 960-970.
   Price at 1,030 in short term.
   Result : True ( Close at 960 )
   BUMI : Hit our target at 800, tomorrow will test support at 760-780.
   Resistance at 820, and target price at 850.
   Result : TRUE ( sempet Hit 780 support )
   JSMR : Break 900 with high volume, will test 950 in short term. Support
   Result : True ( Sempet hit 950 )
   TLKM : Double top at 7,550, will test support at 7,150-7,200 tomorrow,
   Target price at 7,550.
   Result : True ( close at support 7,150 and test 7,500 )
   PGAS : Hit our target, will test support at 2,050-2,075 tomorrow.
   at 2,200.
   Result : TRUE ( Hit 2,200 )
   BMRI : Break 2,100 with high volume, will test support at 2,100-2,125 or
   will test to break resistance at 2,225-2,275.
   Result : TRUE ( hit support at 2,100 )
   INCO : Break 2,200 with high volume, Congrats to all, will test
   in short term, support at 2,300.
   ANTM : Hit our target at 1,150-1,160. Tomorrow will test support at
   1,110-1,130. Resistance at 1,170-1,180. Target Price at 1,200.
   Result : TRUE ( Close at support 1,130)
   PTBA : Can't break 7,050. will test support at 6,700-6,750 tomorrow.
   Resistance at 7,050-7,100.
   Result : FALSE
   ITMG : Be careful if can't close above 10,100 tomorrow, Triple top
   Reveresal. Support at 9,850-9,900. Resistance at 10,400-10,500.
   Result : TRUE ( Hit support 9,850 )
   BBCA : Very2 Overbought, tomorrow will test support at 3,025-3,050.
   Resistance at 3,175-3,200.
   Result : TRUE ( Hit 3,175 )
   ASII : Close below our target, off high session. will test support at
   14,650-14,750 tomorrow. Resistance at 15,500.
   Result : NEUTRAL ( Hampir benar karena offer di 15,500 )
   AALI : Be careful with profit taking action, will test support at
   13,200-13,300 tomorrow. Resistance at 14,000-14,050. Overbought
   Result : FALSE
   LSIP : Break 3,400 as our target and now go to 3,500. Will test 3,600 in
   short term. Support at 3,400-3,425.
   Result : TRUE ( Hit 

Re: [ob] Billy 17 thn penemu WTA ?

2009-03-25 Terurut Topik jsx_consultant
--- In, Rei highwaysta...@... wrote:

 Iya memang boleh lah prediksinya Mbah, dan cukup akurat. Apakah ada yg
 ikutin rekomendasi dia daily utk trading?
 Walau ada yg tidak tepat/true tapi arahnya memang betul. Apa kira2 dia ikut
 memperhitungkan gerakan bandar Mbah krn sepertinya pure TA?

Billy sepertinya pure technical makanya kena di INCO...

 2009/3/25 jsx_consultant jsx-consult...@...
Embah juga merasa si Billy termasuk briliant, kalo engga brilliant
  mana berani dia bikin prediksi harian dengan kalimat yg jelas.
  Umumnya orang cuman kasih angka Support dan Resist, mau naek
  atau turun disuruh mikir sendiri...
  Hari ini dia prediksi IHSG turun, jadi umumnya dia prediksi
  saham dengan kalimat: Will test Support. Kalo hari ini dia
  prediksi IHSG naik, tentunya banyak prediksi dengan
  kalimat: Will test Resist.
  Tapi untuk saham saham yg break dengan HIGH VOLUME, dia
  prediksi: Will test Resist artinya dia punya expektasi
  harganya akan naik meskipun index turun.
  --- In,
  Rei highwaystar91@ wrote:
   Saya ada ikutin beberapa kali Mbah mengenai ramalan Billy utk saham2 yg
   saya pantau, hasilnya cukup jitu sih menurut saya cuma memang terlalu
   alias harian...
   2009/3/25 jsx_consultant jsx-consultant@
Evaluasi prediksi:
- IHSG bener turun tapi prediksi saham masih lebih banyak
salah daripada bener...
Tapi hari ini MEMANG sangat sukar diprediksi, jadi embah kira
evaluasi hari ini BELUM menggambarkan keampuhan yg sebenarnya
dari WTA Billy...
Kita test lagi hari Jumat
--- In 
jsx_consultant jsx-consultant@ wrote:

   TLKM : Double top at 7,550, will test support at 7,150-7,200
tomorrow, Target price at 7,550.

 TLKM saat ini 7150, oke ... tapi target 7550 

 IHSG masih -7, pak DE masih ada harapan...

 --- In 
jsx_consultant jsx-consultant@ wrote:
  --- In,
jsx_consultant jsx-consultant@ wrote:
   Coba kita TEST kehebatan WTA, ini prediksinya buat hari INI:
   IHSG : Shooting star candle, Overbouhgt, Dow down. Will test
at 1,400-1,410.
  pak DE, prediksi IHSG hari ini masih IJO, Billy prediksi bilang
  mau ke 1400-1410 atau -26 / -36
  pak DE pake analisa apa, WTS yah... becanda...hehehe...
  Pak DE, dulu anda menyarankan pembobotan indikator, apakah
  WTA ini sudah ada dari dulu atau pak DE dapet dari si Billy ?.
  Apakah si Billy ini penemu WTA atau membuat suatu versi pembobotan
  dengan konsep WTA ?.
   INDF : if tomorrow can't break 1,000. will test support at
Target Price at 1,030 in short term.
   BUMI : Hit our target at 800, tomorrow will test support at
Resistance at 820, and target price at 850.
   JSMR : Break 900 with high volume, will test 950 in short term.
Support at 880-890.
   TLKM : Double top at 7,550, will test support at 7,150-7,200
tomorrow, Target price at 7,550.
   PGAS : Hit our target, will test support at 2,050-2,075 tomorrow.
Resistance at 2,200.
   BMRI : Break 2,100 with high volume, will test support at
or will test to break resistance at 2,225-2,275.
   INCO : Break 2,200 with high volume, Congrats to all, will test
2,425-2,475 in short term, support at 2,300.
   ANTM : Hit our target at 1,150-1,160. Tomorrow will test support
1,110-1,130. Resistance at 1,170-1,180. Target Price at 1,200.
   PTBA : Can't break 7,050. will test support at 6,700-6,750
Resistance at 7,050-7,100.
   ITMG : Be careful if can't close above 10,100 tomorrow, Triple
Reveresal. Support at 9,850-9,900. Resistance at 10,400-10,500.
   BBCA : Very2 Overbought, tomorrow will test support at
Resistance at 3,175-3,200.
   ASII : Close below our target, off high session. will test
  support at
14,650-14,750 tomorrow. Resistance at 15,500.
   AALI : Be careful with profit taking action, will test support at
13,200-13,300 tomorrow. Resistance at 14,000-14,050. Overbought
   LSIP : Break 3,400 as our target and now go to 3,500. Will test
in short term. Support at 3,400-3,425.
   MEDC: Break 2,250. will test 2,450 in short term if oli price up.
Support at 2,200-2,225.
   ELSA : Break 158, will test 165 in short term. Support at
   UNSP : Hit our target at 

Re: [ob] Billy 17 thn penemu WTA ?

2009-03-25 Terurut Topik y_dizz
Analisanya bagus sih menurut saya. Cukup salut, karena yang bikin anak SMA. 
Hanya satu kekurangannya: CONCLUSION.

Coba kalo berani bilang BUY, HOLD or SELL pasti lebih maknyus.

Kalo newbie mah biasanya kagak butuh chart. Pak JT bilang NEXT TEST aja 
langsung dihajar. Jadi ada baiknya dikasih kesimpulan, biar yang baca nggak 
salah ambil posisi.


--- In, jsx_consultant jsx-consult...@... 

 Cara membaca rekomendasi harus diperhatikan:
 - BUMI : tomorrow will test support at 760-780.
   Resistance at 820, and target price at 850.
 Maknanya: BUMI akan turun dulu ke 760-780, beli dirange ini dan BUMI
 akan naik ke 820, kalo 820 tembus akan ke 850.
 - INCO : Break 2,200 with high volume, will test 2,425-2,475
   in short term, support at 2,300.
 Maknanya: Beli INCO AT MARKET, karena INCO akan naik ke 2425-2475 dalam 
 jangka pendek, Cut loss di 2300.
 - BMRI : Break 2,100 with high volume, will test support at 2,100-
   2,125 or will test to break resistance at 2,225-2,275.
 Maknanya: Akan turun ke 2100 ATAU akan naik ke 2225 , INI tidak
 bisa dinilai.
 - LSIP : Break 3,400 and now go to 3,500. Will test 3,600 in
   short term. Support at 3,400-3,425
 Maknanya: Buy lsip AT MARKET price, LSIP akan naik ke 3500 karena breeak 3400 
 lalu akan menuju 3600 dalam jangka pendek, Cut loss di 3400
 SMGR : Buy with target price at 4,000. Support at 3,725-3,750.
 Maknanya: Beli SMGR AT MARKET price, SMGR akan naik ke 4000 
 dan Cut loss di 3725
 - TINS : Begin uptrend, will test 1,120-1,130 in short term. Support
   at 1,070-1,080.
 Maknanya: Buy TINS, akan menuju 1120-1130, Cut loss 1070.
 - Kalo dia bilang: Will test Resist artinya saham mau naek
 - Kalo dia bilang: Will test Support artinya saham mau turun
 - Kalo dia bilang: Will test Support dan target diatas, artinya
   dia bilang saham mau turun, lalu beli di support karena
   harga akan naik ke target.
 - Kalo dia bilang: Will test Resist dan target diatas, artinya
   dia bilang saham mau naek, beli AT MARKET karena
   harga akan naik ke target.
 - Kalo dia bilang: Will test support or will test resist, ini
 Jadi jangan asal kena Support atau Resist dianggap BENAR.
 Liat dari trader yg baca dan mengikuti rekomendasi, apakah 
 dia gain atau Loss.

Re: [ob] Billy 17 thn penemu WTA ?

2009-03-25 Terurut Topik y_dizz
Pak Halim, gimana kalo kita joinan bikin di Surabaya? Nanti cuannya dibagi 
70:30. Kalo market lagi sumpek kayak sekarang, kan lumayan cuannya buat ngopi2.


--- In, Boys n Girls boysngi...@... wrote:

 kayaknya bisnis tranning enak juga ya
 gross : 60 orang @ 1jt = 60 jt
 sewa tempat : 5-10jt
 makan 60 * 100rb = 6jt
 net profit = 60 - 10 -6 = 44 jt
 lumayan juga :D

Re: [ob] Billy 17 thn penemu WTA ?

2009-03-25 Terurut Topik jko``
Hebat umur 17 dah bisa begini, asal masih semangat belajar dan bnyk
sembayang, the next 6 years mungkin sudah bisa 4 digit gain..

Btw inco dipake buat turunin ihsg yah? (biar gak OOT)

An expert with a stone can still beat a novice with a shuriken,
nevertheless, an expert with a stone can not beat 100 novices with 100

Dolpin Re: [ob] Billy 17 thn penemu WTA ?

2009-03-25 Terurut Topik y_dizz
Itu tandanya Pak Halim udah Trader Level 5. Nggak usah repot2 pake bermacam 
trading system, cukup lihat chart sekilas, INSTING langsung bekerja, tahu saham 
ini bakal naik atau turun.

Sayang makanannya kok high colestrol mulu, hahaha...

Lumba2nya target loncat ke berapa nih Boss?


--- In, Boys n Girls boysngi...@... wrote:

 waduh..apanya yang mau diajarin...
 contoh nih..salah satu yang habis saya selesaikan..rencananya mau saya
 posting tadi pagi..
 cuman takut ada sesama OB nyangkut ... jadi saya batalkan
 nah model gitu...apanya yang mau diajarkan..
 masa alasan belinya... Kayaknya mau digoreng
 2009/3/25 y_dizz y_d...@...
  Pak Halim, gimana kalo kita joinan bikin di Surabaya? Nanti cuannya dibagi
  70:30. Kalo market lagi sumpek kayak sekarang, kan lumayan cuannya buat
  --- In,
  Boys n Girls boysngirls@ wrote:
   kayaknya bisnis tranning enak juga ya
   gross : 60 orang @ 1jt = 60 jt
   sewa tempat : 5-10jt
   makan 60 * 100rb = 6jt
   net profit = 60 - 10 -6 = 44 jt
   lumayan juga :D

Re: [ob] Billy 17 thn penemu WTA ?

2009-03-25 Terurut Topik fifi young
Kalo Mbah sudah memberikan referensi,
pasti Billy adalah seseorang yang patut diperhitungkan...
ngga ada ruginya ngeluarin duit 1 juta or less untuk mengetahui
bagaimana caranya anak yang sejak umur 10 tahun bisa
mendalami TA yang accuracy-nya lumayan...

*It's your CHOICE,
'ga perlu skeptis ato menjatohkan...
sebaliknya you have to be PROUD of...
at his age..., mannn...! I wish he is my son...!
2009/3/25 jsx_consultant

   --- In,
 Rei highwaysta...@... wrote:
  Iya memang boleh lah prediksinya Mbah, dan cukup akurat. Apakah ada yg
  ikutin rekomendasi dia daily utk trading?
  Walau ada yg tidak tepat/true tapi arahnya memang betul. Apa kira2 dia
  memperhitungkan gerakan bandar Mbah krn sepertinya pure TA?

 Billy sepertinya pure technical makanya kena di INCO...

  2009/3/25 jsx_consultant jsx-consult...@...
   Embah juga merasa si Billy termasuk briliant, kalo engga brilliant
   mana berani dia bikin prediksi harian dengan kalimat yg jelas.
   Umumnya orang cuman kasih angka Support dan Resist, mau naek
   atau turun disuruh mikir sendiri...
   Hari ini dia prediksi IHSG turun, jadi umumnya dia prediksi
   saham dengan kalimat: Will test Support. Kalo hari ini dia
   prediksi IHSG naik, tentunya banyak prediksi dengan
   kalimat: Will test Resist.
   Tapi untuk saham saham yg break dengan HIGH VOLUME, dia
   prediksi: Will test Resist artinya dia punya expektasi
   harganya akan naik meskipun index turun.
   --- In 
   Rei highwaystar91@ wrote:
Saya ada ikutin beberapa kali Mbah mengenai ramalan Billy utk
 saham2 yg
saya pantau, hasilnya cukup jitu sih menurut saya cuma memang terlalu
alias harian...
2009/3/25 jsx_consultant jsx-consultant@
 Evaluasi prediksi:
 - IHSG bener turun tapi prediksi saham masih lebih banyak
 salah daripada bener...

 Tapi hari ini MEMANG sangat sukar diprediksi, jadi embah kira
 evaluasi hari ini BELUM menggambarkan keampuhan yg sebenarnya
 dari WTA Billy...

 Kita test lagi hari Jumat

 --- In
 jsx_consultant jsx-consultant@ wrote:
TLKM : Double top at 7,550, will test support at 7,150-7,200
 tomorrow, Target price at 7,550.
  TLKM saat ini 7150, oke ... tapi target 7550 
  IHSG masih -7, pak DE masih ada harapan...
  --- In
 jsx_consultant jsx-consultant@ wrote:
   --- In,
 jsx_consultant jsx-consultant@ wrote:
Coba kita TEST kehebatan WTA, ini prediksinya buat hari INI:
IHSG : Shooting star candle, Overbouhgt, Dow down. Will test
 at 1,400-1,410.
   pak DE, prediksi IHSG hari ini masih IJO, Billy prediksi bilang
   mau ke 1400-1410 atau -26 / -36
   pak DE pake analisa apa, WTS yah... becanda...hehehe...
   Pak DE, dulu anda menyarankan pembobotan indikator, apakah
   WTA ini sudah ada dari dulu atau pak DE dapet dari si Billy ?.
   Apakah si Billy ini penemu WTA atau membuat suatu versi
   dengan konsep WTA ?.
INDF : if tomorrow can't break 1,000. will test support at
 Target Price at 1,030 in short term.
BUMI : Hit our target at 800, tomorrow will test support at
 Resistance at 820, and target price at 850.
JSMR : Break 900 with high volume, will test 950 in short
 Support at 880-890.
TLKM : Double top at 7,550, will test support at 7,150-7,200
 tomorrow, Target price at 7,550.
PGAS : Hit our target, will test support at 2,050-2,075
 Resistance at 2,200.
BMRI : Break 2,100 with high volume, will test support at
 or will test to break resistance at 2,225-2,275.
INCO : Break 2,200 with high volume, Congrats to all, will
 2,425-2,475 in short term, support at 2,300.
ANTM : Hit our target at 1,150-1,160. Tomorrow will test
 1,110-1,130. Resistance at 1,170-1,180. Target Price at 1,200.
PTBA : Can't break 7,050. will test support at 6,700-6,750
 Resistance at 7,050-7,100.
ITMG : Be careful if can't close above 10,100 tomorrow,

Re: [ob] Billy 17 thn penemu WTA ?

2009-03-25 Terurut Topik sylar_fang

... ntar catering na ama ane aja ... 30 rebu kyk na udah cukup enak ...

trus tempat na di ruko ane aja ... ane kasih dah link IIX 512 kbps no lag + 
kompi na ... sewa tempat cukup 3 juta aja ... 

chuan na ane :

60 * 70 rebu = 4.2 juta + 3 juta = 7.2 juta ...

.. lumayan buat weekend ke anyer/bandung ...


--- In, y_dizz y_d...@... wrote:

 Pak Halim, gimana kalo kita joinan bikin di Surabaya? Nanti cuannya dibagi 
 70:30. Kalo market lagi sumpek kayak sekarang, kan lumayan cuannya buat 
 --- In, Boys n Girls boysngirls@ wrote:
  kayaknya bisnis tranning enak juga ya
  gross : 60 orang @ 1jt = 60 jt
  sewa tempat : 5-10jt
  makan 60 * 100rb = 6jt
  net profit = 60 - 10 -6 = 44 jt
  lumayan juga :D

Re: Dolpin Re: [ob] Billy 17 thn penemu WTA ?

2009-03-25 Terurut Topik ruzli
Pak Halim

Saya nyangkut di Dolphin 
Masih bisa jalan ga nih :(

Pada 25 Maret 2009 19:54, Boys n Girls menulis:
 waduh..apanya yang mau diajarin...

 contoh nih..salah satu yang habis saya selesaikan..rencananya mau saya
 posting tadi pagi..
 cuman takut ada sesama OB nyangkut ... jadi saya batalkan
 nah model gitu...apanya yang mau diajarkan..
 masa alasan belinya... Kayaknya mau digoreng

 2009/3/25 y_dizz

 Pak Halim, gimana kalo kita joinan bikin di Surabaya? Nanti cuannya dibagi
 70:30. Kalo market lagi sumpek kayak sekarang, kan lumayan cuannya buat


 --- In, Boys n Girls boysngi...@...
  kayaknya bisnis tranning enak juga ya
  gross : 60 orang @ 1jt = 60 jt
  sewa tempat : 5-10jt
  makan 60 * 100rb = 6jt
  net profit = 60 - 10 -6 = 44 jt
  lumayan juga :D


Re: [ob] Billy 17 thn penemu WTA ?

2009-03-25 Terurut Topik Wahyuni

Yg di omongin ga nongol2 nih...bil bil...sini dunk gabung :))

--- Pada Rab, 25/3/09, fifi young menulis:

Dari: fifi young
Topik: Re: [ob] Billy 17 thn penemu WTA ?
Tanggal: Rabu, 25 Maret, 2009, 6:29 AM

Kalo Mbah sudah memberikan referensi,
pasti Billy adalah seseorang yang patut diperhitungkan...
ngga ada ruginya ngeluarin duit 1 juta or less untuk mengetahui

bagaimana caranya anak yang sejak umur 10 tahun bisa
mendalami TA yang accuracy-nya lumayan...

It's your CHOICE, 
'ga perlu skeptis ato menjatohkan...
sebaliknya you have to be PROUD of...

at his age..., mannn...! I wish he is my son...!

  Bersenang-senang di Yahoo! Messenger dengan semua teman. Tambahkan mereka 
dari email atau jaringan sosial Anda sekarang!

Re: [ob] Billy 17 thn penemu WTA ?

2009-03-25 Terurut Topik gangway

hahaha ... tante fifi wished he was her son,
biar gak usah mantau OB lagi,
kan udah dapat rekomendasi dari anak sendiri,

atau kasih aja 1M, ahir tahun tinggal dipajakin 50%

I wish he was my brother / a3k

- Original Message -
From: fifi young
Sent: Wednesday, March 25, 2009 8:29 PM
Subject: Re: [ob] Billy 17 thn penemu WTA ?

Kalo Mbah sudah memberikan referensi,
pasti Billy adalah seseorang yang patut diperhitungkan...
ngga ada ruginya ngeluarin duit 1 juta or less untuk mengetahui
bagaimana caranya anak yang sejak umur 10 tahun bisa
mendalami TA yang accuracy-nya lumayan...

It's your CHOICE,
'ga perlu skeptis ato menjatohkan...
sebaliknya you have to be PROUD of...
at his age..., mannn...! I wish he is my son...!

2009/3/25 jsx_consultant

--- In, Rei highwaysta...@... wrote:

 Iya memang boleh lah prediksinya Mbah, dan cukup akurat. Apakah ada yg
 ikutin rekomendasi dia daily utk trading?
 Walau ada yg tidak tepat/true tapi arahnya memang betul. Apa kira2 dia ikut
 memperhitungkan gerakan bandar Mbah krn sepertinya pure TA?

Billy sepertinya pure technical makanya kena di INCO...

RE: [SPAM][SPAM]Re: [ob] Billy 17 thn penemu WTA ?

2009-03-25 Terurut Topik Aria Bela Nusa
Lumayan-lah buat referensi (pembanding) - mudah2an kita bener sbg trader dlm
tradings yg kita lakukan shg dapet merealisasikan chuan - maskudnya tidak
kebetulan ikutan2 pas yg salah2 itu



From: []
On Behalf Of
Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2009 8:51 AM
Subject: [SPAM][SPAM]Re: [ob] Billy 17 thn penemu WTA ?


Wish I am his father, so we are the parents ya fifi, heheheh just kidding

Powered by Telkomsel BlackBerryR


From: fifi young 
Date: Wed, 25 Mar 2009 20:29:44 +0700
Subject: Re: [ob] Billy 17 thn penemu WTA ?

Kalo Mbah sudah memberikan referensi,
pasti Billy adalah seseorang yang patut diperhitungkan...
ngga ada ruginya ngeluarin duit 1 juta or less untuk mengetahui
bagaimana caranya anak yang sejak umur 10 tahun bisa
mendalami TA yang accuracy-nya lumayan...

It's your CHOICE, 
'ga perlu skeptis ato menjatohkan...
sebaliknya you have to be PROUD of...
at his age..., mannn...! I wish he is my son...!

2009/3/25 jsx_consultant

--- In , Rei highwaysta...@... wrote:

 Iya memang boleh lah prediksinya Mbah, dan cukup akurat. Apakah ada yg
 ikutin rekomendasi dia daily utk trading?
 Walau ada yg tidak tepat/true tapi arahnya memang betul. Apa kira2 dia
 memperhitungkan gerakan bandar Mbah krn sepertinya pure TA?

Billy sepertinya pure technical makanya kena di INCO...

 2009/3/25 jsx_consultant jsx-consult...@...

  Embah juga merasa si Billy termasuk briliant, kalo engga brilliant
  mana berani dia bikin prediksi harian dengan kalimat yg jelas.
  Umumnya orang cuman kasih angka Support dan Resist, mau naek
  atau turun disuruh mikir sendiri...
  Hari ini dia prediksi IHSG turun, jadi umumnya dia prediksi
  saham dengan kalimat: Will test Support. Kalo hari ini dia
  prediksi IHSG naik, tentunya banyak prediksi dengan
  kalimat: Will test Resist.
  Tapi untuk saham saham yg break dengan HIGH VOLUME, dia
  prediksi: Will test Resist artinya dia punya expektasi
  harganya akan naik meskipun index turun.

  --- In,

  Rei highwaystar91@ wrote:
   Saya ada ikutin beberapa kali Mbah mengenai ramalan Billy utk saham2
   saya pantau, hasilnya cukup jitu sih menurut saya cuma memang terlalu
   alias harian...
   2009/3/25 jsx_consultant jsx-consultant@
Evaluasi prediksi:
- IHSG bener turun tapi prediksi saham masih lebih banyak
salah daripada bener...
Tapi hari ini MEMANG sangat sukar diprediksi, jadi embah kira
evaluasi hari ini BELUM menggambarkan keampuhan yg sebenarnya
dari WTA Billy...
Kita test lagi hari Jumat

--- In
jsx_consultant jsx-consultant@ wrote:

   TLKM : Double top at 7,550, will test support at 7,150-7,200
tomorrow, Target price at 7,550.

 TLKM saat ini 7150, oke ... tapi target 7550 

 IHSG masih -7, pak DE masih ada harapan...

 --- In
jsx_consultant jsx-consultant@ wrote:
  --- In,
jsx_consultant jsx-consultant@ wrote:
   Coba kita TEST kehebatan WTA, ini prediksinya buat hari INI:
   IHSG : Shooting star candle, Overbouhgt, Dow down. Will test
at 1,400-1,410.
  pak DE, prediksi IHSG hari ini masih IJO, Billy prediksi bilang
  mau ke 1400-1410 atau -26 / -36
  pak DE pake analisa apa, WTS yah... becanda...hehehe...
  Pak DE, dulu anda menyarankan pembobotan indikator, apakah
  WTA ini sudah ada dari dulu atau pak DE dapet dari si Billy ?.
  Apakah si Billy ini penemu WTA atau membuat suatu versi
  dengan konsep WTA ?.
   INDF : if tomorrow can't break 1,000. will test support at
Target Price at 1,030 in short term.
   BUMI : Hit our target at 800, tomorrow will test support at
Resistance at 820, and target price at 850.
   JSMR : Break 900 with high volume, will test 950 in short
Support at 880-890.
   TLKM : Double top at 7,550, will test support at 7,150-7,200
tomorrow, Target price at 7,550.
   PGAS : Hit our target, will test support at 2,050-2,075