[Offline-l] Re: WMF board elections are back

2022-05-19 Thread Federico Leva (Nemo)
I agree that Legoktm is an obvious choice for the Offline user group's 
vote, even though I personally like other candidates too.

There's still value in a discourse with other candidates, so I 
appreciate the proposal and work by Florence and Sam all the more.


Il 19/05/22 10:23, Stephane Coillet-Matillon ha scritto:

Hi everyone,

Thanks for this Florence. I’ve gone through the list of candidates and there 
are very fine people (better that than the opposite!).

We at Kiwix, however, would like to single out Kunal Mehta 
 (legoktm), who has been a 
long-time supporter of Kiwix within the Foundation (I might stand corrected but he 
also single-handedly ensured Debian ports for it and volunteered top code).  Needless 
to say (but I am still saying it), Kunal has been getting our Kiwix-branded 
chocolates ever since we started sending them out.

I encourage you to read his bio/user page 
 - Kunal is not just a coder, but 
has a vision for free knowledge. I am told he left the WMF last December, so my take 
here is that we would have a trustee here that 1. Understands the tech 2. Understands 
the WMF and 3. Understands us (the offline crowd). That’s a lot boxes to tick.

My little informative email has turned into a longer-than-expected soapbox 
campaigning, but so be it. If you home chapter is undecided about whom to 
support, I encourage you to forward it to them as well.


Le 18 mai 2022 à 20:22, Florence Devouard  a écrit :

Dear all,

It is back again the time to select representants for our Wikimedia Foundation 
Board of Trustees.

This year, the process is different from previous year. If you want to go look 
in details, I invite you to read ALL the details on : 

However, if you want to get the essence of it... here is what you should know...

1) Two people will be selected to join the board, following a two step-process

Step 1: From 1 to 15th of July, all affiliates will vote on the initial list of 
candidates. Only one (1) vote per affiliate. From all votes pooled together, a 
short list of 6 candidates will be sorted
Step 2 : From 15-29th of August, the community will vote on that short list.

In between the two... the community can ask questions to the candidates

2) Currently, 13 people are candidates. You may find details here : 
They have provided initial statements.

3) Our affiliate will vote beginning of July. Sam and I will prepare a process 
so that you may cast your votes. From your propositions, we will sort ONE name.

4) I will invite all current candidates to promote themselves, should they be 
interested to, on this mailing list

Offline-l mailing list -- offline-l@lists.wikimedia.org
To unsubscribe send an email to offline-l-le...@lists.wikimedia.org

Re: [Offline-l] Invitation to Participate in the Universal Code of Conduct Survey -

2021-04-11 Thread Federico Leva (Nemo)

Il 10/04/21 20:02, Mervat Salman ha scritto:

*Notice*: "This survey will be conducted via a third-party service, which
may subject it to additional terms.

Is there an avenue of participation to this process that doesn't 
discriminate against privacy-conscious people?


Offline-l mailing list

Re: [Offline-l] [AAR] Interesting online/offline use case across West Africa

2020-06-24 Thread Federico Leva (Nemo)
Stephane Coillet-Matillon, 24/06/20 18:08:
> We rolled-out the whole thing in a few days using Kiwix-serve[2] - most of 
> the time needed was for them to secure a big-ass server and grant us root 
> access. It’s been running smoothly ever since - up to 100,000 users/month at 
> peak, which was nice. Contents deployed were Wikipedia, Khan Academy, 
> Wiktionary, Vikidia and a couple of video channels we also serve as ZIMs.
> So what did we learn?
> - Kiwix-serve is super easy to install, and can manage large loads robustly;

This is excellent!

I think it's good news for digital preservation purposes, too. When a
dynamic website is retired, in the future you can "just" archive it is a
static website in HTML and serve it with a proxy. Currently this is only
possible with WARC-proxy and I'm not aware of anyone using such
technologies at scale before this.

Also, compare to the cost of running the Wikipedia Zero initiative,
which needed a lot of software configuration in MediaWiki and Wikimedia
clusters. Serving a dump is not as good as serving dynamic content, but
being able to do it independently from Wikimedia Foundation is a giant plus.

> They made a simple but sweet video[3] - in French only but you’ll get the 
> idea.
> [3] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Ug0XEFhByc



Offline-l mailing list

Re: [Offline-l] HTML dumps

2020-06-21 Thread Federico Leva (Nemo)
Samuel Klein, 21/06/20 04:29:
> Kelson weighed in there, highlighting that it isn't clear everyone working
> on this is aware of the existing kiwix pipeline.  Seemed worth mentioning
> here.

Thanks. I've read this task a couple weeks ago when Kelson commented but
then I stopped looking because it was too depressing. I see that there
were some answers on technicalities but nothing on the basics i.e. what
they're trying to achieve.

It sounds like yet another project doomed to fail, because it's doing
everything in the reverse. Personally I only hope it doesn't do lasting
damage (apart from burning dollars). But maybe there's still a small
chance that the team is allowed to do a better a job by learning the
best practices from their colleagues, some of which were condensed in:


Offline-l mailing list

Re: [Offline-l] Wikimedia Brand Survey

2020-06-17 Thread Federico Leva (Nemo)

Florence Devouard, 18/06/20 04:16:
Of course, that should not prevent us to propose names of replacement 
for WMF. Or to propose Wikimedia Foundation to replace Wikimedia 
Foundation (hmm, actually, no change then).

Makes sense. It seems there are no ideas for a better name of the user 
group, so confirming "Wikimedians for offline wikis" seems logical.


Offline-l mailing list

Re: [Offline-l] Fwd: Movement Strategy: transition to implementation begins

2020-06-10 Thread Federico Leva (Nemo)

Florence Devouard, 10/06/20 20:44:
The team is looking for a set of diverse people to prepare the virtual 
transition discussions.

I was initially confused by the terminology. Does that mean discussions 
on a virtual transition (what's that?) or virtual (?) discussions on a 
transition? It seems they just mean "online discussions" about the 
beginning of something called an implementation phase.


Offline-l mailing list

Re: [Offline-l] Kiwix portable for Linux

2019-09-13 Thread Federico Leva (Nemo)

Wilfredo Rodríguez, 12/09/19 21:37:

I've been thinking about maybe a live cd version with kiwix.

I don't know, but depending on the context it might be easier to ship 
just the package and/or its dependencies with an ISO file alongside 
Kiwix and its ZIM files, however you shipped them, and then make apt-get 
use it as additional repository. There are various ways to do it, last 
time I tried it was rather easy:



Offline-l mailing list

Re: [Offline-l] [offline] Administrative notes

2019-03-04 Thread Federico Leva (Nemo)

Thanks for raising the point.

Florence Devouard, 27/02/19 14:17:
Yet... an WMF affiliate has some obligations... so how should we deal 
with that in the least time-consuming, least-bureaucratic, 
least-expensive way, yet playing our role in representing, recruting and 
promoting offline in the mouvement ?

From my point of view as a supporter of offline projects, the ideal 
solution is that all affiliates agree that only incorporated entities 
will have a formal vote (whatever its weight) in the final phase of the 
selection of 2 board seats, to avoid creating new unwanted work about 
internal governance.

Alternatively, a simple method might be to decide that all user groups 
will have a discussion/vote on a certain wiki page where all their 
members can join (Meta-Wiki may be enough if it can be public), so that 
it's easy to identify unwanted patterns. (And establish a quorum or 
whatever other criteria is decided.)


Offline-l mailing list

Re: [Offline-l] Fwd: UN platform for (online + offline) digital public goods

2018-12-15 Thread Federico Leva (Nemo)

Samuel Klein, 15/12/18 15:29:

identify and deploy packages of digital goods

This reminds me of Internet Archive's wishlist: they are trying to 
identify the top N million books which need to be acquired, scanned and 
put up for digital lending on archive.org.


The blog post features an appeal to diversity: the data sources are 
currently rather skewed towards the anglosaxon world, which is ok for 
now but not for the long-term comprehensive project they want.


Offline-l mailing list

Re: [Offline-l] [OPENZIM] MWoffliner 1.6 released

2018-11-28 Thread Federico Leva (Nemo)

Emmanuel Engelhart, 28/11/18 09:12:

This new release contains mainly fixing an code improvements, in
particular for non-Wikimedia sites.


Here is the detailed changelog: [...]
* UPDATE: Implemented PDF downloads #338

I see this is about any files uploaded on an external domain and 
embedded or linked from the pages.


Offline-l mailing list

Re: [Offline-l] 128 Gb versions of IIAB

2018-11-17 Thread Federico Leva (Nemo)

Samuel Klein, 17/11/18 16:37:
Much of this seems to be the size of images; there are other creative 
ways (selection of images by priority, size proportional to priority) to 
reduce those

I remember that Kelson explored various JPEG quality levels back in the 
day. The widest discussion about image compression that we had recently 
was perhaps for 


Offline-l mailing list

Re: [Offline-l] Creating an offline-wiki user group

2018-08-27 Thread Federico Leva (Nemo)

Florence Devouard, 27/08/2018 14:27:

For your information


 Message transféré 
Sujet : Recognition of the Wikimedians for Offline Wikis User Group

Nice. :-)


Offline-l mailing list

Re: [Offline-l] Kiwix and openZIM wave of releases

2018-07-12 Thread Federico Leva (Nemo)

Emmanuel Engelhart, 08/07/2018 18:42:

Two weeks ago we have  made a new waves of releases of many core
projects for both openZIM and Kiwix.
  * Explicitly use icu namespace to allow use of packaged icu lib.

The i18n me is happy!


Offline-l mailing list

Re: [Offline-l] Press release: The Tempe Declaration: Extending access to information through offline internet

2018-02-25 Thread Federico Leva (Nemo)

James Heilman, 24/02/2018 04:32:

Looks like an excellent initiative.

Thanks. Direct link to the actual text for those who don't want to 
overcome countless javascripts:


Offline-l mailing list

[Offline-l] Fwd: Divide XML dumps by page.page_namespace (and figure out what to do with the "pages-articles" dump)

2017-01-17 Thread Federico Leva (Nemo)
Input requested: 
, https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T99483

Personally I think that the main issue is the slowness of some of the 
tools people use (including dumps.wikimedia.org itself), so I tried to 
improve the docs a bit with what I learnt:

* https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Data_dumps#Faster_archives_and_servers


P.s.: In the last few weeks I archived 20+ TiB of Wikimedia Commons 
files on Internet Archive and I'm continuing, see 
http://archiveteam.org/index.php?title=Wikimedia_Commons .

Offline-l mailing list

Re: [Offline-l] XOWA write up

2016-12-11 Thread Federico Leva (Nemo)

gnosygnu, 10/12/2016 06:53:

I hope this is enough information for you.

Thanks for outlining the use cases. Can you please paste this text into 
https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Offline_Projects/XOWA , so that it's 
easier to find in the future?


Offline-l mailing list

Re: [Offline-l] [WikimediaMobile] [RELEASE] Kiwix for Android 1.97

2016-02-21 Thread Federico Leva (Nemo)

Emmanuel Engelhart, 21/02/2016 19:26:

Most of this release was coded by Google Code-in student
mhutti1, big thanks to him.

I can testify this, thank you a lot mhutti1!


Offline-l mailing list

[Offline-l] Fwd: Reasons you use the XML dumps or want to, but can't?

2015-02-20 Thread Federico Leva (Nemo)


 Messaggio inoltrato 
Oggetto:[Xmldatadumps-l] Your comments needed (long term dumps rewrite?)
Data:   Thu, 19 Feb 2015 12:30:01 +0200
Mittente:   Ariel Glenn WMF ar...@wikimedia.org
A:  xmldatadump...@lists.wikimedia.org

The MediaWiki Core team has opened a discussion about getting more
involved in and maybe redoing the dumps infrastructure.  A good starting
point is to understand how folks use the dumps already or want to use
them but can't, and some questions about that are listed here:

I've added some notes but please go weigh in.  Don't be shy about what
you do/what you need, this is the time to get it all on the table.


Xmldatadumps-l mailing list
Offline-l mailing list

Re: [Offline-l] [Wikitech-l] Idea for new desktop / mobile kiwix like application

2015-01-23 Thread Federico Leva (Nemo)
You don't need a new application for this, you just need some upgrades 
to the ZIM generation pipeline. How about sending patches for 
https://sourceforge.net/p/kiwix/other/ci/master/tree/mwoffliner to 
generate category-based ZIM files and the like?

Customisation possibilities used to be better here before 
https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Offline_content_generator was deployed on 
Wikimedia projects, as ZIM files of few hundreds pages were very easy to 
make on wiki. Help with the OCG component is also appreciated.

Finally, icnremental ZIM updates are an area of ongoing work. You can 
probably help here as well: https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T49406#492033


Offline-l mailing list

Re: [Offline-l] [KIWIX] New Version 1.91 for Android available

2014-10-17 Thread Federico Leva (Nemo)

Emmanuel Engelhart, 17/10/2014 12:17:

A new version of Kiwix for Android is available:

You can also download it directly here:

This is a minor release, here is the changelog:
* FIXED: Better support of Indian languages
* FIXED: Many crash scenarios
* NEW: Scan the external SD card
* NEW: Bookmarking feature
* KNOWN BUG: Text rewrapping problem with 4.4

Great, thanks (cc mobile-l). I hope you'll get more help for android soon.


Offline-l mailing list

Re: [Offline-l] Bug day: Book tool/Collection/PDF, 2014-10-08, 14–22 UTC

2014-10-08 Thread Federico Leva (Nemo)

We start in 30 min from now :)

Federico Leva (Nemo), 29/09/2014 19:51:


Please join us on the next Wikimedia bug day:

**2014-10-08, 14:00–22:00 UTC** [1] in #wikimedia-tech on Freenode IRC.[2]

We will be triaging bug reports for the Collection extension (Book tool)
in general and PDF export in particular, which were just switched to a
new backend (OCG).[3] We have two immediate goals:
1) recover 100 % of the relevant reports from the defunct PediaPress
2) get a clean list of known PDF issues that the new backend didn't fix.

Everyone is welcome to join any time these weeks, and no technical
knowledge is needed! It's an easy way to get involved or to give
something back.
We encourage you to record your activity on the etherpad [4].

This information and more can be found here:

For more information on triaging in general, check out

I look forward to seeing you there. Please distribute further by email,
talk pages etc. (Collection is used on almost 2 thousands wikis!)
Sorry for the crossposting,

[1] Timezone converter: http://everytimezone.com/#2014-10-08,120,5x1
[2] See http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/IRC for more info on IRC chat
[3] http://lists.wikimedia.org/pipermail/wikitech-l/2014-July/077867.html
[4] https://etherpad.wikimedia.org/BugTriage-Collection

Offline-l mailing list

Re: [Offline-l] Bug day: Book tool/Collection/PDF, 2014-10-08, 14–22 UTC

2014-10-08 Thread Federico Leva (Nemo)
And it's over! We reached our immediate goal, closing all the lost 
PediaPress tickets (80 before the bug day); and about 40 new bugzilla 
reports were filed, including some tricky ones about language support.

https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Bug_management/Triage/201410 has a dump 
from the etherpad and will be updated with more precise information. 
Give a look at the bugzilla reports!

Thanks to all the participants: Andre Klapper, Anomie, Azitrex, bawolff, 
Helder, John Vandenberg, Kelson, Nemo, Raymond, Reedy, Rupert, saper, 
Steinsplitter, csteipp, ebraminio, jem, josu, kepper, valhallasw`cloud. 
(And probably someone else in bugzilla at the same time.)


Federico Leva (Nemo), 08/10/2014 15:33:

We start in 30 min from now :)

Federico Leva (Nemo), 29/09/2014 19:51:


Please join us on the next Wikimedia bug day:

**2014-10-08, 14:00–22:00 UTC** [1] in #wikimedia-tech on Freenode

We will be triaging bug reports for the Collection extension (Book tool)
in general and PDF export in particular, which were just switched to a
new backend (OCG).[3] We have two immediate goals:
1) recover 100 % of the relevant reports from the defunct PediaPress
2) get a clean list of known PDF issues that the new backend didn't fix.

Everyone is welcome to join any time these weeks, and no technical
knowledge is needed! It's an easy way to get involved or to give
something back.
We encourage you to record your activity on the etherpad [4].

This information and more can be found here:

For more information on triaging in general, check out

I look forward to seeing you there. Please distribute further by email,
talk pages etc. (Collection is used on almost 2 thousands wikis!)
Sorry for the crossposting,

[1] Timezone converter: http://everytimezone.com/#2014-10-08,120,5x1
[2] See http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/IRC for more info on IRC chat
[3] http://lists.wikimedia.org/pipermail/wikitech-l/2014-July/077867.html
[4] https://etherpad.wikimedia.org/BugTriage-Collection

Offline-l mailing list

Re: [Offline-l] [zero] Re: [WikimediaMobile] Thinking about offline search within our native apps

2014-10-01 Thread Federico Leva (Nemo)

Tomasz Finc, 01/10/2014 23:20:

In order to do this we can look at the search results on mobile (and
especially where they are failing today without GS)

One of the asks that I have for the mobile teams in this quarter is to
start logging failed search results. I want us to get to the point
where we never show a 'no search results' page in any language.

So, a custom solution for the decade-old requests (especially by 
Wiktionary) for logs of search queries without results (cf. countless ML 
threads) and smarter suggestions (cf. e.g. 
Please make sure the solution is generic enough. Interlanguage 
suggestions and improvements to Cirrus did you mean, plus some 
interface to access failed searches, would probably solve most problems.


Offline-l mailing list

[Offline-l] Bug day: Book tool/Collection/PDF, 2014-10-08, 14–22 UTC

2014-09-29 Thread Federico Leva (Nemo)


Please join us on the next Wikimedia bug day:

**2014-10-08, 14:00–22:00 UTC** [1] in #wikimedia-tech on Freenode IRC.[2]

We will be triaging bug reports for the Collection extension (Book tool) 
in general and PDF export in particular, which were just switched to a 
new backend (OCG).[3] We have two immediate goals:
1) recover 100 % of the relevant reports from the defunct PediaPress 

2) get a clean list of known PDF issues that the new backend didn't fix.

Everyone is welcome to join any time these weeks, and no technical 
knowledge is needed! It's an easy way to get involved or to give 
something back.

We encourage you to record your activity on the etherpad [4].

This information and more can be found here:

For more information on triaging in general, check out

I look forward to seeing you there. Please distribute further by email, 
talk pages etc. (Collection is used on almost 2 thousands wikis!)

Sorry for the crossposting,

[1] Timezone converter: http://everytimezone.com/#2014-10-08,120,5x1
[2] See http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/IRC for more info on IRC chat
[3] http://lists.wikimedia.org/pipermail/wikitech-l/2014-July/077867.html
[4] https://etherpad.wikimedia.org/BugTriage-Collection

Offline-l mailing list

Re: [Offline-l] [Xmldatadumps-l] Help for dump

2014-06-02 Thread Federico Leva (Nemo)

Yannick Guigui, 02/06/2014 10:59:

It’s about Dump of Wikipedia. I’m working in a project which uses
Wikipedia Database to display articles offline.

Nice! But please don't use the raw database + images. What you need is 
already available: http://kiwix.org
If it's a problem for you to get about 42+22 GiB (en+fr) I or someone 
can mail you a couple SDs at a cost of ~25 €. (If interested reply 
offlist to organise details.)


Offline-l mailing list

[Offline-l] appearance of a Wikipedia article as a WMF trademark

2014-01-20 Thread Federico Leva (Nemo)
In the draft trademark policy, we learn that «This policy applies to all 
trademarks of the Wikimedia Foundation. [...] One example is the 
specific design and appearance of a Wikipedia article, or the Wikipedia 
main page. The trade dress of any Wikimedia site is also a trademark of 
the Wikimedia Foundation.»


Has someone got explicit confirmation that this wording can't possibly 
ever mean that a ZIM/Kiwix dump reproducing the specific design and 
appearance of a Wikipedia article could theoretically be subject to a 
trademark authorisation?


Offline-l mailing list

Re: [Offline-l] Get images of article.

2013-11-08 Thread Federico Leva (Nemo)

Yannick Guigui, 08/11/2013 14:34:


I'm in Douala

Le vendredi 8 novembre 2013, Yannick Guigui a écrit :

I know kiwix but the webapp that I built uses these tecnologies:

- WebStorage
   When the students are in the wifi area,they can consult all the
articles by the chrome browser (only Google chrome browser is
required).When the students after are in their home where there is
not wifi connection,they can consult all the article that they
consulted when they were in school by the webapp because the webapp
recorded all articles consulted.

With Kiwix they can download them locally; if you think it's important 
to have many pages exportable at once, it shouldn't be too hard to add 
such a feature I suppose.

- Real Time Communication
   Students can tchat in article with other people in order to share
knowledge and idea inreal time when they are on the wifi area.The
chat seems like the facebook tchat.

- Webrtc
  Users(educator,professor,students) can also communicate by
visioconference (only stable on Google chrome) in this webapp.They
can use this feature to call somebody in the area of the wifi and
have real time visioconference by their webcam.

I tell it because I know that kiwix is also a browser but I  have a
full power of new feature when I use browsers like Chrome or Firefox
and that why visioconference is possible via Webrtc technology.The
webapp is responsive design,and compatible with all OS that can have

It's clear that Kiwix doesn't do this :) but you could just use Ekiga or 
something with your local server. Just saying.

If I get small images of wikipedia (french and english) my final
problem will be resolved.I use the mediawiki API to serve the
webapp.The images that I ask will be put in mediawiki.  I don't know
which solution you can give to me.If the zim format can be
undecompressed in order to extract images to use in mediawiki,

I don't know if it can. Should be possible, in principle. I don't know 
if easier than just downloading the thumbs yourself.


I can
use this solution.What do you think and what do you propose for my

Tank a lot (sorry for my English,I speak french)

Le vendredi 8 novembre 2013, Federico Leva (Nemo) a écrit :

Yannick Guigui, 08/11/2013 12:22:

I'm camerounian I built a webapp whose allows students to
wikipedia articles

So you don't need the originals, only thumbs.

without internet connectivity,many school accepted
the application and the application is hosted on a server
and shared by
wifi on each school.

Nice! It seems you may want to use this existing software
solution: http://kiwix.org/wiki/Kiwix-__serve
That way, you can use the available ZIM files with no need to
generate or download (and compress) the thumbnails yourself.
Example: http://www.wikimedia.fr/__afripedia
Your help developing the software would be very useful and you
could avoid doing yourself what you don't have the resources
(bandwidth) to do.

I have all the other dumps of wikipedia articles in
french and english;but I don't have any image because they
are too heavy
for me to be downloaded to my side (3 TB) and I have a low
bandwidth (40
ko/s when it's fast).

The webapp works on a browser and i don't know if the zim
format can be
undecompressed to get small images (jpeg,png,svg...).

Kiwix is a browser, you can save anything you want AFAIK.


This is the video demo (3min in french)  of the webapp

If I get small images in french and english to download to
the app,my
problem will revolved.

Tank a lot Federico

Le vendredi 8 novembre 2013, Federico Leva (Nemo) a écrit :

 Yannick Guigui, 08/11/2013 10:11:

 Please I want to get all images of wikipedia frensh
and English,
 I much
 did it cost to book it on hardisk? In can't
download it because
 I don't
 have enought bandwidth from my country.

 What do you need them for?
 Originals would be about 2+1 TB and anyone can download
and ship
 them for you:



Re: [Offline-l] Nanoscale printing of Wikipedia

2012-11-18 Thread Federico Leva (Nemo)

Emmanuel Engelhart, 17/11/2012 21:04:

Thank for this news Nemo. Here my answer on the village pump:

I can do that and everything is already there. I used to deal with whole
dumps of Wikipedia to generate ZIM files for [http://www.kiwix.org
Kiwix]. Here, as example, a
[http://tmp.kiwix.org/wikipedia_kowiki.html.png demo file of the
Wikipedia article in Korean]. Unfortunately, I do not own the hardware
necessary to do it for the whole Wikipedia in English (but no problem
for the others). 

FYI, I have used the gnome-web-photo tool.

Thank you for answering! Amazing as usual. (Would it also exclude 
navigational templates for en.wiki? I don't even remember if they use 

They have replied you, by the way.

What hardware are you missing? Unless it would require several TB, being 
a temporary thing you could ask a Labs instance 
http://labsconsole.wikimedia.org/ (or maybe Amazon is easier, if they 
pay for it).


Offline-l mailing list