Every business tries to keep up with the changing times using advanced 
technology and the latest solutions. Many of them have adopted numerous changes 
along the way to bring in innovation. One such adoption has been that of 
accounting software- QuickBooks.

Similarly, accountancy firms use QuickBooks Desktop accounting software to ease 
financial tasks like managing income, tracking invoices, calculating profits, 
etc. For a long time, this desktop software has been of great help.

However, its usage is often restricted by limited accessibility and 
connectivity. In order to counter this issue, QuickBooks is hosted on cloud 
servers. It aids in moving accounting practice to the cloud that offers 
mobility and flexibility benefits.

Here are some reasons explaining how to cloud accounting with QuickBooks will 
benefit your business:

1. Anytime, Anywhere Access
The use of the QuickBooks desktop restricts the movement of its user. You have 
to be available at the office premises for access data even in case of any 

Adopting cloud accounting with QuickBooks offers remote access, which means you 
can even work on crucial data from the comfort of your home or while on 
vacation. You are not bound to the office desktop.

It further makes accessing and working with the financial tasks on the go 
possible. This scenario promotes work-from-home culture and improves work 

2. Multi-User Collaboration
In order to make any business a success, you need joint efforts from all the 
team members. However, there are times when some of the workforces is not 
available for any task. It often poses issues in communication and efficiency.

Hosting QuickBooks on cloud servers allows multiple users to work together on a 
common virtual platform. You and your teammates, including accountants, tax 
professionals, CPAs, and other stakeholders, can access, share, and edit any 
file at the same time and make real-time modifications. It saves time and 
improves productivity. There is no need to wait for other partners to finish 
their tasks so as to start your own.

Furthermore, in the case of a global team, you can communicate and work on a 
shared platform with anyone from around the world. It helps in growing the 
business and improves its reach to the global scale.

3. Enhanced Security
Data security is one of the biggest concerns for any business. There has been a 
drastic rise in cyber-attacks over the past year.

As per the reports in Fortinet, online scams increased by 400% in 2020 as 
compared to past months.

These attacks and other malicious threats can compromise the availability, 
privacy, and integrity of business information. Therefore, you need a robust 
system to mitigate the impact of these threats.

When you host QuickBooks software with a reliable cloud provider, it becomes 
their responsibility to safeguard data from any mishap. They implement many 
security standards that include:

End-to-end encryption
Multiple level firewall protection
Authentication system
Intrusion Detection and Protection System (IDPS)
Anti-virus and anti-malware
DDoS protection
In addition to these virtual level measures, precautions are taken at the 
physical level as well, such as 24/7 CCTV coverage, security personnel, 
fire-alarms, biometric scanning, and temperature control. It ensures that you 
have more time to work on your core competencies rather than worrying about 
security concerns.

4. Budget-Friendly
The cost of running any business is high. It often becomes challenging to meet 
capital expenses like buying in-house infrastructure, managing resources, and 
constantly upgrading them.

QuickBooks cloud hosting helps get through these constraints. It is a 
budget-friendly solution that eliminates the need to invest in on-premise 
servers or additional devices. You can access your QuickBooks application and 
data from any device like a laptop, smartphone, or tablet. All you need are 
your login credentials and a good internet connection.

Also, the remote working scenario decreases the need to travel back and forth 
to the office. So, you also save money on commuting. In turn, you can spend 
more on enhancing your business services.

5. Resource Scalability
Businesses, whether large or small, need resources, and their requirements 
change drastically over time. For instance, during the busy Tax Season, your 
business needs might increase and decrease once it is over. This scenario often 
leads to the wastage of resources.

To know more about [Quickbooks 
Accountant](https://www.apps4rent.com/blog/quickbooks-accountant-desktop/) or 
[QuickBooks Cloud 
Backup](https://www.apps4rent.com/blog/quickbooks-cloud-backup/) visit 
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