ngraham added a comment.

  In D15580#552455 <>, @simgunz wrote:
  > When an annotation is selected its annotation toolbar button is checked and 
Browse Mode is checked, exactly as in the current Okular version. 
  >  When you select a quick annotation tool what happens is that the 
corresponding annotation action gets checked. In a sense a quick annotation is 
just an alias for an effective annotation with a specified set of settings 
(color, etc.). For this reason the quick annotation cannot have a checked 
  >  This however has a quirkiness in the case the annotation toolbar is 
hidden. In that case we are in Browse Mode and an annotation tool is active but 
we do not see the corresponding checked action in the hidden toolbar. This can 
be "solved" by showing the annotation toolbar when a quick annotation is 
selected, but I think it is going to become frustrating very soon.
  Yeah, I don't think that's ideal.
  > Regarding browse mode, we can also uncheck it when an annotation is 
selected, if there are no side effects.
  That's mostly what I think should happen. Not just browse mode though, but 
rather any tool that's currently active should become unchecked when you're 
using an annotation. Okular has a set of mutually-exclusive tools; annotations 
are just additional tools added to this list. For example you can't be both 
using an annotation and also in Browse mode. Rather, Okular would go back to 
Browse mode after you're done using an annotation tool.
  > Yes, but I do not know how to do it. See for the details of the problem.
  For now maybe we should just have an action rather than a toggle that's in 
sync with the toggle action in the menubar?
  > I thought about this, but I decided to leave "Configure Annotations" given 
that in the same KCM module the user can configure the "annotation identity", 
which is not related to "Quick Annotations" but to "Annotations" in general. 
  >  Changing it to "Configure" won't work either. This is a standard action 
that will appear in the "Configure Toolbar" and "Configure Shortcuts" dialog. 
If you call it "Configure" it will become ambiguous for the user.
  Okay, let's drop it.
  > Currently the action name and thus the text is "Pin". You mean I should 
change "Pin" to "Keep Active"?
  > I agree with @davidhurka here regarding having it on by default. I cannot 
figure out a use case where a user wants to add a single annotation or keep 
reselecting it each time.
  >  My typical use case is: I am reading a paper/book and I check the 
highlighter to highlight the text multiple times while I read, so I want it 
always active. The highlighter is a common use case, think at e-readers which 
have only highlighters and notes.
  >  Another one is to fill in multiple forms with the typewriter.
  >  What real-world use cases do you have in mind where you do not need it 
always active?
  All right, you've convinced me! Never mind on this.
  > Where would you show it? In the action tooltip? e.g "Approved - Stamps are 
an experimental feature"
  Maybe in a KMessageWidget that goes across the top of the view, like other 
notes that are presented like this.
  >  -------------------
  > The things from here and below are very interesting but also quite 
complicated to implement and time-consuming. I would implement them in 
following revisions, or we won't ever terminate this one while trying to make 
the toolbar perfect. Release early, release often.
  OK, fair enough. :-)

  R223 Okular


To: simgunz, #okular, #vdg
Cc: trickyricky26, simgunz, ltoscano, cfeck, aacid, davidhurka, knambiar, 
ngraham, tobiasdeiminger, okular-devel, johnzh, andisa, siddharthmanthan, 
maguirre, fbampaloukas, joaonetto, kezik, tfella, darcyshen

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