And please start to release your docker images asap. We expect that the latest 
date will be this Thursday, May 31.  And the Integration team will re-run the 
most critical test cases, health check on the released images after that.


Helen Chen

From: <> on behalf of Gildas Lanilis 
Date: Tuesday, May 29, 2018 at 4:37 PM
To: onap-release <>
Cc: onap-discuss <>
Subject: [Onap-release] Info for RC2 on Thursday

Hi PTLs,

This  email is to get the focus on what is expected by Thursday, May 31 for RC2.

1.       Defects: The list of Highest and High priority 
defects<> must be Zero. I will send a 
status on the remaining later tonight.

2.       Integration Weather 
Board<>: update the 
page with the color coding for both the “Pair Wise Testing” and the “Maturity”. 
The whole page is expected to be green.

3.       Pair Wise Testing: update your project page with the latest 

4.       For the functional Requirements, work on with the following person to 
provide update

(main contact Alexander Vul<>)

b.       Change 
Management<> (Main 
contact Ajay Mahimkar<>)

c.       Scaling<>  
(main contact Scott Blandford<>)

5.       CSIT: The CSIT jobs<> must pass. 
There are some jobs failing.

6.       Daily Build: Ensure the build targeted for Beijing Release are 
passing. I can see some RED job 
here<>. Be sure the RED are not 
relevant for Beijing Release.

7.       Release Notes:

a.       I am in the process of updating the security section of the RN for 
your review and merge before the end of this week.

b.       Keep in mind that Release Notes are cumulative (all release notes go 
in a single file). Release Notes information for Beijing Release goes on the 
top of the file.  As a consequence, Release Notes editing takes place into 
Master branch.

c.       It is not necessary to list in the Release Notes all issues fixed into 
Beijing Release, but only the main one that were visible externally to users.

d.       Once the Release Notes has been merged, have a look on the rendering 
into ReadTheDocs. The formatting is not always what you may expect.

Let me know if I have missed anything and we will take it from there.


Gildas Lanilis
ONAP Release Manager
Santa Clara CA, USA
Mobile: 1 415 238 6287

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