
I was happily lurking around with opengrok to fix a long standing
issue in the FreeBSD port related to gperf (yucks!) and I found
with surprise that writerfilter/source/ooxml/rngtocxx and a lot
of other files make reference to xalan but of course, ...
we don't carry xalan!

Now I did a search for saxon, and apart from configure and a
couple of .xsl files we only use saxon here:

So... I went to our wonderful new bitbucket repository and I
found this comment from 2008:

"There is no module 'xalan' any more, has been removed by CWS xsltfilter10."

So now I looked in the history for saxon and effectively
xsltfilter10 appears again (repeatedly) and there is a hint
on the the reason for the replacement:
"#i91376# - xslt2 processor for OOo xmll filters"

I think the reason for the replacement is that Apache
xalan doesn't support xslt version 2, and the fact that
the latest version was released in 2007 doesn't help

So after some detective work I got to the same options we
had before: if we don't need xslt2 we may be able to move
back to Xalan but ideally we should be looking at Zorba



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