[OPEN-ILS-DEV] config.xml_transform

2007-11-18 Thread Bill Russell
Hi all,

I was rumaging  around in a fresh database and came across the
config.xml_transform table.

The rows inserted during the database build are:

namenamespace_uri prefix xslt
----- -
marcxml   http://www.loc.gov/MARC21/slimmarc ---
modshttp://www.loc.gov/mods/  mods

Is this table used?  Since it was created and populated during the
install, I suspect the answer is yes.

So, should I change the xslt column for mods to
/openils/var/xsl/MARC21slim2MODS.xsl or one of the other
MARC21slim2MODS versions.

Should there be a an xslt value for the marcxml tuple?


[OPEN-ILS-DEV] permission table not created

2007-10-30 Thread Bill Russell
Hi all,

Downloaded Evergreen version 1.2.0 and OpenSRF 0.9 and began the
installation routine on Ubuntu 7.10.

After a redo caused by the mixed case host name issue, I used tkabber
to verify ejabber connectivity; used psql and pgAdmin III to test -h
postgresql connectivity before doing the database creation,

The permission table did not get created during the install.
According to pgAdmin III, 14 tables did get created.  The Evergreen
schema document,
http://open-ils.org/documentation/evergreen_1.1.3_erd.html  , shows 15

From trying to add the Outreach and Trustee groups (step 25), I don't
believe the application is going to run without this table.  Yes, the
other configuration choice bring up data entry forms.

So I looked around in the installation files, but did not find the
database creation script(s).  Can someone either send me the section
of the script that creates the permission table or the path and name
of the script that creates the table.


Here are the error messages that I captured:

psql:006.schema.permissions.sql:59: ERROR:  function
connectby(unknown, unknown, unknown, unknown, integer,
unknown, unknown) does not exist
LINE 3:  FROM connectby('permission.grp_tree','parent','id','name',$...
HINT:  No function matches the given name and argument types. You may
need to add explicit type casts.
psql:006.schema.permissions.sql:80: ERROR:  current transaction is
aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block
psql:006.schema.permissions.sql:87: ERROR:  current transaction is
aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block
psql:006.schema.permissions.sql:125: ERROR:  current transaction is
aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block
psql:006.schema.permissions.sql:163: ERROR:  current transaction is
aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block
psql:006.schema.permissions.sql:209: ERROR:  current transaction is
aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block
psql:006.schema.permissions.sql:217: ERROR:  current transaction is
aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block
psql:006.data.permissions.sql:1: ERROR:  schema permission does not exist
psql:006.data.permissions.sql:2: ERROR:  schema permission does not exist
psql:006.data.permissions.sql:3: ERROR:  schema permission does not exist
psql:006.data.permissions.sql:4: ERROR:  schema permission does not exist
psql:006.data.permissions.sql:5: ERROR:  schema permission does not exist
psql:006.data.permissions.sql:6: ERROR:  schema permission does not exist
psql:006.data.permissions.sql:7: ERROR:  schema permission does not exist