Title-level hold on bib record (with multiple available copies) prevents 
renewal of the only copy currently checked out, citing it's needed for a hold.

We're running 2.9.0.

A patron asked staff to renew an item. The renewal failed, with the typical 
message saying the copy was needed for a hold. Not unusual. Staff told them it 
couldn't be renewed.

My extremely observant coworker later realized that we own 5 copies of this 
book under the same title (rare for us, but this is an old, local history 
book). One copy is in Reference, not holdable, but that still left 3 available 
copies. In addition, the hold request was already fulfilled by another copy and 
was waiting on the holds shelf.

I placed two more title-level holds on this record, which both showed up in the 
pull list with the other available copies as the Current Copy.

Current Copy           Status                                     Title         
000115784                  Waiting for Capture            Kachemak Bay commu... 
000092639                  Waiting for Capture            Kachemak Bay commu... 
000081292                  Ready for Pickup                 Kachemak Bay 
commu...             T

Still, when I tried to renew the only copy checked out, it failed.

COPY_NEEDED_FOR_HOLD            Barcode: 000115781
Copy is needed to fulfill a hold

I have reproduced this issue with additional records, checking out one copy, 
placing a title hold (which targets a different copy), then renewal failure 
citing the checked out copy's barcode rather than the targeted copy's barcode 
(which would make sense to stop a renewal).

Is anyone else seeing this? Sounds buggy, so I opened a report:

Seemed similar to this old bug 
(https://bugs.launchpad.net/evergreen/+bug/1103706), but a fix was released in 


Holly Brennan
Technology Specialist
Homer Public Library
Homer, Alaska

907-435-3154 (direct)
907-235-3180 (main desk)

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