Good afternoon -


We are trying to find patrons who owe us more than $100. I ran the report
<javascript:void(0);> Patrons with outstanding balances by branch and item
due date range. There are 22,000 lines on the report, one for each billed
item. Some of the items are not overdue/lost. Some of the patrons in the
report do not owe us money. I have looked through most of the patrons with
last names beginning with A, B, and C and found $15,000 owed to us. But it
is a painfully slow process, looking for patrons with multiple billing lines
and checking their records for totals. Then copying their information to a


Has anyone else found this information by a quicker method?


Thank you.


Diane Disbro

Circulation Coordinator/Branch Manager

Union Branch

Scenic Regional Library

308 Hawthorne Drive

Union, MO     63084

(636) 583-3224


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