Hello folks,

This short update is regarding the Evergreen 2.7.0 RC1 files which
have just been uploaded to the Evergreen website's downloads page.
Here are those files thus far:


A full list of the different Launchpad targets from the 2.7.0-RC1
build can be found here:

Also, there was a beta2 which I missed announcing, Launchpad entries
for that can be found too:

As of this release candidate, I'm switching my focus now to assisting
the Documentation Interest Group with ongoing documentation efforts
and also helping to clean up / revise the installation instructions to
make it easier for folks to install / test the web client preview for
the circulation module.

As an additional word of caution, there are some known bugs with
Evergreen 2.7 series and Ubuntu 14.04 server (this is the first
release to begin adding support of that Ubuntu LTS).  Efforts are
still ongoing in identifying and resolving the bugs, so we do *not*
recommend using Ubuntu 14.04 at this time and suggest staying on with
Ubuntu 12.04 if you are a Ubuntu user.

More to follow, thanks everyone who's helped so far in this release
process!  Next milestone is set for Evergreen 2.7.0 (the big one!) on
Thursday, September 18, 2014.

-- Ben

Benjamin Shum
Evergreen Systems Manager
Bibliomation, Inc.
24 Wooster Ave.
Waterbury, CT 06708
203-577-4070, ext. 113

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