Hi everyone,

[With apologies for the developery tone of this prose]

As 2.2 release maintainer, I want to get 2.2 RC1 cut and officialized by
Monday, May 14.

At Dan Scott's suggestion, this is the first of two "last calls" for
showstopping bugs or other blocking issues.  Speak now.

This is the "pre-tarball" last call.  Input from folks on bugs and
blockers comes from their experience with the rel_2_2 branch (or alpha
tarballs).   Around midweek we'll actually produce an rc1 tarball, and the
second, or "post-tarball" last call should based on bugs and blockers
witnessed from actually running the code in the tarball.

These are on currently on my radar, to make sure they get addressed before
I ask Thomas to cut the 2.2 rc1 tarball.




At this stage we really need to get the 2.2 release process accelerated so
sites can get access to new features, so I would point out that we're no
longer talking about moderate bugs that can always be fixed in a point
release, complex bugs that we don't have a solution for yet, or wishlist
items.  But we do need to avoid "shipping" a release with major features
broken out of the box, and that's the kind of showstopper or blocking bug
that I'm asking for reports on.


Lebbeous Fogle-Weekley
 | Software Developer
 | Equinox Software, Inc. / Your Library's Guide to Open Source
 | phone:  1-877-OPEN-ILS (673-6457)
 | email:  lebbe...@esilibrary.com
 | web:  http://www.esilibrary.com

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