Hi All:

I am planning on converting open-iscsi to use meson for building instead of 
'make'. This would convert iscsiuio as well, which currently uses 

It looks like the resulting systems is functionally equivalent (i.e. it 
builds the same stuff), and it's faster and a bit smaller. And easier to 
understand and use!

I have the changes in a branch of open-iscsi: 'use-meson-v1', i.e.:

    open-iscsi github sources use-meson-v1 branch 

I would really appreciate other eyes looking at this and trying it out.

Anyone interested? If so, let me know.

The README isn't updated yet (in this branch) to explain how to build 
things, so let me know if you want the secret sauce.  It's something like 
(from the top level):

sh$ rm -rf builddir
sh$ meson buildir
sh$ ninja --verbose -C builddir

to build, and

sh$ ninja --verbose install

to install

You'll need to install meson and ninja.

Let the hacking begin!
Lee D

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