[open-location-code] Re: is there a (linux) batch script to convert from latitude/longitude to plus code ?

2020-01-14 Thread River Mersey
TBH, python isn't my language and I've just had a quick look at the 
attached script.

>From what I understand of pluscodes, there are 2 parts to the algorithm. 
First part steps through generating pairs of char codes. Second part then 
gives a single char code for increasingly smaller grids of 20 sections. 

Python script given here seems to just repeatedly apply the first part of 
the algorithm - which I don't think is correct.

As I say, python isn't my language, and I've just quickly looked at it, so 
I'll happily accept that I'm likely to be wrong!

On Monday, June 3, 2019 at 3:07:24 PM UTC+1, Marc Meurrens wrote:
> Hello,
> I extract latitude/longitude from exif data of photos.
> I want to rename (and organize them) introducing the plus code in their 
> name.
> Thanks for your help.
> Marc

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[open-location-code] Re: is there a (linux) batch script to convert from latitude/longitude to plus code ?

2020-01-14 Thread José Damico
You can use this java implementation that runs on command line: 

Em segunda-feira, 3 de junho de 2019 11:07:24 UTC-3, Marc Meurrens escreveu:
> Hello,
> I extract latitude/longitude from exif data of photos.
> I want to rename (and organize them) introducing the plus code in their 
> name.
> Thanks for your help.
> Marc
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