DLL files and licensing.

2009-01-24 Thread Peter Gummer
OxfordPartnership wrote:
 The current Archetype editor makes use of two external libraries , one
 for ADL parsing, one for XML parsing.

 What is the licence on these libraries?, can they be used in other 

The XML Parser DLL is built from Archetype Editor's source code: see the 
XMLParser directory.

The ADL Parser is external, but it comes from the ADL Workbench source 
code in openEHR's ref_impl_eiffel Subversion repository.

In other words, they both belong to openEHR, and the licensing is the 
same as Archetype Editor and ADL Workbench.

- Peter

Parser Versions

2009-01-24 Thread Peter Gummer
OxfordPartnership wrote:
 This seems work and I get a version back, the version reported is :
 $LastChangedRevision: 203 $
 $LastChangedDate: 2007-04-10 05:17:40 +1000 (Tue, 10 Apr 2007) $

 As this is the parser from the latest beta release of the editor, do
 those values make sense?

Unfortunately, not really. That string represents the last time that the 
source file openehr_version.e was committed to the branch of the 
ref_impl_eiffel repository from which the current ADL Parser DLL is 
built. As the last change to that branch was only a month or two ago, 
sadly the so-called version string is wildly inaccurate.

There have been improvements to how this is handled in the TRUNK of the 
ref_impl_eiffel repository. We probably ought to merge those 
improvements back into the ADL Parser's current release branch, in order 
to avoid this confusion.

- Peter