Thomas Beale wrote:
>>>> Are end users really supposed to see the DV_TEXT.value
>>>> of those? ...
>>> ... we historically decided that it was always better
>>> to have the original text of any coded element, in the original
>>> language.
>> When you say "in the original language", do you mean the original
>> language of the archetype, or do you mean the original language that
>> the user saw on the screen when the data was committed?
> it is the latter - the archetype's original language is irrelevant -  
> we are only interested in the locale language of the committing  
> user, which could easily be different.

That makes sense.

On committing the contribution, is there validation of the  
DV_CODED_TEXT.value to ensure that it is the same text as the value  
defined for the committing user's language, for that code in that  

- Peter Gummer

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