openEHR-13606 harmonization CR regarding CLUSTER/TABLE etc and ENTRY/OBSERVATION (Was: ISO 21090 data types too complex?)

2010-11-12 Thread Heath Frankel

- openEHR ENTRY subtype archetypes 

- corresponding paths and AQL-queries 13606 in a consistent way. I guess such a conversion could also be
performed by someone else than CEN/ISO if the 13606 semantics is powerful
enough. I do believe that archetypes autoconverted to 13606 format will be
less readable, but I could be wrong. Anyway, if the archetype modelling and
query building would take place in the openEHR-space before autoconversion,
then such a readability issue would not matter.


Best regards,
Erik Sundvall
erik.sundvall at   Tel: +46-13-286733

P.s. Building up parallel efforts for developing and maintaining 13606
archetypes separate from openEHR archetypes as I have heard suggestions of
seems like a huge waste of effort, modelling in one space and then
machine-translate would be more reasonable. That HL7 and openEHR clinical
models will currently be developed in parallel is something we'll just have
to accept for now and let them inspire each other over time.


P.p.s. I agree that openEHR governance could be more responsive and
transparent. But learning learn more from management of successful volunteer
projects e.g. in the open source world might gain more than copying SDOs.
But discussing that probably fits better in another thread.


On Tue, Nov 9, 2010 at 03:25, Andrew McIntyre
andrew at wrote:

In reality the Observation status of an entry should have a terminological
definition rather than an explicit attribute of the model and by declaring
the eg TABLE cluster you are actually removing the knowledge from the
terminology and moving it to the model. This means the archetype does not
have the information. To function as a DCM the archetype should have that
knowledge embedded in it so that it can be represented in a specific way in
another model. You could declare a cluster that is marked, by terminology
binding as a table structure and that would allow any model to represent it
using its own table convention.


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openEHR-RM-LINK discussion - now also on mailing list :-)

2010-11-12 Thread Heath Frankel
Hi Erik,
I am still catching up from some time-off, interesting discussion seem to
happen while I am away...

I will start with my comments at the start and likely to respond to later


 Some of the interesting bits I've picked up so far from discussions:
 - Maybe it would be a good idea to make LINK inherit from LOCATABLE
 and thus become archetypable in itself
[HKF: ] LINK does not need to be LOCATABLE to be archetyped unless you are
talking about LINK being the archetype root.  I don't see why we need to do
this, a LINK only make sense to me within the context of its parent.  If
there truly is a need for LINK to be an archetype root then perhaps the
ARCHETYPED association should be moved to PATHABLE.

 - Tooling support for using LINK in archetypes is currently poor or non
[HKF: ] This is partly my fault, Sam started supporting LINK in the openEHR
Archetype Editor but I could not see how the constraints being specified
could be usable at the archetype level, so we stopped its development until
we had better understanding of the requirements.
 - There is very little (if any) reported usage experience of LINK in
[HKF: ] True, although this is changing, we are using it in a significant
development exactly in the way that Rong talks about his response, to relate
content within the same thread of care, in particular an indication of
proposed care and the plan of actions for that proposal.  We are
implementing these in the application without archetyping them because we
still think this is not something that can be archetyped and we are learning
how they can be used at the template level (as indicated by Rong). 
 - I believe the NHS has somewhat explored LINK usage in LRA using ISO
 - If archetyping LINKS, then it would in _some_ cases be desirable to
 be able restrict the type of the target, especially defining what
 archetypes the target objects must adhere to (similar to the archetype
 slot mechanism).
[HKF: ] Absolutely, this is was evident to me when I asked Sam to stop his
support for LINKs using RegEx on the target uri.  It needs to be some sort
of AQL or A-Path expression.  Tom's target type is somewhere towards it but
as indicated elsewhere we need to constrain it further to an archetype ID or
even an archetype path, but definitely not a data path/uri.

 Please fill in with nore details and thoughts.
 Implementers, would it have a big impact on your implementations if
 LINK was made LOCATABLE? (Let's say in v 1.0.3)
[HKF: ] I am against this proposal.  I originally thought this was necessary
for PARTICIPATION to allow it to be archetyped, but now I don't.  I realised
that for an item to have a node_id in the archetype, it doesn't need to have
a node_id attribute in the class.  As long as the constraints on the class
attributes in the archetype are distinct for each class constraint (when you
have multiple LINK constraints, the meaning/type/target_* combinations are
disjoint), then we have enough information to match a data instance at
runtime.  The node_id in the archetype is only necessary to allow further
constraints to be applied on the node in specialised archetypes/templates.

The need to populate a name on each LINK would be quite painful and
redundant as it is now for every other LOCATABLE.  Although the existing
Type attribute could be made a function taking the value of Name as is done
in the Demographic RM.

If this is necessary so that we can create a LINK archetype then I suggest
moving the association to the ARCHETYPED class to the PATHABLE class, this
would be a non-breaking change.
 I wonder, is it currently safe to archetype the DV_EHR_URI used in the
 target attribute of LINK just using a string matching pattern or do
 we need additional mechanisms? The URI value represents an identifier
 of some node inside a versioned object, do string patterns matching
 DV_EHR_URI values cover for all kinds of target range restrictions
 we'd likely want to express if archetyping LINKs? 
[HKF: ] As I indicated, I don't believe this is useful and why we stopped
development of LINK in the archetype editor.

 Maybe they actually do work using wildcards in the right places? 
[HKF: ] Yes, I guess if you ignored all the first part of the URI and just
provide the data path part, then it may be possible.  But as I indicated
above, I think it needs to be more of an archetype path than a data path.  I
realise difference is semantic but relevant in this case.  I think A-Path or
AQL (or ADL rules) would be a better representation than a URI.  I know Sam
was of the opinion early that URIs could be used for queries, and this
support by the RESTful service community, this is probably the origins of
his intent to use a URI constrain for LINK target.  I just don't see URIs
supporting more complicated query requirements, hence AQL (and I am also a
fan of A-Path) 

 How tricky will it be to
 implement that constraint checking at runtime data creation?
[HKF: ] 

openEHR-RM-LINK discussion - now also on mailing list :-)

2010-11-12 Thread Heath Frankel
Hi Erik

 1. Will the XML schema get updated to make sure patient data instances
 carry along the archetype/template inheritance in a good way?
[HKF: ] I have spoken with Tom on this topic considerable, we are looking at
extending the ARCHETYPED class to support a list of archetype_ids (similar
to HL7 CDA class having multiple template_ids) to support matching on any of
these in queries.  We think this is the least impact change while supporting
queries without the need for an external archetype ontology service.

 2. Should AQL be modified to include a convenient way of specifying if
 we are asking for data only entered using a specific archetype or if
 we are looking for data entered using that archetype any of its
 specialisations? (Previously wildcards might have worked depending on
 interpretation/implementation of AQL documentation, now with the 1.5
 change they definitely won't.) What should be the default behaviour if
 just writing an archetype name in part of the query?
 [HKF: ] Yes, RegEx expression will not be useful any more.

 Quoting from the 01 Feb 2010 version of Knowledge Artefact
 Identification Section 5.3.3:
 ...given an archetype X used to create data, the following archetypes
 could be used for querying:
 . X, i.e. exact same version, revision  commit;
 . any previous revision of X;
 . any of the specialisation parents of X;
 . any previous revision of any of the specialisation parents of X.
 Does the could be used wording here mean that the default behaviour
 of an AQL response should be to retrieve data matching all these
[HKF: ] From my discussions with the clinicians, this seems what they want.
When we designed AQL to use RegEx based on the structured archetype IDs, it
seemed technically reasonable that we wanted to query a generic archetype
without its specialisations so we made it explicit to request a generic
archetype and its specialisations.  This will need to be considered in the
next iteration of query engines.  We probably need some implementation
guidance on this (along with many other topics).

 3. Will the semantics and syntax of the path strings used in PATHABLE
 objects be affected? Where is that path syntax actually defined, is
 chapter 11 of the Archetype Overview the authoritative source? Has it
 ever been possible to find data from specialisations using calls to
 methods of PATHABLE? Should it be?
[HKF: ] I would not expect paths to have the same subsumption rules as
queries, I would expect paths to be specific to a data instance.


ISO 21090 data types too complex?: HL7 models are created with clinician ...

2010-11-12 Thread
In a message dated 10-11-2010 8:41:09 W. Europe Standard Time, 
hugh.leslie at writes: 
 Hi William
 I didn't see anyone say that the hl7 models have been developed without 
 clinical input. I am certain this isn't true. 
 I don't completely agree with you about the ease of accessibility for 
 clinicians of UML models and MIF models - it's not our experience. 
 Regards Hugh
Let us then agree to that we have different experiences with clinicians 
appreciating UML. 


Met vriendelijke groet,

Results 4 Care b.v.

dr. William TF Goossen

De Stinse 15
3823 VM Amersfoort
email: wgoossen at 
telefoon +31 (0)654614458

fax +31 (0)33 2570169
Kamer van Koophandel nummer: 32133713   
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ISO 21090 data types too complex?

2010-11-12 Thread
Hi Ed,

I am a mouse that roars (sometimes) :-) 

Met vriendelijke groet,

Results 4 Care b.v.

dr. William TF Goossen

De Stinse 15
3823 VM Amersfoort
email: wgoossen at 
telefoon +31 (0)654614458

fax +31 (0)33 2570169
Kamer van Koophandel nummer: 32133713   
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openEHR-13606 harmonization CR regarding CLUSTER/TABLE etc and ENTRY/OBSERVATION (Was: ISO 21090 data types too complex?)

2010-11-12 Thread Thomas Beale
On 11/11/2010 23:14, Heath Frankel wrote:

 Hi Erik,

 Interestingly, this is the same proposal I put to Thomas about 8 years 
 ago and I go the same response.  I do understand his rationale for 
 making a table a class rather than an attribute with additional 
 conformance statements to ensure a table is represented consistently, 
 but we know how well implementation guides get followed by 
 developers.  In addition we would be missing the functions on the 
 class that which make it more pertinent.

 My concern at this point is that we do already have patient data being 
 collected using openEHR and collapsing the ITEM_STRUCTURE would be a 
 breaking change, I think it would need to be a 1.1 or 2.0 change if it 
 was going to happen.

probably 2.0. The nice thing is, even if it is a breaking change, the 
data migration of older data (or equivalent on-the-fly processing) would 
be very simple.

 Having said that, looking at the requirements from the clinicians it 
 seems that the need for TABLE is actually at the ITEM level rather 
 than the DATA_STRUCTURE level and Sam's proposal of extending CLUSTER 
 for TABLE and LIST (although I would suggest inheriting from the 
 abstract ITEM) would not be quite as bad as we can simulate the same 
 levels of structure for legacy data (although the class names would 
 still be different unless we included all of the ITEM_STRUCTURE types 
 as a type of ITEM to retain backward compatibility).

 I would also concur with your statements about the ENTRY sub types, as 
 Sam mentioned we have built an INSTRUCTION index that tracks the 
 current state/care flow step of instructions and their associated 
 ACTIONs providing efficient access to this information.  The effort 
 required to implement this would have been much greater if these 
 classes were not specifically modelled.  I guess as openEHR penetrates 
 the market, the more likely CEN 13606 would be updated with these 
 enhancements.  To be honest I think this is the right standards 
 process, standardising of implementations that are known to work in 
 practice.  I am sure we will learn more and improve the ENTRY 
 subclasses further before they go into the CEN standard, then the 
 standard will be more useful.


- thomas

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openEHR-13606 harmonization CR regarding CLUSTER/TABLE etc and ENTRY/OBSERVATION (Was: ISO 21090 data types too complex?)

2010-11-12 Thread pablo pazos


I would also concur with your statements about
the ENTRY sub
types, as Sam mentioned we have built an INSTRUCTION index
that tracks the current
state/care flow step of instructions and their associated
ACTIONs providing
efficient access to this information.
This complexity may be tackled with a good Service Model ,when it's completed. 
I think that we are looking too much at the model to solve all our problems, 
but we have a Service Model in draft status that can help to solve issues on 
the using of the model.

The effort required
to implement
this would have been much greater if these classes were not
specifically modelled.
Obs., Eval., Inst.  Act. are a great ontologic division of the clinical 
information, with them it'seasy to understand and easy to map to real concepts, 
I doubt that removing them from the model can help in any way. If these classes 
weren't modelled, we have to model them in all of our implementations, that's a 
waste of good modelling.

just a couple of opinions.

Kind regards,
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ISO 21090 data types too complex?

2010-11-12 Thread William E Hammond
I like it  I hope others help me build my menangre.
W. Ed Hammond, Ph.D.
Director, Duke Center for Health Informatics

 Sent by:   To 
 openehr-technical openehr-technical at   
 -bounces at openehr.  cc 
   Re: ISO 21090 data types too
 11/12/2010 05:46  complex?
 Please respond to 
For openEHR
  l at   

Hi Ed,

I am a mouse that roars (sometimes) :-)

Met vriendelijke groet,

Results 4 Care b.v.

dr. William TF Goossen

De Stinse 15
3823 VM Amersfoort
email: wgoossen at
telefoon +31 (0)654614458

fax +31 (0)33 2570169
Kamer van Koophandel nummer: 32133713
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