Thomas Beale <thomas.beale at> wrote:

> On 20/09/2013 12:01, Diego Bosc? wrote:
>> ...
>> There is even an invariant defined as "Archetype_node_id_valid: 
>> archetype_node_id /= Void and then not archetype_node_id.is_empty"
>> How does this work in your current implementations when sometimes the atxxxx 
>> code is not present?
> it's simpler than you think - we made that property mandatory so that 
> programmers would never get a null exception. If it doesn't contain an 
> at-code or an archetype id, it can be empty (but not null), or (what the ADL 
> workbench currently does) - it can contain a dummy id like 'unknown' that the 
> software can easily spot and strip out.

I think it has to be the dummy id. According to the invariant, it can't be 


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