Hi Pablo and all,

We had developers' workshop at Medinfo2007, 2010 and 2013, and I organized
developers' workshop 2010, and 2013.
I think the combination of clinical workshop/tutorial half day and
developers' workshop half day would be better.
I have to write up until the tutorial/workshop dead line, 15 Jan, 2015.


2014-07-29 13:52 GMT+09:00 pablo pazos <pazospablo at hotmail.com>:

> Hi all!
> Since next MedInfo is in Brazil (near Uruguay) I'll be attending for sure.
> I also might present a paper or two and want to propose an openEHR related
> tutorial.
> Is other people planning to present openEHR papers or tutorials? It would
> be great if we can coordinate tutorials (and topics) together so we can
> have our "openEHR day" at MedInfo.
> What do you think?
> We have 1 year to plan this, and that's not a lot of time!
> I hope we can join forces and do something nice for the south american
> openEHR community. We are eager to learn from others that already have
> openEHR working in the real world, and learn from their success and
> failures.
> --
> Kind regards,
> Eng. Pablo Pazos Guti?rrez
> http://cabolabs.com <http://cabolabs.com/es/home>
> <http://twitter.com/ppazos>
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