Volume of distinct "artifacts" made in openEHR

2014-10-28 Thread Øystein Nytrø
Does anyone have an overview over current production of archetypes?

Content, provenance, versions (language)?

If I have a part/component of an archetype, - can I search for 

Best regards,
--- ?ystein Nytr?

Inst. for datateknikk  og info.vitenskap | Dept. of computer and info. science
tel +47 73594459, mob +47 91897606

Texts about transforming between openEHR and other formalisms

2014-09-25 Thread Øystein Nytrø

24. sep. 2014 kl. 23.32 skrev Bakke, Silje Ljosland :

> Thanks ?ystein! I was primarily looking for something on a more specific and 
> practical level, but I guess Rector is a good place to start.

Well, the article is both specific and practical. These are fundamental issues 
relevant for all information and knowledge modelling.

Sorry that the pointer was paywalled. 
Try the version 
at Alan Rectors home page: http://www.cs.man.ac.uk/~rector/home_page_rector/

Essentially, transformation is difficult/meaningless if
 a) the representations are about different domains of discourse (data 
model, interface model, reality model)
 (identical labels for different purposes in different representations 
= future pain)
 b) semantics are informal or undefined.

Hi ho,
--- ?ystein N.

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Texts about transforming between openEHR and other formalisms

2014-09-24 Thread Øystein Nytrø
24. sep. 2014 kl. 18.01 skrev Bakke, Silje Ljosland :

> Hi,
> I?m wondering if anyone could point me to any publically available texts 
> about transforming archetypes (and templates) from openEHR to other 
> formalisms. Academic publications exploring the (im)possibilities of 
> automatic transformation would be ideal.

A highly recommended and succinct article about the distinctions, relationships 
and transformations between archetypes, frames, templates and 
semantically tractable formalisms is: Alan Rector's: "Axioms & Templates: 
Distinctions & Transformations amongst Ontologies, Frames, & Information 
Models" .
His way of clearing up the terminology about (my words here...) information 
model (in the computer), templates (presentations for humans)
and domain knowledge (boundaries of reality) should be required reading for 
anyone working on domain modelling.
Look into the citations for more background. Available freely here: 

(Archetypes are essentially just another template/frame/OO-inspired modelling 
convention. And yes, Alan Rector is  THE authority on the subject matter.)

Best regards,
--- ?ystein Nytr?

Inst. for datateknikk  og info.vitenskap | Dept. of computer and info. science
tel +47 73594459, mob +47 91897606

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Arcetypes and care plans

2003-01-23 Thread Øystein Nytrø
I am not quite aware of the distinction between medication plans and 
medications planned, but anyway,
we are thinking about the "totality of monitoring, education, reviews" in 
addition to roles and 
delegation of responsibility, with the added complexity of limiting access to 
the plan content according
to "need to know", i.e. unless you are in a role that has responsibility for a 
specific part of 
a multi-problem-plan, you're not allowed to see it.

More specificly, we are starting a pilot that looks at requirements for a 
plan-based "record system" that supports 
cooperation across roles and organizations for long-term psychiatric patients. 
You wouldn't want rehabilitation-
people to have access or knowledge about specifics of family history etc...

And even more: What about goals for treatments? Think "goal-driven 
Is an archetype neutral to the underlying guideline 

How do we go about composition, inheritance and instantiation wrt. archetypes 
for plans?
Multiple plans? (After all, it is more than common to be on many medication 
"plans" concurrently...)

Just rambling,
--- ?ystein N.

23.01.2003 10:27:31, skrev Thomas Beale :
>?ystein Nytr? wrote:
>>- has anyone worked with medication in the context of care plans, just as a 
>>very specific example?
>>  I have a couple of students that are working on this at the moment. Any 
>> ideas towards
>>  archetype representation?
>do you mean medications planned? I presume in the context of a care plan 
>you mean with ongoing monitoring, possible education, and reviews. Sam 
>Heard and I have done a certain amount of work in this area already, 
>using the example of asthma. The medication is just oral 
>corticosteroids, but the totality of monitoring, guideline, and other 
>factors make it interesting. Would this be the kind of thing you woudl 
>like to discuss?
>- thomas beale

If you have any questions about using this list,
please send a message to d.lloyd at openehr.org

Arcetypes and care plans

2003-01-21 Thread Øystein Nytrø
Thanks for answer, I'll do some more thinking.
Meanwhile, some more questions...

- has anyone worked with medication in the context of care plans, just as a 
very specific example?
  I have a couple of students that are working on this at the moment. Any ideas 
  archetype representation?

--- ?ystein Nytr?

18.01.2003 00:00:53, skrev "Sam Heard" :

>In the openEHR development we have been quite careful to include the
>'objects' in the information model that will allow care plans.
>This is predominantly the Instruction Entry type - allowing processes to be
>modelled and tracked in the EHR. It is not a process modelling formalism
>(such as WfPM) - but it is (hopefully) very much in tune with what is going
>on in the Guidelines and Decision Support arena.
>The challenge is to keep the information needed to determine what are the
>plans for this person - and to integrate a number of guidelines.
>Then there are the archetypes - the data instances that conform to standard
>clinical models.
>At present in my ontology I have a small set:
>Targets and Goals (Organiser)
>   Target (Evaluation)
>   Goal (Evaluation)
>(Targets are computable statements, goals are text)
>Index issues or problems (organiser)
>   Problem/Issue [Eval] (which can be replaced by the specialised Diagnosis
>and Histological diagnosis)
>   Accident/Injury/Poisoning
>Care to be provided (Organiser)
>   Notifications/recalls (Org)
>   Notification (Instruction)
>   Monitoring (Org)
>   Monitoring (Instruction)
>   Link to ongoing therapy (Link)
>Participation (Org)
>   Participation (Observation)
>This is really a first try - there are a lot of other things that could be
>in here but it is important that the care plans do not get too cluttered.
>I would be happy to keep in touch with you in this matter,
>Cheers, Sam

If you have any questions about using this list,
please send a message to d.lloyd at openehr.org

Fwd: Arcetypes and care plans

2003-01-17 Thread Øystein Nytrø

--- Begynnelse p
 videresendt beskjed ---
From: ?ystein Nytr? 
Reply-To: nytroe at idi.ntnu.no
Organization: IDI/NTNU
Subject: Arcetypes and care plans
Date: 14.12.2002 18:56:44

Recently, Norway has launched directives to the effect that any patient, with
a long-term care need, can request an individual care plan that should include 
relevant levels and actors, and guarantee patient-directed goal-oriented care.

Nothing less.

We are just starting a project to look at possible implementations of such 
plans, and would like
to know if anyone else are working on plans, prototypical plans, hierarchies of 
specialized plans and so on in the context of archetypes.

--- ?ystein Nytr?

--- Slutt p
 videresendt beskjed 

associate professor
Dept. of computer and information science
t: +47  73594459, m: +47 92064608, f: +47 73594466 

If you have any questions about using this list,
please send a message to d.lloyd at openehr.org