Hi Erik, Thomas,


I think we need to address three issues separately here. The first is the
archetype identification in CKM; the second is use of the draft archetypes
and the third, the apparent lack of progress of archetype publication in the
openEHR CKM.


Archetype identification is ultimately a technical issue and one in which I
normally don't have an opinion. Clearly it is useful from an implementation
point of view to have unique IDs for each archetype and be able to determine
diffs etc. However, from a non-technical point of view I believe that it is
extremely helpful to clearly delineate between early/alpha/raw models and
the mature ones that have been published, more than just by a 'status' or
icon, although we need these too. 


I'm increasingly of the opinion that it will be helpful to have a common
understanding that the first published version of an archetype in CKM is
always known as v1.0, such that if we eventually find we are using v4.x we
(the non-technical) can easily infer that this is a published archetype that
has undergone 3 major updates. This is very valuable to the non-techies who
will be using CKM. Otherwise we run the risk of having a release set that
will contain wildly disparate version numbers and will infer no idea of the
state/maturity of the archetypes

To be honest, how we version the pre-published, currently known as 'draft'
archetypes doesn't worry me - v0.x seems sensible in light of the previous
statements but if you have a better way to approach it, I'm cool with that.


Second point: use of the draft archetypes is an increasing issue. My general
rule of thumb is 'don't' - because they are likely to change significantly
by the time they are published. Do a diff on any of the published archetypes
in CKM eg Blood Pressure - this is available by clicking on the 'Archetype
History' icon on the toolbar in CKM  . Check the 'Compare' box for the
latest version of the archetype (on the left) and the first version (on the
right); Select 'Compare archetypes' up the top. I think you will be
surprised at the amount of change.

So if anyone wants to use them, do so, but understanding the implications.
In addition, further work in other domains has meant that modelling practice
has matured and when we are able to revise these archetypes we might
approach some quite differently. Draft is draft - please don't infer
anything more from them.


And this leads in to my related third point - the apparent lack of progress
on the openEHR CKM re archetype publication. To me it is the proverbial
'elephant in the room'. I am somewhat embarrassed, but we have not been
resourced to be able to continue this work directly in the volunteer openEHR
space. The Ocean team did a lot of huge amount of work in the early days to
get CKM up and running - Sam, Ian and Sebastian in particular - please don't
underestimate it. That burned me out, and I had to cut back; now paid work
has become busier - I have had to prioritise just like everyone else.


I would love to see the openEHR CKM flourishing but the Foundation and the
community needs to take it on and resource it, not just rely on Ocean
resources to drive it or do the actual work. The Editorial resources are
largely the bottleneck. It does take a particular personality and mindset,
attention to detail and a considerable time commitment to become an Editor.
Ian McNicoll and I took these roles on originally - we were learning and
needed to establish some processes. This is still being fine-tuned but we
are certainly in a position to mentor and train others who might be
interested in taking on some Editorial responsibilities and have the time to
do the job properly - it is never done in isolation, and the Editorial team
approach is proving very successful. I have approached some individuals who
I have thought might be suited but unfortunately most have baulked at the
potential time commitment. We have had one Editor start but they have
drifted off with other priorities. So we are absolutely open to more efforts
and probably should have been making this more public for some time now.


And the modelling efforts have not disappeared totally. There is active
modelling and reviewing of archetypes happening in the Australian NEHTA CKM
<http://dcm.nehta.org.au/ckm/> . Many of the archetypes in here have been
drawn from the openEHR CKM and are now undergoing review and fine-tuning by
stakeholders in Australia. NEHTA's approach to development of a clinical
model library and publication of their specifications are found here
tailed-clinical-models> . As we undertook this work with NEHTA we understood
that the models published in their CKM would be able to be shared back to
the international community - we are seeking confirmation of this, and hope
to be able to update the openEHR models with these more mature ones soon.
They are making good progress.


Ultimately we need the community more active in the openEHR CKM - make it
yours! Take the initiative. Volunteer as an Editor. Send us candidate
archetypes. Tell your colleagues. Translate the published archetypes from
inside CKM - simply select 'Translate archetypes' from within the
'Archetypes' menu. 


Interestingly one member has been busy translating archetypes into Arabic
(Syrian) - both the draft and published. I did email them to advise they
prioritise the published archetypes to ensure they realised that if the
draft archetypes change, the translation will potentially need to be
re-done, yet they keep coming;-) 


I'm still excited. the more I'm involved, the more I'm convinced that this
work has great potential to make a real difference. Please join in.






From: openehr-technical-boun...@openehr.org
[mailto:openehr-technical-bounces at openehr.org] On Behalf Of Thomas Beale
Sent: Thursday, 16 June 2011 6:25 PM
To: For openEHR clinical discussions; Openehr-Technical
Subject: Re: Archetype versioning on CKM


thanks for the pointer. I like this set of rules. It is not too different
from the current draft identification spec
nowledge_id_system.pdf> , and it would be easy to upgrade it to reflect the
SemVer rules more faithfully. In the openEHR spec, major.minor.patch is
referred to as version.revision.build. I seem to remember a discussion where
we thought about renaming these. Do people think we should just stop
mentioning version/revision/build with respect to archetypes? Or is it
helpful to think of an openEHR 'revision' as being the same as a 'minor'
version (personally I think yes)?

The only thing I don't like that much is going back to putting 'draft' etc
on the end of the version string, but I guess it is so common, that we
should just go with the flow.

If we can get a bit of consensus here, I can update this draft proposal to
reflect it pretty quickly.

- t

On 14/06/2011 09:24, Erik Sundvall wrote: 

I came to think of this openEHR versioning discussion thread when I
read about the Semantic Versioning initiative at http://semver.org/
I think the reasoning there is very appropriate also for openEHR artifacts.
The problem for openEHR might be that there are so many seemingly
usable archetypes in the openEHR-hosted CKM that are neither modified
for a long time nor officially tagged as "published". It is
understandable if it's tempting to start using them in real systems
already now. After all the alternative is to reinvent the wheel
locally and is that really better? Perhaps there should be a time
limit on how long artifacts in the CKM can stay at a version below
Perhaps things would become easier if we break the link between an
artifact having "published" status (as in being CRB approved) and the
fact that an artifact has a version over 1.0.0. That way systems can
start using archetypes past 1.0.0 knowing that non-compatible changes
will have new major version numbers (irrespective of if they are
published or not).
Keeping approval "badges" like "ARB published", "NHS approved" or "WHO
2011 Certified" separate from technical version numbers might be a
good idea anyway... (Example: the first "ARB published" version of
Archetype X might be 2.4.2 and the next time it's awarded an "ARB
published" badge again might be when the ARB has time to get around to
looking at version 2.8.4 or 7.8.9). Likely, agencies will want to
approve sets of artifacts on a regular basis like tagging a number of
mutually compatible archetypes and templates as "NHS 2012-Q1
The reasoning under #3 at http://semver.org/ (regarding 1.0.0beta1 <
1.0.0beta2 < 1.0.0.) might solve the "draft problem" discussed in this
openEHR thread previously. (Provided that beta versions etc. don't get
used/abused in live EHR systems.)
The Semantic Versioning specification formalism is also machine
processable in a nice way.
Best regards,
Erik Sundvall
erik.sundvall at liu.se http://www.imt.liu.se/~erisu/  Tel: +46-13-286733


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