Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Merging OI + OmniOS? (And OpenZFS vs ZFS)

2020-12-31 Thread Chris

On 2020-12-31 04:25, Andreas Wacknitz wrote:

Am 30.12.20 um 21:14 schrieb Andreas Wacknitz:

Am 30.12.20 um 19:10 schrieb Kalle Anka via openindiana-discuss:

  I have a problem with my mail list settings, so I write one single
reply, adressing three different persons. I am a newbie to the
OpenSolarish scene, so I dont know much about it, or who the people
we should talk to, though. :)

@Aurelien,Yes, I was quite certain I was not alone in seeing the
disadvantages of having separate small teams instead of one single
larger team. It is good that you people already had this discussion.
Maybe it is time to revive your old discussion again?
It was not diplomatic to say that OI was inferior, but now some
additional water has passed under the bridge and you all have had
some time to work and deliver your own product. I think that if
people were more diplomatic it would benefit OpenSolarish, and the
world as a whole. We dont want a cursing and yelling culture as in
some other OSes no?
I dont understand your statement of no vanilla illumos anymore. Is
OmniOS not illumos, but OI is? In that case, that is sad, yes. But in
the greater scheme of things, it would be better for OpenSolarish
community even if we have to give up vanilla illumos. If we merge OI
and OmniOS, it is not irrecoverable, it will be possible later to try
to tweak our new distro to a more vanilla illumos distro. Or, if
someone in the future, did the additional minor work to tweak the new
merged distro to vanilla illumos - that would be much less work than
creating OI today, I guess?

I bet many more than I, would be very excited in one unified illumos
distro where we merge OmniOS and OI. I understand there is lot of
prestige involved, but if we dont do want OpenSolaris to diminish and
die to Linux, we all maybe should put aside the prestige? :)

@Andy,Regarding who will do all the work. Realistically, it will be
you and the other OI devs who will do all the work. I bet several
other people would love to help, but not all of us can do what you
can do. I want to help though. Maybe help to coordinate, and help
discuss with the OmniOS team? And write manuals? Of course, if we can
merge OI and OmniOS there will be lot of work for you guys in the
beginning. But in the long run your work will be less as there are
more developers involved. And as you guys already have discussed this
earlier, maybe it is time to rethink this old train of thought of
yours, again? You know the process better now and have a shipped
product, so you do stand on your own legs. A large team of talented
developers is better than a small team? This would also cause some
attention in the FOSS world, and the OpenSolarish community. More
people will be exposed to your work, and benefit from it. There are
already lot of work done by OmniOS, you and the OI devs could
leverage their work? What is your thought of working with a new set
of talented developers creating something new together that we all
could benefit from? Is there too much prestige involved for this to
be realistic?

Most OI maintainers are "dormant" at the moment. I have been the only
active member with commit rights for roughly three months now.
We don't even have enough people to test important things, eg. I have
asked to test and look at an update of bind without any reaction for
almost two weeks now.

Adding a desktop on top of OmniOSce is A LOT OF WORK. Maintaining a
desktop is quite more complex than focussing on the server aspects of
an OS alone. The amount of work that is already done
for OI (many parts of it inherited from OpenSolaris) is tremendous. If
"we" start this endeavour it will most probably mean that you won't
see anything in months if not years.
In my eyes it will kill OI and in the end will leave Tribblix as the
only illumos based desktop OS.

I haven't been involved in the earlier discussions but only read the
messages then. I just started to be more active at that time and
didn't feel experienced enough to take part at the discussion.
Today I am not sure whether a unification would be a good idea. Not
because I don't want to work with the OmniOSce guys but because we
have different interests. Sure, we share some technologies,
like illumos, the boot loader and IPS. But OmniOSce is targeted as a
server OS because that's the only area where people are willing to pay
for things. OmniOSce is a product of some companies
while OI is an all-purpose OS with a desktop created by people in
their spare time without any monetary interests (at least to my
OmniOSce paying customers won't pay more to get a desktop and I don't
expect that they will get many new paying desktop users. So there
wouldn't be much to win for OmniOSce.


Just to add to my former answer:

What OI is not lacking is management, good ideas, recommendations. But
what we are lacking is

- Infrastructure: we only have a single build VM provided by EveryCity,
who started OI but abandoned it in favour of SmartOS. We also 

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Merging OI + OmniOS? (And OpenZFS vs ZFS)

2020-12-31 Thread Jason Martin
I have to say the build and package environment is one of the best in 
open source but takes some time to learn.

It is really worth it though.

I find it the best laid out one for the casual user who wants his own 

I would use more but my machines are old and slow.

There were and are some good developers here that know there stuff.

I just want alternatives.

Not everybody has to go down the same path.

Wish all of you a better year.

On 2020-12-31 07:25, Andreas Wacknitz wrote:

It took some time and efforts
to become familiar with OI's build system, though.

openindiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Merging OI + OmniOS? (And OpenZFS vs ZFS)

2020-12-31 Thread Andreas Wacknitz

Am 30.12.20 um 21:14 schrieb Andreas Wacknitz:

Am 30.12.20 um 19:10 schrieb Kalle Anka via openindiana-discuss:

  I have a problem with my mail list settings, so I write one single
reply, adressing three different persons. I am a newbie to the
OpenSolarish scene, so I dont know much about it, or who the people
we should talk to, though. :)

@Aurelien,Yes, I was quite certain I was not alone in seeing the
disadvantages of having separate small teams instead of one single
larger team. It is good that you people already had this discussion.
Maybe it is time to revive your old discussion again?
It was not diplomatic to say that OI was inferior, but now some
additional water has passed under the bridge and you all have had
some time to work and deliver your own product. I think that if
people were more diplomatic it would benefit OpenSolarish, and the
world as a whole. We dont want a cursing and yelling culture as in
some other OSes no?
I dont understand your statement of no vanilla illumos anymore. Is
OmniOS not illumos, but OI is? In that case, that is sad, yes. But in
the greater scheme of things, it would be better for OpenSolarish
community even if we have to give up vanilla illumos. If we merge OI
and OmniOS, it is not irrecoverable, it will be possible later to try
to tweak our new distro to a more vanilla illumos distro. Or, if
someone in the future, did the additional minor work to tweak the new
merged distro to vanilla illumos - that would be much less work than
creating OI today, I guess?

I bet many more than I, would be very excited in one unified illumos
distro where we merge OmniOS and OI. I understand there is lot of
prestige involved, but if we dont do want OpenSolaris to diminish and
die to Linux, we all maybe should put aside the prestige? :)

@Andy,Regarding who will do all the work. Realistically, it will be
you and the other OI devs who will do all the work. I bet several
other people would love to help, but not all of us can do what you
can do. I want to help though. Maybe help to coordinate, and help
discuss with the OmniOS team? And write manuals? Of course, if we can
merge OI and OmniOS there will be lot of work for you guys in the
beginning. But in the long run your work will be less as there are
more developers involved. And as you guys already have discussed this
earlier, maybe it is time to rethink this old train of thought of
yours, again? You know the process better now and have a shipped
product, so you do stand on your own legs. A large team of talented
developers is better than a small team? This would also cause some
attention in the FOSS world, and the OpenSolarish community. More
people will be exposed to your work, and benefit from it. There are
already lot of work done by OmniOS, you and the OI devs could
leverage their work? What is your thought of working with a new set
of talented developers creating something new together that we all
could benefit from? Is there too much prestige involved for this to
be realistic?

Most OI maintainers are "dormant" at the moment. I have been the only
active member with commit rights for roughly three months now.
We don't even have enough people to test important things, eg. I have
asked to test and look at an update of bind without any reaction for
almost two weeks now.

Adding a desktop on top of OmniOSce is A LOT OF WORK. Maintaining a
desktop is quite more complex than focussing on the server aspects of
an OS alone. The amount of work that is already done
for OI (many parts of it inherited from OpenSolaris) is tremendous. If
"we" start this endeavour it will most probably mean that you won't
see anything in months if not years.
In my eyes it will kill OI and in the end will leave Tribblix as the
only illumos based desktop OS.

I haven't been involved in the earlier discussions but only read the
messages then. I just started to be more active at that time and
didn't feel experienced enough to take part at the discussion.
Today I am not sure whether a unification would be a good idea. Not
because I don't want to work with the OmniOSce guys but because we
have different interests. Sure, we share some technologies,
like illumos, the boot loader and IPS. But OmniOSce is targeted as a
server OS because that's the only area where people are willing to pay
for things. OmniOSce is a product of some companies
while OI is an all-purpose OS with a desktop created by people in
their spare time without any monetary interests (at least to my
OmniOSce paying customers won't pay more to get a desktop and I don't
expect that they will get many new paying desktop users. So there
wouldn't be much to win for OmniOSce.


Just to add to my former answer:

What OI is not lacking is management, good ideas, recommendations. But
what we are lacking is

- Infrastructure: we only have a single build VM provided by EveryCity,
who started OI but abandoned it in favour of SmartOS. We also only have
a single package server provided by 

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Merging OI + OmniOS? (And OpenZFS vs ZFS)

2020-12-31 Thread Andy Fiddaman

On Wed, 30 Dec 2020, Aur?lien Larcher wrote:

; I think merging both makes sense to gain momentum and stopping reinventing
; the wheel given the number of developers (us pulling from OmniOS and
; Dominik packaging stuff that we already have).

I wasn't originally subscribed to this list but I've caught up via the
archives. This reply will be out of the thread order since it's to a
message I was Ccd on.

As others have said, the two distributions are quite different, and while
there are a few areas where there is overlap, there aren't actually as many
as a lot of people seem to think.

Like a lot of the OmniOS developers, I work on OmniOS core because I need it
for my business. The core is small and has stable and long-term branches, with
structured releases that mostly do not require a reboot. I don't need a desktop
or any of the additional software.

My other work on illumos is mostly as a hobby and a way to learn, and
I generally do that work against upstream illumos-gate so that all
distributions benefit. Josh has already referred to the work I'm doing
to upgrade ksh93 (and make it easier to maintain in the future), but things
like adding support to gate for building with openssl 1.1, or improving support
for 64-bit PCI come under the same umbrella.

I see references to the OmniOS Extra repository from time to time and I think
it's worth clarifying what this is. It's one of several bolt-on repositories
for OmniOS that provides additional packages and it keeps itself to itself
under /opt/ooce as far as possible. It does not have stable branches and
doesn't have any of the guarantees that there are around OmniOS core. It was
originally created to hold the extra packages needed to build OmniOS itself,
and to run the infrastructure. Other packages have been added by the OmniOS
community, and sometimes as a direct request from users with a support
contract. In particular, it is not trying to be a massive package repository,
or to support a desktop environment. As an example, the few X11 libraries and
headers which were added to it are there solely to support building OpenJDK 11
for OmniOS core.

Speaking of OpenJDK 11, that's one recent example of the collaboration
that's already occurring. OmniOS picked up Peter's work on OpenJDK pretty much
as it was and integrated it to core. Gcc is another example - OmniOS benefitted
directly from the work that Aurelien did to update gcc in OpenIndiana and
that work is in the central so it's there
for all distributions that want it. In the other direction, OpenIndiana has
integrated the updated IPS tooling with support for python3 from the OmniOS
repository, and the kvm and bhyve branded zones.

I don't speak for the rest of the OmniOS developers, or for the users, but I
don't personally think it makes sense to try and merge the two distributions.
They are different and have different goals and there is not that much overlap
at the core.


openindiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Merging OI + OmniOS? (And OpenZFS vs ZFS)

2020-12-31 Thread Kalle Anka via openindiana-discuss
 Guys, my apologies for yahoo mail eliminating the new lines and make a huge 
Wall of Text. I always paragraph well, but yahoo messes everything up. I will 
try to separate paragraphs with dots now. 
@Peter Tribble,You have a point in that it is easier for a lone developer to do 
what he wants, in his own pace because no one will mess up his distro However, 
the existence of OpenSolarish is threatened, and if we want OpenSolarish to 
live and thrive, we maybe need to think differently? If we just continue to do 
what we always have done, the outcome will be the same. To change the outcome, 
we need to act differently. Just look at OpenZFS. If the illumos ZFS developers 
have acted differently, there would be no fork of OpenZFS. As an outsider, it 
is clear to me that we need to join forces, all of us in the OpenSolarish camp. 
Lest OpenSolarish will not survive. 
Peter, how about this suggestion then? We always use the latest OmniOS LTS as a 
base? LTS distros are more stable, and exists for 3 years. Then a lone 
developer has 3 years time to do whatever he wants in his own pace. No one 
messes up the LTS distro during that time. Could this suggestion work for a 
lone developer? What is your opinion on always using LTS distro as the base, 
and adding a desktop environment ontop?
openindiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Emacs-27.1 missing portable dumper file

2020-12-31 Thread Rainer J.H. Brandt

Dieter Klünter writes:
> Reading Emacs Manual gives the impression that building Emacs-27.1 a 
> emacs.pdmp dump file is created. On start Emacs requires this emacs.pdmp.
> Can  somebody check this?

I built 27.1 under Solaris 11.3 today
(Sorry, my OI build setup isn't ready yet)
and it created this file:


Emacs still starts after removing this file, but it takes much longer,
and lots of elisp files are processed during startup.

Cheers, Rainer
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