Your problem is that boost is compiler as 32 and 64 bits and your program
expects to find 64-bit versions where we install the 32-bit.
You should pass an environment variable to indicate where the cmake files
for the 64-bit version live: /usr/lib/amd64.
It is a similar recipe as for PKG_CONFIG_PATH probably.

On Tue, May 31, 2022 at 7:21 PM Apostolos Syropoulos via
openindiana-discuss <> wrote:

> The maintainer of apgnasm answered as follows to the same question:
> I'm afraid I can't offer much help with non-Linux OS's, but this right
> here:
> but it set boost_program_options_FOUND to FALSE so package
> "boost_program_options" is considered to be NOT FOUND
> Indicates to me that what's being found is basically a "dummy"
> configuration file which is intentionally setting that to false because
> either that functionality isn't available or it's intentionally being
> disabled. I'm not sure how package management is done on that system but
> you may want to try to either install the actual Boost program options
> package or if it is installed try reconfiguring it or re-installing it.
> So I am wondering if the person who actually compiles could help me to
> resolve this problem?
> Kind regards,
> Apostolos
> ----------------------Apostolos Syropoulos
> Xanthi, Greece
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