Re: CFV: New OpenJDK Committer: Lisa Selle

2013-10-06 Thread Daniel Blaukopf
Vote: yes


On Sep 25, 2013, at 6:30 PM, Artem Ananiev wrote:

 I hereby nominate Lisa Selle to OpenJFX Committer.
 Lisa is a member of JavaFX Embedded team. Her changes are all over the JavaFX 
 code, from cursors and input events to makefiles and virtual keyboard. The 
 list of Lisa's commits in the workspace:
  hg log -u Lisa Selle
  hg log -u Lisa.Selle
 Incomplete list is also available by the following link:
 Votes are due to Oct 09, 2013.
 Only current OpenJFX Committers [1] are eligible to vote on this nomination. 
 Votes must be cast in the open by replying to this mailing list.
 For Lazy Consensus voting instructions, see [2]. Nomination to a project 
 Committer is described in [3].

Re: CFV: New OpenJFX Committer: Joseph Andresen

2013-10-06 Thread Daniel Blaukopf
Vote: yes


On Sep 25, 2013, at 6:17 PM, Artem Ananiev wrote:

 I hereby nominate Joe Andresen to OpenJFX Committer.
 Joe is a member of JavaFX Graphics team at Oracle. His first changeset in 
 Prism is dated by 2009, and total number of commits is close to one hundred. 
 Full list of Joe's changesets in the open workspace is available from command 
hg log -u Joseph Andresen
 Only current OpenJFX Committers [1] are eligible to vote on this nomination. 
 Votes must be cast in the open by replying to this mailing list.
 For Lazy Consensus voting instructions, see [2]. Nomination to a project 
 Committer is described in [3].

Keyboard events

2013-10-06 Thread Pedro Duque Vieira

I have the following use case:
When the user presses shift and the mouse is hover the chart component the
cursor must change to an open hand cursor signaling to the user that the
chart is ready for a panning action.
The problem is that for this to be possible I want the chart to be able to
listen to keyboard events even when it doesn't have focus.

I think this is not possible and I wonder why. Swing was the same, you
could only listen to keyboard events if the control had focus. Is this a
technical limitation? If there is no technical limitation I think it would
be better to remove this restriction, I think it is limiting and the above
scenario is a good use case to show that.

Thanks, best regards,

Pedro Duque Vieira