Bug: Not on FX application thread exception is inconsistent

2018-11-09 Thread Ty Young


My JavaFX program updates API objects in the background via a non FX 
thread that, when changed by another program, are reflected in my JavaFX 
GUI's controls by property binding, specifically TableView, Slider, 
TextField, and ComboBox. Problem is, while JavaFX is OK with this for 
TableView, Slider, and TextField, it throws a Not on FX application 
thread exception *only* for the ComboBox.

The code for the slider looks like this:

    private class ValueListener implements ChangeListener
    public void changed(ObservableValue 
observable, Integer oldValue, Integer newValue)


(the slider variable is misleading, it's actually a VBox that contains a 
Slider and a TextField. Need to change it but I digress.)

which works fine. However this:

    private class ValueListener implements ChangeListener
    public void changed(ObservableValue observable, E 
oldValue, E newValue)


doesn't for the ComboBox.

Is this a bug or is there some legitimate invisible reason as to why the 
slider/textfield isn't throwing an error but the combobox one is?

Re: Using the jpackager

2018-11-09 Thread Rachel Greenham
None, that's just my own class task in buildSrc. It's a fairly trivial 
wrapper around a ToolProvider invocation of jlink, so I didn't think it 
was relevant enough to paste the source for that here too, when you 
could also do it trivially with an Exec task similar to the jpackager 
ones later in my first reply.

It's literally public class JLink extends DefaultTask with a bunch of 
getters and setters for the options and a run method that turns them 
into arguments and invokes via ToolProvider. The same task type is also 
used elsewhere in the root project to build the server JRE for the 
server component of this project, which was enough to make it worthwhile 
writing the task. (I also wanted to learn how to write java gradle 
tasks.) The point of the example I did paste was just about showing what 
options to set to jlink. jlink in any detail is offtopic here, this bit 
was just an illustration of using that to build the JRE first with the 
required modules, then use the result in jpackager to build a 
non-modular app.

I would expect to write a similar simple task for jpackager too at some 
point, I just haven't yet. They may be the basis of a useful packager 
plugin, but probably not before jpackager itself is more mature.


On 09/11/2018 21:34, Sverre Moe wrote:
Den fre. 9. nov. 2018 kl. 16:22 skrev Rachel Greenham >:

Build the JRE needed using JLink, supplying the needed modules. The
JLink task referenced is actually written in Java and wraps
ToolProvider, but it's pretty trivial and could almost-more-easily be
done with an Exec. NB: The JLink task as written puts it in a "java"
subdirectory of the given destinationDir.

 task buildAdminJre(type: JLink) {
 description 'Build the Client JRE for ' + nativeOsName
 modules = [
 bindServices false
 modulePath =
 noHeaderFiles true
 noManPages true
 stripDebug true

Which gradle plugin are you using that gives you type JLink?

Re: Using the jpackager

2018-11-09 Thread Sverre Moe
Den fre. 9. nov. 2018 kl. 16:22 skrev Rachel Greenham :

> Build the JRE needed using JLink, supplying the needed modules. The
> JLink task referenced is actually written in Java and wraps
> ToolProvider, but it's pretty trivial and could almost-more-easily be
> done with an Exec. NB: The JLink task as written puts it in a "java"
> subdirectory of the given destinationDir.
>  task buildAdminJre(type: JLink) {
>  description 'Build the Client JRE for ' + nativeOsName
>  destinationDir
> rootProject.file("deploy/bindist/"+requiredJava.merusNativeAdminJreName)
>  modules = [
>  'java.base',
>  'java.desktop',
>  'java.xml',
>  'java.logging'
>  ]
>  bindServices false
>  modulePath =
> [System.properties.getProperty('java.home')+File.separatorChar+'jmods']
>  noHeaderFiles true
>  noManPages true
>  stripDebug true
>  }
> Which gradle plugin are you using that gives you type JLink?

OpenJFX Build Setup

2018-11-09 Thread Bryce Glover
To Whom It May Concern,

 While going through the process of setting up an OpenJFX package to be
distributed via Homebrew in
https://github.com/Homebrew/homebrew-core/pull/32864, I noticed that the
results of running either plain 'gradle' or task-qualified 'gradle all'
don't include the following build products:

   - 'libfxplugins.dylib'
   - 'libglib-lite.dylib'
   - 'libgstreamer-lite.dylib'
   - 'libjfxmedia.dylib'
   - 'libjfxmedia_avf.dylib'
   - 'libjfxwebkit.dylib'

under '"$BUILD_PATH/build/artifacts/javafx-sdk-$VERSION/lib/"' (where '
$BUILD_PATH' is a temporary directory and '$VERSION' is the version being
built, currently v11.0.1+1, the latest release as of this writing) as
compared to the SDK archives you distribute on your download page
.  It's not immediately obvious from your
build instructions
additional 'gradle' options and/or properties I might need to set in order
to fix this.  Given the presence of those dynamic libraries mentioning
GStreamer, it looks like I might be missing a dependency, too.  How might I
build these additional artifacts like you do for the pre-compiled releases?

Thanks in advance,
 Bryce Glover

Re: Using the jpackager

2018-11-09 Thread Rachel Greenham

On 09/11/2018 15:20, Rachel Greenham wrote:

Have the jar task build the application as normal. Here's mine as an 
example. The important part is, you don't need to build a single fat 
jar, but you can include the dependent jars with the Class-Path line 
below. Mine isn't a JavaFX app, so I don't know what it does now wrt 
pulling in the openjfx jars here, or whether you add them as modules 
to the jlink task above. I expect the former would be preferable.

Correction, the *latter* would be preferable, of course.


Re: Using the jpackager

2018-11-09 Thread Rachel Greenham
FWIW what I'm doing to build a windows app for jpackager, in terms of 
gradle tasks, that isn't modular. I hope this cleans up over time, but 
this is the final result of having just got the damn thing to work! :-)

I think *eventually* we'll have a single call to jpackager do the whole 
lot. But I think we're not there yet, so it's split out into separate 
steps. You *will* need to make changes for your own context:

Build the JRE needed using JLink, supplying the needed modules. The 
JLink task referenced is actually written in Java and wraps 
ToolProvider, but it's pretty trivial and could almost-more-easily be 
done with an Exec. NB: The JLink task as written puts it in a "java" 
subdirectory of the given destinationDir.

    task buildAdminJre(type: JLink) {
    description 'Build the Client JRE for ' + nativeOsName

    modules = [
    bindServices false
    modulePath = 

    noHeaderFiles true
    noManPages true
    stripDebug true

Have the jar task build the application as normal. Here's mine as an 
example. The important part is, you don't need to build a single fat 
jar, but you can include the dependent jars with the Class-Path line 
below. Mine isn't a JavaFX app, so I don't know what it does now wrt 
pulling in the openjfx jars here, or whether you add them as modules to 
the jlink task above. I expect the former would be preferable.

    Basic non-fat jar.
    jar {
    manifest {
    'Product-Name': applicationName,
    'Main-Class': mainClassName,
    'Package-Title': project.group,
    'Package-Vendor': vendor,
    'Package-Version': adminVersion,
    'Permissions': "all-permissions",
configurations.runtimeClasspath.files.collect { it.getName() }.join(' ')

    archiveName = 'adm.jar'

Build the application image. This should be mostly platform independent. 
(I think the only thing stopping it being is probably the .ico file for 
the icon.) Note I'm supplying as --input the lib dir from the target 
built by the standard gradle installDist task, so it contains the 
dependencies as well. adm.jar's manifest lists these as dependencies in 
Class-Path as per above. The JRE is supplied in the --runtime-image 

    task createImage(type: Exec) {
    description 'Build the App Image for this platform using jpackager'
    dependsOn installDist
    dependsOn buildAdminJre
    def imageDir = "$buildDir/image"
    outputs.dir new File(imageDir,applicationName)
    commandLine 'jpackager', 'create-image',
    '--input', new 



You'll now have the application image suitable for your platform. I've 
only tried this on Windows so far.

Note: My app has a space in the applicationName value. This breaks at 
the moment. The following is a workaround task, split out for easy 
removal later when I'm sure it won't be necessary any more:

    task fixWindowsImage(type: Copy) {
    This task creates a copy of the image created by createImage task
    and fixes it up for using as the source of a Windows Installer.
    As of first writing, what this means is renaming a couple of files,
    because create-image crushes out spaces in the application name but
    we want them in, we have to rename the generated .exe and .cfg 

    to have that space again.
    Then msiInstaller will work to actually create the shortcut and
    start menu items.
    dependsOn createImage
    from createImage.outputs.files.singleFile
    into "$buildDir/fixedImage/$applicationName"
    rename (".exe", applicationName+".exe")
    rename (".cfg", applicationName+".cfg")

Then, as a separate stage, run the bit that puts it into an installer. 
So here the input supplied in --app-image is the complete application 
image as already created and fixed by the above tasks.

    task msiInstaller(type: Exec) {
    see fixWindowsImage for a necessary fix to the created application
    image to allow shortcut and startmenu items to work.

Re: Using the jpackager

2018-11-09 Thread Lennart Börjeson
You're thinking of the "HelloWorld.exe" example? That's not really informative, 
since it doesn't specify how to create the contents of the directory, nor the 
layout of the levels below app/ and runtime/.

I have a runnable jar, let's call it APP.jar.

If I try the naive: jpackager create-image -o out -j APP.jar

Error messages:

Bundler Mac Application Image skipped because of a configuration problem: The 
configured main jar does not exist APP.jar  
Advice to fix: The main jar must be specified relative to the app resources 
(not an absolute path), and must exist within those resources.

OK, let's do that. Put the jar in an "input dir": jpackager create-image -o out 
-i in -j APP.jar 

Error messages:

Creating app bundle: /Users/lennartb/App/out/App.app
"Adding modules: [] to runtime image."
Exception: jdk.tools.jlink.plugin.PluginException: java.io.IOException: 
jdk.tools.jlink.plugin.PluginException: ModuleTarget attribute is missing for 
java.base module
Error: Bundler "Mac Application Image" (mac.app) failed to produce a bundle.

I have of course tried a lot of other things, but I'd really like some pointers 

Best regards,


> 9 nov. 2018 kl. 15:17 skrev Nir Lisker :
> There are some instructions in the JEP [1]. They show how to create a dmg.
> [1] 
> https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8200758?focusedCommentId=14217780=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.issuetabpanels%3Acomment-tabpanel#comment-14217780
> On Fri, Nov 9, 2018 at 4:06 PM Lennart Börjeson  wrote:
> I've been trying to understand how to use the jpackager, but I'm stumped.
> I have for a long been using the now defunct gradle-javafx plugin, so I've 
> never really used the old javapackager either, only indirectly through gradle.
> So I'm maybe asking terribly noob questions, but here goes:
> Let's say I have a non-modular application packaged as an executable jar, 
> i.e. a GUI I can launch with the "java -jar" command: How can I package this 
> as a native application/dmg with jpackager?
> On a more general note: What's the required layout/contents of the "input 
> directory"?
> Best regards,
> /Lennart Börjeson

RFR: 8213619: Windows powershell build script missing environment variables

2018-11-09 Thread Dean Wookey

Please review the fix for JDK-8213619: Windows powershell build script
missing environment variables:


Re: Using the jpackager

2018-11-09 Thread Nir Lisker
There are some instructions in the JEP [1]. They show how to create a dmg.


On Fri, Nov 9, 2018 at 4:06 PM Lennart Börjeson  wrote:

> I've been trying to understand how to use the jpackager, but I'm stumped.
> I have for a long been using the now defunct gradle-javafx plugin, so I've
> never really used the old javapackager either, only indirectly through
> gradle.
> So I'm maybe asking terribly noob questions, but here goes:
> Let's say I have a non-modular application packaged as an executable jar,
> i.e. a GUI I can launch with the "java -jar" command: How can I package
> this as a native application/dmg with jpackager?
> On a more general note: What's the required layout/contents of the "input
> directory"?
> Best regards,
> /Lennart Börjeson

Using the jpackager

2018-11-09 Thread Lennart Börjeson
I've been trying to understand how to use the jpackager, but I'm stumped.

I have for a long been using the now defunct gradle-javafx plugin, so I've 
never really used the old javapackager either, only indirectly through gradle.

So I'm maybe asking terribly noob questions, but here goes:

Let's say I have a non-modular application packaged as an executable jar, i.e. 
a GUI I can launch with the "java -jar" command: How can I package this as a 
native application/dmg with jpackager?

On a more general note: What's the required layout/contents of the "input 

Best regards,

/Lennart Börjeson